Mnk went from nan's house n nan was so much blushing dat c was not able to open her eyes even..
C was red lyk blood..
All the blood rushed into her face..
B4 c could think anything mnk came back again..
Mnk(behind her said huskily)- u know..!! u r more sweet dan chocolates...dere is no need to eat chocolates unless I'm around u..u know y..?
c nodded in no..
Mnk-Becoz if i'll be around den dis will happen..
He tuk her hands in his n licked her fingers n said-I so wanted to eat the chocolate from here(n rubbed her lips from back which has chocolates)bt frst i want to make u mine offically..
his dis line won her heart n trust all over again n a never ending smile with blush fromed on her lips.
Mnk again kissed her hairs as he can't kiss her forehead becoz for dat he have to c her face n said- final bye till u come to me..remember dhyan rakna mere dil ka jo tm ho..
As soon as he left nan tuk her chocolates n ran to her rum n covered herself from her duvet n shouted happily- omyy god..!o my god..!!
(c covered her face with her palms n said his name lyk a prayer)Manik..
After half an hour navya came to the house n saw nan sitting in front of Mnk's poster,which was in nan's rum..
c was luking mnk with a give smile n dreamingly.
Her whole face was red..
Nav was confused to see her lyk dat..
C always saw her luking mnk's poster dreamingly bt never saw her face colour dis red..c went to her..
nav-nandu..(c shakes her bt no answer c again shouted)nandu(bt still nt response so pinched bt as if c is nt in dis world luking her nt responding c shouted)Mnkkkk..
n dis was enough for her to break her trance..
Nan luking everywhere-kaha..kaha..
finding mnk nowhere c luked nav angrily who had her hands on her hips already shooting draggers to her..
nav raised her eyebrows askingwat on wich nan shuggred her shoulders luking here n there..
nav-will u do the honor to tell me..??
Nv-kya hua h tujhe.?
Nan blushed more..
Nv casually said-blush toh aise kr rhi ho mano mnk proposed u..!
Nan whispered-haa..
Nv-haa wahi toh..(suddenly c shouted)wait..MNK PROPOSED U...o my god..!I so happy..
N hugged nan tightly..
Dey settled on bed..
Nav(excitedly)-tell me ..kya kya hua..detail me.
Nan told her everything except deir closeness..
c went to window n luked at mnk's window bt c never thought dat mnk was already luking at her...
Deir eyes met n mnk smiled grew wide n nan's eyes grew wider...
mnk chuckled n winked her...n c turned n closed her eyes..
Jst den her mob rang showing manu..
Now her heart beat more increased n c didn't care how mnk's no was in her mob..
Nav saw n said-ooo..toh no v exchange ho gye h...dekhu toh kya bolta h tmhara manu..
C picked call n put it on speaker..On call..
Mnk-plz put the fone off from speaker ..i wanna talk my blushing queen personally..
(nan jst wanted dat earth to shallow her)
Nav-oo..personal mr.malhotra u don't know ur blushing queen is nt in state to talk..
Mnk smiled n said- u jst leave us alone i know how to talk to her..
nav put the speaker off n left the rum..Nan held the mob..
Mnk-don't worry my blushing queen as promised tm khud aaogi mere thanks for the tralior..btw i luved ur lips...
Now it's too much for nan c gathered herself n whispered with closed eye-sry...
Mnk smile change to worried as he felt her sniffing...
Mnk-hey,y r u crying..? Sry if u felt bad for anything...
Nan weeped n said sniffing- i'm sry...
N dissconnected the call..
Haww..! Nandu cried..!? Y..? Wat happened..?
Give response I 'll give update...
And thank u for ur sweet feedbacks and votes it makes my day...
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