The Past is a mystery
This chapter is going to be tendershipping/puzzleshipping and finding stuff out about why they forgot each other. Next chapter is going to be Bronze and the one after that Puppy!! Just to let u guys now.
Yugi's POV
When me and Yami walked into the light, I thought we were going back to our own time, but Owh boy what was I wrong. When I opened my eyes I was standing in a big room with lots of beautiful pillars and one special beautiful person in the middle of all the attention... Yami... The moment he catch my eyes he smiles at me. "Yugi!!" He says and walks towards me. I blush at all the people who are watching me. I don't like that much of attention... "Hello Aibou, so I'm not alone in here, that's a relief." He says with his charming smile. "Umh my Pharaoh, pardon sir, b-but u now that's just a slave do u?" One person in the group says. "Yes my Lord, that's just Heba, he is just a slave, he has nothing to offer you, like I do!" A female voice speaks up from the crowd. Yami looks at me protectively and takes my hand. "I don't know who you think you are" He says, on the edge of losing his temper "But Heba is not just a slave, I, Atem, The Pharaoh of Egypt, forbid all people to talk about my love like that!" I place my free hand on his shoulder, he looks at me , I can see in his eyes that the anger is gone and replaced with love. "Well that's quite lovely Pharaoh and Shrimp, but what the bloody hell is going on?!"..... Bakura?? And.... Ryou!!!
Bakura's POV
I take Ryou's hand and a walk to the palace. I remember that Yami ,or should I say Atem, is Pharaoh so he lives in the castle. "Bakura there are guards everywhere! We have to sneak in. I have a plan." Ryou says, tugging on my hand. I turn around and I'm kinda surprised to see a serious face on my sweet bunny. Hmmm I kinda like that face... "Uhmm Bakura? Do I have something on my face?" He says with a small blush. "No bunny, everything is okay, please lead the way." I say with a small bow. He blush increases as he walks quickly to a bush on the corner of the palace. "This is the entrance I normally take when I'm going to visit Yugi, Heba, I don't know, it's just behind this bush." Ryou says as he pulls away a branch of the bush. A trapdoor appears in sight. "Very clever, little bunny" I say patting him on his head and walking past him. I don't have to look at him to now that he is blushing madly. He is so bloody cute. Oi! Mind on the case! Find Pharaoh and figure this shit out!
We walk in a long dark tunnel. The trapdoor was easy to get trough, and now we're walking for around ten minutes. "I'm wondering if everything is going to be this easy..." Ryou says. "I hope so bunny, I sure hope so..."
After five more minutes we reached the throne room. There was a big crowd watching Yami and Yugi. I looked to the crowd just to see if there was any danger. I wouldn't want to bring my Bunny Bookworm in danger. "Love? Are you okay? You look tense.." Now it's my time to blush, dammit Ryou, why does that one word make me fall even deeper in love with you... "Just a bit of scanning the people down there, wouldn't want to put my bunny in danger, would I?" "I can handle myself Bakura, I'm a big boy" he says with a small chuckle. "Wait Bakura!! Isn't that Anzu??!" He says, just as surprised as I am. Bollocks! I thought I was rid of her bloody hell!! "That's quit lovely Pharaoh and Shrimp, but what the bloody hell is going on?!" I yell, while I step out of the shadows, holding Ryou close. "I'm Princess Anzu from Japan!!! Atem was going to court me!!!! But that wimpy slave Heba has to stand in the way!!!!" Anzu yelled running toward Yugi. Yami wants to stop her but she is tackled and is now on the floor. Ryou tackled her??!!! "Thank you Ryou" The shrimp says while helping Ryou off the floor. "No problem Yugi, I learned from the best." Ryou giggles cutely. I walk over to Yami and stop in front of him. "Pharaoh..." "Thief..." we look at one another. At the same moment we crack a little smile and shake each others hand, Yami pulls me in a hug. "We have to get her away from are Hikari's... NOW!" He whispers in my ear. "You all are going to regret this!!!" Anzu is floating a few centimetres above the ground and looks furious. Here eyes turned a dark shade of yellow and are kinda scary, not so scary as Marik in the morning, but still. Me and the Pharaoh quickly stand in front of are Hikari's and take a defensive position. "I may not punish you two in this life Heba and Ryou... But in you're next life... IM GOING TO MAKE YOU ALL WISH YOU WERE DEAD!!!" Anzu yelled before smoke appears and she was gone.
"I got a bad feeling about this Thief.." Yami says. "I know Pharaoh, I know.... I felt here presence before... and it's nothing good.."
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