We can see a group of 5 who are famous for their music , friendship . they are not just friends but a family .
Their each and every music album is a sensation . That is none- other than Fab5 music band .
raj and nyonika are in London
one day
all were jamming and manik got a call from his father
man: hey dad
raj : hey manu how are u
man: good dad what about u and mom
raj : we both are good and manu i need a small favour
man: yes dad
raj : there is small conference and it was so fast that i cannot come there as i have a very important meeting with the investors and i cannot be able to and i cannot be able to make that and i want you to go and attend that conference last time to u went na u know how it will be
man : but dad i don't know what about the presentation and all
raj : just your presence is needed and all the rest of the work will be handled by the mumbai branch head
man: okay dad cool i will go when i have to go
raj : after 2 days
man: okay dad i will
after that raj cut the call .
manik came near the fab 5 and he said that he needs to go for the conference
vibha: what is this manik again u are going
man: what are u speaking again means
mukthi : last time also u went for the conference and now we have a album to make and u are going for those stupid conferences and all
man: excuse me
alia : yes manik mukthi is right we all have decided at first only we give time only for the albums and once we are settled in our careers then we will take up other jobs
man: yes alia i also know and i am giving my 100% time only for the music and i am just going to attend a conference in place of my dad , whats wrong in that
vibha: manik u cant go like that we all are giving all your time but are not and u are going in place of dad only right then u don't go tell him only to go
man: stop it vibha its my business also and y cant i go . i being his son i need to help him but my dad did not forced me to take over the business he said i can do what ever i likes he gave me that much freedom and i can do this much and he asked me to go because he is caught with some other important works that's y
vibha - no manik its just your dad is slowly manipulating u and he is making u to take up his business as he is getting old and he cant manage the works
man: just shut up okay i will not listen about my dad and my family one word also , and what are u saying he is manipulating then i am ready to take up the business and i can manage the both .
dhruv - then manik u have to choose any one of them as we have already decided that only music nothing than that
cabir- yes manik if u take up the business then u will not able to focus on the music and our life will be at stake
manik was shocked seeing his friends talking like that , he is not able to believe that they are talking like this and he decided that if they dont support him y would he should support him
fab5 - yes manik tell us music or business
man: u all want to listen na then i will choose business only because these many years i followed my passion and i did whatever i like and now its high time for me to take up my father business and he is not old that he cant manage the business but now i being his son and its my responsibility and now its time for my parents to take rest and spend time with each other .
fab5 were shocked hearing this
fab5 - then u cant be the part of fab5 then
man: i dont want to be part where u guys dont understand me and support me i am only leaving and going .
saying this he took his guitar and left from there ....
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