Neil awoke to a sticky feeling on his eyes and a sour taste in his mouth. His limbs were heavy and his head aced from a side affect of the drugs. There was softness underneath him but he didn't have to move to feel the metal around his wrists. First he listened but there was nothing but the march of footsteps outside and distant banging and shouting. He must be back in the cell corridor. A different cell since there was no smell of the explosion he had caused earlier. No smoke and when he opened his eyes, no scorch marks on the door.
He was in a different cell. This one was still rock walls and the same layout as his previous one except that the colour theme this time was shades of reds and pinks. Neil heaved himself up, noting the thick steel door and the handcuffs round his wrists. He scowled at the police cuffs and huffed. "Pathetic", he muttered as he easily dislocated his thumb and slipped them off his wrists. It didn't hurt as he put the sockets back into place, he had completed the action way too many times for it to hurt anymore. (Some of them might not have been related to the mission at all but well, handcuffs were kinky). He snorted as he glanced around at the red silk sheeted bed and the discarded handcuffs. "This is kinkier than my last boyfriend". The comment made him laugh. The giddy and lightheaded feelings from the drugs did not help.
As he waited for the giggles to fade, he looked around. The furniture was all bolted down and bare. Someone had stripped him of his kingsman suit and left him in nothing but a pair of boxers and a oversized white shirt. It was cold, the stone walls not allowing for heat and he shivered. The giddiness and loopy feelings hadn't faded. Neil placed his hands over his neck and began to feel across the skin. He found it on his arm, a small bruised spot that had a red dot of an injection site when he pulled up the sleeve. Ah, so he was drugged with something other than tranquillisers to keep him contained. That explained a lot. The high feeling was only growing stronger the more he woke up. It was messing with his head and left his coordination clumsy. It also left his lips loose.
"Aww they stripped the bathroom", he muttered as he shambled towards the adjacent room. Nothing but toilet roll and soap. Everything that cold be used to blow open the door like last time had been removed. Neil pouted and swayed on his feet before steadying himself with a hand to the wall. These drugs were infuriating. He hated being helpless like this.
Outside, gunfire echoed. Neil startled and staggered towards the door. He pressed his hands to the thick metal and sighed at the cool feeling. For a second he rested his forehead there and let the cold of the metal sooth his thoughts slightly. He had fought drugged before. He just needed to focus. The gunfire sounded again, closer and he slammed his hands against the hatch in the door. It hurt but the impact created a loud bang. Bullets pinged off the other side and Neil jerked back from the cell door for a second. Then he slammed his hands on the hatch again.
"Fucking let me out!" The words spilt from his lips and he slammed his hands agains the metal for a third time. His temper bubbling in his chest. "You fucking bastards! You overgrown rat-tailed dog of a man! Cowardy sack of saggy balls! I hope you are skewered like the bug you are Valentine!" It may have been childish of him but he could excuse a little loss of temper. It felt good to finally cuss out his situation.
Suddenly something slammed into the door from the other side. Neil jolted for a second then slammed his hands against the door repeatedly. Voice growing louder as every insulting thought he'd had during his time captive, spilled form his mouth with increasing volume. "Can you hear me Valentine! I'm going to murder you and leave you to rot for the flies with nothing but your plebeian fucking tracksuits to serve as your coffin! You and my father shall burn like the waste of oxygen you are!"
There was almost the sound of fireworks going off, bangs and crackles that echoed down the corridor outside. Then there was a moment of steel and the metal hatch opened. A familiar face grinned at him from outside. Neil gaped for a second. "Eggsy? The bloody fuck?"
"Hello", Eggsy grinned. "I thought I recognised your voice".
Neil huffed and ran his hands through his hair and down over his face. "No, no, no. The fuck?" he repeated again. Then he swayed and leant agains the door with a groan. "You're supposed to be in the manor with JB. Wait, Lady Jane. How long have I been here? What happened to my dog?" Eggsy was frowning in concern at him through the hatch. Neil could see familiar glasses perched on the boy's nose and a blazer covering his shoulders. "Wait, did you get the job? Are you Lancelot now? Wait, Harry. Valentine said that Harry's dead. What happened?"
"Neil", Eggsy's voice was calming and firm. "Calm down. Neil, what did they do to you? Your pupils are massive, are you fucking high?" Neil rested his forehead against the metal door again and sighed blissfully.
"They drugged me. My head hurts. Didn't want to kill me cause my bastard father wants me alive so he can make me suffer so I guess whatever they injected into me while I was asleep is the next best thing".
Eggsy looked around the corridor, eyes suddenly focusing on something else. "I've got to go and stop Valentine, Neil".
"Wait! Wait! I can help". Neil was definitely not pouting.
Eggsy actually laughed. "You are so going to die of embarrassment later. You need to stay here okay".
"Nooooo", it was not a whine. Whatever part of his mind that was still working was curling up in shame at the lack of filter. "I can help".
"Not while you look like that", Eggsy eyed him from the hatch. "Jesus, you are fucking parked". Then he paused. "If I rescue you then will you give me a reward?"
"Reward? Yeah. Yeah if you let me out then I will give you the best reward ever". Neil's eyes were trying to focus on the rock walls. The shadows seemed to be moving. He tried squinting at them but the drugs made it harder to focus. They must have given him the injection recently because it felt like the full effects were just hitting him.
"What's the best reward ever?" Eggsy's smile was half flirtatious, half teasing.
"My mum's pavlova", the reply was slurred. "She makes the best food". Eggsy let out a surprised laugh.
"Aww man, you are seriously fucked. I can't believe that this is happening. Merlin, are you getting this? I want to play this back to him later". He was about to say something else when a voice over an intercom echoed over their heads.
"You motherfucker. Did you really think that I was stupid enough to plant one of those things in my own head. What are you fucking crazy? All those innocent people killed and for what? You didn't stop shit!"
"Fuck you too, you fucking subspecies of ape!" Neil shouted back his reply. Eggsy snorted and covered his grin with his hand.
"Look. Stay here okay? I'll come back for you. You owe me, remember?"
"Oh yeah. I owe you", Neil smiled lazily and tilted his head to blink at him. "Come back".
"I'll deck Valentine for you", Eggsy grinned before the hatch was sliding up again and his face disappeared. Neil rested on the door and gazed unseeingly at the floor. Did that just happen or had he gotten to the hallucinatory part of the drugs? Na, he was obviously hallucinating.
Neil is not having a good time.
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