Christmas Together.
This is the alive AU! And, for on, Enjoy!
It's December 17, and so far..Mark hasn't decided what to give him for Christmas..While Cesar, He knows what he's getting for Heathcliff..So, Mark being him, calls Jonah.
"Hello?-" Asked Jonah in a concerned voice.
"Fucker, I'm panicking, I need to get Cesar a gift, and I don't know what he likes! Do you know?-" Mark sounded rather worried. Its either no gift for his best friend, or it being the end of the world.
"Okay, okay, I think he would like suits! Designed really good. Maybe you should make one, from scratch!-" Jonah told him an idea..
"How the fri- ya know what that's a great idea- Alright, so like a tuxedo?" Mark said, Jonah just gave him, "Mhmmm!"
"Alright Thanks Jonah, I could count-" Mark got interrupted by Marshall.
"No worries, you can count on Me. Now, Mr.Murray apparently needs help with some dumb truck, and so I gotta go help, I'll talk to ye later!-"
"Yeah--Bye-" Jonah ended the call..While Mark sat there, thinking about what he design he should make for Cesar's suit..
"I mean, he likes roses!- I could make like a rose design!--" Mark knew how to make atleast some designs. He was taught by Sarah, and somewhat taught by, Mrs.Heathcliff..His Mother..
"Ye know what, flip it. I'm doing it, my wallets going to waste, but ill do anything for him." Mark said, as he grabbed his wallet, and car keys as he headed to the car to get some supplies for the suit.
Time skip[I'm lazy, mi apologies :'>]
Mark got all the supplies he needed, like some fake roses, bow, bow ties, and some other stuff.
"Now, I forgot how to start this shit, so ima call Sarah real quick to see if she can help me-" Mark grabbed his phone, and dialed Sarah.
"It's 10 in the fricking night, what the fuck do you want-" Sarah said, so tiredly, and almost about to be done with Mark's dumbstruck.
"Alright, Bestay, I need you to help me with something..I'm making a suit for Cesar, and I need help creating this shit, would ya mind?-" Mark questioned, so he could get the help atleast from one person who knew EVERYTHING about fashion, but she doesn't show much fashion when she's wearing something.
"Bet Dingus, I'm a fricking fashion designer, I'll be there in 10-15." Sarah told him. Mark nodded, and replied.
"Thanks sis! I'll pay ye 20 bucks-if I even, if I even have some..." Mark hung up the phone, so Sarah could arrive to his house. Safely..With no alternates, or dapple gangers going around, chasing her in her car.
A few minutes later, when Sarah arrived, and they started planning of how to start the thing.
"Alright, so, we need a clean, plain white shirt- Kind like your old school clothes, uniform- Y-ya know?-" Sarah told her brother, he just nodded and headed over to his closet. Luckily for them, he had a clean shirt, and plain, and it looked fancy!
"Perfect!" Sarah beamed, and took the shirt, she placed it on the manican Mark had brought from his basement[attic]
"Alright, for the suit..Did you buy a suit?-" Mark nodded, and went through the stuff that he bought..
When they got the whole manican set, just needed to decorate it, which will take, quite some time..
"Thanks sis." Mark thanked his sister.
"Anything for that little boy you have-" Sarah teased. Mark just rolled his eyes. They both shared laughs together..And just like that, Sarah was off to her house with her pals.
Mark sighed, wanting to sleep, and so that's what he did. He got in his pajamas, plopped himself onto his bed, got the covers under him, and sheepishly fell asleep..
In the morning..December 18, 7:32 A.M
Mark's alarm went off, making Mark groan wanting to sleep more..He turned off the alarm, and got out of bed..
"Gosh- I-I can't even feel my legs!--nor my back?!-" Mark stretched out, literally cracking his back, which made him wince a little bit. But he's alright! He went downstairs to make himself, a coffee, and a piece off waffle with a butter, and some raspberries in top of it. He later then finished eating, he decided to go work on the suit that he was making for Cesar. He wanted to make it really nice! So if he wanted to make it look really nice, that means extra work! -Yay!- Mark thought sarcastically, but he was willing to do it. Especially for a friend who's always been their for him..
A few hours of working on the suit, it has roses on most parts of the suit, like the hips, waist, shoulders. He had to split all of the flowers apart, so it took him quite a while...Mark was quite tired, and so decided to rest for the rest of the day, since it was like 8..
December 19, 9:34 A.M.
Mark and Cesar were having breakfast together.
"You choose you goofball!-" Cesar said to him, Mark shook his head, in for saying, that Cesar has to choose.
"I'm not choosing! You choose!-"
"Fine! Ihop?-" Mark asked. Ya know, Cesar loves the pancakes from IHOP, so he said yes, a billion times. They were in the car, so they could get to IHOP faster, only took them a few minutes.
"Here we are-" Mark got caught off guard, by Cesar running into the building, almost making all of the people gasp, and flinch. Mark had to follow along.
"Sorry Guys!-- he's just uh-hyper when it comes to IHOPS pancakes!-" all of the people looked at Mark with a awkward face, but continued what they were doing.
"Sorry amigito-" Cesar said..Mark sighed, and patted Cesar's head..
"No need to be sorry, I already been through far worse, when you get cranky at shops." Mark hugged Cesar. He hugged back of course, and the two were set off for a table. They looked at the menus for a while, and both decides of what they want.
"And, what drink could I start you two off today?" The lady asked the two.
"May I get just a-Lemonade?-"
"Me too?"
The lady smiled, and nodded.
"So that will be twolemonade, anyone want lime on the top?"
"Uhm...Yes me..Please-" Cesar said awkwardly..The lady nodded, and went to the kitchen.
"So, uh, what are you doing for Christmas?" Mark asked, trying to break free the silence between the two.
"Oh, I'm probably gonna spend time with the crew. What are you gonna do, Marker?~" Cesar teased.
"Oh, Cesar Salad~ I'm designing something for Christmas..I think it's coming out so far so good-" Mark explained him, about the suit. Not revealing he was actually gonna give it to him, but just half of it.
"Oh, that must be nice for the person who gets it!-" Cesar smiled..Mark just nodded, and tapped his fingers on the table..The lady came back with their drinks, and asked what would they like to eat. Cesar told the lady what he wanted first.
"May I get the pancakes please?"
"Of course, any additions, like eggs, bacon, gritz?" "No ma'am." "Okay, and what would you like Sir?-"
Mark wasn't really good at speaking when it comes to restaurants, but he did it anyway.
"Uhmm- may I have the pancakes aswell, but also with some eggs?-" The lady nodded, and took down the orders, and the menus, and there she went off..
After they got their food..
"Thanks Mark, it was a really good time spending time together!" Cesar hugged Mark. Mark just chuckled, and hugged back..
"No problem, If you want like a- another friend date- I could always take you somewhere-" Mark said awkwardly that he had said, "Date" Cesar just smiled, and let go of Mark.
"Well, my mom's gonna pick me up, to go somewhere, ill see ya around buddy!-"
"Me too! Be safe!"
"I will!" And just like that..Cesar's mother came here to pick him up..Mark just got in his car, and went home..He thought, he had needed to work on the suit, but..If ya know Mark, he was being himself, and decided to be lazy before Christmas!
A LOnGGGGgggG time skip, all the way to December 23 [HEeHee]
"Fudge, I need to work on this.."
Said Mark, as he stood up in front of the manican.
"It already has the roses, maybe I should make the bow on the back!---" Mark said, as he went to grab some ribbon, it was red. Cesar's favorite color. He measured it, and tied it up like a little bow, next he had needed to take it all around the manican.
"Looks pretty good!-" Mark said, as he checked around the manican. All he just needed to design was the red butterflies.
"Alright! Just a few more touches, and it will be all set!-" Mark beamed..He seemed really excited. After this work, it really was worth it. He got the butterflies, and placed them on some parts of the manican..He then got a bow tie, and put it around the neck..He added the final touch, the gloves, oh and also, the rose on the top of the head, yes he managed to get it on their, after a couple of tried. But, all of it, came to plan, and worked the way he wanted it.
"I just need someone to wear it-Like for a t-Test!-Jonah should be the one!-" Mark got the idea, and called Marshall.
"What's up?-" Jonah asked.
"Heya Fool, I need a favor, uhmm, can you uh- try a outfit I made for Cesar for Christmas real quick, I need to know how it fits.."
"Yeah, of course! I'll be there in a few."
"Alright, thanks." Jonah hung up, and started driving over to Mark's house. When Marshall arrived at Heathcliffs House, they speaked about the outfit, and how it looked.
"It looks great! You really did an amazing job, I'm sure that Cesar will love it!" Jonah excitedly gossiped, Mark quickly made a smile, knowing that if Jonah likes it, probably Cesar will aswell..
This is the outfit, I made it in Gacha Club!]
"Well, thanks for testing it Jonah." Mark thanked by doing a high five.
"Any time Man," Said Jonah, giving him a high five back, and just like that, he got out of the outfit in the bathroom, and left.
It was pretty late, do Mark decided to go to sleep like usual..
Time Skip! December 24..10 in the morning.
"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Yelled Cesar, as he banged Mark with a pillow. They both shared laughs together, as Mark grabbed a pillow and hit Cesar with it.
"ITS CHRISTMAS EVEE!" Adam, Sarah, Evelyn And Jonah came in.
"How the Frick did you get in my house-" Mark questioned.
"I have your keys, remeber?-" Sarah mentioned.
"Ohhh, yeah-" Everyone laughed, and decided they should spend the time together.
"Oh Mark what's this?-"
"What's what?" Mark asked concerningly..Before Cesar could say anything, Jonah blocked the view Torres was seeing, so it wouldn't ruin the surprise.
"It's just Uh something!-" Jonah assured him, Cesar nodded and walked away. And for Jonah, he shoved the manican in Mark's closet, so it wouldn't be seen.
Mark got changed, and Adam decided of where to go.
"Alright..Uhm. for breakfast, we should go to-"
"La Hacienda!-" Cesar shouted, He liked the tamales, and beans from there, but of course, Adam said no.
"Wafflehouse?" Adam asked everyone, they just nodded, and headed downstairs..
"Mark's driving!-" Sarah yelled.
"No I'm not!-" Mark beamed.
"It's okay Markie-Just calm down-" Cesar patted his head, and Mark calmed down a bit..
"I mean, there's your chill pill-" Adam teased..Mark just really got ready to punch him so hard in the face..But, Cesar grabbed his arm, just in case.
"Calm down buddy-"
"Fine." Mark agreed to calm down..Cesar patted his head once again..Heathcliff just scoffed, and hugged Cesar. He hugged back.
"Cesar, Mark yall gonna sit together?-" Sarah asked, she smirked, but she knew they were only friends.
"Yes!-" Cesar beamed, Mark nodded, it wasn't his choice, but he's willing to do anything for Cesar, while then, the two boys got in the car. Cesar hung onto Mark for the rest of the ride.
YIPeeE, right after their breakfast, and the end of the day :D im running out of ideas-]
December 25, Christmas, The 4 boys spent Christmas together.
"Mark chill, he's going to love it, I'm sure!-" Jonah reassured him, Mark felt too nervous, and yet worried if his best friend won't like it. The manican was wrapped up in decorated foil, Christmas decorations.
"Wh-what if he doesnt?-" Mark asked concerningly, Jonah was passionate that Cesar will like the gift.
"I'm sure he will, stop being a drama queen and accept that he will like it."
The three boys, Adam, Jonah, and Mark, headed downstairs where Cesar was. All of the gifts, including the manican were under the tree. Mark gulped at the look, but he accepted it either way.
"Alright, Who's passing out?-" Adam asked. Immediately Cesar raised his hand.
"Alright, Jonah first!-" Cesar beamed, as he gave the gift to Jonah..Jonah seemed so excited. While Mark and Adam looked like they haven't slept in months. What Jonah got, was a Quija Board. He likes horror stuff, so whoever got him that, must like it too.
"Now-Oh its Jonah Again!-"
"Yes!-" Jonah got the present, and inside was- Car keys?-
"...No FRICKING way.-" Adam smiled. As for him, Murray got Jonah that gift. It was expensive yeah, but definitely worth it.
"Now, whoever got him that, can say their identity." Cesar looked at Adam.
"It was me--" Adam said nervously, as he put down his hoodie to cover his face.
"Aww thanks Adam!-" Jonah thanked him, by giving him a hug.
"Next is Mark!-" Cesar got him that gift. Mark gulped, he hasn't celebrated Christmas in a LONGGGGG time.
"O-Oh-Alright-" Mark said nervously, he took the gift and inside was a new gun he was always mentioning about.
He was excited he got the new gun, over excited, because he accidently shot somewhere on the roof, but it's okay!-
"It was from me!" Cesar said, while chuckling. Oh, and Mark~ Mark was ontop of Cesar giving him a huge hug. It was tight, so Cesar kept squirming, laughing.
"Thank You! Thank youu!" Mark said with excitement, literally squeezing the small ravenette underneath him.
"Your welcome Markie!" Cesar giggled, and Mark let go of Cesar.
"Next is Adam, 3-Gifts!-" Cesar passed them all to Adam, inside the presents was, a Cross necklace, a new hoodie, and air-pods. And as just as Adam saw the airpods, he rushed upstairs, not even caring about Christmas, he just wanted to listen to music without being disrupted. And alm of those gifts go down to Cesar, he has 2..Mark gulped.
"Let's try the small first one ay?~" Jonah said, making sure the manican is the last one, for the big surprise.
"Okay!-" Cesar said, as he opened his gift, inside it was a necklace Jonah had made for him.
"Aww thanks Jonah!" The small ravenette knew who it was from, since the little tag said it was from Jonah. Now here comes..the suit..Mark gulped, and Jonah looked at him, teasingly.
"The last one is a big surprise a little someone made~" Jonah told him, still giving Mark a smirk, which that just made him blush out of embarrassment.
"Oh! Isn't that pleasant!-" Cesar said, as he unwrapped the gift, he then gasped at the sight of a new suit. It was the right things for Cesar, roses, butterflies, bow ties!-
"This is amazing!-" Beamed Cesar.
But he also had curiosity of who specifically made it?..
"But who made it?-"
"Guess!-" Jonah answered..
"Mmmm..Sarah?" Jonah shook his head.
"Evelin?-" Once again, he shook his head..
"HE has a sister." Jonah gave a hint.
"Oh! Mark!-" Jonah nodded, and Cesar, oh boy, Torres came towards Mark and gave him a hug, the longest hug they've ever had.
"Thank You!!!!!"
"Heh..Your welcome Ces-" Heathcliff hugged back..And their on, Christmas was awesome.
Me: hey siri I reached 2752 words!
Siri: YaH aND YoUr fRickIanG weLCOMe!
Here's a pic of Cesar with the suit on btw-]
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