☨ Chp. I ☨
Chapter soundtrack: 'Don't Stop Me Now' by Queen.
♪ = cue music
☨ Chp. I ☨
Robin walks down the street, her face dark beneath the cloak of night. People flee in the opposite direction, rushing to the safety of the higher levels as raging flames and smoke seep from many homes. Wailing women rush past, shielding injured children from the chaos which swarms bellow. Though, as Robin strides, people seem to move from her way, clearing a path straight down the middle of the mayhemic streets.
Her features are somber, some can even describe them as bored, her demeanour creating quite the contrast within the fleeting streets. And if you look close enough, a hint of a smirk plays at the corner of her lips.
Stopping by the steps which seem to divide the chaos and safety, Robin lifts her gaze to the clouded sky above, taking in a deep breath of burning air. Scrambling civilians shove past with great haste, though her stance is unhindered.
Lowering her gaze back down to the streets of swarming orcs, a wide smirk breaks onto Robin's face, and she leaps forward, drawing her sword from its sheathe.
Plunging into the mayhem, Robin's black blade meets with orc hide. Spinning, she slices the thick throats of three looming beasts, kicking their bodies over as she sinks deeper into the evil swarm. Heavy smoke fills the air, making it hard to both breathe and see, however this does not faze Robin, and she continues to attack with great stamina and endurance.
The blood curdling screeches and gruesome hisses of festering orcs pierce through the air, creating fear within the civilians as many meet their death by the brutal force of evil. With sheer savagery and no hesitation, the beasts plunder through the innocent townspeople, thirsty for human blood.
These do not seem to be normal orcs. They are broad in structure, standing taller than a hunched beast, an untameable hunger for death clear in their dark eyes. Heavy, black armour clads their rank bodies, and matted braids fall from atop their large heads. These horrorsome beasts could be mistaken for Uruk-hai, however they hold a greater intelligence and evidently more skill in battle, as can be seen through the countless bodies which litter the streets. Even so, with a sorcerous knowledge and brutal strength, they are no match for Robin.
"Their armour is weak at the neck and knees! Use your blades to slice, do not stab!" Robin orders, continuing to race down the streets and cut through the ghastly beasts. The men follow her commands, using these words to hew down the devils. And with this shared knowledge, they seem to gain an upper hand, as the wretched orcs drastically decrease in number.
Robin swings her blade low, cutting a beast at the knees and causing it to fall. Rising, she swipes at its thick neck, and with a heavy thud, the orc's head drops to the ground. Each man who gets a chance to view her fighting grows a deeper admiration, for it is clear that she holds no fear. Then, spinning on her heel, Robin slashes at another orc, ripping the sword from its grasp as the beast falls to the ground.
Running forward, Robin slides to her knees, slicing the legs of two orcs who barge forward. Standing, she once again flicks both blades, beheading the ghastly creatures. Each orc who attempts to attack falls at the feet of the skilled woman, and she knows this, for a deep smirk remains engraved onto her features even as she slays each wretched creature.
No more fleeing civilians can be seen, for they have all reached the safety of the higher levels. Well, those who don't litter the ground below. Most of the fires have been extinguished, leaving many smouldering structures, though the city still stands tall with strength. The remaining orcs have been restricted to the lower levels as guards cull each beast who attempts to incline into the city. Minas Tirith's guards have proven strong over the savage attack, especially with the help of Robin's commands. Though, the weight of great loss lays heavy on the city, and many townspeople grieve the death of fallen family and friends.
Robin stands to her feet after once again slaying another orc. Black blood stains her skin, dripping from the tip of her sword. Narrowing her eyes, she views one last beast who barges down the street, a menacing sneer scrunched upon its ghastly face. The guards brace for the impact of its hit, steadying themselves to take it down, however the beast halts as a black sword flies through the air. This blade embeds within the orc's face, and the beast falls to the ground.
With great surprise, the guards turn their heads to view Robin walking forward, a wide smirk on her face as she dislodges her blade from the orc's skull and slides it into her sheathe. Though, a commotion further down the street causes her gaze to snap back up.
Guards have gathered around an injured orc, the beast upon its wretched knees as a sword is held against its ghastly throat.
"Tell me who your master is, and I may spare your life." One guard orders, leering over the orc with distasteful scowl. The grotesque creature responds with a mere, choking cackle.
"Tell me, beast!" The man orders, desperate to get information from the bleeding orc. His words are once again followed by a hoarse laugh from the humoured beast.
Robin steps towards one of the guards and grabs his weapon, before staunching over to the orc. With one strong heave, she cleans the beast's head off its wretched body. The men fall silent, and Robin turns to face the surprised onlookers with a somber face.
"Do not waste your time on interrogation, we will receive no information from these beasts." She remarks, before dropping the weapon and once again stepping into a stride, her attention now focused on finding the King.
Aragorn stands within the middle of the hall, his fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose as the king ponders on the attack, stains of orc blood still painting his hands. A great heaviness is upon his shoulders from such a large loss in both soldiers and innocent civilians, and Aragorn feels as if he is the one to blame. Guards surround the concerned man, also rather shaken by the events of the night. Many hang their heads in sorrow, both resentful and harrowed as many suffer the loss of beloved children and wives.
"Not one guard saw the attack approaching?" Aragorn questions, raising his head to view the array of armoured men.
"No, your lordship." Beregord replies. The king once again drops his gaze to the floor below, heavily confused.
"They are of Sauron's making, though they did not take the path of Mordor. These orcs are a larger threat, they hold a greater intelligence." Aragorn speaks as though his mind is still hindered in thought.
"They are also stronger and skilled with their weapons. Many great soldiers have been hewn down by the attack." Beregord states with a sorrowful tone.
"As have many civilians. Our loss is heavy." Another guard remarks. Aragorn feels a slight pain in his heart at the mention of this fatality.
"We will move the townspeople to the higher levels. Our guards will be posted throughout the lower levels in the case of another attack. The second and third gate shall remain guarded at all times." Aragorn instructs. His eyes then shift to fall on Robin.
The outlaw leans against one of the many stone pillars, her gaze locked onto the king, though her presence seems distant and disinterested. Her clothes are still stained with blood, for there was no time to change before the meeting, and her arms are folded across her chest. A shadow is cast upon her face, though even with this effect in lighting, a slight smirk is visible upon her lips.
"Robin, I am positioning you as head guard." Aragorn speaks out, deciding that she has proven great skill and leadership. The woman nods, and no man protests. She has gained the respect of every guard, though nor is there a celebration, for every man is distracted by the grief of their losses. From behind Aragorn, Arwen observes her with a cautiously narrowed eye.
"Those who feel they hold the strength, come with me now to collect the fallen and allow them a proper funeral. Pile the orcs-"
Aragorn is cut off by the hall doors slamming open.
"My lord, there is a crowd forming in the court. They are growing aggressive." Announces a guard who rushes in, his breathes heavy and eyes wide.
The king furrows his brows, all attention focused on the armoured man who stumbles forward. He stops before Aragorn, and lowers his voice.
"There is word that you ordered the attack."
With this, Aragorn seems to grow more confused, before his brows rise in realisation, and he strides forward, heading to confront the crowd in a hurried pace.
Barging through the doors, Aragorn steps out into the court, his blood running cold as many angered bodies swarm the top level. At the sight of the king, hoarse shouts fill the air, and it seems as though respect for the man has been forgotten through bitter sorrow. Arwen steps forward, her fingers lacing within Aragorn's as an act of reassurance.
The crowd comes to silence as the king raises his hand.
"It is to my knowledge that word has spread of treason and a sinister alliance. Would someone care to inform me of what words have been spoken against my accord?" Aragorn speaks, his tone steady against the pressure which lays upon him. Following his words, another array of shouts rise from the crowd. This time, it is a guard who silences the rally.
"My lordship, I will explain the rumours." The armoured man speaks up, his spirit solemn by the loss of his wife and two children. "Word has spread that you have formed an alliance with Sauron, and ordered the attack to lower the population of Minas Tirith so that it may hold as a threshold to evil, and to enslave the surviving civilians. Tell me, my king, is this true?"
An expression of pure shock spreads upon Aragorn's face.
"Why would I partner with Sauron after giving my all to destroy his forces six years ago? Am I not a man of nobility and honour?" The king questions, rather taken aback by the rumours, and the simple fact that the civilians seem to believe them. "During my reign I have not once enforced an attack or harm against my people, and I never plan to. This raid was not of my doing, nor will Sauron sneak past our defences again. He will pay for the destruction he has caused against our people."
The court is silent upon the king's words, before one man standing by the front breaks the tense air with a hoarse shout.
"There was a witness who saw you speaking with the orcs outside the gate before the attack!" The man proclaims, causing more voices to rise.
"Our children are dead because you want to share power with Sauron!" One weeping woman calls out. Aragorn begins to panic, causing Arwen to tighten her grip on his hand as she looks to him with concern. Turning his head, the king views Robin leaning against the hall wall, her arms folded and a brow raised.
"Robin, you were with me the night of the attack. Tell the people this is not true!"
The woman steps forward and slowly approaches Aragorn. Reaching out, she places a hand upon his shoulder.
"My apologies, heir of Isildur." She whispers, a sinister edge to her voice. At these words, the king spots a flame of malice flicker within her dark eyes.
Stepping away from the king, Robin turns to address the crowd, her voice booming through the court.
"Loyalty to the king is honourable, however justice for the innocent is greater. I was a witness of lord Aragorn conversing with evil outside the gates of Minas Tirith."
All eyes come to widen, and a tense silence falls upon the court. Aragorn is lost for words, completely suppressed by shock. Suddenly, an eruption of angered shouts break from the crowd as each civilian cries out in resentment for their fallen loved ones. The men standing guard are also shocked, many having lost loved ones from the attack. Because of this, they question the honour of their king, and begin to grow angered with the onlookers.
Aragorn releases his grip on Arwen's hand, stepping forward as he is lost for words to pledge his innocence. However, the king comes to halt and the court falls silent as the tip of a black blade presses against his throat. Robin smirks from the other end, her voice rising for all to hear.
"From my position as head guard, I pledge to keep this city safe, and hereby order the King to execution for tretchery and dealings with evil."
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