Time to Disappear
Authors pov
When the Yami's heard Anzu's voice, lets just say, they weren't happy. There eyes filled with darkness, they could feel all the shadows screaming to be released.
"It's time to disappear, for good." Seto says while he walks towards Joey, who looks angry and scared at the same time. "We could just kill them all?" Bakura says while he stands up from his seat. "Kura?!" Ryou exclaimed. "What? We have an old Pharaoh, an high priest, an tombkeeper, an magician and his less powerful girlfriend and then there is me, the king of thief's." Bakura say while he takes a defensive stand. "Anzu is powerful love." Ryou says, trying to reason with him. "You, Joey, Malik and Yugi are more powerful then her." Marik says backing Bakura up. "We don't know what she is capable of, and you forget a big problem." Yugi says while he point at his tail. "Owh... yeah true." Marik says while he smirks awkwardly.
"YAMIKENSSSS WERE ARE YOU!!" Everyone turns towards the door. "It's now or never!" Mana says while she walks determent towards the tank. "I you guys know what to do?" She says to the Hikari's. The hikari's share a look. There eyes light up and shine bright. "I think it's time to show you our world..." Yugi says while he swims toward the surface of the tank. When he is there, he hands Yami his necklace. Ryou,Malik and Joey do the same for Bakura,Marik and Seto. The Yami's look up, eyes filled with questions. "With these necklaces, you can turn yourself in a merman." Mahad explained. "The only thing we have to do now is escape!" Mana says. "No we can't! Our millennium items! There held on deck!" Marik says. "There is always something..." Bakura grumbles. "I'll use my magic to get the merman's in the water, Mana, you will have to help the rest to get there items back." Mahad says, after that he starts chanting.
Yami,Seto,Bakura,Marik And Mana walk upstairs, trying to act normal. "Mana do you know where the items are held?" Seto ask the magician. "I do, but that's not the problem." She says as they continue there way. "I don't like where this is going." Bakura says. "Neither do I, Mana tell us." Yami says as they reach the door. Mana sighs before she opens the door. "Anzu has them"
While the Mana and the Yami's try to get there millennium items back, Mahad and the Hikari's try to escape. The spell Mahad was chanting, helped the Hikari's in the sea. Mahad was talking to them trough a hole in the floor. "Are you sure you can't come with us Mahad?" Yugi asks again. "I am certain that this is the only option. And as long as the Pharaoh is happy, me and Mana will be two. And hey, I have the love of my live with me, so I will be just fine." Mahad says as he grabs Yugi's hand and shakes it. As he pulls his hand back he finds a ring in it. "Yugi?" "It's a telepathic ring, if you need us, hold the ring close to your heart and speak, we will alway hear you, and if needed help you. A single tear streams across the magicians face. "Thank you all." He says. "It was an honour meeting you Mahad." Ryou says before he dives into the sea. "Don't miss us to much" Malik says with a wink, as he follows Ryou. "Thnx Bro, we will never forget you." Joey says as he lays his hand on Yugi's shoulder, who had tears streaming down his face. "It's okay young one, me and Mana are going to be fine." Yugi smiles. "It's time, come Yug." Joey says as he takes Yugi's hand and they dive after Malik and Ryou.
As emotional it went with the Hikari's, how hard the Yami's it had. They didn't expect the whole pirate crew to turn against them. They were now in a big fight with, well everyone. "Come one!! Bring me some more!!!" Marik screams, clearly in his element. "Where is Bakura??" Yami says as he stabs one of his attackers. "Yeah where oh where would the King of Theif's be?" Seto says in a 'are you stupid?' Voice. "Let's go!!!" Mana screams as she made a path trough the pirates. They all run towards the front of the ship. Then, from the shadows, Bakura emerges with the millennium items. "Missed me?" He says with a wink. They all take a defensive position, as they hear voices from the sea. "We are ready!!" Joey screams.
Seto smiles and climbs on a barrel. "Later you peasants." After that he jumped in the sea. Seto grapes his necklace and thinks of Joey and his love for him. Out the necklace came a big straw of light, that surrounded him. When Seto lands in the water, Joey swims directly to him. Seto didn't have legs anymore, instead there was a beautiful and elegant icy blue tail. Joey quickly stops in front of Seto and admires his 'view'.
"Here I Come Malik-pretty!" Marik says as he jumps after Seto. He two, took his necklace in his hands and thought of him love for Malik. And his necklace glows just like Seto's did. The light circles around Marik and before he hits the water, you can see his tail. It's the same colour as Malik's tail, only a bit darker and a little bit rougher. "Malik-pretty!!!" Marik says as he hugs Malik. "You look so pretty Marik!!" Malik says happily as they swirl around.
"Kura?! Are you okay? Are you hurt?!!" Ryou calls for His love. Bakura smiles sweetly and jumps from the boat. He grasps the necklace and whispers, "I'm coming my love". As he hits the sea, his legs are gone and replaced by a beautiful tail, his is a bit darker and rougher then Ryou's. When Bakura opens his eyes he doesn't look at his tail but looks around him looking for Ryou. Then he feels two arms tangling around his torso. "Hi Bunny" he says as he smiles. "Are you okay!!" Ryou says as he turns Bakura around. "I'm fine love are you?" He asks while his hands cup Ryou's face. "I'm fine Kura" Ryou says as he smiles.
Yami was now the only one of the Yami's who was left on the boat. The pirates are all stunned of the merman's who just resurfaced. "You should have court me when you had the chance.." says a voice from the crowd. Yami turns around to meet Anzu. "Anzu, You can still make this right!" Yami says as he takes a step back. "You don't get it do you?" Anzu says as her eyes turn completely red. "I AM ALREADY GONE!!! THERE IS NO STOPPING ME!!" Anzu spit out. Yami could see Mahad and Mana coming up behind Anzu, but he shook his head slightly to say that he doesn't need help. "I think there is something you don't get Anzu" Yami says in a calm voice, so calm that it gave Anzu chills. "Love is the most powerful weapon of all" after Yami says this he jumps of the ship. He grasps his necklace and smiles at his love who waited in the sea for him.
As Yami opens his eyes he feels to arms wrapped around him. "Hi Aibou" He says at Yugi who let him go. "You looks stunning Yami.." Yugi says with a small blush on his face. The trued is, he did. Yami's tail had the same shape as Yugi's. The only differences are the colours and the length. Yami's tail was gold with Crimson red to match his eyes. "Well thank you Yugi, but you are the real eye catcher here." Yami says with a wink.
As they regroup, they swam deeper into the ocean. Hand in hand with there love ones. But not before hearing a deafening scream.
"I am not done with you yet!!! I will find you!!"
The Yami's look into there Hikari's eyes and smile, swimming into the direction of a new future.
So this was the end of: Man of the sea
I'm not sure if I should make a epilogue or maybe a second book.. but until I figure that out: Thank you so much for sticking with me trough this story! This was my first story and I think you can see my writing style changing trough the story(I hope for the better btw😉💜) and I'm so thankful for all the sweet comments and support.
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