Thank you for your precious response in previous upfdates.....😘😘
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20Th PART....
KathrinGomes Poopy1992 tinaSarang00 SravanthiKasam manan147 Kirthu1103 VarshaSinghal8 vishaka00 Friendsforever6 gunvanti04 priyamunmun user90601803 user08302490 purnima17 nishatasnim10 darkangel142111 y8401689092 tinaSarang00 user28400900 sayonara1503
user08302490 Kirthu1103
darkangel142111 manan147 BhartithakurKushwa priyamunmun lovepriyanka Friendsforever6 tinaSarang0
KathrinGomes RashmiSingh353 y8401689092 vishaka00 sayonara1503
"D.....do....don't...t....tou....touch m.......me.... "
Me and dad is shocked after seeing neyonika like this....
And specially we r worried for her..
Its been 15 min that dad is trying to touch her but her shout is increasing..
And now the whole servants of the mension is also gathered arround..
"ramesh,call the dr.niya now....fast.. ", dad shout on ramesh kaka coldly..as now he's really tensed for neyonika..
Ramesh kaka nodded his head and left to call doctor..
The condition of neyonika is getting worse..she start rubbing her body worsely ,while shouting..
" H.....he m....a....makes m....me d....i.....dirty.."
" P....l....please s....t......stay a.....w
.....away f.....r....from m....me..n......o.......now i....i d.....i.....did w.......h.....what y......o......y.....o....You h......a.....had t.......o......told t......h......then w.....h.....Why y......o.....you a....r.....are h.....e......here g......go g.......go a......w.......away.....", saying this she crawl back and covered herself in a ball in a corner of the hall..
This makes me some idea what had happened with her..
And what she was saying that..!!
" please stay away from me now i did what you had told then why you are here go go away.....", her painful words wring in my ears...
If what i'm thinking is right then...!!!!
It really shookk the hell out of me....!!!!!
What if ,what she had behave with me in these past years..,
Was just,she doing acting...!!!!????
if this is true then i have to find all about this....!!!!!
What if,it's all her drama...?
This panic attack...!!!!!?
And about rabia, did she attempt to kill my nandini..!!!!?
this is also can be her fake story..!!!!!?
i can't believe on this cleaver lady...!!!!!
In other sec she fell unconcious..
Which really freak the hell out of us..
One side my heart is saying to believe neyonika,after seeing her this vulnerable condition..!!
On other side my mind is saying the opposite of my heart..
My mind is saying no to believe her..
It also can be possible that what these all are happening in front of me now is all lie..!!!!
In next 15 min the doctor arrived..
She's our family doctor..
Dad picked up neyonika in his arms carefully..
And take her to his room..
Which is now only use for,when he misses her the most..
She's his 1st and last love of his life..
Why i don't wanna be in a relation..?
it's only because of neyonika..
Who left us for some other man..
That too just saying that my dad is not worth for her love..
And see now only he's the one who is caring her..
The doctor do inside the room..and dad comes out leaving doctor and neyonika inside..
Dad is pacing from one corner to another corner..
The tension frown is paying on his forehead..
I don't know what comes in me..?
i go towards him and kept my hand on his shoulder..
" Dad relax,everything will be alright..", i said while dad nodded his head emotionally...
" Dad please sit here..", i said while i makes him sit on the sofa which is placed outside the room..
And i sit on my kneess..
And kept my head on his lap..
" Dad,what is this happening..?why all these are confusing me..", i asked to dad like a small baby..
While he crasse my hair lovingly..
Not knowing what to say..
"Dad,what these all happening na..it's like....tch......how can i believe this lady..it's looking all lie..what she had did with us till now..na...!!!!! it can't let me to believe on her..her this panic attack it's all..... ", a voice cut me and i raised my head only to see dad looking towards room's door..
I turn to find doctor standing there nervous or worried expression..
" Her panic attack is not lie, manik.."
Was the words which cut between my conversation with dad..
"you means her attack is real..?what happened to her..? why she is behaving like this..? ", dad asked in worried voice..
" her mental condition is now not well mr. malhotra..what happened with her makes her soulless..but still i'm happy that she's alive.. because most of the persons attempt sucide after that driedfull moment..", the doctor'S words makes us numb..
"Doctor aunty please tell us clearly what happened to her? ", i asked unpatiently..
While she nodded...
She takes a deep breath before telling us..
" Before telling you about her condition..i just want to say now you guyz have to be strong for both way..1syly while listening about her condition..and 2nd you guyz also have to be strong while taking care of her...", hearing her we nodded our head..
And her next word make dad numb..
and about me..?
It's like the earth slipped out beneath me.....!!!!!!
The pain she had faced..!!
It's just that....
I can never imagine.....!!!!!
i brought back by my shona who shook me lightly...
" Mani..what happened where you lost..?", shona asked me in concern after cupping my cheek ,crassing it lovingly..
I nodded my head in 'no '..
I don't want to make her tensed..
After telling about..
What doctor said after checking neyonika.....
It still makes me shiver after hearing about that..
She bear lots of things..
But why..?
It is beacause of us..?
me and dad..!!??
"Mani,are you alright..? ", shona's worried voice snapped me back from my thought..
I nodded my head in 'no '..
Saying that i'm not okay..
holding my tears back..
What she suffered in these years i can't imagine of her pain..
"Manik,what happened..? now all is perfectly fine..!! ",cabir asked from me before shona asked me..
I'm not having a little bit energy to say or talk with anyone..
What i got to know about neyonika..?
it's still makes me shiver..
And how could she bear all these..
I'm scared..
Don't know why..?
maybe,to know the whole truth..!!
"Bhai relax, we will talk about it latter.. come we should leave now..it's already late now....", she said to cabir,seeing towards me..reading my all moves..
I know she got to know that i'm not in good terms..
As we going to stepped in car..
But we have to stopped because of our V TRUST WORTHY FRIENDDSSSS....**note the sarcasm**..
Oppppssss,now they are not..!!
it's now all over..!!
Because of there one mistake,i was on the edge to loossee my shone..
Which i can't bear..
Even,i can't think about it..!!!!
I don't know,now what they want..?
When they comes above blocking our way..
"I'm sorry.. ", they apologized, there head was hung down, while seeing towards shona..
Who r not even gazing towards them..
She's just hidding her face in my neck..
While i just wrapped my arms securily arround her..
I know, how's she feeling now..!!
And i'm with her..
"Not now guyz..we will talk latter.. ", cabir told them in cold tone..
While they just nodded...
As they are going to apart there way..
BB stop them...
"wait wait..where you think you are going guyz..oopppsss the rich persons right..? ", he mocked at them coldly..
Shona raised her head from my chest and look towards BB..
"no..big b....please.. ", shona pledged..
"Why baby..? they will insult my baby..and i'll easily let them go..!! ", BB said softly to her but glare at dhruliya and mukti..
There head is hung down..
And they are silent as they know that they was wrong..
They did wrong..
They accused my innocent baby..
Who never think even bad for anyone..
And they accused her that she betrayed me..!!
That is all shit..!!!!
"No..big b..please..i don't want any fight..please..and we fight with those person who are something for us..who are close to us..or our loved once..but they are nothing to me.. ", as these words comes out from shona's mouth trio snapped up there head towards her with teary eyes..
While shona continue.." yes..!! i know they are family or friends of mani.. ", before she speake further i cut her between and said coldly while looking towards mukti and dhruliya..
" They are no one to me shona..i have only cabir and you as my family..", as i finished i noticed that trio's colour of there face changed pale..
While shona looked at me..
With shocked..
"No..mani..please don't do this..because of me... ", i cut shona in between..
"It's not because of you shona..it's because of them... ", i said pointed towards them..*fab-3*
"But mani..i don't want to become the reason of broken fab-5.... ", shona said while she sobbed..
And i take her in arms..
And rubbed her back to calm her..
"but shona.... ", now this time she cut me in between..
She broke the hug and said me strinly...
" No..mani..it's final..i know i always said we are one..and our problem is also one..but mani this is not my problem and also not u.. they are ur family..and about there forgiveness..they are none for me..", as the words spit out from her mouth..
I know it simply direct stabbed knife in there heart with her words..
But this is only correct for them..
I'll never forgive them..
But i also can't ignore, what shona demanded..
" Fine..!!they will be fab-5 but not more than that..and i mean it..", saying this i just turn my face to another side..
"Mani..please..it's really a big punishment for them..they only have you and cabir bhai as a family.. please mani..and bhai..for me please.. ", she pleadge and me and cabir just nodded our head curtly..
Dhruv comes above and stand in front of shona..and said..
"Bunny..i know we did the biggest mistake...no no..we actually did a sin..to not trusting you...please forgive us.... ", he said while shona's face is just emotionless..
"I'm really sorry..what we just saw..we just assume that as that's only true.. ", mukliya..also apologized..
She said.." dhruv..who i am to forgive you guyz..I'm no one for you and now you guyz are also no one for me..it's just simple is that... ", she smiled at them..
She turn towards me and said.."let's go mani..i need to talk with you..v urgently.. ", i nodded..
"Wait..baby..you guyz also come with us..it's time for some revealation.. ", BB said to fab-3..while shona also nodded with the same..
all are sitting in hall..
Nandini is sitting in between manik and BB..
And cabir is sitting alone on a single sofa..which are beside manan..
And mukti and dhruliya sit together on a 3 seater long sofa..
"Ok..so the thing is we are here that..just answering tje questions of urs.... ", BB said while looking towards fab-3
(Fab3...mukti and dhruliya....)
Hearing him fab-3 hung the head more..in guilt..
Seeing them BB dryly chukle and continue..." so your question was that.. what is me and my baby's relation..? right..? ", the strin and cold voice is clearly visible..
While hearing the intensity of his voice makes nandini clutched manik's hand tight..which they are holding..
Manik see towards her..
And BB Also see towards her..
And mouthed sorry to her..and she nodded her head with smile..
And manik noticed it..and he also smile on there pure bond..an cabir too..
"Ok so here is the answer that..she is my real baby sister and i'm her BB..means her big brother.... ", as the words he said all mouth left open..
Fab-3 in guilt and shocked..
As they accused on there pure relation..
And manbir they are shocked..
"And another thing..that miss. vardhan..what you was said that....!!?? ", BB asked to mukti while thinking...
And then said.."yeah..!! that my baby is with manik for his property....right..? ", he said..and chukled....
"You know what..if she want na..then she can buy this whole world....", BB said while other got confused..
While now nandini rolled her eyes..
As she know how much her BB is possesive..
So he's now flaunting of there higher status..😝😛
Seeing other confused face BB continue..."ok...so do you guyz hear about THE VEBHAV RAO MURTHY..? ", hearing him manik and cabir look towards nandini and then BB..
"You means present HEAD MINISTER OF WHOLE ASIA..? ", cabir asked curiously..and BB nodded his head positively..
While manik give him impressed look..
While cabir raized his imaginery collar....
And nandini giggle seeing there drama...
"Yes..HE'S OUR GRAND-FATHER..and our DJ.. ", nandini replied with twinkling eyes..
And others mouth hung open..😱😱😮😮..
" Actually baby don't want to hide it from you..but it was necessary for her life to hide her identity.. ", BB continue further..
" U means choti's life in danger...? ", cabir asked in worried tone..
"it's not like that..but the thing is a funky idiot jerk is behind her..!! ", BB said while making his face..
While unknowingly mukti admire him....💘
And nandini giggle..
Manbir were just clueless..
And dhruliya were just swimming in guilt..😓😢
And seeing nandini giggle BB fake glare at her but she just ignore him..
She never get afraid of him..
Who's behind her..
and he never teach them to scared from anyone....
Yes..she's like a baby..
And innocent too...
But that doesn't mean she will afraid from that jerk....😠
She know's how to fight with those stupid jerks..
And she will always fight back....
Like till now....!!!!
"We want to know about the whole truth...and who the bl***y that jerk..who's behind my shona..? ", manik asked angerly taking her in his arms possessively....
While nandini cutely flared her nose....
Yes she loves his possessiveness..
But sometimes..his over possessiveness bored her....😝
BB and cabir giggle seeing towards nandini cute faces..
"Shut up AMAR RAO MURTHY AND CABIR DHAWAN.. ", nandini glared cutely on them while they act like scared....
And manik admired his shona..lovingly....
While the others were now just silent spectators....
"Actually it's all started..when baby was...... "
some of the cars 2-3...are running in speed..
There was a man..in front seat of the 1st car....
"Dammn it's been 6 yrs i'm searching her..and don't know where this VR..MURTHY hide her...but you know what..it's also my challenge to you VR..MURTHY..that i'll find her..she is my that golden laying egg,hen..that i can't let her go eassily....it's my promise to you that i'll find her at any cost.... ", the man thinks.....
"dad..why you leave her alive...?because of her my manik is not with me....urrgggg.... ", A girl yelled angerly like a mad girl..
And throw the vase that are placed on the side table....
While her dad rolled his eyes on her madness....
Thinking that she's mental case..😝😜
"Woohhhh..rabia....just relax...we will get her na..don't worry.... ", he said casualy..
While she flared her nose angerly..
"Dad..i want manik at any cost..did you heared me..? ", she shout on him..
Which makes him angery....
He grabbed her hair tightly that makes her winced in pain...
"Aaaahhh "
"How many times i warned you behave urself in front of me..got it....? ", he said like a pure devil glint..while she nodded her head with tears in her eyes....
He leaved her hairs....
And go from there....
as he enter he received a call..he picked it up after seeing the caller id...
" Hello sir...neyonika spoof me when i was stalking her day before yesterday....she was on pune highway.... ", as the caller said to her..his anger having no limit....
"And you bl***y let her go....where the hell is she now..? ", he asked angerly..
While the caller replied stammered.." sir, i don't know.. her phone was only tracked on the pune high way..and that car was just taking round and round of the particular place.... ", this makes him amgery more on neyonika....
" I just bl***y want her address where is she now....? i want it any cost..before she reached to shivain.... got that....? ", without listening the other..
He cut the call....
" Bl***y hell..what is this happening..?....."
"I think she reached to shivain till now.."
"but never mind..!! the damage is that deep that no one will cure that.... "
"well i don't give dammn, if she tell all about..what had happened with her in past..!! "
"But the only thing is left that i just want the DESTRUCTION OF SHIVAIN MALHOTRA.. "
"And this is the only trailor.. "
" Till now i was playing while hiding behind the mask of his best friend...."
"But now i'll play face to face... "
"Just wait and watch.... "
He evilly laugh.....
Next part after 250 votes..😝
And the next part i'll give you after 17 of december..till then from now my stories are now on hold....because of my finals..that are starting from 21 of this month....😊😊
Well the part is here....i know i know still the whole truth of nandini is not yet comes out but it'll soon..and surely in next part..hope you like today's update..?
And also neyonika's past is not out..and i know you guyz are all ready to hit me with ur chapals,eggs.....but don't worry..just have patience..it's going to reveal soon..but slowly all secrets will reveal....
And the reason of hiding nandini's identity in next part..maybe as a flashback..and with that also i'm going to introduced nandini's family..soon..😜..are you excited for that..?
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