[At the party]
"Bottoms up!" everyone said while clicking the bottles together
[How much bottles you had: 18]
"Their acting suspicious.... And sloppy." I thought
[Hok picked up Nanno]
"Hey, hey where are you going! Leave her here." One of the boys said
"We want to see her to!"
"Are you guys crazy! We don't want to see anything! Go somewhere else but here!" Teaw said
"Hey what are you guys doing with her!" I yelled in anger
"Don't worry y/n your next!"
"What?" I said
[I started to get dizzy]
"Oh god not now! Not now!" I thought
"Grab her!" Hok said
"I'm not about to pass out it's just something else." I thought
"I'll just have to fake it, so that I can see if they will let me in the same room with nanno and Kon." I thought
[I faked passing out, and felt my body getting lifted off the ground]
[Sometime later I felt my body hit a bed mattress]
"Pure di**s this is why I don't trust men... Women are prettier anyway." I thought
[I felt my shirt getting taken off from the bottom]
"Aren't you going to ask?" Nanno said
"Fu**!" Hok said
"Oh nanno your awake?" I said
"Holy shi*!"
"I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to do it"
"I don't want an apology, I want you to ask for my permission." Nanno said
"I will accept the apology if I can beat your a**" I said while smiling innocently
"Well... Can I... Do it with you?" He asked
"No." I said as bluntly as possible
"Do you want to try again, I'm sure you can do better then that" Nanno said
"Can I do it with you... I love you..." He repeated but tried to be more confident
"No." I said
"I love you? Is that all?" Nanno said
[Nanno and I got up to leave.]
"Wait nanno and-"
"You don't need to eavesdrop!!" Nanno said while opening the door
"Ahh!" I-Tim and Teaw screamed
"It's really not the deep." I said
"Teaw! Are you that mad at me? That you won't let me out?" Nanno said
"You can only come out after their done doing it with you two!" Teaw said
"I'mma beat both of y'all up once I go to school tomorrow! And I'mma take a picture of y'alls beaten up bodies! So that the social media can witness how weak you guys are!" I thought
"I-Tim! Do you want to trade places with us?" Nanno asked
"Hok! Hurry up and do what you have to do!" I-Tim said
"What a slut and whore." I said
[Since I don't like this part were just gonna skip when Hok kills Nanno]
"Nanno! What the fu** did you do!" I yelled at Hok
"I-I w-was j-just"
[The door opened]
"What happened!" I-Tim yelled
"Shut your a** up I-Tim" I yelled
"Hey! Don't talk about her like that!"
[I punched Teaw in her eye very hard it made a bloody black eye]
"AHHH!" Teaw said
"Teaw! Here! Here's some bandages!"
"I should really kill you guys but... I'm not trying to go to jail... Actually you know what..."
"Wait! Wait! We'll find a way to fix this!" Hok said
"... Idk how you guys are going to fix this but I'm interested in seeing!" I said
"If anyone found out we will be expelled..." Teaw said
"Being expelled will be the last of our worries..." One of the boys said
"You guys will get arrested." I said with a smirk
"Why are you smirking! You were here to and you touched her." I-Tim said
"Oh babe! Once you guys go to jail I'll escape on my own!" I said
"You broke out of jail before?"
"No wtf...." I said
"I haven't done anything."
"Weren't you lining up!" Teaw said
"Wait y/n you weren't drugged or get light headed!" Teaw said
"Your right I wasn't! I don't know why your drugs didn't work on me...but it didn't so... Sorry." I said
"What are you talking about! You were the one who locked her in there otherwise she wouldn't have died!"
"Me? Then go to the police and tell them! That you were lining up and watched me lock her in here!" Teaw said
"What-what should we do?"
"We need to bury her body." I-Tim said
"That's the only thing you guys can think of?" I said
"Well what are you thinking!" I-Tim said
"I'm not helping y'all" I said
[Location: in a woods]
"I think that's enough let's stop!" Teaw said
"I'm gonna sleep in the car! Have fun with that!" I said
"I'm gonna act like I was drugged by them which is why i'mma fall asleep"
[Location: Home]
"Hey you two I'm home!" I said
"Some crazy shi* went down today can you believe it?" I said
"Bark! Bark!" Lunar barked
"Hehe I bet your hungry! Here you go you two!" I said
"I brought myself food so I'm fine." I said
[Timeline: Tomorrow Mid-class
Location: school]
[I was sitting at my desk as usual and giving quick glances at I-Tim]
"I'm sorry! I'm late!" A girl said
"Is that... Nanno..." I thought
"Teaw, I-Tim, and Y/n! Weren't you gonna wake me up at all?"
[Me personally was shocked, confused, but mostly happy that nanno is back honestly I don't care how she's back I'm just happy she is]
[At lunch]
"Hey! Guy's! Want some!" I said
"Y/n you never bring a bento" Nanno said
"I felt like it today!" I said
"You look pale... We probably got very drunk last night!" Nanno said
"Who are you." Teaw said
"Did you forget about me already?" Nanno said
"She's nanno?" I said
"Do you have Alzheimer's?" Nanno said sarcastically
"You are not nanno." Teaw said
"If I'm not nanno, then who am I?" Nanno said
"Are you Nanno's twin?" I-Tim asked
"That's crazy, I-Tim! How'd you come up with that!? Guys, both of you looks sick today! Let me give you a check up!" Nanno said
[Nanno grabbed teaw's wrist.]
"Your pulse is strong, and your temperature is fine to! You guys are probably not sick, and this wound on your hand, is so ugly, it looks like you've been doing some digging." Nanno said
[I-Tim and Teaw ran away]
"Listen! The party last night was fun! Don't forget to invite me next time!" Nanno said
"Me to!" I said smirking
[Time: Later tonight
Location: Hok's house]
"Nan... Your obviously not human, what are you?" I asked
"A human silly!" Nanno said
"Doubt it! What are you? A dragon? Demon?" I said
"You need to get your head out of fairytale books" Nanno said
"Uh-huh! I'll figure out what you are one day!" I said
"Alright then." Nanno said
[I clicked on the doorbell]
[After sometime the door opened]
"What are you doing here..." Hok said in a stern voice
"Don't sound so distant! Do you remember last night?" Nanno said
[Everyone else came to the door to see who it was]
"Hello! So everyone is here! But you didn't invite me, you guys are mean, I'm kidding I just forgot my phone, it's probably in hok's bedroom!" Nanno said while going to Hok's Room.
"Fu**!" Hok said
[I went to hok's room]
"This bed is so soft, to bad I only spent a short time on it." Nanno said
"Do you want to join me? Let's relive some history, don't you love me anymore, were you gonna dump me afterwards?" Nanno asked
"Hmm." I hummed
"I found it." Nanno said while grabbing her phone
"There are some great videos! Do you want to watch them with me?" Nanno asked
"I would love to watch a video with you!" I said
"Anyone else?" Nanno said
"Alright I guess just me and y/n..." Nanno said
"Can I do it with you... I love you..."
"Teaw! Are you that mad at me? That you won't let me out?" Nanno said
"You can only come out after their done doing it with you two!" Teaw said
"Hok! Hurry up and do what you have to do!" I-Tim said
"She wasn't lying that it was a great video!" I said
"It's such a shame that's all I have, great videos like these, should be shared!" Nanno said
[They tried to suffocate Nanno with a pillow and since I know nanno will come back I didn't do anything about it]
[Everyone went to the woods while I was sleeping in the back of the car like usual]
[Afterwards I heard screaming so I woke up and got out the car, and saw Hok hitting Nanno's dead body with a shovel]
[I saw nanno in the woods and went to her and hugged her]
"Nanno..." I said
"Aren't you guys tired?" Nanno said
[The screaming stopped]
"Actually I think we should celebrate your success! So you'll stop feeling tired." Nanno said
[Hok started beating 'nanno' up with a shovel along side with everyone else]
"Today was a very fun day today" Nanno said
"It was wasn't it!" I said
"What is she!" Teaw Yelled
"Nanno is Nanno! I told you before, but you wouldn't listen" Nanno said
"FU**" one of the boys said
[They ran to the car]
"I'm new at school, I want to get to know you guys better! Please be my friends!" Nanno yelled
[I blinked and realized nanno was not right beside me, but right where hok was.]
"Can she teleport?"
"Here!" Nanno said giving the keys to hok
"Get home safely! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Nanno said
[Time line: tomorrow
Location: classroom]
[Nanno walked in]
"Hello everyone!" Nanno greeted
"AHHHHHHH!!!" Teaw and I-Tim yelled
[And that's how I met Nanno! I follow her around schools while assisting her with giving people karma.... Because I like karma.... Nanno is not a human I know that for a fact! Maybe once she tell me what she actually is I'll tell her what I am...]
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