Chapter 16: Crunch Time
The night passes well into the dawn. Y/n and Terzo just laid down to sleep, "I love you." Terzo mumbles into her hair, holding her weak, tired body against his. She can only grumble a response, too weak from the overwhelming pleasure of the night. He watches her sleep in his arms, comfortable and content. A small smile finds his face as he falls asleep too.
The blaring sound of the alarm clock wakes Terzo only a few hours later. He groans and moves his left arm over to the dresser, shutting off the clock. Y/n clings to him in her sleep, making small noises as he moves, "It's okay, dear." He whispers, moving back to his original position, she nuzzles into his chest. He strokes her hair gently, as if she were made of the most fragile material in the universe. She moves slightly under his touch, waking up, "Are you feeling alright, dove?" Terzo asks softly, she groans in response. Her eyes open, "Everything is sore." She grumbles. Terzo chuckles, "Well, I do have that effect."
She rolled her eyes, moving to turn away from him, but wincing in pain. He quickly, but gently lifts her and himself off of the bed, "Let me take care of you, mi cara." He whispers, feeling pity as she takes a few, shaky steps over to the bathroom. Terzo quickly catches her before she falls, "I really was that hard on you?" He asks, starting to feel bad, she nods, "I'm so, so sorry."
He picks her up bridal style and carries her to the bathroom. Terzo gently places her onto the counter, she winces at the cold marble, "It'll never happen again, mi amor I promise you." Y/n smirks, "I didn't say that I didn't like it." Terzo laughs and kisses her quickly, "Good. Now let me pamper you." He says quickly turning and starting the bath water. He dug through some of the cabinets and pulled out a bath bomb, some essential oils, and bath salts, "Terzo, there is no need to do all of this." Y/n weakly protests, feeling overwhelmed with affection. Terzo shook his head, standing from checking the temperature of the tub, "I need to do more." He says, kissing her cheek, she giggles and kisses his cheek back, "You do more than enough." She whispers into his ear. He pulls back blushing, "I love you so much."
He kisses her again before turning the water in the tub off. He picks her up and sits in the tub, letting her lean back against his chest. She relaxes under the warm water, enjoying the scents of salts and essential oils. The feeling of Terzo's hands gently running up and down her body only added to the relaxation. Y/n's hands rest on top of his as they continue to roam, her head lays on his shoulder. He peppers kisses all over her face, neck, and shoulder, "I love you, I love you so, so much." He whispered in between kisses, she let small moans and whimpers leave her lips, "Are you starting to feel better amore?" he coos into her ear, she nods softly, "Much better." she mumbles, her eyes closing in ecstasy. Terzo's heart swells watching as all the tension in her body releases, he knows that intimate moments like these will be few and far between once they are married. His brain ponders what will happen during the trials, what will he do without her at night? What would he work for? What would he live for?
After a few more minutes, Y/n says, "Terzo?" He hums in acknowledgement, "If we don't get out soon I'm going to fall asleep again." He laughs, but moves to drain the tub. He gets out, helping Y/n stand, she holds onto him for a second, but steps on on normal legs, "Thank you, Terzo." She says as he wraps her in a big, fluffy towel, "Never thank me for such basic things, mi cara." He warns, wrapping a towel around his waist, "Now come on, I know you have your dress fitting today, so let me get you ready, the royalty treatment." He bows and holds out his hand, she rolls her eyes, but places her hand in his.
He leads her to her vanity, motioning for her to sit on the plush seat. Terzo snaps his fingers, changing both of them into purple, fuzzy robes. Y/n hands feel the fabric, her senses relaxing even more at the luxurious material, "Only the best for the best, mi cara." Terzo says, loving how her eyes grew wide at his gift. His hands fluffed her hair, trying to figure out how to style it, "Terzo, you do not need to dress me up for a dress fitting!" Y/n protests, but secretly loves the attention, "No, no I do not need to, mi cara, I want to." He picks up her hairbrush and starts detangling her hair gently, being careful not to remove the slight wave of her hair. He then pulled over a loveseat to sit on. She turned to face him, and he summoned a makeup pallet, "Terzo, Makeup?" She laughs as he shushes her and starts to do her eye make up, the brush tickled as it gently blends colors on her eyelids.
He loved pampering her, seeing her so relaxed, happy, and trusting only made Terzo's heart flutter, "Okay, eyeliner time, stay still." He ordered. His left hand holding her chin, the right holding the eyeliner pencil. He carefully and quickly drew two even wings and lined both her top and bottom water line, "Perfetto." He whispers, stepping back. Y/n goes to look in the mirror, Terzo grabs her shoulders, "Not finished yet, mi cara." Terzo picks up the Loreal lipstick she always wears, and with diligence applies it flawlessly, keeping the red deep and sultry, "Now, we're finished." She laughs and looks in the mirror, she gasps,
"Terzo, I-" She was speechless. Y/n has never seen her make up look so good, or even, "How did you-When?" She was too fascinated with her reflection to ask the questions racking her brain, "When you wear makeup everyday," Terzo starts, understanding what she was trying to ask, "You learn a few things." He wraps his arms around her shoulders, her hands rest on his strong forearms. He places a kiss on her temple, "Now come on, your dress isn't going to try on itself."
She smiles, forgetting what joyous occasion she was getting ready for, "I nearly forgot!" She exclaims standing. She faces Terzo, "Thank you, mi amor." she snaps her fingers, changing into a simple, black dress. Terzo looks her up and down hungrily, "Mi cara, why must you look so stunning when I can't be with you." He complains, pulling her into his chest by her waist, "Because I need to look just as stunning as my soon to be husband does everyday." She pulls him in for a long, sensual kiss.
She pulls back to breathe, and giggles at how her lipstick made Terzo's lips bright red. He laughs with her, wiping his lips with the back of his hand, "I have to go now, I'll see you tonight." She says walking away. He grabs her wrist and pulls her to his chest, "I love you." He says, kissing all over her face, she laughs at the tickling sensation, "I LOVE YOU TOO! AHH" He starts to tickle her sides, she's able to escape his grasp, she smiles back at him before leaving the room. Terzo smiles softly once she's gone. He knows that his loyalty is unwavering, he just hopes her's is too.
Y/n hurriedly walks down the hallway to Ara's workshop to try on her dress. She has full faith that Ara made the dress perfect, but the anxiety that it wouldn't look perfect on her flared up some self confidence issues. She quietly knocks on the door, shocked to see Ara open it and not the sweet older lady, "Just in time!" She says before grabbing Y/n's wrist and dragging her into the sewing room. She leads her to the pedestal, "STRIP GIRL!" Ara yells, disappearing behind the dressing screen. Y/n laughs, but does as she says, trusting Ara. However, she makes sure to keep her gaze on the details of the mirror rather than her own reflection. After a few shuffling noises and grumbles, Ara walks behind the screen, the dress still out of sight, "Okay, look away, close your eyes, just don't look yet!" She threatens with her finger, Y/n laughs, but closes her eyes.
Ara quickly stands in front of Y/n, bundling up the tulle and fabric, "Arms up!" She orders cheerfully, a big smile plastered on her face. Y/n giggles at her enthusiasm, but obeys. Ara slips the dress over her, "Okay sleeve one..." She guides her arm through the lace, "And sleeve two." Ara fixes the neckline slightly, but then quickly moves behind Y/n, being careful not to step on the train by gathering it and moving it to the side. She then laces up the corset, "I'm lacing it tight and all the way, so get used to it." She warns starting to pull on the strings, Y/n stumbles, but regains her balance, "Unholy Satan, Ara!" She laughs, her body being tugged backwards with each lace, "I'M JUST LETTING YOU SERVE SKINNY QUEEN!" She playfully shouts back, you both start laughing hysterically.
Since both of them were young they bonded. Ara was one of the only ghoulettes allowed outside of the catacombs, and one of the only chosen to be educated. The ministry did not hide their disdain for ghouls, but they made one crucial mistake to keep the future that way. Y/n and Terzo hung out in the catacombs as much as they could and they would do whatever it takes for their friends to live a happier life. Ara and Water's forced marriage and breeding was only the tip of the iceberg to what Sister Imperator hides from the siblings. Ara ties the threads and steps back, fixing the trail, "Okay almost there, keep your eyes closed." Y/n covers her eyes with her hands, making sure that she cannot see.
Ara runs back in with the veil, black, thin, and longer than the train, "Can you summon your crown for me?" Ara asks. Y/n holds out her hands and wills the amethyst tiara, "Do you think it's okay if I use the tiara instead of the crown?" She asks, her voice wavering with fear. Ara sighs sadly, taking the tiara, "Y/n." She starts to fasten the veil to the crown, "This is YOUR day. This is YOUR moment. YOU decide what happens and when and with who." She places the crown on top of Y/n's head, taking the veil and spreading it out, and fixing the skirt, "You are Mama Emeritus the Third, you are THE Queen." Y/n smiles and blushes at her friend's words, "Now open your eyes and don't you dare think you look less than a goddess." Ara steps back, letting Y/n slowly open her eyes.
She gasps, tears welling in her eyes. She couldn't move, she was in awe. The black lace makes her skin seem lighter, but the intricate lace detail brought out the simplicity of her being. The dark, velvet purple corset gave her an hourglass figure, one that she dreamed of, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Her eyes darted to the top of her head, the simple gold and amethyst crown with the thin, black veil accentuated everything and more. Y/n takes some shaky breaths, her hands cover her mouth as sobs rack through her body, "Ara-" She whimpers out, the tears flowing, "I-It's so-I" She was speechless. How could she articulate the emotion? Whirlwinds of happiness, joy, self-love, and waves of realization hit her. She is beautiful, she is stunning, and she is a queen, "Thank you." She wipes her tears and starts laughing, "I didn't think I would cry looking at a dress." She admits, Ara stands beside her, a very proud look on her face, "I'm glad that it's perfect." They hug.
Terzo sits at his desk, just filing more and more paperwork. With only two days till the wedding and with the Ghost project restarting, he needed to get a jump on files. Once he finally finished up the work necessary, he sent mental messages to the ghouls, Omega, Alpha, Water, Earth, and Air meet me in the common room as quickly as possible. I have an announcement. He snaps his fingers and sits on the couch, waiting patiently for the ghouls to arrive. Omega gets their first, clearly nervous, "Terzo what happened?" He asks, panicked, sitting in front of a clearly relaxed Terzo, "Nothing bad, I just have a question to ask all of you." Omega tilted his head in confusion, but sat back. Alpha entered with Air next. A few minutes later Earth, practically dragging Water, sat in front of the couch. Terzo let out a quick breath, nervous but happy for what he was going to ask them,
"So, hello." Terzo starts awkwardly, the ghouls laugh at him, he gets flustered, "Hey this is serious." He tries to sound intimidating, but his voice cracks, causing Omega to start hitting Alpha's arm while dying of laughter.
Once the ghouls have calmed down, Terzo just blurted it out, "Will you guys be my groomsmen?" They pause, shock filling their eyes, silence fills the room. Water speaks up first, "Are you serious?" Terzo smiles, a slight laugh escapes his lips, "Yes, of course. Besides, I already told Sister that you guys would." Earth laughs, "It's an honor, Terzo." Air's eyes crinkled under his mask, a sign that he was smiling. Omega and Alpha still looked confused, "What are you two staring at?" Water says, waving his hand in front of their faces, they don't move. Alpha shakes his head, "Terzo...this is serious...are you sure you want us?" Terzo leans on his knees, "I am serious. You are the closest thing to family I have besides my brothers. In fact, Omega." The shocked ghoul finally came to, "You will be my best man." Omega started tearing up. Terzo stood and walked over to him. Omega jumped up and hugged him, Terzo hugged him back laughing. The other ghoul stood and they shared a large group hug.
Y/n fixed her outfit, then stepped out of the changing area and into the rest of the workshop, "Ara, can I ask you something?" She nods, focused on hemming the front of the dress, "I um...can...will you be one of my bridesmaids?" Ara stops sewing and freezes, she turns to Y/n, "Seriously?" She asks, the look of shock fading into joy, Y/n nods with a smile. Ara jumps up and hugs Y/n, "OH MY SATAN Y/N!!" She jumps up and down, nearly knocking Y/n over, "YES! YES! YES! OUR CHILDHOOD DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE!" Ara squeals, still hugging Y/n tightly.
Terzo and the ghouls quickly, but silently, sneak off to the practice room. They giggled like children as they scrambled to hide behind pillars and corners from Primo and Secundo. Terzo locked the door behind them, "Okay, listen, Cirice is Y/n's favorite, we have to make it perfect for her." The ghouls quickly picked up their instruments, tuning and strumming to make sure everything worked fine, "Are you sure Sister will be okay with it?" Water asks nervously fiddling with the bass's strings, "She'll have to be. Besides, I will be Papa eventually, and this song is GOING to be on the first album." Terzo responds, plugging in a few wires and fixing the mic, "Now let's go."
Y/n walked with a new found pep as she made her way back to Terzo and her room. The dress fitting gave her a boost of confidence, one she desperately needed. Y/n passed by several kits, clearly on recess. They waved and said, "Hi Ms. Y/n!" as they ran by. When turning the corner, a little Aalto was curled into a ball on the window ledge, "Aalto?" the poor little ghoul jumped in surprise at her voice, "What are you doing alone, buddy?" Y/n asks, kneeling to eye level with her friend's kit. He looks up at her with wide, scared blue eyes.
He signs, I wanted to be alone. He turns back to look out the window, watching as his siblings play in the fountain. Y/n sits across from him and signs, Did something happen? You know you can trust me. He sighs and looks down at his lap, shyly singing, It's just the fire elements. They think it is funny to be mean to me. Y/n gives him a look of pity. Tears start falling from his eyes, "You know, Aalto." She whispers, he looks up at her, "Your father and I were teased by fire elementals too." He gave a confused look, his sobs becoming whimpers, "Y-you did?" He asks, his little body curling into himself. Y/n nods, "Yep." She popped the p. Silence filled the empty space.
Aalto stopped crying, but started to pick at his nails, "Come here, little guy." Y/n says, holding her arms open for him. Aalto hesitantly crawls into her lap, instantly purring at the loving, calming energy that radiated off of her. Y/n held the kit closer to her, she felt an odd, natural longing to help Aalto, like he was her own. This protectiveness both scared her, yet oddly excited her for a child of her and Terzo.
Maria was hurriedly roaming the halls for sign of Aalto. The kits were rowdy today and roaming all over the ministry. She sighed in relief watching as Y/n held Aalto in her arms, "Afternoon Miss Y/n." Maria whispered, slowly approaching the two, small snores left the water ghoul's sleeping form, "Afternoon, Mrs. Maria." Y/n whispers back, her eyes not leaving the face of the sleeping ghoul in her arms, "I could use some help today in the school if you are free." Maria offers a kind, shy smile on her face. Y/n looks up at her, holding Aalto instinctively closer, she trusts Maria, but the sound of a conversation could wake him and that would break her heart, "I'll stay with him until he wakes, then I'll come and help." Y/n smiles gratefully back at Maria as she bows and walks away. Aalto stirs in her arms, "Shhhh, it's okay little droplet, go back to sleep." He nuzzles into her chest, humming a response, and falls asleep again. Y/n rests her head back against the marble, her eyes watch as the afternoon sun shines over the peaceful gardens, the happy memories and fond dreams of the past swarm in her mind as she rests with the child, still in her arms.
"Terzo, I think we're good." Omega says, placing his hand on Terzo's shoulder. Terzo only grunted in frustration, "No, we need to be PERFECT!" He swats Omega's hand away and takes a few deep breaths, "Look. You-you guys are doing great, it's just, I need to be beyond perfect." He runs a hand through his hair, his jaw tenses, "She will appreciate you just being at the altar on time, Terzo." Alpha jokes, walking over to his clearly distressed friend, "I just don't want her to leave me." Terzo admits, biting his cheek to hold back tears. Earth stands from his drum set and stands in front of Terzo, "She loves you more than you even realize how in love with you she is?" Terzo nodded 'no' sadly, "You are blind then, Terzo." Air says, clapping his friend on the back, moving to leave, "I have to go, but trust us Terzo, she will adore anything you do." The rest of the ghouls shuffle out, leaving Terzo standing behind the microphone in the practice room, alone. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm his nerves, knowing that what his best friends say is true. Terzo just can't accept the fact that with all his flaws, Y/n still loves him so deeply. He calms himself, then thinks about what he needs to do for the rest of the day. His brain checks down the list of paperwork and meetings and all are completed. Terzo decides that being with her would calm his nerves, so he pictures Y/n's face, her beauty and feels the warmth surrounding him.
Y/n stirred awake, feeling a presence watching her. She clutches a still sleeping Aalto to her chest, he purrs at the comfort. Y/n quickly summons one of her daggers in her left hand, her right holding the child closer. She scans the hallways, searching for any threat. Her eyebrows narrow and her heart starts to beat faster with each breath. Aalto's hands grip her dress, he stirred slightly. Y/n looks down at him for a moment, smiling at how peaceful he looks, but a feeling of warmth fills Y/n's soul. She tenses. Terzo appears sitting beside her on the ledge a moment later, she vanishes the dagger,
"Why do you always summon daggers when I'm around?" Terzo whispers, his hand ruffling Aalto's hair, the still sleeping ghoul purrs, "I don't trust anything that I cannot see, and for that matter, what I can see, can still deceive." Y/n responds, her eyes roaming across Terzo's face, "Are you okay, my love?" She asks, "I am now." He chuckles and kisses her cheek, "What is this little guy doing out of class?" Aalto stirs at their voices, "He's getting picked on by the fire ghouls." Y/n says as softly as possible. Terzo nods in response, "Well," He checks his watch, "the school day is almost over, should we just take him back to Water's room?" Y/n looks down at Aalto, scared to move and wake him, "I don't want to wake him by walking." Terzo wraps his left arm around Y/n's shoulders, his right rests on top of her arm that's wrapped around the child, "We don't have to walk, close your eyes, darling." Y/n does as he says, bracing herself for the teleportation.
"Open your eyes now love" Terzo instructs, she's standing in a nursery with several tiny beds and toys scattered around the floor. Y/n's heart felt full while looking around at the small beds, toys, and clothes, "His is the third one." Terzo whispers, moving to help tuck Aalto in, "Bring him over." Y/n follows, gently placing him down, his hands still gripping her dress, "Here." Terzo whispers, placing a tiny, blue bear in Aalto's arms, the ghoul cuddles it. Terzo tucks the blankets around Aalto, "Good night, nephew" He places a gentle kiss on the ghoul's head. The baby demon purrs and cuddles into his mattress and pillow.
Terzo stands and walks over to an observing Y/n, an absent minded smile on her face, "Already baby crazed, amore?" His hands pull her in closer to him by her waist, "Slightly." she teases, her arms wrapping around his neck, "Come on, I want to unwind, let's go eat, I know you didn't today." He whispers into her ear, still remembering the sleeping child in the room. Y/n rolls her eyes, but looks up into his, his white eye flickering, "You really are stressed." She says slightly shocked. Terzo drops his head, "Not that stressed, amore." He tries to comfort, but before he can protest more, Y/n imagines the kitchen, she opens her eyes and they're there.
Terzo steps back, shocked that she could teleport all the way to the kitchen, "Wh-When did you learn to do that?" His voice wavers, Y/n laughs, "You've known that I could!" She takes a step towards him, "Besides, I thought you would be impressed." She leans up and kisses his cheek, "I am, amore. It's just," He hugs her to his chest, "I want you to be safe" Y/n hugs him back, "I AM safe." She rebuts, "Now come on, what can we make?" She starts to dig through the pantry.
After a pleasant meal, Y/n breaks the silence while walking back to the room, "We get married in two days." Terzo squeezes her hand, "Actually, after today, one day and two nights." Y/n rolls her eyes at the response, "Plus, tomorrow is your bachelorette party!" Terzo says cheerfully, opening the door, "I don't think I'm having a bachelorette party..." Y/n trails off moving to sit on the bed, "Nonsense, I know that Ara has something planned." A smirk finds his face as he moves over to the dresser. Y/n twirls her head around to face him, "What plans?" Terzo laughs, "Mi cara, it's a surprise." He tries to distract, she doesn't take the bait, "I hate surprises." Terzo takes a quick breath, not wanting to ruin anything. He turns to face her, his shirt unbuttoned, her eyes roam, "It is a surprise." He says again, removing his shirt. Y/n groans and flops against the pillows, snapping her fingers, changing into one of Terzo's shirts.
"Live a little, Y/n." Terzo rolled his eyes, flopping beside her in his boxers, "I promise, it will all be fun and safe." She rolls away from him. Terzo shifts over, his body pressed against hers, his hands find her waist, "Mi cara, please, one last night together before you must go, don't sleep mad at me." Y/n's body stiffened, the realization of leaving Terzo for a month hit her, she quickly turned and faced him. She kissed him desperately, longing for infinity in this moment. Terzo kisses back just as passionately, his hands roaming her entire body. When Y/n pulled back for air, Terzo whispered, "I'm so, so ecstatic to finally call you mine." Y/n attacks his lips again, her hands tangling in his hair, "I can't wait to have a life with you" She whispers against his lips. Terzo moans as her hands trace his abs. They both end their make out session exhausted and fall asleep in each other's arms.
The Rise of Mama Emeritus the Third is Upon Us.
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