K I L L I N G A M A N A G A I N.
Bryce pulled himself towards his sister until he had her in his arms, tears began to stream down his cheeks as he shook his head in disbelief. "Meg! No no no! Meg!" He cried out as his body began to shake violently. He could care less about the man gaining on him–right now his sister was the only one in his view that mattered.
Her blue eyes were slowly losing life as she began wheezing for air and her pale arm grasped his torn purple shirt. The pain of knowing she would be gone soon haunted him like the shadows that surrounded him. Her blooded face began to grow sickly pale as the blue began to fade to a glassy white giving him the idea that it wouldn't be long till she turned into an infected.
"Meg come on stay with me!" He breathed, holding onto her tightly. Then just like that it went silent and her body fell limp in his grasp causing him to shake his head again in disbelief. He knew she was minutes from turning so he did the only thing he could do..
Bryce laid her body down gently and swallowed the lump in his throat before whispering, "I'm so sorry Meg.." With that he was off. He began to run through the woods until he came out onto the street again, his eyes searching for an escape until they landed on the alley. A gun shot came from behind him and frowned before turning back to the alley and dashing down it.
His legs burned as he made his way down the street causing him to come to a stop and he panted for air before standing up right and looking down to see he had a cut on his leg. Suddenly the feeling of a hand collapsing over his mouth took him off guard and cut his gasp short but he struggled only to be slammed against the house end, his eyes locked with brown ones.
"Cartoonz!" The male only put a finger over his lips as he pointed out into the alley where an infected ran by them.
The shelf shattered as Bryce was slammed against it books began to fly from it. He felt himself get grabbed again and slung into another wall causing him to let out a groan as his body slid down it. Finally the man grabbed him and slammed him into the wall behind them, their eyes locking.
"You piece of shit! Do you know what the fuck you got us into?!" Bryce stayed silent as he stared into his brown eyes. "Do you?! God damn it Bryce I had to make a deal with Evan just to save your sorry ass!"
Luke threw him on the floor before growling under his breath. "I should kill you! Damn it you're no use to us! You're sister was our only hope and now she's dead!" He cursed aloud. "Ohm wouldn't stop though, no! You were more important than our survival!" Luke looked at the blonde before kicking his wounded leg earning a cry. "You know what?"
Bryce looked up only to see a gun pointed at his head, the man holding him to gun point didn't even show mercy. "I could kill you right now Bryce and no one would ever know you existed.." Luke sighed and threw his gun in his holster. "But I can't..I promised Ohm I–" he was cut off by an infected latching onto him. The blonde pulled himself to his feet and grabbed the four by two that was across from him and he hit the infected up side the head before hearing it hit the ground with a growl.
It's white eyes locked with his and he immediately went into shock as he realized who it was. Meg. Her hair was torn from its hair-bow and there was a bullet hole in her left arm; she snarled at him before rushing forward. Before she could get him a gun shot echoed and her body fell limp once again.
Bryce looked up to see Cartoonz in the corner with a exhausted look on his face as sweat began to tickle down his forehead. His pale was turning a sickly white and all the blonde could do was watch as his hand dropped then jerked to his arm where blood was coming from. "No.." He whispered, falling down beside the male who was now breathing heavily.
"God damn it.." Luke whispered as he slammed the back of his head against the wall. "Well..this sucks.."
"You're gonna be okay! Luke I–"
"Bryce we both know that's a lie.."
The blue eyed male frowned as he shook his head to try and stretch the truth but even his face betray him on that one. He knew the truth and so did Luke. Before he could speak the male handed him a gun and said, "End it now. I'll be damned if I turn into one of them," he hinted towards Meg. "Take my gear..there's a map in here where our group is..don't let me down.."
The blonde took the gun and nodded. He backed away from Luke who was closing his eyes and makings face to hint towards his pain, Bryce aimed the gun.
"Ohm better thank my ass..I died for that asshole."
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