B E W I T C H E D.
Bryce pulled out his handgun as they entered the empty landscape, fog clearing for only a split second before reappearing. The sound of horns beating against one another echoed like a drum causing them both to raise their weapons as the sound grew closer to them. Their gazes fixed upon straight ahead. Meg grabbed his arm and he jerked to a stop as the view of two deer fighting entered their vision, their were eyes white as snow and their breathing heaved quickly.
This had what become of most animals.
Dangerous and insane.
As they began to back away the sound of a leaf crunching echoed and the fighting deer came to a stop, pulling their antlers apart, their gaze fixed upon them. The animals made no movement to hurt them but they did watch as the two began to back up further and further until they were out of sight. Bryce holstered his gun which caused his sister to do the same and once she put her gun away he grabbed her hand to give it a squeeze of relief.
"We can rest whenever we reach a safe house. If we can even find the city." He muttered the last part as his hand fell from hers. The sound of her yawning filled his ears immediately after that he saw his sister closing her eyes. He looked down at the black watch he had managed to get off of Smitty and disbelief instantly filled him. "We've been walking for..hours!"
"Mhm," Meg began, "My legs are starting to hurt so we need to hurry."
Bryce only nodded as he pulled his sleeve down and walked forward with a lazy strut. His legs had hurt too but he wouldn't tell his sister that–mostly cause she'd use it as an excuse for them to not walk again tomorrow. She did that often, tend to have some reason for them to wait at least two more days before walking again. He really didn't know if it was just her not wanting go go or her laziness kicking in again.
They walked forward a little more until they came to a gas station, Bryce looked out into the distance to see nothing but thick fog, he growled and looked to his sibling. "Alright so it looks like the fog is gonna be here all day and night so we take refuge here. First things first, we gotta clear it out meaning no infected. Let me go in first then you follow behind..got it?" She nodded as she backed away from the door and pulled out her handgun. "Let's make it quick then brother.." She whispered, a small smile growing on her lips.
He nodded before opening the door hearing the ring of a bell greet him in response. At first the room was dead silent but the sound of a groan echoed through the store and he knew there was something in the store with him. Quickly he held up his gun and looked around before shooting an infected male in the head, it's body swaying downward in response. Then before he knew it piles of boxes slipped and came tumbling down beside him causing him to jerk to the spot in response, he was tackled by an infected. It snapped at him like a wild dog as he held it back, the infected's hands were broken so they dangled aside of him. "Meg!" He called out for his sister who came rushing through the doors.
Suddenly a blade was tearing through the beasts skull, it's body going limp as the sound of a shell cracking echoed with a disturbing crunch. "Oh man!" She panted as he pulled the body off him and sat upright. "Man you're lucky I was heard that! You would've been dead meat B–" suddenly she was tackled by another infected, it's screams mixing with hers as she backed up into the counter. Bryce jumped to his feet and grabbed the closest thing to him before walking it's head off. She fell to her bottom as her blue eyes stared at the monster, widen with fear.
He dropped the broom stick and fell to his knees, his hands grabbed her cheeks as he stared at her with fear. His heart pounded in his chest as he pulled her into his shaky embrace; he held her with passion. She let out a shaky sigh as she collapsed her hands onto the back of his clothing.
In this moment Bryce didn't care if the infected tore them apart from each other, all that mattered was his sister was still alive. Still breathing from that moment. He looked around the store to see the bodies litter every inch of them, dried blood spewed everywhere like a puddle of water that had spilt.
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