☨ Chp. XXIII ☨
Chapter soundtrack: 'Somebody To Love' by Queen, Cover by Connie Talbot.
♪ = cue music
☨ Chp. XXIII ☨
There is silence within the Great Hall of Stonehelm as the fellowship come to ponder.
Aragorn sits by the end of the table, rather tense as he holds his head within one hand. Eretria had successfully juiced information from the wildling, though what he had to say brought an uneasy tension to their path.
As theorised, Sauron seeks the stone, and suspected it to be held within Erebor. Minas Tirith is still idle, though hell will be unleashed as the blood moon rises, which will occur in less than a week's time. He plans to slaughter the guards when they least expect, driving the rest of the city into the captivity of Mordor where they will be forced into labour under evil.
The fellowship alone cannot fight against an attack, and it is too far for an army of dwarves to travel in time. Aragorn has many alliances throughout the land, though organising a counter attack before the blood moon would prove close to impossible.
"Edoras lays upon our path to Gondor. If their army holds the same strength as it did six years ago, we will stand a chance against the attack." Éomer remarks, as he leans upon the table, a flame of determination flickering within his dark eyes. Eretria slightly furrows her brows, though the man seems set on his idea.
"It is a good plan." Aragorn states, straightening his posture and placing both hands upon the stone table. "With an army on horseback we can reach the kingdom before Sauron's attack, though how are we to know if they will aid?"
There is once again silence, before Eretria speaks up, a brow raised towards the man of Rohan.
"They will either rejoice at the return of their astray King, or they will despise him. Either way, it is a risk we must take." She claims, and Éomer lowers his gaze, pondering on her words. Eretria turns her attention to Aragorn. "Though, I am sure there aren't many within the realm who wouldn't risk an army for the King of Men."
Aragorn nods, a soft smile on his lips, before a commotion raptures the air as a dwarven guard comes squalling into the room. Swooping down on him is an eagle which Eretria instantly recognises to be Koda. The outlaw lets out a chuckle as the bird stops its attack and glides over to land on her outstretched arm.
"Gah, 'ave your feral beast!" The dwarf growls, before storming from the hall.
"Sounds like entering was a kerfuffle." The outlaw remarks, humoured as she strokes the eagle.
"Koda!" Anma cheers, leaping from her chair by the end of the table where the rest of the kids have gathered. The beorning races over, and the bird happily shifts onto her arm, nuzzling into the young girl.
"What news does he bare?" Éomer questions, holding a look of distaste towards the bird.
Anma proceeds to pet Koda, giving a slight nod before turning her attention to the fellowship.
"First, they want Aragorn to know that Arwen has arrived safely to Rivendell, and is currently resting in their care."
The King of Men has an instant lightening of heart, a heavy weight lifted from his shoulders as he visibly comes to relax. Anma's brows come to furrow after further communicating with the bird, and she looks to the fellowship with a somber glance.
"Though Rivendell doesn't have the stone. They say it has disappeared from their stronghold. It had been unchecked for many years due to suspected loss of importance, so it is unknown when the jewel went missing. They give their sincerest apologies for irresponsibility, and promise to further investigate until it is recovered."
Aragorn and Legolas look to each other with heavy confusion, as it is near to impossible for anything to simply 'go missing' from the stronghold of Rivendell, and Eretria lowers her head in great thought. Suddenly, the outlaw's breath hitches in her throat.
"Holy mother of Valar." She breathes out, before diverting her eyes to the elf. "Legolas, do you know what the rock looks like?"
"My memory holds an image, as I once saw the stone sketched within a book of jewels my father kept within his personal library. From what I can remember, the smooth body holds a deep shade of royal blue, with a branch of turquoise cracked through the middle." The elven prince describes.
Eretria hastily stands to her feet, hit with revelation as she steadies herself upon the chair, disbelief welling in her eyes.
"I know where it is." She breathes out, turning to face the others. "I stole it from Rivendell before joining the fellowship seven years ago. I gave the stone to Gimli within the mines of Moria."
The others look to each other in surprise, and Eretria locks her jaw, turning to Aragorn.
"We need to retrieve the stone from Gimli before Sauron gets his evil clutches on it. We need to destroy it." The outlaw states.
"Minas Tirith is our first priority. We cannot waste time finding this stone before aiding the kingdom." The King of Men instructs, looking to Eretria with a stern eye.
"No, you're right." She responds, crossing her arms as she paces beside the table. "Once we save Minas Tirith, which we will, then we set off to find the stone."
"Gimli now resides within the Glittering Caves, which lay three days on horseback from Minas Tirith." Legolas states. "The dark army will need time to regain strength after our attack, meaning we will have time to spare in retrieving the stone."
"Do you know how to destroy it?" Éomer questions, leaning back within his chair, arms folded against his broad chest.
"I do not. The Glittering Caves hold an extensive library on many jewels, it is possible we could find our answer within one of the books." The Elven Prince responds.
"Then it is settled." Aragorn claims, standing to his feet as his heavy armour clinks. "We will leave for Edoras as the sun sets upon the horizon, gather an army, and proceed to Minas Tirith before the rising of the blood moon. After the city has been redeemed, we will travel to the Glittering Caves and retrieve the stone."
Eretria nods, turning her attention to the kids who sit by the opposite end of the table, their focus fully captured by the plan of attack. A light smile adorns the outlaw's face.
➳ Eretria's P.O.V
Racking my knuckles against the wooden door, I take a step back, folding my arms across my chest. There is brief silence, before several loud thuds sound from within the captain's chambers, and Jack flings the door open, slightly stumbling as he grips the handle.
"Well then, over already?" He questions, swaying with the soft movements of his vessel. "And I'd only scavenged thirty pints."
"We need to sail to Rohan as soon as a possible." I request, retrieving a bag of treasure from inside my cloak. I plop Erebor's goods into Jack's hand, and he gives a toothy grin.
"Four days on the Anduin with a cut through Mirkwood, we sail as the pirate sculls!" Captain Jack hollers, raising a bottle of rum before taking a swig.
With a wink he steps forward, though is slightly shoved to the side as a short, stubby figure runs out from his chambers. The female dwarf holds onto a thin cloth, barely covering her stout body as she charges across the deck, disappearing down the ladder with a heavy hurl as her beard sways with her hasty actions. Aragorn raises a brow, and Legolas looks as though he has seen a ghost.
"Ah, rather exotic, aren't they?" Jack remarks as he leans against his door frame, causing snickers to arise from the kids. I look to Éomer with a smirk, and he shakes his head, a sly, humoured grin upon his face.
It's safe to say the pirates life wouldn't be for us.
Letting out a soft sigh, I lean against the wooden railings, watching as the Lonely Mountain gradually shrinks within the distance. The sun sinks, filling the sky with glimmering gold, and reflecting upon the smooth waters as though a river of flowing treasure. With my hand rested upon the rails, I step across the deck, slowly walking towards the stern. My gaze lands on Legolas who rests against the mast, sitting in deep serenity as he admires the colourful display.
Softly treading over, I seat myself beside the elf, also resting my back against the mast. The serene silence, along with the soft rocking of the boat make it rather difficult to keep my eyes open, especially after an energy-draining battle.
"The Valar are putting on a show." Legolas quietly remarks in admiration of the sunset. "Possibly a reward for our victory."
"A gift for their two favourite warriors." I add on with a humoured tone, smiling towards the elf.
Though he doesn't respond, and simply continues to gaze at the sky with peace resting upon his fair features. The silence lingers, and I lower my shoulders, a heavy sensation welling within my stomach.
Something has shifted between Legolas and I since our time spent together during the War of the Ring. We had grown rather close, though now interacting has an edge of tension, and I can no longer bear it. The reason is obvious, and I have to clear the air.
"Look at us, fighting side by side after six years of challenging each other." I chime with a slight smile. Legolas looks to me with a bland face, raising an unimpressed brow.
"My bad, I was the one doing majority of the challenging." I mutter, lowering my gaze before looking to the waters ahead. Silence ensues, before Legolas speaks up in a soft whisper.
"A friendship had formed before those six years, there is history to your statement." The elf contends, his gaze fixed on the water.
I slightly tense, unsure of how to respond to his words. He has the right to be bitter. Heck, anyone else in his position would leave the second I sat down. Though I'm not as ruthlessly desensitised to friendship as is coming across. There are reasons to why I continued the raids on Mirkwood.
"After the Battle of the Ring, I returned to GreenWood in awe of your character. With great admiration I told others, such as my father, of how you had shown courage, strength, and loyalty to the fellowship." Legolas utters, his voice smooth as honey flowing from the hive, yet holding a stern edge. "My efforts to redeem your name were strong. I called you to be my friend."
My jaw comes to tense as I feel the guilt pool within my stomach. The elf continues to gaze forward, yet it's clear he is stating a point.
"Thranduil never would have approved of our friendship. He would have thrown me into the cells the second I stepped foot within the kingdom undisguised or unveiled." I remark.
"And entering upon unlawful terms was any better?" The elf challenges, auburn reflecting within his soft eyes.
"How else was I supposed to see you?" I question meekly, my words coming as more of a statement.
This time Legolas is the one who looks to me, though I keep my gaze fixated on the view ahead. I feel my cheeks beginning to grow warm. Displaying sentimentality has never been a strength, though it's something I'm working on.
"Look, I apologise for any offence I have caused. I completely understand why you are mad, and you have the right to keep your distance. If it makes anything better, I'll promise you right here and now to never raid Mirkwood again." I speak out, looking to the elf. Though his stern gaze has shifted into slight amusement as he raises a brow.
"So you confess that your robberies were purposed to see me?" He questions, a soft smile forming on his lips.
"Do you accept the offer?" I mutter, ignoring his sly inquisition.
"It would certainly joy my father." Legolas utters. "GreenWood may be a little less exciting, though it will strengthen our name, and it will keep me out of the river. I would be foolish to decline."
I let out a soft chuckle, looking to him with a slight grin.
"Then I promise to refrain from raiding Mirkwood. Though, the same can't be said for my kids after they leave the academy."
Legolas lets out a humoured hum, followed by a comfortable silence as the shades within the resting sky darken, the sun displaying her feathers of deep pink and vibrant orange.
"You have a kind heart, Eretria. This became clear to me within only mere weeks of knowing you." The elf coos. "I find great honour in calling you a close friend, as you have been since our first journey together."
I feel my heart grow warm, and I sense a flowing of relief at his words. The situation between us had began to grow heavy, and I'm so thankful the air has been cleared. We once again delve into a warm silence, before another situation surfaces within my mind.
"Would it be okay if I ask for something in return?" I question. Legolas looks to me with a questioning glance.
"It's about Sef, Anma, Ker, and Silver. I'm worried about what will occur if anything happens to Éomer and I." I remark, letting out a soft sigh at the simple idea of their distraught. "Can I trust that you will take over on my behalf in the case that... well, you know. You never know what will happen in these times, and the kids like you. I'm scared they will do something stupid out of grief if I'm not here to help in guiding them."
A soft, reassuring smile spreads upon Legolas' lips, and he rests a hand upon my shoulder.
"You have my word." The elf utters.
Once again my heart grows warm, and for the first time in a long while, my mind has been cleared. War lays ahead, along with treacherous paths and the daunting possibility of death. Though, all I can do at this very moment is appreciate how the sun is blessing us with her colourful display as she sets to rest, and acknowledge that I'm safely sailing with those I hold closest.
My eyes grow heavy with the soft rocking of the ship, and I begin to strain in staying awake. Eventually, exhaustion gets the better of me, and I find my head falling to rest upon Legolas' shoulder. Usually I would feel embarrassed at the intimacy, though my mind is too settled to worry, and I will gladly take the peace as it lasts.
Happy New Year friends!!!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, despite the current circumstances.
What was your favourite part of 2020, and what are you excited for this year?
For me, the best part was making the decision to move to the city for college. This year I'm excited to further my journey, and grow more as a person knowing I now have an amazing group of people by my side!
Ciao <3
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