Shortcuts in creativity🖤
[Me and Nanno moved to another school, which isn't surprising since she told me after the day that we were gonna go to another school]
[Location: Cafeteria]
[I was drawing nanno, because she asked me to and I couldn't say no, so here I am drawing a picture of nanno]
[Insert bell ringing]
"Aww sadly I have to stop what I'm doing and go to class." I said while packing up
"I don't have the same classes with Nanno..." I said
[I went to my classroom and opened the door]
"And here's my seat"
"Good morning class!" The teacher said
"Good morning" everyone said
[After class and with you and nanno walking to find Mew]
"So Nan, you have to tutor these two girls named pui and Mew?" I said
"Well now just Mew! I added pui to the Group chat of geniuses!" Nanno said
"Hmm, how come this girl haven't found their special skill?" A girl said
"Finding something your good at is hard, especially when you can never find what you want to do..." I said
"Oh look y/n, there she is!" Nanno said
"Oh?" I said
[Me and nanno walked up to Mew]
"Why are your hands dirty, Mew?" Nanno asked
[Nanno sat beside Mew while I just sit beside Nanno]
"I've done it before!" Nanno said
"What did you do?" Mew said
"Put my hand on someone else's imprint, I did it on my first day here" Nanno said
"I did it by accident... I tripped and fell..." I said
"Hey, don't you think it's weird... That Pui can suddenly write a good article in a week?" Nanno said
"Yeah..." I said
"Do you wanna know the secret?" Nanno said
"What secret?" Mew said
"The secret to this, is...." Nanno said
"Tell me nanno!!!" Mew said
"Okay, I'll tell you! If you want to be a genius then all you have to do is go on google!"
"The only person I know who wouldn't or most definitely didn't was my dearest friend y/n! She's genuinely smart and talented..." Nanno thought
"Press control c! And Control v! That's it!" Nanno said with more enthusiasm at the end
"Wait... Are you saying, Pui was able to write a novel... Because she copied it?" Mew said
"It's not that hard to say it, if you ask Pui! Then she would say she got inspiration from somewhere." Nanno said
"You!" Mew said pointing at me
"What? Is this something important? I'm drawing" I said
"Did you.... Copy? that?" Mew asked in a quiet tone but loud enough for only me and nanno to hear
"Uh? No? Why would I copy someone else's art work, When I'm talented enough to make my own." I said
"Y/n here never copied anyone because she always had talent! If you think she can only draw then you've seen nothing yet! But back to the secret! Pui modified the article! here and there" Nanno said
[I smiled at the compliment]
"Then your physics is from...." Mew said
"Look at those cheerleaders over there" Nanno said as she points at the cheerleader's "do you really think they made up that dance" nanno said
"For miss plearn's art assignment, you should try it!" Nanno said
"What if I get caught..." Mew said
"If you get caught you won't be considered a genius! And no one caught me and Pui!" Nanno said
[Mew walked off]
"Nanno! I finished! I tried making it perfect enough for you!" I said
"It matches me perfectly!!" Nanno said
"Also I bet you didn't actually copy and paste off Google..." I said
"What makes you say that?" nanno said
"Because your very smart!" I said
"Hehe! You should give this to miss plearn!" Nanno said
"Nah...." I said
"Why not?" Nanno said
"I don't know maybe because I don't wanna steal Mew's spotlight!" I said
"Okay! Okay!" Nanno said
[Timeline: Tomorrow
Location: Miss plearn classroom]
"Wow! Mew this looks beautiful!" Nanno said
"Thank you..."
"Are you gonna put it up for sale?" nanno said
"I don't know yet..." Mew said
"Okay then Mew since nanno said it looks good! Then how about you come show me?" Miss plearn said
"U-Um O-Okay!" Mew said
[Mew went up to miss plearn and Gave her painting to her.]
"Mew.... This... Is... AMAZING!! Class look at Mew's excellent painting! We should hang this up on a wall!! From here on out! Mew is our new class genius!" Miss plearn said
[Location: Home
Timeline: Night time]
[I was laying on my bed texting into the group chat]
[Sorry if you don't like purple! You can always change the color]
[And you are very rich]
[Your room comes with a personal bathroom]
[and you have a tv and couch in your room! So that when you don't wanna go downstairs you can sit on the coach in your room]
[And you have a computer in your room that has three monitors! Yeah...]
[Group chat]
NanNo: Everyone, I added Mew to the group chat!
Y/n: Hey Mew!
Fon: Hello Mew.
Mini_Nicha: HELLO!!
Mew: Hello everyone!
Mew: Miss plearn brought me a meal!
Y/n: That actually looks very good!
NanNo: she's treating you better then me!
Mini_Nicha: You have a lot of followers on social media!
Mako: If I was as good as you, I wouldn't keep it a secret!
NanNo: you must have been practicing right?
Mew: Yeah!
Fon: Your next painting has got to be amazing!!!
Y/n: Mew! You should totally sell that painting! Not only could you inspire people but Maybe a rich person would notice it!
Mew: I don't wanna sell it... Maybe I could keep it as a family heirloom!
Y/n: that's actually a good idea.
NanNo: Y/n! What can you do?
Y/n: you already know what I can do?
Mako: yeah but we don't know!
Y/n: maybe another time!
Mini_Nicha: can we see another painting!
Mew: It takes time guys...
Mini_Nicha: A draft would be fine! I just really wanna see the next painting!
[Timeline: Tomorrow
Location: Classroom]
[The teacher was writing something on the wall]
"Class! Our school will be opening a open house event! To showcase the work of our geniuses! The headmaster has decided that it will happen next week! We would like our genius students to practice. And Mew! I am very proud of you for winning the first prize from Siam arts! I would love for you to present all your works on stage!" Miss plearn said
"Miss plearn! The presentation will be presentative! Wouldn't that be to boring?" Nanno said
"Thats what I thought to, then... Mew should create a artwork on stage!" Miss plearn said
"Well... Miss plearn.... I don't think anybody would want to see it...."
"I want to see it!" A girl said
"I want to see it!!" A boy said
"I know it's just a mission... But I gotta say... I am mad about the fact that Mew's 'Art' is getting so much attention even tho she didn't even make it... It's just sad considering somebody actually put hard work on it..." I thought
"Y/n! Don't you want to see it?" A girl said to me
"Yes... I would Love To see it!" I said while smirking
"I think that everyone would want to see Mew! Someone like you should share your artwork for the world to see!" I said
"See y/n is one of our biggest geniuses so if she thinks it's a good idea then it must be one!" Miss plearn said with enthusiasm
"Reporters! Students for other schools! Would come here just to see you!"
"I think we should broadcast it live!" Nanno said
"Yes! Let's do a live broadcast through the schools Facebook page so that everyone would want to see! Oh my god Mew! You'll be famous in our country!" Miss plearn said
[Everyone started clapping for Mew!]
[Timeline: After classes
Location: In the hallway walking with nanno]
"So do you think she'll be mad?" I asked
"Most likely..." Nanno said
"NANNO!!" Mew yelled
"Hey! Why did you say that! You know that–!" Mew said
"What are you scared of? You are a genius now!" Nanno asked
"That's bullsh**!! You did that on purpose!" Mew said
"What did I do?" Nanno said
[At this point I wasn't even listening since it's really none of my business I'll just sit down and play some music!]
[After 2 minutes nanno started to leave, and I did the same]
"She hates you now... Doesn't she?" I said
"Yeah but that's fine..."
"Mew, good luck!" Nanno said
"Break a leg!" I said
[Mew through her bag onto the ground]
"FU** YOU!!!" Mew yelled
[Timeline: Night time
Location: Home in bed]
"Bark!!! Bark!!" Lunar barked
"Lunar? And Astro? What's wrong?" I asked
[Door bell ringing]
"So that's what wrong." I said
[I went to the door and opened it to reveal Nanno]
"Nanno? Why are you here?" I asked
"I just got bored at my house so I came to your house!" Nanno said
"Okay? come in!" I said
[Me and nanno went to my room]
"Meet Lunar and Astro! Both of my dearest companions!" I said
"Their cute!" Nanno said
"Their gonna go to sleep soon" I said
[Both of us was talking and having fun! But of course nanno had to go... We both said our goodbyes ofc!]
[Timeline: Morning
Location: at school]
[I was walking to class to get something until I heard Mew and Pui talking]
"So can we be friends again?" Pui said
"Sure... But I need your help with something!" Mew said
"Sure. What is it!" Pui said
"I need you to hit me..." Mew said
"........Hey this isn't funny....." Pui said
"I can't draw! I copied someones drawing! I copied and pasted!" Mew said
"I-I..." Pui stuttered
"HIT ME!" Mew Said
"Hey!" Pui said
"HIT ME!" Mew said repeated
"Hey!" Pui said
"Oh my! she's willing to get herself hurt just so that she doesn't get caught...." I thought
[I wasn't listening until I heard a Loud cry out for help]
"HELP ME!!" Mew yelled
[I ran in there when I saw other girls come]
"WHAT HAPPENED!!" Miss plearn yelled
"OH MY GOD MEW!" A girl said
"PUI HIT ME!!" Mew yelled
"What a complete liar..." I thought
"MEW! Come on!" Miss plearn said
[All the girls and miss plearn left with Mew while pui just stood there in shock and disbelief]
"Pui... I heard what she did... I was eavesdropping, and.... I'm sorry...." I said
[Pui started to cry...]
"I can't believe she did that to me, I just wanted to be her friend again...." Pui said
"Come here..." I said while holding my arms out
[Pui gave me a hug... While I hug her back]
"She was my childhood friend.... How could she do this..." Pui said
"It's okay... You wanna know why... Because this proves that she was a fake uncreative little bit** who only knows how to be jealous of people who actually have talent." I said
"... Thank you y/n... Thank you for being there..." Pui said
[Pui started calming down]
"Your welcome pui!" I said
[Pui and me looked at each other for a bit until pui started to blush]
"Y/n... you very beautiful, you know that right?" Pui said
"Where's that coming from? But thank you!" I said
"I really do need to do something to thank you..." Pui said
"Pui it's unnecessary.... I promise! you don't have to give me something... " I said
"Okay... I'm ready to leave... " pui said
"Alright but prepare to get disgusted and disappointed looks from other students and teachers." I said
"Okay... " Pui said
[Me and Pui left the bathroom]
[POV: Nanno]
"Did pui really call beautiful... AND BLUSH... That's...weird...this wasn't part of my plan... At all... Is pui falling in love with y/n! It'll be okay... We're switching schools soon anyway... I'll visit Mew's house today..." I thought
[POV: Y/n
Location: Mew's front door
Timeline: night]
[Knock knock]
[Who's there👀]
"You two are very supportive" Miss plearn said
"Yeah..." I said
"Mhm!" Nanno agreed
[Mew's mom opened the door and led us to Mew]
"Mew! Your teacher and friends are here to see you!" Mew's mom said
[Since this part is boring I'mma skip it]
[And finish the rest on next chapter🤭 bye bye!]
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