Chapter 14: Jealous Demons
With four more days until the wedding, there was still so much to do. Y/n had dress fitting, etiquette classes, Latin studies with Primo, and still had to prepare for the trials. Terzo began getting assigned to more of his previous duties before Y/n reentered the church, stressing the man out more on top of his and his future wife's impending doom.
Y/n's eyes flutter open, a headache pushing through her drowsiness, "Morning, mi cara." Terzo mumbles, just waking up himself, "Why are we on the floor?" Y/n groans, moving to stretch her aching muscles, "We drank last night." He responds, pinching the bridge of his nose. Terzo knew that telling Y/n about her throwing up would make her embarrassed and in a mood, so he decided to leave that part out. Y/n stands using the counter, she then holds her hand out, motioning for Terzo to stand, he takes it and leans on the counter behind her, his hands trapping hers. His fingers linger on the engagement ring, still gleaming on her left hand, "I don't think I'll ever be able to fully understand that you will be my wife." He whispers in her ear.
They make eye contact through the mirror. Y/n laughs at his flattery, but quickly winces at the painful hangover, "Although I really do adore your charm, love." She whispers, "This hangover is killing me. Is there any way to fix it?" Terzo sighs, "Yes, but I think you should live out the consequences of your actions." Y/n makes a pouty face, puffing out her lip. Terzo sighs in defeat, "Fine, stand still." He places his hands on the sides of Y/n's head and closes his eyes.
He floods calming, healing energy into her. He's been practicing his healing in the med wing in between meetings, knowing that if something were to happen to her or their future child and kits he could save them. Y/n moans at the relief, "Thank you, Trezo." She says, "Never thank me for the basic actions any man would do for you." He scolds, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling you closer to him. Her right hand strokes his forearm, the left finds his hair gently massaging his scalp, "That's why I always thank you." She says back, leaning into Terzo's touch. He kept eye contact with her through the mirror, "Any man with a braid and a working heart should treat you like I do. I don't do enough." He admits, starting to kiss her neck. She pulls his hair, causing him to moan into her neck, the vibrations running throughout her, "What time is it?" She asks. He checks his watch, "It is about one thirty, my dear."
Y/n turns to face him, "I have a dress fitting at two." She snaps her fingers, changing from the black velvet dress from the previous night into a simple sweater and black leggings. She fluffs her hair in the mirror, Terzo watches in awe, his hands never leaving her body, " How do I look?" She asks snapping her fingers to apply some mascara and a muted red lip. Terzo laughs, "Like a goddess, my dear." He kisses the top of her head. She smiles bashfully, "Go to your fitting. Don't tell me about the dress, I want it to be a surprise." Terzo demands. Y/n rolls her eyes and faces him, "You think that I'm stupid don't you." She laughs, he shakes his head, "Never stupid, but too clever for your own good, often." She kisses him gently, he pulls her closer, she pulls away, "See you later, mi fidanzato" She whispers before walking out the door.
Terzo stood there in shock for a moment. He looked at himself in the mirror, smiling at how Y/n just called him "my fiance" in Italian. She never ceases to make him a blushing mess. He runs his hand through his hair, just amazed at how much she does love him. He wipes off the red lipstick staining his mouth, and gets ready to shower.
Y/n walks quickly through the halls, excitement and nervousness filling her every stride. A wedding was no small event, and a wedding for a Satanic Church's Prime Mover, even bigger. She reaches the sweet old lady's office and knocks on the door, "Welcome Ms. Y/n!" She says in a cheery voice, "Come on in." Y/n walks into the familiar room, "We'll be having the fitting right over here, dearie." The lady leads her into a large sewing room with a few ghoulettes hard at work pulling fabric and sewing. They stopped when she walked in the room and stood, "These ghoulette's will be making your dress, so spare no detail! They're the best of the best." The woman beamed. Before she could walk out of the sewing room, Y/n stopped her, "I believe I haven't gotten your name, ma'am." She said, The old lady smiled and laughed, "My name is Karen, but everyone calls me Granny." Y/n smiles, "Thank you for all your help, Granny." The old lady smiles and pats her arm, "Anytime dear." Karen closes the door behind her.
Y/n grunts almost being tackled by the three ghoulettes in the room. Ara was one of them, "Y/n How have you been I've missed you so much!" Y/n and Ara were close as children, but once she left they fell out of touch. When Water and her started dating, it was strange because Water came out to her and Terzo only a few days before, but she did adore him, "I've been great! Your kits are adorable." She beams with pride, leading her over to the pedestal surrounded by mirrors, "They have not stopped talking about you since you sat in on class that one day." She starts measuring your legs while the other two ghoulettes gather scraps of different materials, colors, and patterns, "So." Ara says standing beside her, "What are we thinking? What is the dream dress?" Y/n laughs bashfully, not knowing how to accept the spotlight, "Well, I definitely want it to be off the shoulder with long sleeves." Ara hums in agreeance, "I would like lace to be over the top, if that's possible with the time frame I don-" "Y/n." Ara interrupts, "We are here for you. Whatever you want we can do." Y/n takes a breath, "I would like lace over the skirt and sleeves." She thinks for a moment, "I would also like a corset with purple accents." Her brows furrow, "Oh! I also want a cathedral veil!" Ara claps her hands and squeals like a teenager, "Remember when we planned our weddings as kids?" She asks, starting to measure her arms. Y/n nods, "Yes, I remember the blue lace and sequined dress of your dreams." She jokes. Ara rolls her eyes, "I would have had that dress too, if they let ghouls have weddings." She mumbled the last part, but Y/n heard it, "They didn't let you have a wedding?" she asks somberly. Ara shakes her head 'no', "Things for us ghouls have gotten worse." She finishes measuring her.
One of the ghoulettes brings a few scraps of material, "We have these options for lace." Y/n's fingers touch the fine material, analyzing every pattern, waiting for the right piece to call to her. Her fingers stop on a piece of black lace, the weaved string containing patterns of a grucifix, and the saying Alea Iacta est, the die has been cast, "I love this one." She says handing the scrap to the ghoulette. Ara speaks up, "Would you like your dress to be black then?" Y/n smiles, "Hell yeah." They all laugh. Having this much freedom over her dress made Y/n feel like she finally could be her, "Alright, Y/n we will get started on that for you!" Ara says, a bright smile on her face. They hug, "I promise I'll fix this place." Y/n whispers, Ara squeezes her tighter, "I know you will. Terzo and you are good people." They separate, bow, and Y/n leaves.
Terzo enters the grand hall in his robes, wanting nothing more than to just leave. This meeting with the Clergy is important, but not necessary, "Welcome Emeritus. Please, have a seat." Satan says. Terzo rolls his eyes, "I do not need instructions on what to do in my own church, Satan." He laughs sitting across from the high ranking demon. Satan bows his head, a sign of respect and defeat, "No, no you don't, but apparently you do need instructions on how to RUN a church." Terzo's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, nothing has been going wrong, "Please clarify." He says. Satan sighs, "We need your prime mover, queen, wife whatever you want to call her in that chair now." He points to Elizabeth's empty chair, sitting on Terzo's right side, "You will call her Mama Emeritus." His eye starts to glow, "Disrespect her again and it will not be taken kindly." The other Clergy members look between Terzo and Satan, the tension growing, "We have four days, three if not counting today, until we are wed." Terzo says, his hands folded on top of the table.
Satan slams his fist, "Then the trial for a month. Are you stupid? Are you really that deficient like your father that you can not see what is happening?" Terzo stands, his eye glowing more, "Satan. I'm giving you one more chance. You can sit there and continue to disrespect my family, or you can talk like a man." Satan stands, not intimidated by the youngest Emeritus son, "We have a war raging in five of our realms. There is no time for pleasantries." Terzo leans forward on the table, "Then what are you asking for? Food? Weapons? Soldier?" Satan shakes his head, "What we need is a new generation to raise." Terzo laughs, "And raise those children during a time of war? You have not one fatherly instinct do you?" Satan growls, "I protected Elizabeth and Y/n when you couldn't. I was there for them. I brought them back. Without me your future queen would have been dead." Terzo's jaw shuts, he knew that Satan defended Y/n all those years, he knew what he owed him. He slowly sits down, "And I thank you for that. I owe you more than you realize." Satan sits too, content with Terzo's somewhat apology.
Asmodeus stands, demanding the floor, "We all need a Prime Mover for each of our realms, the no heir in any of them is leading us to failure against the Heavens more and more by the day." He sits down. Terzo stands, "Asmodeous, I hear your concern." He can't hide it, the rage he felt remembering how Asmodeous tried to kill him through Y/n boiling, "However, MY wife, MY love is not where yours is. Maybe try going out and not being an ass for once." Terzo sits, a smirk plastered on his face. Asmodeus stands, clearly angered by Terzo's words, "I do not take kindly to your insults-" Terzo cuts him off by standing, "I do not take kindly to you possessing my fiance, but here we are." Terzo summons the hilt of Asmodeou's knife, throwing it onto the table.
The Clergy stares at it with wide eyes, if one person tried to kill Terzo, the rest would definitely follow, "So." Terzo says, breaking the tense silence, "Who's next." The other members looked around the table, curious to know if someone had the gaul to attack him now. Beelzebub charges, dagger in hand. Terzo simply flicks his wrist, the demon slamming against the wall leaving an imprint. His body falls limp to the floor with a groan. Terzo walks over to him and picks up the blade, snapping the handle off and walking back over to the table, "At least I respect his nerve." He mumbles, snapping the blade from the hilt. He vanishes the sharp metal, but adds the hilt to his small, but growing collection, "I'll say it once and never again, If any of you try to pull anything at my wedding, I can guarantee you that Y/n will kill you herself." He sits down. Belial stands, "No man should raise his steel against a brother in Sin. Let the trials be your time to seduce the Prime Mover, not death." He sits. Terzo smiles at him, Belial was the eldest of the Clergy members, his wisdom and words were always calculated and honest,
"Thank you, Belial. Your loyalty shall not go unnoticed." Terzo gave him a warm smile, however he knew deep down that Belial would be the one to actually catch him off guard. Satan stands, "Well, I guess there is nothing more to discuss, so therefore this meeting is adjourned, good day gentlemen, Nema." With that the Clergy disperses into this air. Terzo sighs, picks up Beelzebub's and Asmodeous's hilts. Smirking with confidence, "Idiots." He mumbles. Terzo vanishes the hilts and leaves the Grand Hall, pleasantly satisfied with how the meeting went.
Y/n finally makes it back to her room. Many siblings of sin and ghouls stopped her in the halal to catch up and chat, she felt bad about ignoring any of them. She closes the door and sighs, sitting on the bed. She was a social person, but sometimes keeping perfect posture, a kind, small smile, and light hearted conversation going for an hour or two is exhausting. She ties her hair up into a bun, not caring that a few pieces of hair fell out of the tie. The door opens a few seconds later, she turns and smiles, "Hey, baby! How was your meeting?" She asks to move from the bed and over to Terzo. He sighs, snaps his fingers and changes into a t-shirt and jeans, "It was long and boring, just budget stuff." He says, pulling her close to him. He hugs her tightly. Terzo didn't have the heart to tell her what really happened. He didn't want her to feel bad about being a vessel for so much turmoil, she would become anxious immediately. Y/n hugs him back, slightly concerned at his mellow demeanor. She kisses his shoulder and whispers, "Are you okay mi amor?" concern lacing her words. Terzo just squeezes her tighter, "Everything will be." A tense silence fills the room, but he breaks it, "How was your dress fitting?" Y/n smiles, the hoy coming back, "It was awesome, I got to talk to Ara about life so that is always fun." She steps away from him and over to the bookshelf, looking for something to pass the time. He walks up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "How about we go to my office? I have more books, more games, and other things I need help with." Y/n leans into him and nods, "I would like that."
Terzo teleports them to the library, it was around five in the afternoon, everyone would be at dinner. Y/n eyes widened taking in the familiar shelves and walls full of books. Terzo keeps his hold on her, not knowing if being in the new location would spark more memories to occur. Y/n squeezes her eyes shut, trying to contain the memories only in her mind. The years of studying, running around with the ghouls, and organizing books as her first job floods her vision. Her eyes roll back, she collapses in Terzo's arms, "I'm sorry, mi cara." Terzo whispers, now picking her up and carrying her over to one of the large, lavish couches set against a wall. He gently places her on the couch and kneels beside her shaking body. His left hand gently strokes her cheek while the right hand holds her hand gently, "I love you, Y/n, come on, get out of it." He whispers, desperate to stop her from thrashing. Y/n couldn't control her thoughts or try and come out of it like other times before. The visions were so vivid from the past, she felt as if she was living through it again. When the final memories pass, another one flies across her vision quickly, a prediction. She saw herself, gray hair, crows feet on her face, with several small ghouls. One with purple eyes, one with a red, intense glare, and a small ghoulette with the brightest blue eyes she has ever seen.
Y/n sits up with a gasp, her heart pounding in her chest. Terzo keeps his grip on her hand, the other moving from her face to her shoulder, "Mi cara, it's alright, it's alright focus on breathing." He says, trying to console her. She just looks at him and smiles, he looks at her scared, "What are you so giddy about, mi amor?" He asks. She only smiles and looks at him. She sits up, Terzo stays, her legs on either side of him. Her hands cup his face, "I saw the future." His eyes light up, he sits up on his knees, his hands on her thighs, "We-we get our own kits!" She laughs, "They're so beautiful, they're so adorable." She says, the images of the kits staring up at her holding books with wide eyes, "I'm glad that it was pleasant, mi cara." He kisses her softly, she smiles into the kiss. He pulls back, stands, and offers his hand, "Now come on, I have to show you my new office." He looked at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. She accepts his hands and Terzo leads them to the second floor, " attention." He murmurs, running his fingers over the spines of ancient books. He pulls down one of them, the shelf beside it pops open, "I got first pick." He says proudly opening the door more.
The room was cozy. It was a nice sized office with a dark wood desk, three chairs, bookshelves lining the walls, a globe in the corner, and a fireplace. Y/n smiles and laughs, "How in the Old One's name did you get a fireplace in a hidden office?" Terzo laughs, shutting the hidden door behind him, "I don't ask questions like that, dear." He admits moving to sit at his desk while Y/n takes her time, scanning every book.
Terzo smiles softly, but then turns to the stack of papers on his desk. Taxes, meeting minutes, donation forms, and other paperwork fill the pile. He picks up his pen and starts flipping through the pages, signing when needed. Y/n looks over at him, she sighs, pitying how hard he has to work, "Can I help?" She asks, sitting in front of him. Terzo looks at her and smiles, "If you want to mi cara sure, but if you'd rather read I do not care, I just like having you in my presence." He says. Y/n blushes slightly, "I want to help you." He sorts through the papers and gives about half of them to her, "These are the siblings and ghouls' volunteer hours. Can you count them and write them in this book." He hands her a black leather bound book, "Sure. No problem." She starts adding and signing the sheets as Mama Emeritus. She smiles looking at the ink drying on the first form, the realization of becoming Mama Emeritus the Third makes her grin even more. Terzo was too engrossed in the math flooding the pages of the tax forms to notice.
The two work in comfortable silence for hours, late into the night. Y/n grabbed a blanket from the small sofa on the couch and wrapped it around her shoulders, the night cooling the room. Terzo noticed, and snapped his fingers, the fireplace starting to heat the room. She gives him a smile, he reciprocates it. Y/n finishes her pile with a sigh, Terzo still had a small mound of paper to go, "Terzo, let me help you." She says sleepily, reaching for more papers to work on. Terzo holds the hand that tried to grab more papers, "No, no, no mi cara please you've done enough for me." She sighs, "I want to help you more, you look stressed, is this what you do when we're not together?" She asks, concerned, filling her eyes, "I try to sneak here to get this done when I can so that I can spend time with you, yes." Her mouth falls into a frown, "But I want to do it. I want to spend as much time with you as possible because I love you." She looks at him, "Then let me help." Terzo sighs in defeat. He grabs about half of the stack, "Here, these are old receipts, they need to be organized from oldest to newest." Y/n takes the stack, "Do I have to write anything down?" She asks, Terzo shakes his head no, "No, no just organize them." She gets busy, immediately trying to finish the task at hand. Terzo finishes up signing, then leans back into his chair.
Y/n finishes her task with a yawn. Terzo checks his watch, 10:23. He sighs, "Mi cara, we better get going" He looks up at her, curled in the chair, blanket wrapped around her, already sleeping. He smiles at how peaceful she looks sleeping. He stands, stretches and walks over to her. He picks her up and lays on the couch, gently letting her lay on him. He lets her sleep, admiring how the fire dances across her face, emphasizing her natural beauty with every flicker. His eyes start to close, but feeling something sharp against his chest causes him to open his eyes.
Y/n's eyes were glossed over, straddling Terzo's hips, the hilt of a blade in her grasp poking at his chest. Terzo chuckles deeply, "Oh which one of you is it now." Y/n presses the dagger into his chest, starting to break skin. Terzo's hands grab Y/n's and he forces the blade in the air, her strength growing by the second, "I swear, I'll have the head of this entire Clergy." Terzo swears through clenched teeth. He gains enough leverage to push Y/n onto the floor. He straddles her hips now, his hands pinning her wrist and the dagger above her head. Terzo wrestles the blade from her grasp, still holding her down with one hand. He turns the blade in his hand, Behemoth. Terzo growls and snaps the blade off, vanishing the hilt into his collection with the rest of them. Y/n instantly stops trying to get out of his grasp, "Y/n, Y/n are you okay?" He asks, trying to catch his breath.
She slowly opened her eyes, her heart beating rapidly, "Wha-what happened?" She asks, a pain in her head making any movement shooting agony through her body. Terzo lets her wrists go, seeing the slight bruising on them making him feel like a monster, "Nothing, honey, nothing happened." He gets off of her and moves to hold her to his chest, "It's okay, you're safe now." He says, rocking her gently. The exhaustion was too overwhelming for Y/n to push, she nods softly, nuzzles into him, and falls asleep once more. Terzo teleports them into their bed, knowing that if another Clergy member tries anything he at least has weapons hidden there. Terzo tucks Y/n into bed, stepping back just to take in her beauty in the moonlight. He smiles. She starts to stir, her arm searching for him on the right side of the bed. He quickly crawls into bed. When her hand lands on him, she pulls him closer to her, he laughs and pulls her onto his chest, "Good night, Y/n." He kissed the top of her head, she only cuddled into his side. They both fall asleep, no more attacks for the rest of the night.
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