Midoriya [POV]
"What is this all about Momo?" Tokoyami asked rubbing his eyes
"Another girl?" Mineta exclaimed "Did someone new join the class" Iida opened his mouth to speak but Kaminari put his hand up to shush him
"Let's see how long we can drag this out" He whispered to Iida
"Well we've gathered everyone here just to make sure everyone was safe, we think there was a villain here last night" Momo explained failing to stop as Mineta rushed over to where Todoroki was sitting, Mineta's face was a dark red as he leaned over Todoroki his hand pressed against her boob. Todoroki's eyes widened with surprise her mouth half open. They both froze as Mineta processed what was going on. A blush crept up Todoroki's face, even her ears went red with embarrassment. Mineta's eyes went wide with shock
"W-W-W-What T-T-Todoroki" He exclaimed jumping back at least ten feet his hands in front of him defensively palms out
"Wait Todoroki?" Sato asked
"Everyone seems so surprised?" Todoroki raised one eyebrow
"You blame everyone?" I asked
"I guess not" She responded
"Wait what on earth happened?" Tokoyami asked
"We think there was a villain or someone here last night who had a quirk able to do...., this" Momo explained gesturing to Todoroki
"Todoroki how are you handling this?" Shoji asked
"It is not ideal but it's not a huge inconvenience" She responded
"Todoroki isn't really bothered by it" Uraraka translated
"You don't care?" Sato asked
"I do not mind it but I wouldn't like being like this permanently my father would kill me" She responded
"So the only thing that really bothers you about this is your father finding out?" I asked
"Exactly" she agreed with a nod "Well I would not like any of my family to find out about this"
"We won't tell promise" Mina insisted
"Thank you" Todoroki nodded again and for a few seconds no one said anything until a phone started to ring. Todoroki pulled out her phone and stared at her phone for a while her face going pale before she put it to her ear
"Father?" she asked
(A.N. so yeah this is a really really short chapter it's like 300 words but I wanted to stop it here because it was a good place to stop and would leave some suspense but I'm gonna be mad at myself for it but at the same time I love the cliff hanger, UGH)
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