the new guard
Foxy's POV
I go over to the parts and services and sure enough I find Jess there. I turn her on and say
"Do you want to help kill the guard tonight?"
"No, go away."
"What's wrong Jess?"
"I'm starting to hate being in this suit. I don't want to be in this anymore."
"I wish I could get you out of there to, but sadly I can't. But if you want to get your anger out you can kill the guard."
"OK, then I'll meet you in the halls at 4 Am. OK?"
"Do you know the guard's name?"
"Jeremy. I just don't know the last name."
"OK, sounds a bit familiar..."
Time skip to 12am
Jeremy's POV
I can't believed I had to get this stupid job. Actually, it was more of a choice. My girlfriend Jessica disappeared and I want to find out what happened to her. I go to my office and wait for 2Am because that's when I actually need to start. I flip through the cameras and find that in the parts and services, and I see Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and a robot I've never seen before that looks like Foxy but more feminine. A lot more. I think, is that Jessica, but it can't. They just said she went missing on the job. She could still be alive. I wish I could believe what I thought though. Its close to 4 now.
Jessica's POV
Since I decided to try to get the guard I agreed with Foxy to meet in the hall at 4. We get close and then he flashes his light and says a bit surprised.
Jeremy's pov
"I thought the older models weren't supposed to be shut off. Of coarse I don't know what that other fox is concitered." I compare both of them and the more feminine one had lighter fur, and was smaller. Just a bit. I flash the light again and no ones there. I look in a party room and see the other fox crouching by a vent, the left one. By the time I wind the box the fox moved to the vent.
Jesicas POV
I can't believe I'm this close to killing him, buts its 5 am. I crawl to the office but before I'm there its 6 Am. Damn it, maybe next time. But this is what started one of the weirdest weeks of Freddy Fazbears franchise.
To be continued...
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