S M I L E .
Jonathan squeezed through the door and laid his bag down, his hands reaching in and pulling out the canned goods he had gotten from the houses from up the road. He wiped his brow as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He pulled himself up when he heard soft humming coming from the room in the back–no doubt it was his friend.
The blonde turned to him and quickly looked down as if ashamed or afraid to lock eyes with him. He didn't say anything as the tall male towered over him with a slight frown on his face.
"We have to leave don't we?"
"Yeah" he sighed deeply, "not enough food here to last us here for another night. We can leave in the morning if you want but I suggest we go as soon as we can."
"Yeah I agree. I'll grab my things."
Jonathan backed up and watched as the blonde went to packing his items into his brown bag, his blue eyes traveled to the bite mark that had been well hidden. The months before when they first met seemed to be a shadow of the past that he couldn't get rid of and the guilt he had from nearly tearing him and Ryan apart ate at his everlasting heart. What were they even fighting for anymore? The question seemed to forever linger in the males head for even he did not know anymore.
"I'll um, meet you outside then."
Bryce nodded before going back to putting on his t-shirt which was thrown to the side. Jonathan stepped out and began to pack the food with his mind dozing off as if sleeping in some sort. When he was finished he stepped outside and leaned against the door before looking up and into the distance where the woods were.
He flinched at the sound of his dead leaders voice, the cold chill he had just got rushed down his spine as his eyes jerked around in hopes of finding the source of the whisper. Nothing. He was all alone out here.
"You're crazy..." he whispered to himself. The wind howls as if agreeing and he takes a deep breath before closing his eyes and releasing it. His hands go to his bag and he holds tightly before feeling a hand on his shoulder–his body relaxes a little–it was Bryce.
"Where too boss?"
Jonathan looked to the boy and gave a slight smile at the sound of the joking tone his voice had but the smile didn't last long because the moment he looked at him it wasn't Bryce he had seen. It was Luke. He tore his gaze away and a frown washed upon his face, "I-I don't know. Anywhere but here." Quickly he walked away from his fellow friend.
Bryce watched him and gave a small furrow to his brow.
You'll kill him too...
He snarled at that remark but didn't bother to turn to the blonde girl behind him. Her dead gray skin glowing in the sunlight and her glass eyes staring straight at her brother's head.
"I didn't kill Ryan. Why don't you get that?"
You murdered him Bryce...
"Tch." He scoffed, eyes rolling. "Whatever. You're dead. Stay that way."
The woman watched as the man walked away from her as if she never was there talking to him. Paying no mind to what she had just told him. Beside her stood a tall male with a beard, his gaze followed hers.
Bryce walked close to Jonathan who seemed to be reading a map he had pulled from his bag not too long ago. His blue eyes glazing over each part as if to find whatever it was he was looking for. "AHA!" He screamed in excitement. "I found it! The amusement park."
"Amusement Park? Why there?"
Jonathan turned to face the male with a toothy grin on his face before he held the map up and pointed to a part. "Because if we cut through there we will reach the camp faster. Duh." He turned back to the map and gave a slight chuckle as the blonde stayed silent.
"We won't make it tonight."
"We will before August ends if we hurry."
"Yeah I guess we can do that." He shrugs.
Bryce stared forward before he seen a rainbow flash on the map, his eyes jerked up to the small gap in the trees. His feet came to a stop which caused Jonathan to as well.
When Jonathan looked up he seen the blonde male looking up with his eyes closed, allowing a rainbow like shadow to appear on his face. "What're you doing? We don't have time to–" he was cut off by the blonde grabbing his hand and shoving it into the small area where the sun peeked. A small smile on his lips.
"Doesn't it make you happy?"
Jon raised a brow at him.
"To know something's still remain beautiful?"
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