Chapter 3
As we got back to our base nova and spartan was helping mammal as sabby and manglo was waiting for good news.
Nova walked out as sabby and manglo said is he okay? Yes he is but he needs to rest said nova but sabby manglo back way from nova. What is it? Something wrong? Said nova, behind you said sabby as nova turned around and saw me, mammal you should sit down said nova, no I don't said as I walked away from him and sabby and manglo, what's wrong with mammal? Said spartan, I don't know and I don't like it said sabby as she ran after for me as manglo and spartan and nova ran with sabby. Then they saw me put my armour on as I grabbed my helmet and put it on, cal where are you doing? Said sabby, I didn't say anything back as I put my blaster away as spartan put his hand on my shoulder, mammal you can tell us said spartan, I don't want to talk about it right now I said as sabby got in front of me, you just can't leave us said sabby, yeah you can't mammal said manglo, I have too go, to keep you all safe I said, why? From who? Said nova, FROM MY FATHER! I yelled out as I scared them, he's looking for me and wants to kill you guys, I can't let this happen I said as I walked out of the door. CAL! Said sabby, I stopped walking as sabby walked in front of me again. Why are you leaving us? Said Sabby, it's my fault that the mission went bad I said as I drop my bag as sabby look at me as I looked behind myself to see manglo and spartan and nova looking at me. I looked back at sabby as she put her hands on my helmet as she was going to take off my helmet but I stopped her from doing that by grabbing her hands. Don't do that I said to sabby, I just wanted to look in your eyes cal said sabby, not this time sabby I said as I grabbed my blaster and stunned her as she fell down on the ground asleep as nova and spartan and manglo ran up to sabby, MAMMAL! WHAT THE HELL! Said spartan, why? Said manglo as she holds her sister in her arms, mammal please don't do this said nova, it's the only way to keep you all safe away from my father and the old bounty hunters I once work with my father. They will kill you if they had a chance too I said as I picked up my bag as my crew looked at me, I'm sorry, tell sabby I'm sorry that I stunned her I said as I walked to a other ship as I got into it, YOU CANT HIDE FROM US! Said manglo, I know you will find me, I'll tell you where I am at I said as I took off to a other planet called mars.
Well that was something said spartan, I know right why would he do this to us? Said manglo, and to sabby said nova as they saw their leader woke up as she got mad, WHERE IS HE! Said sabby, he want to Mars said spartan as nova said let's go help him before he gets himself killed said nova as they ran into their ship and took off to mars.
I walked out of my ship called the nightwing I put my helmet on as I walked to a bar as stormtroopers let me in (looks like this)
Then I saw my father as he said hello son (looks like this)
I walked up to him (looks like this)
What do you want father? I said, it's a bounty son said my father, a bounty on who? I said as I sit down, on your crew son said my father, why on my crew? And who is the bounty? I said, the bounty is on sabby and spartan said my father, I can't do that to my crew father I said, if you don't I'll send a other bounty hunter to do it said my father, fine I said as I walked out as I saw my crews ship landed, as I walked out of the bar as I saw sabby and spartan and manglo and nova run out, as I had my hand close to my blaster. Cal what's wrong? Said sabby, I'm sorry sabby and spartan I said as I pointed my blaster at them both. WHY!? Said spartan, my father gave me a bounty and if I don't take you in a other bounty hunter will take you I said. But cal don't do this said sabby, I have no choice sabby I said, but you do have a choice mammal said nova.
Too be continued................
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