The group of five shortly became a group of six as a literally monkey joined their group. Malika now supposed she couldn't call the lions monkeys anymore.
His name was Rafiki and he was also headed towards Milele. He promised to take the group there and Mufasa promised no harm would come to him. Taka was upset there was another animal they couldn't eat.
Malika liked Rafiki though, although most things he said were in forms of riddle, a few of the things he said were great words of wisdom. He also seemed to know a lot about the group, information he could not have possibly known.
Like Mufasa's dreams of his mother in Milele. Or Sarabi's dreams of being in charge of the hunts in her pride. He also knew about Malika's dreams of her father, a great leader of her pride, and worries of failing to meet his greatness. Rafiki said nothing to Taka though, Malika found it reasonable as Taka kept nothing secret. He did often exclaim how wonderful of a leader he would be within his pride. Malika thought it great at first, a male wanting to be so involved in his pride, but now she found it too prideful, as his actions did not follow his words.
"Do you think Rafiki can actually see the future in his dreams?" A voice sounded to her left. The group had settled down once they reached a small rocky area. Malika was lying down on a jutted out rock, a rock overhang above her to stop any surprise attacks from above.
Turning to her left, she saw Mufasa, lowering himself down to her level. She looked at the mandrill and felt her shoulders rise. "Anything is possible. I did not think it possible to find my sister again, nor did I think it possible to gain such a close friend in a short amount of time. Yet, here you are, Mufasa." Mufasa felt his head snap toward the lioness, his thoughts racing at her words.
"We are close friends?" He questioned.
"I would like to be, if that's okay with you." Mufasa quickly nodded in response.
"Yes, yes that is perfect with me." Malika smiled.
"Good, I'd be sad to lose you." Malika said before turning to rest her head on her crossed paws.
Mufasa only stared back at the lioness thinking over how she would be sad to lose him. He felt his heart beat faster at the indication of her needing him. Yet, he needed her just as much, she was a breath of fresh air in a world full of smoke. She understood his ideas of befriending other animals and seeing the circle of life in all its beauty. He never met another to think the same thing as him. She saw him.
"I'd be lost without you." Mufasa whispered back, leaning down to rest his head on his paws, eyes still on the lioness.
"Mufasa! Mufasa, wake up!" A voice sounded from far away. His mother was telling him about Milele yet all he could hear was his name.
"Mufasa!" There it was again, such a familiar voice.
"Wake up!" Mufasa's eyes shot open to see Malika in front of him. Her worried face looking down at him.
"Mufasa, are you alright? You were thrashing and mumbling in your sleep." Mufasa felt his breath quicken as he thought of his lost mother. A memory too painful to discuss with another. He hadn't even talked to Taka about it yet, his brother.
"Nothing, I'm going to talk to Rafiki." Mufasa quickly stood and went towards the monkey sitting on the rock in the middle of a small pond.
Malika watches him go, not wanting to push Mufasa when he woke up looking so scared. She hoped Mufasa would tell her one day, when he felt comfortable.
"Daily report! Daily report!" Zazu flew down to Malika, his head swinging back and forth. "The sun has risen. End of report."
Malika felt a soft chuckle escape her lips as she admired Zazu. He took his job very seriously and sometimes that seriousness came off as humorous.
"Thank you Zazu. Did you sleep well?" Malika questioned as she stared down at the white and blue bird.
"Yes, your highness. Although I did not have anyone to cuddle up to in the middle of the night for warmth like you. I tried with Sarabi, but she didn't seem to want to hug me." Malika instantly hid her head under her paws.
"What do you mean cuddle?"
"Well you were pushed up against Mufasa and Mufasa laid his head upon yours and it was quite cute to be honest. Sarabi thought so too."
"Sarabi saw? Oh no." Malika wanted the ground to swallow her whole as Zazu kept piling on the embarrassment.
"Oh yes! I better go tell my report to Mufasa, I'm sure he would like to know." Zazu opened his wings ready to fly.
"Wait! Please don't say anything about last night to him. He seemed to have woken up in distress. I don't want to add to it." Malika pleaded with the captain.
"Of course! Only the daily report then!" Zazu said before flying over towards Mufasa. Sarabi quickly approached Malika with a grin on her face.
"Don't say a word." Malika growled.
"I wasn't going too!" Sarabi laughed.
"What are we laughing about?" Taka asked, pushing himself in between the sisters.
"Nothing!" Malika yelled as Sarabi continued to laugh. Taka frowned, wanting to be in on the joke.
"How did you sleep last night Malika?" Taka questioned, wanting the lioness to focus on him. Malika glared at her sister to stop before turning to Taka.
"I slept fine Taka, thank you. How did you sleep?"Taka shrugged, a cool exterior but a giddy interior at Malika's attention on him.
"Fine, I'm used to the shade tree back home so it was a little rough at first. I usually have some grass to cushion where I sleep. I'm sure you understand." Malika felt her eyes move towards her sister, an unsure look on her face. Sarabi only glared at Taka, an unreadable look on her face.
"We can't count on always having luxery in our lives, Taka. Start getting used to it now." Sarabi snarled at the lion before moving away to Zazu, the bird done with his report to Mufasa.
Taka sent a confused look towards Sarabi before looking back to Malika.
"I'm sorry about my sister. It's been hard to lose our home, pride, and family. I'm sure you can understand that pain too. She just is on edge right now." Malika expressed, trying to explain her sister's out burst. In reality, Malika wanted to tell Taka to get over himself and that not everything in life is luxurious. Yet, someone had to douse the flames Sarabi leaves.
Malika loved her sister, but sometimes Sarabi started more trouble than she needed. Leaving Malika to clean up the mess and diffuse the issue.
"It's okay, I understand it's stressful right now. We haven't even eaten yet today, I'll tell Mufasa to get on it. Hopefully that'll help her mood improve." Taka stated, a smile on his face as he moved to talk to his brother. Malika found it weird that Taka volunteered Mufasa, rather than asking Mufasa first.
She watched Taka go, an indescribable look on her face as a bad feeling settled in her stomach. Taka was different than everyone else, it seemed to Malika that Taka never had to work for anything in his life. She found herself wondering how Taka would handle this long trip.
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