Chp 4: Jason Grace
As he rushed down the hallway, Jason mentally snorted at how ironic this all was. Thalia had escaped with her two favourite servant friends two years ago, and now Jason was going to do the same. He couldn't leave Frank and Leo here, not when his father knew of their acquaintance with him. They would be arrested and interrogated for clues as to where the young prince was. He couldn't do that to his best friends. His only friends.
Jason opened the shabby door in the west wing of the palace and was welcomed with Leo crying out in indignation at Frank who had thrown a set of cards down onto the small table in the corner. "I win Repair boy, pay up" Leo grumbled about,
"How did I lose" and "I swear I rigged it right...", but paid up the money anyway. He lifted his head when he heard the door creak open. "Jason!" he called, his face lighting up. Frank also smiled warmly after pocketing the gold. They were the only ones in the servants quarters, which was good for Jason. He took a deep breath and grabbed each boy by the wrist. The motion sent them tumbling onto the small bed behind them, and they landed in a heap of elbows and knees. They all laughed, Jason momentarily forgetting about the reason for his coming to this part of the palace. After a while of chuckling, Jason sat up.
"Guys... I can't stay here. I- I've got to leave. Pack your bags, we'll be leaving at nightfall. I'll come and get you. We'll escape through the back allies to the tavern at dock-side, I'm owed a favour." Even Leo's joking attitude mellowed for a moment. They nodded. Frank and Leo had suspected that it was only a matter of time before Jason broke under the pressure put on him and made a dash for freedom. "So it's settled. I'll see you both tonight". He gave them both brief hug before scurrying out and back towards the 'respectable' part of the palace.
As he ran along the corridor back to his quarters, head down, he ran into something. Looking up, he realised it was his father.
"F-father! What are you doing here?!"
"Son, you have taken too long to pick a wife. I- eer, our kingdom needs this alliance with Guerrero. You will be marrying Princess Reyna in a week. That is all" and with that, his father spun on his heel and marched away. Jason stood there in shock for several minutes. Then he walked into his rooms dazedly. Sliding down the wall he sat and hugged his knees. He gave a raking sob and hung his head, letting it land on his knees with a soft 'thunk'. He cried and cried. After a while, he didn't even know why he was crying. Just years of pent up emotions and suppressed anger and fear. The tears just kept falling.
After some time, Jason got control of himself and wiped the tears from his cheeks. He was leaving tonight. He wouldn't have to marry this Reyna. He sneered at the name. No. He was going to be free after tonight. No more girls. Tonight was the night he fled. Tonight was the night he let go of all of his responsibilities. Tonight he was free.
He stood up and began packing his bags. Just meagre things, possessions he couldn't live without. No use holding onto a past that hurt you. He was going to leave this place behind. And he was never coming back.
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