New girl🖤
Your pets
Lunar- female- Gerberian Shepsky- Baby
Astro- Male- idk what species- Baby
All of us have heard countless apologies.
In this beautiful world.
Just to make another mistake.
Our apology is for our next mistake.
[Location: Classroom]
[POV: Y/n]
"Y/N!! Could you please help with my homework?" A female student asked
"Right now? Why so?" I said
"Uhh because I brought you your favorite food!" The girl said
"Show me the snack first, then I'll see what I can do." I said
"Okay!" The girl went into her bag and pulled out [Insert favorite snack] "Here! Is this enough?" She asked
"You know what, sure! Bring me your assignment." I said
"Alright! Thank you!" She said
[She brought me her work]
"This is child's play...." I said
"Of course it's child play for you..." She said under her breath
"Anyways, Here what you have to do is...."
[2 minutes later]
"Woah, and how am I gonna remember that?" She asked
"By writing this in your notebook, it should be easy, here take this and try writing a random problem and do the same thing I did!" I said
"Alright thank you Y/n!" the girl said
"Your welcome..." I said
[2 minutes later the teacher walked in]
"Okay class, okay... Today we have a new student, and I want you all to treat "her" with respect, you can come in now." The teacher said
"Hello everyone, my name is nanno it's nice to meet all of you, please take care of me." Nanno said
"Oh my god people are already talking complete sh** about her" I thought
[Some of the boys are talking about banging her, and while some girls are saying gossip and rude things about her]
"Nanno go sit beside... Y/n and I-Tim" The teacher said
[I raised my hand]
"Hello Y/n!" Nanno greeted me
"Hello nanno, nice to meet you, I feel bad for you." I said
"Why so?"
"Because some females are talking rude things about you, and you haven't even been here for 10 minutes." I said
"Hmm, it's fine! I don't really care." nanno said
"Alright understandable." I said
"Urg... What happened to my pencil? I literally just saw it" I thought
"Y/n! Can you read problem 5 for me?" the teacher asked
"I mean it's not like I have a choice" Yes ma'am! The problem says.... Subtract these two vectors ⟨−12,−23⟩−⟨−8,−14⟩" I said with a very fake smile
"Okay thank you! May you read the answer choices for me?"
D...⟨−20,−37⟩" I said again with the same fake smile
"And what's the answer?"
"—4,—9" I said
"How so?"
"The question asks us to subtract these two vectors ⟨−12,−23⟩−⟨−8,−14⟩ . If we have two vectors, v→=(x1,y1) and w→=(x2,y2), then the difference of the two vectors is v→−w→=⟨x1−x2,y1−y2⟩ . In this question, we are subtracting ⟨−12,−23⟩−⟨−8,−14⟩ . The difference is ⟨−12−(−8),−23−(−14)⟩=⟨−4,−9⟩" I explained
[Google fr😎]
"Hey Y/n and I-Tim who were they?" Nanno asked
"Perverted di**heads..." I mumbled
"They are the three points, they are our school's basketball players, They are funny! Don't pay any mind to them, Nanno" I-Tim said
"Do you like them I-Tim?" Nanno asked
"They are handsome, but they already have so many fans. I can't compete with them...." I-Tim said with disappointment
"I-Tim...." I said
[At lunch]
"That Hainanese Chilean rice was so good!" I-Tim said
"Come on! I'm not tired yet!" The coach said
[The three boys kept running around their coach who was leaning on a tree]
"Have you figured out her name?" The coach asked
[Nanno turned around immediately]
"It's nanno." Nanno said
(Roll the introduction)
[Nanno went somewhere behind the school and stood on top of a pillar and started doing a dance while I stood there and watched]
"Nanno, someone asked "who is this nanno?" I said
"Hmm, tell them it's a new girl" She said
"Alright then."
[Introduction is over]
[Insert school bell ring]
[Me and Nanno was sitting at our desk talking to each other]
"Y/n do you have any other friends?" Nanno asked
"Yeah... I have someone named b/f/n– their actually very ni–" I was cut off by a loud slam on the desk
"Hok asked me to give this to you two..." I-Tim said with a little bit of a angry tone
"You can eat it! I don't like it." Nanno said
"I do, I like chocolate!" I said
[Idk what he gave her but if it's chocolate sorry for the non-chocolate lovers]
"No, thanks." I-Tim said
"I-Tim what's wrong...?" I asked
"Don't argue with each other! Just share it, all right?" Teaw said
"All right?"
"No thanks, I don't want to eat somebody's leftover's." I-Tim said
"I'll eat it then!" Taew said
"Actually can I have one for my friend." I said
[Again sorry if your friend Don't like whatever it is]
"all right here you go!" Taew said while giving one back
"thank you!" I said
"actually, it's good that you're not eating it." Nanno said
"Hmm?" I hummed
"Why? It looks so delicious?" Teaw said
"You are chubby, you might wanna lose weight." Nanno finished
"Danm Nanno did you really have to be like that?" I said
[Just figures was pocky]
[Nanno and I-Tim was staring at each other until I-Tim got up and left in anger]
"I think she's cute being chubby." Teaw said
[Nanno only smiled and looked at me]
[After classes I finally figured that b/f/n wasn't feeling well so she wasn't at school so I didn't have to wait on anybody at the school gate]
"Y/n!! y/n!!" Nanno called out to me
"Yes nanno?" I said
"Would you like to walk home together! We can stop at your place first!" Nanno said
"... You know what? Sure come on." I said
"Great! We can learn about each other on the way." Nanno said
"Hm, alright?" I said
[At Y/n's house]
"Bye y/n! Let's do this again tomorrow!" Nanno said
"Okay... If I can." I said
[I stepped inside of my house.]
"Mom! Dad! Ariya, Anoosan! I'm home!" I yelled throughout the house
"Mom? Dad?" I said
[I went to the fridge]
"Dear y/n, Me, your father and the rest of your siblings went out somewhere and sorry for not letting you come! Since you said you had a exam we didn't want to interrupt you with your studying! Hope you understand!" -Love mom♡♡
"I don't know if I should feel sad or grateful, I mean thank you for letting me study in peace but... Did they really have to leave me alone." I said
"Well not exactly alone they left lunar and Astro with me..." I said
"Woof!! Woof!!" Lunar barked
[You know what let's just get straight to the point! It is tomorrow]
"Good morning, Nanno, Teaw, and I-Tim, still mad about yesterday?" I asked
"Hm." I hummed and sat down
"Y/n do you trust guys?" Teaw asked
"Not really... But I can't say I don't either." I said
"Hmm, fair enough answer." She said
"I hate flowers." Nanno said
"Why so?"
"I don't know I just hate them." nanno said
[After class]
"What's up?" I asked
"There is a new café if looks good!" Teaw said
"Really?" I-Tim said
"Let's go!"
"Let's go hurry!" Teaw said
"Y/n and nanno are you two coming?" Teaw asked
"Yeah sure!" I said
"I'm coming to!" Nanno said
[A boy came inside the classroom]
"Teaw! Are you free?" He asked
"I had a math exam and I know nothing so I was wondering if you could teach me!" He asked
"I know you don't, you don't study anything."
"I do! But this is my best!" He said
"Danm. Come sit down, you girls can go!" Teaw said
"No it's fine! We'll wait for you!" I-Tim said
"is it because she doesn't want to be alone with us... Nah I doubt it." I thought
"Okay." Teaw said
"All you do is play basketball how is that supposed to make you smarter?" Teaw asked
"What do you want me to do?" He said
"I need to study anyway... " I said
"Is that all you can do?" I-Tim mumbled
"Pardon?" I said
"Is that you can do." I-Tim said a bit louder
"No... I just choose to do so, if there's a problem with it then okay." I said
"Whatever." I-Tim said while moving back 2 seats
"What's her problem?" I said
"I don't know, she was like this yesterday to." Nanno said
"Whatever forget about her, wanna study with me?" I asked
"....Nah I'll study at home." Nanno said
[6 minutes later]
[I saw Teaw randomly leave the room.]
"Teaw?" I said
"Teaw! Teaw!" The boy yelled
"Teaw!" Nanno also yelled
[Afterwards I-Tim followed behind]
"Nan! What happened?" I asked
"I don't know..." Nanno said
"We should leave, I think teaw wants to be alone right now." I said
"Okay." Nanno said
"Walk home together again?" I said while packing up my things
"Yeah, come on!" nanno said
[Timestamp- at house]
"By Nan!" I said
"By y/n!" Nanno said
[I opened the door and went inside my house]
"Mom! Dad! Ariya, Anoosan! I'm home!" I yelled
"No answer again.... I keep forgetting their out..." I said
"Meow! Meow!" Astro meowed
"Woof! Woof!" Lunar barked
"you both came to greet me at the door! Cute." I said
"Their not home yet?... Strange" I said
[2 hours later]
[Knock. knock]
"Are you serious?" I said
[I went to my door and opened it]
"Hey y/n, I-Tim invited me to a party! And I don't know wanna go there alone so I came to pick you up first! And you were invited" Nanno said
"Alright.... Fine... I was bored anyway." I said
[I put on [insert clothes] because I didn't wanna go in my pajama's]
"Okay I'm ready." I said
"Okay let's go!" Nanno said
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