L I E S.
Bryce dropped the blooded knife beside the infected's masked face before wiping his hands on his jeans and leaving the kitchen. He pulled back the blanket that covered the window and a glimpse of light shined into his left eye but he didn't even blink. The sun peered over the buildings and seemed to stare directly at him.
"Get moving."
He heard his sister whisper in his ear. Bryce let the blanket fall and he grabbed his bag before throwing it over his shoulder and heading out the room and into the street. The only sound that greeted him was silence and for some unknown reason he got a bad feeling through his gut. The sound of a can being kicked behind him echoed loudly and he turned around only to be hit with something.
He hit the ground stone cold.
Bryce woke up with a bag over his head and his hands tied behind his back. He could feel warm liquid running down his arm but he couldn't see anything to know what it was. For all he knew he could be dying now. There was unbelievable pain in almost every spot of his body and it was taking everything he had not to cry out and show weakness.
"Well look what the dragged in."
Came a stern male voice. The voice was so familiar it sent a shiver up his spine and made his stomach turn with dislike. It was the man that killed his sister. The one he managed to escape from once.
He stayed silent as the sound of footsteps surrounded him. Suddenly the bag was removed from his head and he was staring death right in the eye, a knife placed to his neck. The room he was in was damp and the only sound was water dripping from the ceiling and hitting the floor.
"I've been looking for you Bryce."
Again he stayed silent as he stared the other in the eye. It disgusted him to see he was still alive even after what he had tried to do this his son sister. He wondered how anyone could live after that, after trying to rape an innocent child. She had done nothing to him.
Bryce groaned when he felt a sharp pain go through his side. "Awe is the big boy hurt?" Snickered the man as he stood upright. His eyes staying on the blonde who only hung his head in defeat. "My men would have use for you.." The feeling of the man grasping his chin and holding his face up right made a shiver go down his spine. "But I don't think we should keep you alive. Especially after the racket you caused."
He heard a gun load and his head jerked upwards and his eyes locked with the man's brown ones. The silver pistol's mouth faced him and the urge to just place it to his head was resisted. He wanted to die but he didn't want to show that to the man.
Suddenly a loud boom echoed and the man with the gun looked away, his eyes jerking in every direction as screaming erupted into the air. He growled lowly as he placed his gun back in its holder before making his way back up the stairs and out the door. It wasn't until what seemed like forever the door was opened.
But there was silence.
Bryce opened his eyes and then he heard someone drop something onto the ground. He looked up to the the man he was searching for standing there with a look on his face. "Bryce." He breathed, rushing to the smaller boy.
He felt the other untie his hands and embrace him in a warm hug. "Oh my god Bryce I thought we lost you!" The older man was nearly in tears. The blonde lifted his pale hands and gripped the others jacket tightly.
The sound of a gun loading echoed and he opened his eyes to see the man standing there, his arm blooded. "Ryan.." Bryce whispered. "I love you.."
There was no reply. Silence just stalked them all and suddenly the blonde shoved him out of the way as the sound of the gun being fired echoed.
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