☨ Chp. XI ☨
Chapter soundtrack: 'Grace Kelly' by MIKA.
♪ = cue music
☨ Chp. XI ☨
"Silver, who was I with when you first met me?" I question, as the border of Mirkwood comes into sight. The young girl looks to me, curiosity swirling within her grey eyes.
"Merry, Pippin, And Éomer." Silver answers with a slight tilt of the head. "Why's that?"
"Correct." I remark, ignoring her inquiry. "Sef, what were the first words you said to me?"
"I told you that I don't need rescuing, and to take your parade somewhere else." Persefoni answers, raising a dark brow as she folds her arms. "What, are you losing your memory or something?"
"She is testing to see if we are true, and not evil in disguise." Ker speaks up, catching on to why I am interrogating the children. Smart boy.
"And genius strikes again." Persefoni mutters with an eye roll. Ker looks to the ground, his cheeks tinting a shade of rose. Silver sends her a pointed glare.
"Ooh, test me!" Anma calls out, her honey eyes lighting in excitement.
With a light smile, I look to the girl and place a hand upon my chin as I ponder a good question for the little beorning.
"What is your favourite story that I have told you?" I question, raising my brows in interest.
"Huh. It would have to be your tales about destroying the ring. I love hearing about what you, Éomer, Merry, and Pippin did to save Middle Earth. Though, Sam and Gimli are still my favourite characters." The redhead informs, and Aragorn turns to raise a brow at the young girl.
"Oh, and the King of Men ofcourse!" She utters out. The man smiles, and I chuckle.
"Alright, this question is for Ker. Where did we first meet?" I ask, as the evergreen forest comes closer to sight.
"In the forest of Greenwood, on an Autumn afternoon when the red leaves had just began to fall." Ker replies, his eyes glazed as though he is deep in thought.
I nod, and glance at Éomer who is far ahead. The man has not left my sights for a long time, so I am positive that he is the real deal. Besides, if it was evil disguised as Éomer, I would know. I guess that's what happens when you spend so much time with a person, you get to know every little detail of their character. I turn my gaze to Aragorn.
"My king!" I remark, raising a brow. "Or should I call you my king? After all, you have unknowingly spent time with both Sauron and Saruman, who is to say you are not disguised yourself?"
Aragorn raises a brow.
"Go on." He speaks with an amused tone.
"Where was the first place you ever saw me?" I question, I myself not quite sure of the answer.
"At the Prancing Pony on the twenty-ninth of September, seven years ago. You kicked the door open on a stormy night with a sack of Mirkwood treasure grasped in one hand." The King replies, causing me to tilt my head, before Aragorn continues. "Now I have a question for you, miss Eretria Hood. That is, if you are indeed who you claim to be."
I raise my brows and tell him to continue.
"What was the offer I proposed at our last meeting in Rivendell?"
My head ticks, before the memory surfaces, and I send him a sly smile.
"You asked if I wanted to join your guard in Minas Tirith." I answer, reliving the moment for a short second. Aragorn nods.
"There was a part of me that wanted to take you up on that offer, but deep down, I knew a lifestyle like that could never fully satisfy me." I speak, my tone softening as I step beside the man.
"I understand." Aragorn replies, a look of peace upon his face as though this game has distracted him from his troubles. "And if you had accepted, your academy would never have been discovered. These children would never have found you."
I look up at the kids who walk in front. Each step Persefoni takes is full of confidence, her toned arms highlighted as the sun hits her dark skin, a slight breeze ruffling her short undercut. Anma walks behind, her partially braided hair glowing red as she scans the scenery with wonder and excitement. Silver steps to her side with a relaxed stroll, her gaze remaining ahead as her locks reflect white within the sun's rays. Ker is last within the line of children, his black, glossy locks slicked into a low pony, highlighted by a single streak of silver. From behind, he could pass as female, though do not be fooled by his slim build, as I have seen the guy deal quite some damage in the training grounds.
My heart sinks at the thought there was a possibility I could have never met these children.
"We are here." Éomer's deep voice informs, drawing me from my thoughts. My mind had delved so deep into the kids that I hadn't realised we have reached Mirkwood. I look up at the lush canopy which overhangs, sprouting from the forest border as it welcomes all who enter. It is indeed a contrast to the dank woods which used to leer out with gnarled branches, drawn to snatch any who lingered too close. Breathing in the forest also comes a lot easier now that evil has been ridden.
"Ah, Mirkwood. Thranduil's surely going to be excited to see me." I remark with a snort. "Speaking of which, I suggest you go in without me. Her majesty is likely to want me locked up."
"You are a part of our fellowship. You will come with us." Aragorn replies, placing a hand upon my shoulder to move me forward. "King Thranduil will need to hear your testimony on our accounts."
I shrug and break through the border, moving myself to the front of the pack.
"Alright. Follow me and I'll lead you straight to the entrance without the disturbance of pointy-eared scouts." I look over my shoulder, a grin spread upon my face. "Trust me, I know how to sneak around this place like a child coming for their midnight snack."
Third Person ➳
The fellowship continues to follow behind Eretria as they step through the woods for what seems like an eternity. Every corner of the green forest looks the same, however the outlaw is certain she knows the way. As she should, considering the amount of times she has raided this particular elven kingdom.
"Coming through here used to be a lot harder, especially when the trees were riddled with spiders." Eretria remarks, her bubbled ponytail, as styled by one of the children back in her academy, swaying behind her. Silver shudders at the mention of eight legged freaks.
"There are no spiders anymore, right?" The young half-cast questions, her eyes widened in fear.
"I guess we'll have to see." Eretria responds, turning her head as a devilish grin breaks onto her face. Silver's expression is riddled with concern. "Kidding. It's been a very long time since I've seen a spider in Mirkwood."
The half-cast takes a quiet sigh of relief.
"If the forest has been cleared of all evil after the defeat of Sauron, would its name not return to the former of 'Greenwood the Great?'" Ker questions, causing Eretria to tilt her head in wonder.
"I guess you're right." She answers, continuing to trek forward whilst swatting a branch from her face. The leaves flick back and smack Éomer's cheek, causing him to grunt. "I've only ever known it to be Mirkwood, so the name just sticks with me."
Suddenly, the ground in front drops to a cliff face of mossy stone, towering about rapids of clear water which thunder beneath. When looking to the left, an arched bridge can be seen making a path towards the kingdom's entrance.
"How are we to know if it truely is Thranduil who sits on the throne?" Éomer questions quietly to Eretria as they step across the thin arch, everyone else in tow.
"Trust me, we will know." The outlaw replies with a subtle grin.
Anma looks over the edge of the high bridge, her eyes wide as she quickly steadies her stance and averts back to the middle. An indistinguishable look lays upon Ker's face, though his blue-rimmed eyes whirl with subtle anxiety. The outlaw knows of his past in Mirkwood, though she is unaware of his actual relationships with both the prince and King. To put it simply, one might be happy to see him. The other? Not so much.
The group comes to halt in front of the large, delicately patterned teal doors. Large pillars raise before the entrance, carved as though weaved by the roots of great trees. The group is silent in anticipation, and Eretria scratches the back of her neck as she stands before the pristine entrance, no visible handle.
"I have never, uh, actually knocked before." She mutters, before raising her fist and hammering three short knocks against the coloured wood. Within seconds, the large doors come flying open, revealing the faces of two rather startled elven guards.
"Good morning boys." Eretria greets, rather amused by their surprise. The fair elves observe the group with startled expressions, before returning their gaze to the outlaw and narrowing their eyes.
Thranduil rests elegantly upon his throne, legs crossed as an emerald robe engraved with silver flora cascades from his figure, draping the wooden throne and the floor beneath. A top his head sits a crown of intertwined twigs, delicately designed with soft pink branches of redbud and speckles of jasmine.
The King lets out a deep sigh, crossing his hands and closing his eyes, drawing in the peace of Greenwood, before the silence is broken by several presences stumbling into his court. Begrudgingly, he opens his eyes to address the scene. Briefly scanning across the group, Thranduil raises a thick brow.
"Who invited the circus to my court?" The elven King questions, rather unimpressed.
"Circus?!" Persefoni growls, stepping forward as she reaches for her blade. "I'll give you a sho-"
"Guys!" Eretria interrupts as she turns to address the girl, before returning her gaze to Thranduil with a subtle smirk. "Please, show some respect to the Queen."
Persefoni eases back and raises an amused brow at the Elven King.
"Hood." Thranduil scowls, his eyes searing with anger as they land upon the outlaw. "Scrounging around my kingdom like a pestering rat again, I see?"
"Well, actually, this time we walked right up to the door and knocked. I have to say, your guards have really stepped up their game." Eretria replies with a sickly sweet smile, before turning to Éomer and mouthing the words 'definitely Thranduil'.
The Woodland King continues to scowl at the outlaw, before shifting his gaze to Aragorn.
"Lord Aragorn, I thought better of you than to fellowship with a thief and a mere messenger boy." Thranduil insults. Ker tenses under his cold glare, shifting his gaze to the ground.
"Both of which are indefinitely more honourable than you, your majesty." Silver bites back, tilting her head ever so slightly.
"Unless you want to be locked up, I suggest you stay quiet." Eretria whispers to the young half-cast.
Thranduil looks to her with a raised brow, and Silver returns his stare with a pointed glare, before Aragorn speaks up and turns the King's gaze.
"That thief assisted in destroying the ring and ridding Middle Earth of Sauron." The man states in a rather calm demeanour. "That mere messenger boy will be known across the lands as a hero once he helps to rid evil for good. All we ask is that you heed our warning of what evil has now arisen. We must speak to Legolas."
Thranduil tilts his head, pondering on the words of Aragorn whilst an expression of disinterest dwells upon his face.
"I will listen to what it is you have to say." The elven King replies. "Though, my ears are only willing to hear your words under one simple demand.
His sharp glance snaps onto Eretria.
"Hood is to be locked up."
The others tense, however she rolls her eyes, expecting this to happen.
"I cannot allow that." Aragorn argues, rather taken aback by the King's strong hatred for the outlaw. Then again, he should have been well aware.
"Well, it is indeed a pleasure this kingdom to be under reign." Thranduil continues, as satisfaction glints within his eye. "Guards, seize her."
"That is not fair!" Éomer proclaims, attempting to step forward, however Aragorn places a hand upon the man's shoulder to hold him back and avoid further conflict.
The guards step towards Eretria, forcefully pushing for forward as they bind both hands behind her back. She hisses in pain, and the children draw their weapons. Thranduil rises from his throne at the intense scene, and the elven guards widen their eyes at the array of blades drawn in their direction.
"Put them away." Eretria orders, writhing within their hold. Her tone angers as the children don't listen. "I said put them away!"
With hesitation, the kids lower their weapons, expressions of concern riddled upon their faces at the sight of Eretria ordered to imprisonment.
"I should lock these children up for display of aggression towards my guards." Thranduil states, still standing before his wooden throne.
"That will not be necessary." Aragorn argues, unknowing of what to do within these surprise circumstances.
"Look Thranduil, you have me. Now keep to your deal and listen to what they have to say." Eretria growls, her wrists aching at the tight restraints.
"Not until you are rotting within the cells of my kingdom." Thranduil hisses, lowering himself back into his divine throne. "Guards, take her away. Make sure she is never again to see the light of day."
Eretria sends Aragorn a look which screams 'I told you so', before she is dragged from the hall, leaving four children with glazed eyes and rapid hearts.
So, to give you guys more insight on our faithful four, I've created little images of their looks by photoshopping together pictures I found on the internet (: I will also add their age and race, age will be human years because I am too lazy to convert. Enjoy!
(Also, I have changed some aspects from their original entries in order to suit the story better)
Anma by toothlessfuryu
- age: 14
- race: Beorning
Persefoni by AyuMayu
- age: 16
- race: Haradrim
Ker by CreatewithaC
- age: 16
- race: Half Noldor, half Man.
Silver by Lightning_Leopard
- age: 17
- race: Half Sindar, half Man.
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