Chapter 11: You Wanna Play With the Sire?
Immediately after the funeral, Y/n and Terzo stand at the doors, thanking the guests for coming and paying their respects. Each person bowed despite her wishes, but that could be fixed later. An overwhelming feeling of happiness and joy flooded into her body. Her mother was safe, alive eternally in the good place with the Old One, there was no reason to fret about her more. Besides, Terzo did promise that she'd see her very soon. Once the last of the guests leaves, including the clergy members, leaving Y/n and Terzo, she slumps over, exhausted, Terzo hugs her tight to him, "You did great today mi cara." He praises, feeling her fall into him more, "I'm tired." She mumbles into his suit, her arms weakly wrapping around his waist, the blood was dried and mostly crusted off, "I can tell, do you want to get cleaned up then get something to eat?" He offers, swaying them slightly. She smiles and looks up at him, the crown sliding down her head, "Okay" He fixes her crown and offers his arm, she takes it and they start the walk back to their room.
The halls were still lined with black silks and roses; they would remain there for twenty five days, one day for each year Elizabeth served as the overseer of the realm. Y/n's perception of the decor shifted to one of pride. She was proud of her mother for not only raising her outside of the church and letting her come back, but how she was still able to work a normal job, create normal friendships, and still maintain the church. Terzo opens the door for her, chivalrous as always. She enters the room and walks to the bathroom. Turning the light on, she gasps at her appearance. Some of the blood stains her dress, the crows seemed to be slightly too big on her head, the amethyst glimmering in the lights of the vanity drew her in. Terzo removes his suit jacket, button up shirt, and tie, leaving him in his slacks and tank top.
He walks into the bathroom and watches as Y/n takes in her appearance, "Are you okay, mi amor?" he asks, crossing his arms, leaning against the doorway. She looks over at him, "I-I don't know what is expected of me. How do I do this?" she looks at him with wide eyes, her pupils dilated, the colors showing fear, anxiety, and yet a new found sense of regality. He moves over to her and holds her face between his hands, "You will know what to do, I will help you with decisions, they are not as big as you think they'll be." She moves her hands on top of his, trying to focus on the comfort and not the scenarios in her head, "Okay, okay, I believe you." She says, more so trying to convince herself, "Now, let's get you cleaned up." He removes his hands and wets a washcloth and moves to get the first aid kit out of the vanity. Y/n removes her crown, analyzing the patterns and gems.
Terzo looks over his shoulder at her, "You can make it appear if you don't want to keep wearing it all day." he informs Y/n looks at him, "Can't you summon it then too?" He shakes his head, "Nope, that crown is tied to you for eternity, until death." He adds quietly. Y/n vanishes the crown, happy to not have the literal and metaphorical weight. He finally finds the small red box and sets it on the counter, "Let me see your wrists." He orders, holding one hand out. She places her wrist in his hand, he grips it gently. He takes the wet cloth and cleans the dried blood from around the cut, cautious to not touch the incision. He then places the cloth down, "Hold your wrist there okay?" He says softly, still worried about hurting her. He picks up the small tube of Neosporin and starts to gently rub it into the cut, she winces slightly, he stops, "Terzo, it's okay, just do it quick." She soothes. He finishes rubbing the ointment in. He rises off his fingers under the tap and grabs the gauze, the cut being too big for a normal band aid. He gently wraps the gauze around her wrist, cutting it off with his teeth, and sealing the bandaid with a piece of medical tape. He repeats this process on the other arm.
Terzo holds her wrists, analyzing his work. He places a gentle kiss on the bandages, then leans down and kisses her lips, "Better mi cara?" She nods with a smile, "Thank you, Terzo." She kisses his cheek, he blushes, "Anything for you, mi cara." A knock at the door ruins the tender moment, Terzo sighs dramatically and walks out of the bathroom.
Y/n laughs at his antics and turns to the mirror. She notices the blood spatters on the sides of the skirt, and how her hair has fallen out of its curl.
Terzo opens the door, Omega stands, "Ah Omega! Hello." Terzo says smiling, "Evening Terzo" He bows slightly.
She snaps her fingers to change her outfit, a colossal wave of exhaustion washes over her. Her eyes roll back slightly, but she catches herself on the counter.
Terzo rolls his eyes, "Enough with the formalities, you're a brother to me." The ghoul laughs, "Fair, fair, I do come with news." He informs, handing Terzo a red envelope, Sister's handwriting decorates the front of it, "Oh great, a gift from Mom." He rolls his eyes.
She takes a few deep breaths trying to ground herself. She feels her injuries from the battle still not fully healed start to flare up. She leans more on the counter, her legs feeling like they'll give out, her eyesight becoming blurry.
"It's only a schedule for Y/n's devotion, nothing too important." Omega says, Terzo's face pales under the makeup, Omega raises an eyebrow, "She doesn't remember that does she?" Terzo nods slowly, "I'll tell her later, bye Omega." Omega turns and walks down the hall, Terzo closes the door with a sigh. He tosses the envelope on top of the dresser. A loud thud coming from the bathroom, made him jump and run to find the cause of it.
He slammed open the door, his eyes settled on Y/n's body, nude, laying on the tile floor, "Oh my Satan, Y/N!" He quickly leans down next to her. She landed on her side, her arm under her head, he sighs in relief. He carefully rolls Y/n on her back, he feels for a pulse, her heart racing, "Oh you stubborn woman." He laments, knowing that she tried to use her magic while in her fragile state. Terzo gently lifts her into his arms and carries her over to their bed. He snaps his fingers, an oversized t-shirt and a pair of boxers now cover her body, her hair in braids.
Terzo turns to his armoire and removes his slacks, refolding them and placing them back into the drawer. He takes off his tank top and tosses it into the laundry basket. He slips on a pair of athletic shorts and turns back to Y/n. He notices her stir slightly and mumble something, He quickly sits on the edge of the bed beside her, staying aware of her movements incase another one of the Clergy tries anything,
"Terzo," she whispers softly, a few groans and whimpers leave her lips as she moves her head, "Stay still, mi amor, stay still." Terzo says, placing his left hand on her waist, his right hand resting on her cheek. She cuddles into his hand. Terzo takes a deep breath and focuses on healing her pain, he pictures the hurt leaving her body, dispersing into the universe. He hears her moan in relief as he works, he pushes more and more energy into her, not wanting her to suffer. After a few more seconds, Terzo opens his eyes and removes his hands, "Better now love?" He asks, and she opens her eyes, "Thank you again, I'm sorry." She says, the exhaustion starting to consume her, "No need, you just didn't understand how much energy your power takes up. It'll come with time mi cara, time and lessons, which we need to start soon too."
Terzo stands and moves over to the red envelope, slowly opening it. Regret immediately tenses his muscles, "What's wrong, Terzo?" Y/n asks, her eyes barely open from the sleep she's trying to fight off. He looks back at her with a smile on his face, trying to mask his fear, "It's just a letter Sister sent over, it's no big deal." He says, putting the piece of paper back into the envelope. Y/n sits up, the name Sister causing a twinge of anxiety to tighten her chest, "What does it say?" She asks, now leaning against the headboard, wincing slightly at the pressure out on her wrist. Terzo closes the envelope, "It's really nothing, mi cara" He tries to convince her, she's had enough, "Give me the letter." She holds her hand out, a determined look in her eyes, he swallows harshly, knowing he can't resist her, "No, mi cara rest, it's fine." She sighs, hating that she has to do this, but leave it to Terzo to annoy her, "Terzo" She sings, his eyes glow blue, entranced by her voice. He walks towards her, hypnotized by the sound. She reaches and grabs the envelope and waves her hand. He comes out of the spell panting, "Mi cara no, no, wait please." He begs trying to take it back, she turns her back to him.
Y/n's eyes scan the paper with speed, hanging onto every graphic detail. She slowly puts the letter down, memories flooding back, her body shakes slightly, but she regains control, "The trails...I forgot about those." She laughs nervously, "A-and this one's a w-whole month." Her brain starts sorting through the newly remembered information, she has to spend five days with each Member of the Clergy, if they can seduce her to marry them, she loses her crown, title of Mama Emeritus, and Terzo forever,
"It's okay mi cara." Terzo says, crawling into bed beside her, pulling her to his chest, "I have nothing but faith that you'll do what's best." Y/n pulls away from him, "You're saying that you think I'll leave you." She looks at him shocked. Terzo looks at her, "No, no, mi cara I never said that." He smiles, trying to show a calm demeanor. It wasn't working, "You really think after all we've been through I'll leave." her voice cracks at the end, not believing his lack of trust, "No, no, it's just. I want you to be happy and if that's with one of them then alright, but don't forget that I'll have their head for laying a hand on you." His white eye glowed at his remark. She laughs, "I know, but not before I send their heads back to you."
He pulls her back to him, kissing all over her face, tickling her sides, "TERZO!" She screams while laughing hysterically. He rolls them over so that he is on all fours above her. He kisses her passionately for a few minutes before he pulls back breathlessly, "We have our wedding night, then you leave." He says, Y/n laughs, "Good thing we're not married for a few more days." Terzo smiles at her mischief and starts kissing her neck, she moans and plays with his hair as his teeth and tongue explore the sensitive skin. A knock at the door interrupts them, Terzo groans into Y/n's shoulder, she laughs at his reaction. Terzo stands and opens the door, Water is there this time.
"Ah, Water, what do you need?" Terzo asks quietly, still not opening the door all the way, "Nihil wanted me to inform you that the Ghost project will resume." He whispers, not finding enough courage to look into Terzo's eyes. Terzo sighs heavily, "Okay, thank you Water." He closes the door, taking a deep breath and turning back to the bed, Y/n looking at him intently, "What was it?" she asks, "Just a sibling asking about a task, that's all." He lies. Terzo jumps back onto the bed with a thud. Y/n crawls over and lays on his chest, "Thank you for helping me today." She says sleepily, finally allowing her body to relax, "No thank you's for basic things, mi amor." Terzo whispers, not wanting to keep her exhausted brain overstimulated, "Now sleep, we have some busy days ahead of us...and nights." They both giggle at his joke, but the fear and anxiety was already planted within them. They both put their worries aside for each other, blissfully accepting the moments that they have right now.
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