Bryce sighed as he followed his "partner" into the back of the store. Their job was to check the dangerous areas but also the parts that may just have something valuable. His fellow leader believed that just because this place had a basement something was down there–whether it be whiskey of some kind of canned food storage. He had hope. Bryce on the other hand, thought it was a flat out highway to death himself.
Water was dripping from the top floorboards causing this dripping sound to fill the room and the cold air wasn't helping any. The darkness seemed to be thick and hallow if that was even possible.
"Bryce," Ryan called, swirling his flash light out. "Keep that light in front of me okay? Whatever you do don't move it off me."
He took the flashlight from the man and did as he asked, breathing hitched, he bit his lip to keep from shaking. Terror was rushing through his body. Something felt off and he could sense it but he didn't know what it was.
"Here we go. Check it out Bryce."
Bryce looked to see a lantern that was turning off sitting on the table. "Does it still have fuel?" He asked, inching near the man who had nodded in response. His blue eyes jerked up once he seen something causing his hand to pull up the flashlight to see the words, "LEAVE THE LAMP OFF" painted in yellow but just as he was about to tell Ryan the light flickered to life.
A snarl escaped something mouth and they both jerked around to see a man standing in the corner with his eyes closed. Bryce froze once he watched the man turn around, eyes now open, fear ran through his body. The monster snarled and growled before running straight for him, screaming.
"Bryce!" Ryan yelled as he shoved the man out of the way from the brutal tackle. The blonde hit the floor with a grunt but pulled himself back up to see the man who held him captive pinned up against the wall holding back the snapping animal. "Goddamn it!" He cried, fear hinting his voice as his breaths became pants and grunts.
Bryce looked around until his eyes fell on a pair of silver scissors causing him to look back at the man who was still struggling. He pulled himself up, grabbed the scissors, and immediately dashed over to Ryan. A bone cracking sound echoed as blood painted them and pale hands, the monsters body went limp. He let go of the scissors and backed away from the body that had hit the floor before looking up at the man with wide eyes, "Are you okay??"
•Back at Walmart...
"Bryce!" Meg breathed out as she tackled her brother in a tight hug. He hugged her back as his fingers tangled in her baby blue shirt and his breathing slowed. "You guys took so long and I-I got worried..I'm glad you're okay.."
Bryce looked over to the male he had saved to see him talking to the man with the beard again. They locked eyes for a split second but Bryce tore it and held his sister again. He didn't want to make it awkward between them more than it already was.
"You know I'm so upset that out of all that we only got some bottled water man. That's shit." Jonathan said as he threw the pack of water on the counter and crossed his arms. "Fuckin' Marcel and I worked our asses off on checking all them damn rooms and shit we tore them apart man."
"Don't complain. I mean we at least got some medical gear too." Marcel smiled as he sat the plastic bag down beside the waters. "Speaking of which, it's getting late we should probably start cooking shouldn't we Scottie?"
Bryce listened as everyone agreed and began to laugh before signing and shoving his hands into his pockets. He was sure they were going to lock them up again. "You know," Meg whispered to him, lowly. "It's not that bad here..I actually think we should chill for a while Bryce.." His blue eyes stared at his sister for a moment with a look of disbelief.
Sure these guys were nice people but what about all the others they could've stayed with? They had better bases than this. What made her want to stay?
"Yeah but remember our plan?" He leaned lower to her as he spoke. "We have to get you to that hospital before it's over with..we don't have a lot of time."
"Bryce..down here we have nothing but time okay?"
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