A Fun Day, Isnt it?~
This is gonna be AU, of Alt Mark, and Alt Cesar! And I hope you guys will enjoy!
It was a wonderful day in Mandela County. Birds chirping, Butterflies dancing around eachother, and as for Mark, himself. He was busy walking around. Apparently, EVERYONE has been effected, or eliminated by an Alternate. Do you know what an alternate is, by any chance? No? Alright, I'll tell you. An alternate is..How do I put these into words, their like a creature created by our "Lord and Savior" Gabriel, and they were meant to taunt, and torment humans that were living down in Mandela County. We don't know if it will spread or not. Anyways, let's head back to our special character, Hmm?
He was just walking around the corner, complimenting life. Y'know, the usual Mark Heathcliff being himself. He got spooked when he heard his friends voice, calling him out. A distinct voice, that glitches a bit. That's the same problem Heathcliff had, because he was an alternate.
"Hey, MARRKk!-" He was so surprised to Cesar here. Usually, Cesar likes to stay indoors, but for Mark, it looks like he finally done a choice, and went outside. Heathcliff waved back. Rude to be ignoring people, when they say hello to you.
"What are you up to?" Cesar walked towards Mark, and greeted him, once again, but with a hug. For friendship!
"Nothing really..Bored..Tired..and for some reason, Alarmed." Mark replied. He really hadn't been up to much. Well, for the alarmed one, some of the alternates I believe, have never met Gabriel. And..They kind of had a nightmare, including Gabriel in it. But they swept it off, 'cause people say it's just a nightmare, swipe it off.
"Ah..- Say, would you like to hang out or something?-" Torres had asked Mark, whether or not he wanted to hang out. Since, Heathcliff was really bored, he chose the decision to hang out. Plus, they haven't really seen eachother in a very long time, it's time for a hang out, or a Friends-Night-Out, Y'know?
"Sure..To where..?" He asked quietly, he wasn't in the mood right now. But hanging out with Cesar, will probably bring his Happy-Mood On.
"Around the Diner block, and a trip to the library, if that's fine?" Mark nodded, he was a bit hungry, and bored, so eating and going to a trip to the library will cure everything. Especially going with Cesar. Unexpectedly, Cesar picked up Mark, and he technically gave Dear Heathcliff, a piggy-back ride.
"C-Cesar?--M-May I ask why you are carrying me?-" He questioned of why his best friend was giving him a piggy back ride..It took a while for Cesar to respond, but eventually he did.
"So, my Lord won't have to walk himself." Cesar said, seductively, making Mark laugh at calling him a Lord.
"I'm no Lord!-" Cesar joined his laughter, and continued walking, while continuing the conversation.
"You are to me! My Lord cannot walk on this dirty concrete! It's illegal to me." Torres said proudly, making Mark almost cry at this point. And what I mean by cry, I mean by crying while also laughing. Mark teased Cesar by tickling hid neck abit, making Cesar laugh, and shiver.
"Mark!- Y'know- I'm tIckILish!AcK!- THerE!-" He tried to say a sentence, but laughs and giggles kept coming out from his mouth. Mark kept teasing, and also he got off of Cesar, so they both wont fall.
"M-MarK!- AcKK!- NOOo!-" Cesar was still laughing out. Mark giggled aswell, seeing his best friend, laugh so much, even made him laugh.
"C'mon! You can stand a little more, could you?~" Cesar shook his head, but he seemed to enjoy this alot.
"NOoOO!- hahaa!- Mark!-N-NOoOoO!-" Cesar was almost out of breath, but he told Mark so he could catch his breath. And Mark let him for a couple of minutes.
(I find this so wholesome 😭 ]
After a few minutes has settled, Cesar and Mark kept on with their day..
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