Bryce flinched as he messed around with his bandaged left hand his blue eyes going over the pattern of them as he did so. He sighed loudly and dropped his hands in his lap, the only sound in the room was the sound of the fireplace crackling. To him the sound was peaceful and it calmed him down a little.
"Here you go Bryce."
The blonde was snapped back to reality as a mug was sat in front of him. "What is it?" He asked, grabbing the cup from the table and eyeing it down suspiciously. The older man didn't respond as he smirked and sipped on his own substance that seemed to be in his glass. He dared to take a sip, "Is that hot watered cocoa?"
Ryan frowned a little when he seen the look on his friends face then he sat his cup down. "I um, thought you'd like it. I mean it's been a while since we've all had chocolate and Jonathan found it earlier today in one of the cabinets I just..." He paused as he locked eyes with the blonde. "Never mind. I should've asked." A lightly chuckle was given from the brown eyed man as he sat his cup down as well.
"No it's fine," Bryce smiled lightly as he took another sip. "It's better than nothing I suppose."
"Yeah that's right.."
"So where is everyone?"
"Asleep in that one bedroom."
Bryce looked to the bedroom only to see the door was cracked a little for the other man to go back in there later. He grabbed his cup again and sipped on the nasty liquid before sitting the cup back down. There were no words spoken between the two it was only silence that greeted them. Not the awkward silence but the peaceful one you could rarely get from two people now.
"Bryce where were you and Meg heading..?" Ryan's question had taken him off guard for he froze in spot as his stomach dropped like a dead body. He wanted to answer but the memories of Meg was all he could think of. It pained him deeply. "A military base..."
The brown haired male turned his attention back to him as he answered that. "Well," he cleared his throat. "Would you be willing to continue the trip?"
His blue eyes widen as he realized why the man had just asked him. "Are you kidding me? Ryan I put everyone in danger going there! I..I'm the reason my sister died and the reason Luke got bit!" He whisper yelled as he looked at the older one. "And now you're asking me if I'd go there? Why? So I can bring destruction onto your team as well?" The man watched as the boy looked away from him as he said that. Bryce felt guilt creep into his head.
"Bryce we're not going anywhere.." Ryan grabbed his hands at that. "You know we'll always have your back."
Bryce jerked his hand away and jumped to his feet, "Exactly Ohm! You guys are like family..I lost almost everything going on that trip and the last one I want to lose is you!" Silence passed between the two as Bryce stared at him with watery eyes. He didn't know what it was about this man but if anything he was afraid to loose him. Maybe it was the fact that he was always there for him or the fact that his heart was scarred from losing his sister.
"Bryce I understand but is it worth leaving humanity like this forever? Are we worth it? Think of it. You can always find another person to call your brother..or another group to call your family."
Bryce shook his head as the man stepped closer to him. He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath in and out before locking eyes with the man again. "You don't understand Ohm. I'll die before I lose any of you..and there's no one who can take your place. Everyone I know and cared for is gone okay? Everyone but you! And I need you to stay with me! To back me up when everyone thinks I'm wrong! stand by me when my shadow leaves..." His heart raced through his chest once he seen the man's hazel eyes flicker with something.
"Brycey," his voice cracked as he leaned in. "That's all you had to say."
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