Meeting New Friends
Disclaimer: I do not own the Supernatural, I only own any oc's mentioned in this story. This story will be told in the first person because it is told in the eyes through the loyal canine known as Sadie.
A/N: Since this chapter was revamped slight important thing to note is that I changed Cassidy's name to Sadie. Remember if you have any specific episodes you want to see Sadie in feel free to message me or leave it in a review!
If you want to follow my Tumblr blog for all things to do with this story or have questions and want to know more about this pup, the name of the blog guardiansofheroes.
This will have supernatural stuff(DUH) demons, ghost etc., gore and language
Summary: Cassie's meeting with Dean Winchester and the mysterious figure called Castiel. (Set: Season 4 episode 1)
I settled in great by Sam's side and adored the young man. He was the only human in my life that accepted me, so I was protective of him.
Even though I felt Sam loved me I also thought he was struggling with something else.
There was this man Sam always called out for a while he slept...sometimes cried for.
I didn't know who this Dean was, but all I knew was that Sam missed him so much and I related to him since some nights I would think about my mother.
Whenever I noticed Sam having nightmares when he finally fell asleep, I would move up closer and rested my head on his chest, and he would calm down after a few minutes and go back to a peaceful sleep.
I was currently gnawing on my favorite stuffed toy.
Sam got him for me not long after adopting me.
I had a collar to prove I was his now and it made me proud.
The stuffed toy was a duck with a small top hat.
I personally named him Mr. Quackers.
Sam moved to a fancy Hotel now, which was much more beautiful, and I was supposed to be on my best behavior because Sam snuck me in since the hotel didn't allow dogs.
Right now, however, I was currently in one of the separate rooms while Sam was having...human relations with that...women in the bedroom, so all I know is that I'm not sleeping in that bed tonight.
That women I mentioned isn't an ordinary woman she was a demon.
Yeah, you heard me right a damn demon.
I have been dealing with this shit for a while, I tolerated it though because I cared for Sam and if it weren't for her, I would be alone again.
I remember being with Sam for almost a month and he was getting more depressed, his night terrors getting worse.
I was worried, one night he apologized to me and started crying as he held me in his lap.
I didn't know why he was apologizing for, but his words scared me. Sam then brought me to the Impala and got me a bacon cheeseburger, my worries going away briefly from food.
It was nighttime, but we ate outside in the park. Sam threw me my ball he bought after we were done eating, so I naturally followed where he threw the ball to bring back to him, but when I got the ball and headed out of the bushes the Impala was driving away, Sam inside it.
I dropped the ball out of my mouth letting out whimpers. He left me; Sam left me.
No! I had yelled at myself internally.
Refusing to believe that Sam would leave me so I convinced myself that I would wait right here for him until he came back.
Like a good dog.
Little did I know that Sam had been planning on not coming back.
Sam didn't have the will to live anymore without Dean and was planning on going all out of a pact of demons hoping he would be killed in the process.
I had ended up laying down on the grass a soft whimper watching the parking lot hoping to see the Impala pull up again.
I stayed there in the dark and cold waiting for him and eventually fell asleep. I woke up feeling someone pick me up.
"Sadie?!" The voice called out fearfully, but I didn't recognize it at first, so I opened them and saw Sam's wide-eyed worried gaze.
He let out a shaky breath off relief and hugged me.
Sam was sitting down on the ground and was holding my body in his lap. " I'm so sorry girl... I should have never left you alone" Sam whispers.
Suddenly realization hit me.
Sam was back!
I knew he would never leave me, so my tail started wagging excitedly as I barked and started licking his face.
Sam laughed softly, but his voice was broken up as I was hugged by him, crying into my fur and stroking it. I just nuzzled him and licked him in response.
Sam brought me back to the motel, and I fell asleep snuggled into his chest as he hugged me while on the bed.
I woke up sensing something was wrong, that's when I saw her, Ruby, the demon. I snarled getting up about to lunged at her, but Sam stopped me by grabbing my collar. I must have woken him up by my snarls.
"Sadie stop!" Sam ordered as my fur was standing up as I bared my teeth towards the women.
I looked back at Sam confused and wary wondering why he told me to stop.
" Sadie it's fine I promise...Ruby...helped me ok..." Sam added which made me even more confused so I started to calm down like Sam said.
But I still didn't like it...I didn't want her here.
"Didn't know you got a guard dog, Sam," Ruby said calmly as she smirked watching me stay by Sam's side as he got off the bed, observing her movements.
And that's how I met the women, Sam leaves me in the motel every night to do things with they were hunting, but sometimes I couldn't understand why I couldn't go and stayed by the door until he came back.
Weeks passed, and I noticed Sam was changing.
I sensed this addiction in him, but I didn't know what it was, I knew it wasn't right though, call it dog's instincts.
I also knew Sam and the demon women Ruby was in this complicated, weird relationship, humans were strange...their relationship lasted for another month until the present time.
So, I had been with Sam for about three months total, and it felt already like a lifetime to me.
While Sam was busy, I had fallen asleep, resting my head on my stuffed friend's body and slept until I was woken up by a knock on the hotel's door.
My ears perked up as I yawned stretching my body out before peeking out of the room in case it was the hotel staff.
I saw Ruby open the door and I noticed two men.
One was older, gruff looking man with a beard and a trucker hat.
The other man was younger looking man, he seemed a bit older than Sam, and for some reason, he smelled a bit familiar, like he was related to him somehow.
"So, where is it?" Ruby asked
The young man looked confused and looked back at the older one and asked: "Where's what?"
"The pizza that takes two guys to deliver?" she stated matter of factly, but something was off...she knew both of them somehow and was just playing it off.
I looked over at Ruby with a raised eyebrow.
"I think we got the wrong room..." the young guy stated.
Then Sam stepped out of the kitchen to see what was going on "Hey, is-" but he suddenly trailed off and stared at both men with some disbelief.
"Hey, ya Sammy..." The young guy said with a small smile. The man then stepped in and started walking towards Sam.
I looked over at Sam curiously and saw that his body was frozen, looking in disbelief.
When the young guy got close to Sam, Sam suddenly snapped out of his trance and charged at him making me back up in surprise as they struggled against one another.
I watched them go back and forth not knowing if I should step in or not since I didn't sense anything demonic about the two men.
But suddenly the older man stepped in, grabbing Sam, holding him back.
"Who are you?!" Sam demanded towards the young man.
"Like you didn't do this?!" The man retorted back.
"Do what?!" Sam growled still struggling to get out of the older guys arms.
"It's Him. It's him Sam" the older guy tried to coax him.
'Who?! I would like to know what in the hell is going on!' I thought to myself as I whined in confusion.
"I've been through this already. It's really is Dean." The older man emphasized.
Wait...was he, Dean? I thought he died! I thought in disbelief looking over at the younger man whose name is apparently Dean.
"But..." Sam trailed off as he started to calm down in the older men grasp.
" I know..." Dean said softly and stepped towards Sam again " I look fantastic, huh?" he said with a weak grin.
Then the older guy lets go of Sam, and he instantly went over to Dean and pulled him into a tight hug, and Sam started to sniffle to hold back a cry.
Dean held onto Sam tighter, almost comforting him. Then after a few moments pulled away.
"So, are you to like... together?" Ruby asked casually.
'Really? You're going to ask that?... What the hell does Sam see in you?' I thought annoyed.
"What? No" Sam replied giving her and look, and Dean looked flabbergasted from what she even said.
"No, he's my brother.," Sam said with a slight smile.
"O-oh ok...I guess..." she replied.
'Such a crappy actress' I thought rolling my eyes.
"Look, I should probably go..." she stated.
'Yes, finally leave my presence, you diabolic witch!' I thought happily with my tail wagging slightly.
I loved it when she went, leaving Sam to me and now I get to meet his brother.
" Yeah, yeah that's probably a good idea. Sorry." Sam replied.
"So, call me..." I heard Ruby asked Sam as he was letting her out the door, but I didn't pay attention to any of it.
I decided to make my presence known and introduce myself, so I went out of the room and barked at Dean to get his attention.
Dean looked started and quickly look over at me.
Weird...he seemed startled, well more so than just by a surprising bark.
' I wonder why?...' I thought to myself as I tilted my head.
Dean seemed to calm down slightly after a few moments but looked at me wearily as his arms were crossed, not making any motion to pet me which disappointed me.
The older man, Bobby, I found out his name later, was sitting down and patted his leg gently which I took as a sign to come over.
I walked over to him and let him pet me a little, he started to scratch underneath my chin and in return made me flop down happily and rolled over on my back on the floor.
" So, you got a mutt?" Dean asked with a raised eyebrow as Sam walked back over after shutting the door.
'Excuse you? Who are you calling a mutt!' I snorted looking up at Dean with a disapproving look.
"Um, yeah...she's a German Shepard...she sniffs out sulfur...and tracks demons...I named her Sadie..." Sam awkwardly said as he sat down on the bed.
I got up from Bobby's side and went over to him, sitting down by his legs nuzzling against him.
Sam scratched my ear affectionately in response.
"How much did it cost Sam?" Dean asked with a look.
'Hey now...I know I'm a dog but calling me it is pretty hurtful' I thought to myself letting out a grumble.
Sam looked confused and looked back at Dean " Cost? I found Sadie on the street, and I took her in.." he replied in confusion.
" Damn it Sam not the dog...the deal! The deal that brought me back" Dean replied frustrated but tried to keep his tone calm.
"So, tell me was it your soul or something worse?" he inquired.
" You think I made a deal?..." Sam asked in surprise.
' didn't make a deal, but you are sleeping with a demon...I personally think that's the same kind of trouble...but hey that's just me'.
I thought to myself as I laid down by Sam's feet watching all of this play out.
" That's exactly what we think" Bobby stated.
"Well, I didn't" Sam replied softly.
Dean stared at him for a few moments, his stare hard and stern sort of fatherly way when their kid is in trouble.
"Don't lie to me..." Dean said.
Sam looked over at him in surprise" I'm not lying" he tries to state again.
"So, what now?" Dean asked in a hard tone " I'm off the hook, and you're on, is that it?" and started walking over to him "You're some demons bitch boy?" he asked.
'Well...yeah as a matter of fact he sorta is...' I thought to myself thinking about him and Ruby with distaste.
" I didn't want to be saved like this?" Dean said his tone getting louder.
But suddenly Sam got up, having enough of Dean not believing him. " Look, Dean, I wished I had done it, all right."
Dean that got fed up and grabbed onto Sam's shirt snapping me out of it and I got up and barked at him. I might not know the guy, and he might be Sam's brother, but I wouldn't allow him to hurt Sam!
"There's no other way that this would have gone down now tell the truth!" Dean yelled.
Sam roughly pushed Dean's hands away " I tried everything! That's the truth!" Sam replied angrily.
" I tried opening the devil's gate, hell, I tried to bargain Dean! But no demon would deal, all right?" Sam snapped.
" You were rotting in hell for months...for months, and I couldn't stop it. So, I'm sorry it wasn't me all right?... Dean, I'm sorry" Sam said in devastation.
I whined slightly from Sam's devastation and nudged against his leg to comfort him.
Dean was quiet for a moment, his gaze softening as he looked at him "it's ok don't have to apologize I believe you" he said after a few moments.
" Don't get me wrong I am gladdened that Sam's soul remains intact, but that does raise a sticky question..." Bobby said as he crossed his arms.
"If Sam didn't pull me out of hell then what did?" Dean quietly asked the question out loud.
'Don't expect me to answer I am just as confused then all three of you...besides you wouldn't understand anything I would say anyway'.
After everything had settled down Sam had gotten Dean and Bobby beers, and I settled down by his feet again.
"So, what were you doing around here if you weren't digging me out of my grave?" Dean asked curiously.
"Well, once I figure out, I couldn't save you, um...I started hunting down Lilith, trying to get some payback" Sam confessed.
"All by yourself? Who do you think you are? Your old man?" Bobby questioned.
'Well, he has me...but lately, he's been getting help from a demon' I thought to myself with a grumble.
"Uh...Yeah, I'm sorry Bobby. I should have called. I was pretty messed up." Sam said quietly as Dean got up from his seat.
"Oh yeah, I really feel your pain.," Dean says disproved as he held up Ruby's bra.
I cringed at sight, 'dude you should sanitize after touching that,' I thought in disgust.
Sam chuckled awkwardly as Dean sat back down.
"Anyways, I was checking these demons out of Tennessee, and out of nowhere they took a hard left and booked up here" Sam explained.
"When?" Dean asked.
"Yesterday morning," Sam said.
"When I busted out" Dean stated.
"You think these demons are here because of you?" Bobby asked curiously.
"But why?" Sam asked confused.
"Well, I don't know, some badass demon drags me out, now this? It's got to be connected somehow" Dean stated.
"How are you feeling, anyway?" Bobby asked.
"I'm a little hungry" Dean stated with a shrug.
" No, I mean, do you feel like yourself? Strange, different or-" Bobby started to ask then Dean finished his sentence.
"Or demonic?" he inquired.
'Well, I got you covered there...I would just smell a little stinky' I thought to myself.
"Bobby, how many times do I gotta prove I'm me?" Dean asked annoyed.
"Bobby, I think it's ok...Sadie can see demons, and she would be biting Dean's ass by now if he was" Sam stated.
'That I would...' I thought to myself proudly.
"Well, you can't be too careful no demons let anyone out of hell from the goodness of their hearts" Bobby stated.
But Bobby had also gave me an interesting side look, like he was intrigued or something. I didn't know with what.
"Right now, we have a whole pile of questions and no shovel...we need help..." Sam said.
" I know a psychic a few hours from here...something this big, maybe she's heard the other side talking," Bobby replied after a few moments and was looking back at them.
"Hell yeah, it's worth a shot," Dean said with an impressed look.
"I'll be right back," Bobby said as he got up and left the room.
Dean then got up as well, and Sam told him to wait for a second and started to take his necklace I had never seen him take off since I had met him, so it took me by surprise.
"You might want this back..." Sam said softly with a slight smile.
I watched the exchange as Dean quietly took the necklace back and was looking at it fondly and quietly murmured thanks in response.
"Don't mention it..." Sam replied after and Dean put the necklace back on.
"Hey Dean, what was it like?" Sam asked quietly after a few moments.
"What? Hell?" Dean inquired and was silent for a moment.
" I don't know. I-I-I-I must have blacked it out...I don't remember a damn thing" Dean stated.
I watched Dean's expression as he told Sam this and I could sense he was lying...there was this haunted look in his eye...he definitely remembered, but why didn't he say, anything to Sam?
Humans were weird...
Sam nodded and quietly replied with a small smile " Thank god for that then..."
Soon Sam went into the kitchen to take care of the beers, and I saw Dean head into the bathroom.
For some reason, I felt this instinct to follow him, so I did.
I managed to sneak in through before he shut the door.
I observed him as he splashed some water on his face and looked at his reflection in the mirror and I couldn't help but look worried as he was remembering something...something horrible I would imagine.
I started to whine and went over to his leg and nuzzled against it, he was Sam's brother, so I automatically felt protective for the man.
My soft nuzzle seemed to snap him out of it.
He then looked down softly at me.
"You're not fooled huh?" Dean asked quietly in a knowing voice.
'Nope takes a whole lot to fool me' I thought to myself a bit proudly, but I knew he would never hear me, so I responded with a brief tail wag.
Dean knelt down and started to carefully pet me "...guess you're not a normal mutt...I don't even know if you can understand me right now but thank you know keeping track of Sammy for me" he said awkwardly but his thank you was genuine.
My tail started to wag from his praise and began to lick his face.
"Ok, ok I don't want you dog breath..." Dean stated in disgust as he stood back up but I saw that he had a small smile on his face, which made me happy.
After everything was packed up, we all walked outside, down the steps and into the parking lot.
"She's about four hours down the interstate, try to keep up" Bobby stated. as he unlocked his car.
Sam then threw Dean the keys with a small smile.
"I assume you"ll want to drive?" He asked.
Dean grinned slightly and chuckled " I almost forgot" and went over to the Impala excitedly.
"Hey, sweetheart, did you miss me?" Dean spoke to her and opened its door, but before he could get in, I rushed past him and into through the driver's seat and into the passengers.
Dean looked up at Sam almost betrayed.
"Sam! You let a god damn dog sit in Baby?" he asked offended.
Sam looked sheepish and opened the passenger door.
I looked up at him having a feeling I wasn't going to be very happy...this was my spot.
"Sadie gets in the back girl," Sam said softly looking at me apologetically.
I whined but jumped into the back seat with a huff and laid down pouting.
Dean got into the car, and Sam soon did as well.
Dean then looked unimpressed at the iPod jack.
He looked over at Sam" What the hell is that?" he asked.
Sam looked back over at Dean "It's an iPod jack" he said raising an eyebrow like he was confused on why it was a big deal.
"You were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up...first the dog then this.." Dean muttered as he started the Impala up.
'I heard that...'I growled quietly looking annoyed.
Then the song starts playing from the iPod. It was this cheesy love song that I didn't much care for.
"Really?" Dean said and yanked the iPod off and threw it in the back which in returned hit my nose.
I let out an unhappy yelp in response but was ignored as Dean put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.
Sam was the only one who turned around and reached back petting my head in apology.
During the drive I had ended up falling asleep in the backseat.
When I did wake up, Dean and Sam were having what seems to be an interesting conversation.
"The night I uh bit or got bit," Dean started with a weak chuckle, "how did you make it out? I thought Lilith was going to kill you?" Dean questioned.
"Well, she tried, but couldn't " Sam replied quietly.
'Wait how can someone, especially a demon try and not kill you?' I couldn't help but ask to myself in confusion.
"What do you mean couldn't?" Dean asked, reasonably confused as I was.
"She uh fired this burning light at me, and it didn't leave a scratch..." Sam tried to explain before continuing " It was like I was immune or something..."
"Immune?" Dean asked.
" Uh yeah, I don't know who was more surprised her or me" Sam stated with a weak chuckle.
'Well, I think anyone would be personally if you got blasted by a dangerous demon and it didn't even leave a scratch', I thought to myself.
"She left pretty quickly after that..." Sam finished.
"Huh...where's Ruby? Where is she?" Dean questioned.
'Well, you already touched her bra' I stated to myself with a cringe of disgust.
"Dead or in hell" Sam stated pretty calmly which made me perk my head up real fast.
Huh?! Why was Sam not going to tell him? Just what did he think he was doing?!
God, I could really bite into him right now...maybe that would wake him up.
I huffed in annoyance placing my head back down on my paws.
"So, you've been using your uh freaky E.S.P. stuff?" Dean questions.
"No" Sam answered as quietly and calmly as he did with Ruby.
Soon we finally arrived at the psychics house a few hours later.
Sam let me out of the passenger side, and I stretched out my body as Bobby walked up the steps and knocked on the door.
I followed Sam and Dean as they went to Bobby, soon the door opened revealing a young woman.
She was definitely attractive since both Sam and Dean's eye was drawn to her.
"You're a sight for sore eyes," Bobby said with a slight grin as the young women pulled him what seemed to be a bear hug.
After the hug, the women stepped back and looked towards us with a grin.
" So are these the boys...and dog?" She asked amused.
"Sam, Dean, meet Pamela Barnes best damn physic in the state" Bobby introduced.
I looked up and noticed that both Dean and Sam had almost identical goofy faces.
Sam seemed a bit shy, and Dean was just a smug, proud grin as they looked towards Pamela.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes from their attitude.
'Typical human men', I thought to myself annoyed.
Pamela chuckled a bit from their faces and looked back at Bobby then at Dean.
"Dean Winchester...out of the fire and back into the frying pan huh? Makes you a rare individual" Pamela stated.
'If being thrown into hell and spat back out doesn't make him one I don't know what does...'I said to myself looking up at Dean.
Soon Pamela invited us into her home to settle in for a little bit.
"Speaking of rare individuals...Your dog here is definitely one that has the other side interested..."
Pamela said as she knelt down to me and started to scratch underneath my chin which made me flop down on my back and my tail wagging happily from the affection as Pamela watch with a slight grin.
"Sadie? Can't all dogs see what she can?" Sam asked with confusion.
Pamela couldn't help but chuckle softly.
" Yes and no... Most dogs can see and or hear anything to do with a ghost, but dogs like Sadie here are unique she can see Demons in their actual forms no matter who they possess, they can track, hunt them down and are able to attack and kill them..." Pamela explained.
Dean whistled intrigued and impressed " Damn, and there are more dogs like Sadie here?" he asked.
"Not much I'm afraid...they are mostly extinct now from demons making their mission to get rid of them and Hunters trading and enslaving them to the black market which they are destroyed from not being taken care of properly" Pamela explained with a soft, sad sigh.
I perked my head up from her words, they troubled me a lot...I knew my father had been killed by a demon...but my mother? Was she taken by heartless humans to be sold and exported to her extent? I couldn't help but whine at the thought.
I looked over and saw Sam's face, he seemed almost disturbed as I was from the mere thought of me going through anything like that.
Pamela looked down at me and gave me a comforting grin" Don't you worry I'm sure these boys will take care of you" she reassured and scratch my belly making me flop back down and leg twitching in pleasure making Pamela chuckle.
After Pamela got down petting me, I got up along with her and went over to Sam who gave me a small smile and patted my head gingerly.
" So, have you heard anything?" Bobby questioned.
"Well, I ouija-ed my way through a dozen spirts. No one seems to know who your boy broke out and why..." Pamela replied softly with a sigh and rested her hands on her hips.
"So, what's next then?" Bobby inquired.
"A Seance, I think...See if we can see who did the deed..." Pamela replied.
"You're not gonna summon the damn thing here are ya?" Bobby asked with bewilderment.
'I certainly hope not I am not prepared for any demon fighting that can break someone out of hell!' I thought to myself in slight panicked.
"No, I just want to get a sneak peek at it, like a crystal ball without a crystal," Pamela said with a chuckle and gave Bobby a wink as she walked away into another room.
"I'm game," Dean said with a shrug and followed Pamela with Sam in tow.
Bobby couldn't help but sigh, and I went over to him and let out a small, worried whine...something is going to go terribly wrong from this I could feel it.
"You got a bad feeling too?" Bobby muttered with a quiet sigh and patted my head before going into the other room where everyone else was, and I soon followed.
Pamela was in the room starting to set up a table by gathering things.
As I walked in, I noticed she had squat down to find something inside a cabinet, her shirt in the back lifted up slightly which revealed a tattoo on her lower back...I think I remembered some humans calling it a tramp stamp.
The tattoo read Jesse Forever. I then looked over at Dean and was watching Pamela...or Pamela's ass I should put it.
He then suddenly nudged Sam or then looked over and started to watch as well.
'Really guys? Can you guys keep it in your pants for five minutes?' I thought myself in aspiration as I walked over to both of them.
"Who's Jesse?" Dean asked, and Pamela laughed in response as she got off the ground.
"Well, he wasn't forever" She replied with a slightly amused smirk.
"His loss then," Dean said with a chuckle.
Pamela laughs as she walks over to Dean.
"Might be your gain.," she stated with a wink walking passed him leaving Dean watching her with a goofy looking smile on his face.
"Yeah...she's going to eat you alive," Sam said amused with a chuckle.
'Ew ok don't want to know that and don't even want to picture that' I thought to myself with a shudder.
" Hey, I just got out of jail, bring it" Dean challenged with a smug smirk.
"You're invited too, grumpy" Pamela suddenly stated patting Sam's arm as she walked by him, giving him a wink.
All three of us just stared, I think my jaw might have dropped a little.
'Yup, I'm out of here...where's the doggy door?' I thought to myself cringing in sheer disgust.
Dean quickly then pointed to Sam and harshly whispered "You are not invited" he stuttered.
Soon after Pamela gathered everyone around to begin the senence.
"Take each other's hands. Then I need to touch something the monster touched..."She explained calmly.
I was sitting next to Sam and could see underneath the table.
I watched Pamela reach over and grab Dean's...oh god...
"Woah! He didn't touch me there!" He exclaimed with a jolt.
"My mistake..." Pamela said with a mischievous smirk and chuckled and grabbed his hand.
Dean then took his jacket off and rolled up his sleeve, revealing a handprint on his shoulder blade...but the handprint resembled a burn.
I couldn't help but whine a little from gruesome it looked and watched as Pamela gently used her hand on top of the mark.
" I invoke, conjure and command you, appear unto me before this circle..." Pamela started to chant as she closed her eyes.
I let out a whine as a high-pitched static sound started as the small tv turned on, but I could hear this other voice behind it...
"My name is Castiel..." the voice replied... its sound it was rough, but oddly almost comforting.
"You must turn back now before it goes any further..." Castiel warned.
Making my ears perk up from the almost slight desperation in his voice.
"Castiel? No, I'm sorry I don't scare easily..." Pamela retorted.
Stop...I whined with worry, body starting to shake.
"Castiel?" Dean questioned in confusion.
"Its name" Pamela quickly replied with a hush.
"It's whispering for me to turn back..." she quickly explained before chanting again.
"I conjure and command you to show me your face!" Pamela chanted.
'Stop, stop, please!' I whined as Castiel's desperate voice grew louder in my ears, and I laid down pawing at my face, trembling, wishing I wouldn't hear it anymore.
As Pamela continued to chant the table suddenly started to shake violently as I could tell from his voice Castiel was trying hard not to be seen...almost like he was being pulled.
"Maybe we should stop.," Bobby warns warily from the table reacting violently and seeing me shaken up on the floor.
"I almost got it!" Pamela retorted and continued the chant.
"Show me your face now!" she demanded as flames suddenly had risen up and I let out a yelp in terror, running out of the room as Pamela's eyes had opened and the inside of them had burned to almost nothing.
Once I scattered out of the room, I hid underneath Pamela's kitchen table, trembling in absolute fear...that was no demon...demon's d-don't burn out your eyes as soon as you see them... I whimpered to myself.
It seemed like I was underneath that table forever, my muzzle was buried in my paws wanting to forget Pamela's agonized scream.
Instantly my ears perked up as an ambulance started to come down the road, closer to her house.
I heard Sam's heavy boot rushing over to the door and, answering it as the paramedics rushed inside with the stretcher to get Pamela.
I let out another whimper as I peeked underneath the tablecloth.
Pamela was being wheeled out of the room, and she was sobbing, but instead of usual tears, her tears were blood.
I quickly hid back underneath the table frightened from the sight...I had never witnessed anything like that, and it terrified me.
Soon after I heard the ambulance quickly leaving, I listened to voices outside...Sam's and Dean's...
As the door opened Sam's boots walked over to the table and knelt down, gently lifting the tablecloth up.
I noticed his face looked crestfallen as he looked at me...I must really look shaken up.
"Come here girl..." he gently said, and I instantly rushed into his arms burying my muzzle into his neck whining.
Sam gently brushed my back with his hand holding felt comforting as he did that.
After all that I ended getting in the backseat of the Impala with no complaints and curled up to myself as Dean drove off with Sam in his usual passenger seat.
We made it to a local diner, a place called Johnny Mac's homestyle Diner.
Once I was let out of the Impala, I began stretching my legs a bit and did my business around the corner before returning back to Sam.
I tilted my head seeing the leash in his hand, and he looked apologetic.
"Sorry girl... We'll come back out when we're done ok?..." he explained softly as he tied me up to a nearby pole outside.
Dean gave a rough but surprisingly comforting pat on my head as he headed to the diner and Sam soon followed after looking back at me real quick.
I couldn't help but huff slightly as I laid down...stupid humans and their leash laws...but I kept glancing back to the diner building...a sickening feeling inside my doggy instincts told me something was wrong with that building.
Then at a corner of my eye, I noticed a cloud of black smoke rushing by and into the back of the diner.
My eyes widened from the realization...there were tons of demons...Sam and Dean were surrounded.
I barked as I yanked at my leash, but it didn't budge as I struggled and growled angrily...they must are unable to hear me from this distance...between the glass and the damn music, the restaurant was playing.
I snarled in frustration as I started biting into my leash, beginning to rip it piece by piece.
I looked over and noticed an ugly fat demon go up to the door, and I suspected, locked it.
The demon had caught my furious eyes and smirked at me before turning away.
'Oh, I"ll be coming to you first fatty!' I snarled as I chewed through my leash, pulling on it every chance I get.
And suddenly I yanked through.
'Victory is mine!' I snarled happily as I ran quickly, but suddenly Sam and Dean walked out the door.
"Woah Lassie...come here we're fine...we"ll take care of them later," Dean said as he quickly grabbed ahold of my collar to keep me from bursting through that door...or window...I didn't care at this point...all I knew is that I was not going to have those ugly sons of bitches harm either Sam or Dean!
Dean seemed surprised at how quick I had gotten loose and ready to lunge.
"...I told you...she's a hunting don't want her on your ass..." Sam said looking at his older brother slightly amused.
"Yeah...well now we gotta go get a new leash..." Dean mumbled as he held his hand on my collar, making sure I made it into the Impala instead of causing hell inside that diner.
After that, we came back to Sam's Hotel room to rest. I decided to lay in the living room still on edge over everything that was happening, so I was guarding the door.
Though I had Mr. Quackers with me to help calm my nerves.
Dean was clonked out entirely on the couch, and I perked up seeing Sam walk by quietly.
I perked up instantly, dread filling inside me...he was going to see that damn Ruby!
'I should bark and wake Dean up Sam....he'll talk you out of it! This isn't right!' I wanted to snarl.
I quickly got in front of him, blocking him from the door.
He seemed startled by the quick action from me, but desperately put his finger up to his lips to silence me...
'I will not be quiet! You know what I am going to wake up Dean because this is damn stupid keeping secrets from one another if you ask me!' I rambled on angrily even though he couldn't hear me.
But as Sam saw my body didn't move, he quickly reacted and reached down scratching the sweet spot underneath my chin.
I instantly got distracted and flopped onto the floor, my tail wagging, and leg twitching as Sam scratched my favorite spot, but before I could process it...Sam had gotten me away from the door and opened it before leaving by shutting the door quietly.
'Damn it! Stupid trick! Stupid Sam! Irrational cursed dog instincts!' I ranted to myself flopping back down in an angry huff.
I then heard the Impala start and drive away, and I let out huge signs.
'Humans are so complicated, aren't they Mr. Quackers?' I said to my stuffed duck friend.
But then all of a sudden the tv went on...the familiar static and I couldn't help but jolt up with a yelp.
Go after Sam! The familiar voice yelled, Castie, I thought with a pained whined as the radio started tuning in sync with the tv static.
Dean soon jolted awake as well, probably from hearing me yelp like that, or perhaps from noise...I'm betting both.
"What the hell" Dean muttered looking around and noticed the Tv static, so his eyes narrowed and quickly reached for his pistol on the other side of the couch as he promptly aimed it and was on guard.
I whined at Castiel's powerful voice from whatever it was coming from, but I quickly went to Dean's side to try and help protect him.
I saw Dean made a quick glimpse over to Sam's bed and saw he wasn't there before turning his attention back to the door and continued walking.
I stayed right by Dean's side, I may not have known him as long as Sam, but I felt just as protective!
Even if I were currently scared out of my wits, which I am... I would defend Dean to the death.
But suddenly Castiel's voice got louder, and I couldn't help but whine in pain as I collapsed on the floor.
I could tell it was bothering Dean as well because he held on hand over his ear with a cringe of pain and let out a groan.
It got more intense because Dean couldn't even hold his gun anymore as it dropped to the floor and covered both his ears.
I was probably yelping and writhing in pain by now from the intensity of Castiel's voice.
Suddenly, however, the windows shattered right behind Dean, and even though I was in a daze, I heard crackling and looked up to see that ceiling mirror starting to break.
I couldn't move through from the pain I felt, but Dean suddenly scooped me up and jumped out of the way of as it fell right to the floor, glass breaking into pieces.
Dean held onto me tightly as he covered my body with all the glass shattering and he yelled in pain as I yelped, pushing my body closer to him.
Suddenly the door slammed open, and Bobby was there" Dean!" he called out in panic, but my vision went black. I think I passed out from there on.
When I started to come to, I could feel my poor eardrums ringing and throbbing from the unfortunate abuse of Castiel's voice.
'Oh man, I could use a damn doggy bed or just a plain bed' I thought to myself.
As my vision started to clear, I noticed we were in a vehicle...Bobby was driving, and I was in Dean's lap.
I heard half and half of their conversation, but I wasn't really paying much attention because I was in and out of it.
I think Bobby asked how he was feeling or something like that.
"You think mutt here is going to be fine?" I heard Dean asked with slight concern in his voice.
" I'm sure she's fine...dogs hearing are considered better than humans so if you thought you heard church bells...she probably heard that and a whole church choir" Bobby stated.
He then started to continue "if she doesn't seem any better I'll take her to the vet myself and see what's wrong" I heard Bobby explain and try to comfort Dean in his own way.
It seemed like Bobby in a way was like a father figure to Dean.
I decided to go to the vet was a definite N to the O and made my presence known.
I lifted my head up and gave Dean a big old slobbery kiss.
'That is for calling me mutt again by the way' I thought to myself amused.
Dean let out an ack and grunt and quickly wiped his face.
"Glad to see you too..." he grunted.
I could see it in Dean's eyes though relief had washed over him seeing me awake and gently patted my head.
My tail wagged slightly from the affection and rubbed my head up against him, nuzzling him.
Dean saved me...and protected me...I think I would have been a goner if Dean hadn't shielded me from all those glass shards.
As I settled into the middle of the seat, I still rested my head on Dean's lap and watched him take out his cell phone and dialing a number.
I assumed he was calling Sam and soon my suspicions were right because I heard his familiar voice over the phone.
"Hey" Sam quietly said.
"What are you doing?" Dean calmly asked.
I tilted my head slightly confused...he should be at least pissed off right?
"Couldn't sleep. Went to get a burger..."Sam casually explained.
' lying sack of shit Sam' I huffed annoyed rolling my eyes and settled my head down into Dean's lap.
I was still overly exhausted from this whole ordeal and maybe a bit grumpy, but hey can you blame a dog?
"In my car?" Dean inquired.
"Force of habit sorry, what are you still doing up?" Sam answered.
"Well, um Bobby's back we're going to grab a beer...we're bringing Sadie with us too" Dean stated casually.
From this statement, Bobby and I looked right at Dean with the same look of astonishment on our faces.
Dean quickly put his finger to his lips to signal Bobby to keep quiet.
"All Right. Well, spill some for me, huh?" Sam said softly.
"Done. Yeah, catch you later" Dean stated as he hung up the phone.
"Why the hell didn't you tell him?!" Bobby demanded.
'Took the words precisely out of my mouth old man' I thought as I stared at Dean with confusion.
"Cause he'd just try to stop us..." Dean replied back to him casually.
"From what?" Bobby asked.
"Summoning this thing..." Dean said looking over at him.
Oh, man, just great more abuse to my poor ears in the lovely near future.
I whined burying her muzzle in Dean's chest as I listened to Bobby and Dean quickly discuss this back and forth.
I quickly decided to go back to sleep...could be the last nap I have...
Soon Bobby had made it to a place he knew.
A small house with a small barn.
Dean got some weapons out as I followed them inside.
They all started getting ready as Dean asked Bobby a question on what exactly Bobby had going on here, but I wasn't paying much attention since I was on guard making sure Castiel's voice wasn't anywhere near.
Then I heard Dean say.
"Why don't you ring up the dinner bell?" he asked softly with a sigh.
I couldn't help but whine uneasy from all this as Bobby started the summoning ritual of Castiel.
Soon the seconds turned to minutes and minutes to an hour...I don't know how long it's been, but it's been enough to have Bobby start whistling an old tune as we wait for our probably impending death...
"You sure you did the ritual right?" Dean asked slightly annoyed and tired.
I looked over at Bobby, and his face instantly told all.
"Sorry.. touchy touch huh?" Dean said instantly putting his hand up in defense before sighing and turning his head as the wind howled through the barn.
However all of a sudden there was a rumbling, and both Dean and Bobby got to their feet and looked up alarmed.
I instantly started barking as the building shook lightly.
My fur standing up as I snarled, immediately by Dean's side in a protective stance.
"Wishful thinking but maybe it's the wind..." Dean stated.
But then the lights started to flash off and explode making me yelp slightly in surprise, then the door began to open.
My attention went towards the door as a man in a light brown trench coat walked through staring back at us...he looked...completely human...normal short messy black hair and catching blue eyes, but I could tell he wasn't in a way he still wasn't.
I stood there completely confused, and Bobby and Dean started a complete shootout on the guy...but it didn't affect him blood...nothing.
Ok now, this is getting too weird...
Castiel? I think stepped towards Dean since the apparent rain of bullets didn't work.
" Who are you?" Dean demanded.
I stood in front of Dean hesitant and confused but held my ground and growled at him warily.
"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition" Castiel stated calmly.
"Thanks for that..." Dean stated with a hard look towards him.
But then suddenly stabbed Castiel right in the chest, startling me and looking up at Dean like he was a crazed madman.
'Dean, you can't just stab him! Your raining bullets didn't work what made you so sure a damn knife could?!' I barked.
Apparently, Castiel was unphased from the knife lodged into where his heart was supposed to be, making Dean step back slightly as Castiel pulled the knife out swiftly and dropped it onto the ground like it was absolutely nothing while looking straight at Dean.
Then Bobby suddenly tried to strike him with a crowbar or pipe when Dean sent him a look of panic and shock from what was happening.
'Quit trying to attack him, you morons! If he wanted to kill us, he would have done it by now! Maybe he just wants to talk!' I continued to bark and rant.
Castiel quickly turned around and swiftly grabbed the bar and took two fingers and gently tapped them against the older man's forehead and he was out like a light and onto the ground in a matter of two seconds.
Then as Dean looked in absolute shock as Bobby laid down on the floor, Castiel turned around to face him again.
"We need to talk Dean.," he stated in a calm voice.
'Look! See!? What did I say?!' I ranted as Dean knelt down by Bobby's body.
"Your friend is alive" Castiel simply stated as he went looking through a book he had picked up.
Dean looked up at him with such a heated look I thought for sure Castiel would be in flames by now.
"Who are you?" Dean demanded.
"Castiel..." he replied calmly still not looking up at him apparently interested in the book.
'Yeah, see that doesn't really answer his question...he means well we both are asking what you are?' I asked wanting to know to ease my sanity.
However, before Dean could ask that himself Castiel turned away from the book and looked towards mine and Dean's direction.
"I'm an angel of the lord..." He calmly stated looking right at me.
Wait for a just one-second angel of the lord?
But then realization hit me, Castiel was looking right at me, he couldn't have possibly answered me though?
'Did you...did you just answer my question?' I spluttered out.
"Yes, I did isn't that what you wanted?" Castiel asked tilting his head slightly looking at me curiously.
'What the hell?!'
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