Warnings: This will have supernatural stuff(DUH) demons, ghost, etc., gore and language
Chapter Summary: The First Meeting with Sam Winchester, the human that would change Sadie's life forever. (Set two months after Dean's death at the end of season 3).
Important Note: Sadie is a German Shepard
I sighed as I decided to lay down on the sidewalk, near one of the benches.
I needed to find shelter soon, it was getting dark.
But I was tired of being alone and sleeping on the streets. This was no life for a dog, to be living on the streets with no home or family to love them and fighting to survive every day.
But I have been a stray all my life; my parents were both strays as well. I had at least 4 more siblings before being killed by the monsters known as demons.
My father had been killed as well as trying to protect my mom and me.
About six months later, on a food run, mother never came back.
I figured it was the pound, or those monster mother told me to avoid.
I ended up seeing one for myself one night when I was trying to find shelter.
A human girl was walking down the alleyway, I hid away behind a dumpster not wanting to be seen, but then that horrible stench filled up my nose.
Before I could react, a black cloud of smoke rushed past me and slammed into the back of the poor unsuspecting girl. She let out a scream as she fell over.
The cloud forced itself into the mouth, and I witnessed the girl shape into something otherworldly, a monster.
I cowered, staying quiet in fear the monster would see me.
Thankfully it didn't and walked away...humans nearby didn't seem to notice the monster I was seeing.
Flashback Ends
My body hadn't moved yet until I noticed this human was looking at me.
I felt my ears flattened against my head, was this human going to throw stuff at me or hurt me?
Others have before.
The human looked quite tall, like a giant, brown hair a bit longer than other males I had seen before and warm chocolate brown eyes.
This human went by the name Sam Winchester and little did I know how much he would change my life.
My body tensed up, seeing him walk towards me, he was holding a brown paper bag.
As he got closer, a mouthwatering smell hit my nose. It was the only reason I hadn't run yet.
Sam then knelt down on his knees carefully and held his hand out gently for me to sniff, seeing how wary I was.
"Hey, there girl...what are you doing in a place like this?" Sam asked in a soft, kind voice.
I then lifted my muzzle over to his hand and started to sniff him.
He didn't seem like the other ears twitched as I then looked up at him and tilted my head curiously.
Sam smiled softly and carefully reached out and started to stroke my ear.
It felt nice, I never felt affection like this, so my tail started to wag.
After a few moments, he pulled his hand away and opened up the paper bag he had with him.
"You need this more than me..." he said softly and took out a juicy looking bacon cheeseburger.
My tail wagged fast as I got up on my paws and was sniffing happily, waiting patiently as I looked at him eagerly.
"I usually don't even eat these, but my older brother did..." he said quietly, looking lost and thought.
I could sense that this man was sad, grieving for someone...maybe his older brother, he just mentioned.
I couldn't help but whine a little and rested my head on his knee, gazing at him worriedly.
I didn't like seeing this man sad.
And started looking worried.
Sam snapped out of his thoughts, giving me a sad smile, petting my head again before giving me the burger.
I started eating it; happily, it was so much better than the stuff I found in the trash!
My tail was wagging rapidly, but as I was chomping down on the burger, the man got up from the ground and walked away to the alleyway.
So as I was licking my lips, finishing the meal within seconds, I looked up watching the man walking away feeling saddened that he was leaving.
But then the disgusting smell hit my nose, my hair stood up as my ears perked up in alarm.
I noticed one of the monsters going out of a store and went towards the alleyway where that man went.
Panic filled me, the monsters were going to get him.
I couldn't let them hurt him, the man had been so kind to me...something inside me wanted to protect him.
Before I even realized it, I was running after the demon and lunged at it with a snarl before he could hurt the man.
My teeth clutched onto its neck as I slammed it onto the ground.
The demon screamed and cursed as it tried clutching me to throw me off, but I had him pinned on the ground and held onto his neck snarling.
But the demon grabbed onto me and threw me off it.
I recovered quickly, getting up and snarling at it.
Still, as the monster lunged at me, a shot rang out, and suddenly the demon screeched as flashes went throughout its body before slumping onto the ground.
I looked over at the man who was holding a pistol, gun powdered hit my nose now, but my tail wagged, seeing that the man wasn't harmed.
The man walked over and gave me a soft smile as he knelt down, starting petting me again.
My nosed nuzzled against his hand as my tail wagged; happily, I was so involved with the attention I didn't notice the man pondering over something.
"Would you like to come with me, girl?" Sam asked gently as he was petting my head.
My ears perked up as excitement filled me as I jumped onto him suddenly, making him let out a soft grunt of surprise as he fell on his butt on the ground.
My front paws were on his shoulders as I started licking him happily.
The man let out a deep chuckle as he started rubbing me.
"I take that as a yes then," Sam said, amused while looking down at me with a gentle smile.
After that, the human I found out was called Sam, snuck me into his motel, giving me a badly needed bath.
As he turned the water on to fill the tub, I was watching him curiously as I was seated by his feet.
Sam rolled up his sleeves and got down on his knees, picking me up carefully and set me down in the tub.
I felt my paws getting wet in the water, it felt exciting, so my tail starts to wag and leaned down, begun to lick up the water.
"Hey, don't drink it!" Sam said with a soft laugh and used his hands to pull my head up away from the water gently.
So instead, I started to lick his face in response, which made him laugh softly as he started using a cup to scoop up the water and pour it over my body.
I felt my entire body relax as Sam began to wash and scrub the dirt and stench off of my body.
It was a very refreshing feeling, and I never felt so relaxed and happy.
When Sam was done, I saw him turn off the water, taking the plug out of the drain.
My eyes were watching the dirty water disappear into the drain.
But then I suddenly shook off the water on my fur, accidentally splashing it onto Sam, who couldn't help but laugh as he was holding a towel.
He then knelt down and started to rub the towel over my coat, drying me.
After the bath, I followed Sam as he got ready for bed, and once he was in bed, I jumped up into it.
Sam smiled and stroked my head as I licked him before laying down on his chest, gazing at him.
"Tomorrow I'll go get you some supplies...Sandie..." Sam said with a small smile, giving me my name.
The feeling was overwhelming, I never thought I would get a name...I was his.
My tail wagged a bit and rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes in content.
I would protect this man with my life.
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