G R E A T E S C A P E.
Bryce sat on the car's trunk as he watched Jonathan go through the last bag of supplies in the Cabin. It was all still there like they said it would be but unlike Jonathan had told him on the way here the cabin wasn't as creepy and dark.
The brown wood on it was seeming to grow beautiful green vines on the outside and moss on the inside, around the yard thick plants surrounded it, water had somehow managed to cover the entire ground outside, and the porch was slowly beginning to break away.
He guessed that most lower levels had become this way though so if you looked at it then it was kinda scary. Once leveled out ground was now slowly sinking with wildlife and clear, teal like, water. Mother Nature was taking back what humans stole.
"Ready?" Jonathan asked, tearing his attention from the bag to the blonde. "I've got everything checked."
"Yeah, whenever you are."
Bryce got off the cold bed and ripped his hands from his pockets as he began to follow the tall slim male. They stood out on the porch and the blonde came to a stop as his eyes jerked to the sky as the sun peered through the tree's naked branches and landed onto him. Warmth filled his body instantly. His blue eyes narrowed as he stared at the bright light from the sun that was dangling above him.
Hearing the other man jump take a deep breath caused him to tear his gaze away and continue his way down the wooden steps. They wobbled under his weight as if trying to escape being stepped on. Bryce took a deep breath before stepping into the water, his body instantly turned cold at the contact. He held his arms with his hands as he pushed through the frozen water. It had yet to thaw with this weather.
"Here," Jonathan grunted as he held out his hand for the blonde to take. "I'll help you up."
He nodded as he grasped the hand and felt the other pull after that. The feeling of warmth began to fill his body again as his body began to regain the heat it had lost. They made their way back on to the high way and down the road.
It was a long, silent, and cold walk back to the Wal-Mart they were held up in. God forbid they run into any survivors.
"Hey Bryce," the brown haired male called out to the other who now looked at him. "Do you think we're the last? Like I know it seems crazy but we haven't seen survivors in weeks before we decided to attack the Vanoss members..then we ran into you guys.."
Bryce hummed in response as he looked back up to the sky and thought. Honestly he wasn't sure what to believe anymore but part of him still had hope that there was some others out there hidden. "'No. I don't think we're the last..I think there's more of us somewhere. Someone's stuck in the same position we are right now, fighting for their life."
•Back at Wal-Mart...
Bryce sat on the floor while his sister began to play with his blonde hair that was starting to grow back. He listened as the others rambled on about some random stuff he didn't really care about. They were talking about some sort of rush for supplies today but it wouldn't be easy nor would it be quick. The Vanoss gang tend to do the same on a daily basis now.
"Alright. Here's what we're going to do–" Ryan was cut off by a scream. They all looked to the door where an infected male was squeezing himself through the door, it's white eyes locked with Bryce's blue ones. "What the hell?"
Bryce pulled himself to his feet and began to make his way back, his hand grasping his sisters black coat in response. Once the infected broke through Smitty was the first one to take action upon the situation and shoot it right in the head. It's body fell to the floor and blood began to tickle out of the wound. "It was only one..what was it doing here?"
"Smitty back up.." Luke whispered. "Back up!"
Everyone's attention turned to the door where they seen an army or infected running towards them, groaning and screaming in anger. Hunger. That's exactly what raced in their eyes that moment.
"Ryan!" Bryce yelled, grabbing his sisters arm. "What do we do man?!"
Ryan and Luke immediately took off towards the doors to close them shut. "Hurry!" Meg cried as she looked to her brother who was holding her arm tightly in fear and worry. "What do we do?!" She yelled over to them.
"Get to the back!"
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