☨ Chp. XIV ☨
Chapter soundtrack: 'Fortunate Son' by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
♪ = cue music
☨ Chp. XIV ☨
➳ Eretria's P.O.V
A rustle sounds from the thick overhang of a tree, and Silver jumps, her hand flying to land on the hilt of her dagger. Persefoni raises a brow.
"What's got you so highly strung?" Sef questions, her stroll calm yet confident as she steps beside the half-cast.
"Spiders." Silver answers, her eyes scanning the surrounding woods in alarm.
"Spiders have not been sighted within Greenwood since the destruction of the Ring." Legolas remarks, still guiding the fellowship through his home forest.
"I saw something black." Silver responds, her eyes now set towards the source of sound.
"The Woodland realm is home to black squirrels." Ker states, as he now walks behind Legolas, next to Anma. Silver visibly eases.
"Right, I forgot we had Middle Earth's biggest know-it-all amongst us." Persefoni mutters, and although I cannot see her expression, I can visualise her dramatised eye roll.
"Cut it, Sef." I remark with a humoured grin. "We all know Ker would kick your ass if it came to that. In fact, he could probably kick all our asses."
The slender half-cast turns his head over his shoulder, looking to me with a curious expression.
"I've seen how you train." I state with raised brows.
"As have I. He is a force not to be challenged." Legolas chimes from the front. My eyebrows come to furrow as I once again question their past. I had known of Ker residing in Mirkwood for some time, though was unaware of his connection to 'royalty'.
Widening my steps, I make my way to Legolas' side, my clothes still rather damp and socks very soaked, even after a full day and night of walking.
"Was the barrel stunt really necessary?" I question, staring ahead with a bland expression.
"For your escape, indeed." The elf replies, and I see him glance in my direction, though my gaze remains steadied to the path in front. "Father has increased his guard, assigning elves to every known passage of Greenwood. The chance of sneaking away was near to impossible, if not for my plan, inspired by both Robin Hood, and a band of dwarves I once came to encounter."
I slightly smile, drifting my gaze to meet his fair features.
"Well, thank you." Is all I manage to express. Legolas simply nods, his gaze remaining ahead.
"On the rare occasion, there are morals even I will neglect. In this instance, it was for the sake of Middle Earth." Legolas responds, his expression remaining somber. I stay silent, dropping my eyes to the foliage beneath.
It seems the elven prince has grown a distaste for me since the destruction of the Ring. He still holds a kind glance, though his words have become more bitter, and he shows less interest in conversation. Not that I can blame him considering the amount of times I have raided his kingdom and insulted his father.
However, I do hope that this journey can mend the friendship we once shared.
We set up camp, only kindling a small fire in the fear that elven guards will follow the smoke. Although, the prince has assured there is no patrol this close to the eastern border, yet I am always weary to the Woodland ways.
"I'm starving." Persefoni mutters, sitting by the fire as she sharpens her blade. "Half a honey cake is not enough food to last a whole day."
"Well we didn't expect to wind up on such a detour from Gondor." I reply, stepping to sit beside Éomer whilst raising a brow. "Nor did we anticipate extra company."
Suddenly, Legolas shifts from his position of standing like a tree and observing the woods, as he seems to retrieve something from his side pouch. Stepping around the circle, he hands out small packages, wrapped within a glossy leaf and entwined with string. I smile at the familiar cuisine, as memories of our past journey resurface.
"I hope this time it is not poisoned." Éomer remarks, eyeing the small parcel with a cautious glance.
"What is it?" Anma questions, unwrapping the green leaf and observing the bread with a curious gaze.
"Lembas." Legolas informs. "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man."
"It's also bloody delicious." I add on, unwrapping my little gift and bringing the bread to my mouth. I had secretly sacrificed most of my honey cake portions to the kids, so it's safe to say I am rather hungry. But before I can nibble on the elven delicacy, a loud shrill sounds from the canopy, followed by a heavy rustle.
Koda comes swooping down, something black and glossy grasped within his clutches as inky feathers drift towards the ground. The wedge-tail proceeds to slam his catch against a rock, pinning it with his talons and snapping its neck with one sharp jolt of his beak. He then spreads his wings, and glides over to land on Anma's outstretched arm. My brows come to furrow as I step over to examine his prey. A crippled crow lays limp against the stone, its dark eyes now lifeless and dull.
"A spy of Saruman." Aragorn hisses.
"He has been watching us." Éomer adds on, as he proceeds to scan the canopy.
"By the looks of it, he isn't about to give Saruman much information." I remark, grimacing at the mangled lump of black feathers, before stepping over to Koda and stroking his chin. "Nice work. What news do you have of Gondor?"
The wedge-tail blinks, before turning his sharp eyes to Anma. The young beorning watches the eagle intently, before nodding and returning her gaze to the group.
"Minas Tirith has not been attacked. In fact, the civilians still believe evil Robin is good." She informs, causing both relief and confusion to spread upon the group.
"However, a large army of orcs and Easterlings is marching North across the Rhovânion plains." Anma adds on, causing even more confusion to grow.
"What would Sauron seek in the North?" Éomer questions. I sit upon a log, resting my face into my hands as I ponder on our situation.
"They head towards the Iron Hills, or possibly Erebor." Ker states, his eyes narrowed as though he is deep in thought.
"So either they have formed an alliance, or they seek out battle." Silver speaks, pacing with her hands clasped behind her back. "The dwarves would never side with evil, so it must be the latter."
"Erebor..." I whisper, as the word jerks a recent memory I can't seem to decipher. Suddenly, it clicks, and I leap to my feet. "Erebor! Whilst Saruman was disguised as Legolas, he brought up a powerful stone mined by the dwarves of Erebor..."
"The fourth Silmaril." Legolas chimes, and we all turn our attention to the elf. A dark shadow crosses his face, as his next words bring both hope and a slight sense of fear.
"I know what Sauron seeks."
Third Person ➳
"They named it the fourth Silmaril, though it was Fëanor's first creation, a trial for the three great jewels which came to follow. Though, he was not pleased, and cast it deep into the earth, only to be mined by the dwarves of Erebor within the midst of the third age." Legolas informs, and all listen intently. "At this time, the elves and dwarves bore an alliance. Durin's folk passed this stone to the elves, who yielded more knowledge on the matter of great and powerful jewels."
"Wait, wasn't the Arkenstone a Silmaril?" Silver questions, her fist bawled beneath her chin as she takes in all this new information. "Why were the dwarves so intent on keeping that jewel, but not this new one?"
"Middle Earth had already known the history of the Silmaril's and their power, though this new stone was unknown to the dwarves. Therefore, they were wise to seek the elves." Legolas continues, clearly educated on the matter.
"Do we know just how powerful this fourth Silmaril is?" Eretria questions, rather intrigued by the tale.
"It is rumoured that the stone may bring immense power to its bearer when cracked open. The higher the individual, the more they come to receive. When given to a human it could grant the capabilities of a high elf. And if given to Sauron, well, he would be indestructible..." Legolas trails off, looking into the dark woods with a shadow once again leering over his face.
"So, why wouldn't they just give it to someone noble who could protect Middle Earth with its powers?" Persefoni remarks, flicking her dagger within one of her hands.
"They tried, the first was a high lord, the second an elven queen." Legolas informs. His gaze draws to the ground, and a deep sadness grows within his eyes. "The stone rejected both, turning them to dust."
Silence falls over the group, all that can be heard is the crackling of their small fire.
"Where does the stone now lie?" Aragorn inquisits, his steady voice breaking the silence. Legolas' gaze remains cast over the ground for a brief second, before he lifts his fair head to answer the question.
"It is now protected within the safe hold of Rivendell, as it has been for centuries."
Eretria stands to her feet, summoning Koda who pecks away at the deceased crow. The wedge-tail responds to her call, and swoops over to land on her shoulder.
"Inform the lords of Rivendell they are under threat, and that Sauron seeks-"
She is cut off by Legolas who steps over and lightly strokes the creature's head. It nuzzles into his touch, and the elf whispers words of his tongue, before the bird stretches its wings, and rockets into the sky.
Eretria raises a brow at the elf.
"It would help for Elladan and Elrohir to know the message has been validated by a friend." Legolas informs. The outlaw slightly nods, before meeting the gaze of Éomer.
"Where are we to go now?" The man of Rohan questions.
"We must find a way to destroy the stone." Aragorn claims, standing to his feet.
"Many have tried. There has been no written solution thus far." Legolas informs.
"Then we will find one." Eretria speaks out. All eyes come to land on her.
"Whilst Koda flies to Rivendell, we must go to Erebor and warn the dwarves. They could use our aid, especially with Aragorn having insight on this new breed of orc." The outlaw continues, crossing her arms as she addresses the man. "We know Minas Tirith has not been attacked, and may not for some time if Sauron has sent his army North. Besides, there may be more information on this stone in Erebor."
There are a few more minutes of conversing, before all come to agree on Eretria's plan. With new found meaning, they gather themselves and continue North, the sake of Middle Earth once again in their hands.
Legolas now finds himself trailing behind the group, as Eretria leads beside Éomer. The elf is lost in his own thoughts, before a quiet voice pulls him from the whir of events which trouble his mind.
"Legolas? I need to tell you something."
The prince raises his glance to view Ker, his expression somber and pale skin glowing a soft hue of pink as the sun comes to rise within the pastel painted sky.
"What troubles your mind, mellon nîn?" Legolas questions, noticing the half-cast's concerned features.
"They don't know." Ker simply states, his eyes trailing to land on the group which walks ahead.
"What do they not know of?"
"My past." The dark-haired boy informs, his sorrowful eyes coming to meet Legolas'. "They know my past in Mirkwood and Rivendell, though nothing before."
The prince's eyes come to soften as he sends Ker a look of understanding. He places a hand upon the boy's shoulder as a gesture of reassurance, and straightens his glance to land on Eretria. The outlaw leads her pack with a confident yet eased stroll, and a small smile grows on the elf's lips.
"She will understand. Out of all I have come to know, Eretria is the most accepting and kind hearted." Legolas informs, showing a slight hint of admiration for the outlaw. "You must tell her. Secrets only grow heavier with time."
Ker nods, slightly tense at the idea, yet eased by the words of the Elven Prince.
"I will."
I just want to apologise because I have never actually read the Silmarillion (yes I know, plz don't kill me), but I've done research on it so hopefully what I have written adds up!
Also, you know how I said I was planning on writing a book where answer with what your og character would do in certain circumstances? It's up!
It's called 'WWYCD?", so please check it out!
Finally, last chapter I said I was gonna do a modern day Eretria q&a, so here it is, enjoy (:
What breed of dog would you have?
A German Shepard! Either rescued from the pound or retired from the police force.
Would you steal expensive cars?
Hm, well I am pretty satisfied with my old Ford Mustang, but if I saw a beautiful car sitting there and the perfect opportunity to snatch it...
Favourite classic video game?
Donkey Kong.
Favourite song?
At the moment, it would have to be either 'Bad' by Michael Jackson, or 'I Would Do Anything For Love' by Meat Loaf (the full version, obviously).
Favourite movie and genre?
I love action and adventure, as I'm sure you can tell. My favourite movie is Indiana Jones.
What book genre do you enjoy?
Adventure, and even though I would never admit this- romance. I just feel like romance comes more naturally when written rather than portrayed through the screen.
Favourite food?
Uh, everything? Actually, anything Mexican. Those amigos really know how to cook!
Favourite junk food?
Oreos and strawberries dipped in dark chocolate!
What course would you take if you went to college?
I've always been interested in Archeology and Ancient history, so possibly that.
How do you spend your free time?
Depends on my mood. If I'm feeling adventurous I'll take my dog for a nature hike. If I'm feeling like a lazy bitch, I'll stay indoors and have a muck around on my electric guitar or take a nap.
What sports do you play?
I have been playing soccer for awhile, though would never pursue a career in it. I also like to hit the gym and work on these guns. (;
Music taste?
I love popular, classic artists such as Queen, AC/DC, Elvis, Meat Loaf, Michael Jackson, and my absolute favourite, Elton John.
Celebrity crush?
Young Han Solo (the original), and William Turner. Yeah, I like my men fictional apparently.
Ideal place to live?
I'm not one to settle in one location for a long time, though if I had to live in one place for the rest of my life, it would be either Hallstatt in Austria, or a remote village in Canada.
Samsung or iPhone?
Samsung all the way. Sorry apple heads (:
Do you find Legolas attractive?
Well, I would be lying if I said he wasn't one of my most threatening competitors for the title of Middle Earth's most attractive face.
And that's all for now folks, kachow!
Don't forget to check out WWYCD!
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