Mia's brother came to visit
Mao mao: hello, okay hold on. Mia
Mia: what,
Mao mao: your brother is on the phone,
Mia: which one,
Mao mao: The one who can tell the future,
Mia: hello, oh hey maul, oh yeah sure what time, 12:30pm okay sure, bye
Bagerchan: who was that honey gal,
Mia: my brother, maul, he said that he, quia, Lia, huna, and wun, are coming to stay for 3 weeks,
So everyone put on there clothes and let's go,
("6 minutes later")
Tom: I thought you said they were coming,
Mao mao: yeah, and I'm hungry,
Mia: they are,
Tanya: oh is that them,
Mom: bye boys, be good to your youngest sister, and no fighting, okay.
Boys: yes mom,
Maul: hello sister,
Mia: hey, maul, I haven't seen you since you fought a giant mouse cheetah,
While making a 13 blueberries pie,
Wun: hey sis, is this guy your boyfriend,
Mao mao (blush): what,
Mia: no, I don't have a boyfriend,
Lia: but your 14,
Quia: he didn't hurt did he,
I will hurt him,
Mia: no quia he didn't hurt me,
Huna: hey Tom,
Tom: uncle huna,
Lia: hello Tanya,
Tanya:Uncle Lia,
Mia: anyway Mao mao, adorabat, and bagerclop, these are my brothers Lia, maul, huna, Quia, and Wun,
Mao mao, adorabat, bagerclop: Hey,
Maul: So are we going to the the house, I'm kinda hungry on the way here,
Lia: me too, sis what's for dinner,
Mia: how about meatballs curry,
Wun: yeah,
Adorabat: Excuse me, but what's meatballs curry.
Mia: you guys never had meatballs curry,
Mao mao: nope,
Mia: Your in luck, do we have any meat,
Wun: hey sis how much longer,
Mia: nearly done,
("5 second later")
Adorabat: whoa this is so good,
Mao mao: Huh it's really not that bad,
Mia: Yeah,
Wun: I'm beat, night guys,
Mao mao: hey you okay,
Mia: oh yeah it's just that, my brother's are so much better than me,
What if I never get better than them,
Mao mao: well I think your great,
Mia: thanks bud, well I'm going to bed, see you in the morning,
Mao mao: You too, night.
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