Fantastic Fantasy: Guest Chat with Mel (Saturn137)
Have you read the incredible fantasy (and more) stories by Mel, @saturn13? If not, go check them out! We'll wait. ;)
Lana: Today we're chatting with the lovely Mel, aka @saturn137. Our topic? All things fantasy. I've been known to dabble in fantasy every now and again, but you, my darling, have become a fantasy guru of sorts. Any tips for someone just starting out into the world of the Fae?
Mel: Hi! Hmm tips for the world of the Fae... my first would be to never trust them - even if they are your own characters. They are the tricksiest creatures I've ever written about.
Mel: They love beauty in all aspects of life, but they also enjoy pulling a good prank!
Lana: Sounds like me. What make you decide to write fantasy? Any Tolkien inspiration behind it?
Mel: Tolkien definitely played a big factor in my love of fantasy. I remember my mother forcing The Hobbit into my hands, telling me I would like it. I didn't believe her until I had finished the first chapter. But my original source of fantasy love comes from a book called The Story Girl by Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of Anne of Green Gables. It was one of the first books I ever owned and the stories she weaved were so magical, it consumed my mind and I've been lost to faeries and fairy tales ever since.
Lana: Haha! Your mom, apparently, has amazing taste in literature. So what story are you writing at the moment and how have you woven in the fantasy element?
Mel: Funnily enough it's the only fantasy book she's ever read haha! Currently, I am working on Heart of Glass - which is about a young girl, Ariel whose heart has been removed and turned to glass, after being cursed by a witch. Weaving fantasy into my stories is never something I ever really think about to be honest. It's just something that happens. A story isn't normal if there isn't a witch, Deity or Faerie involved. There is mention of many fantasy elements in this story, such as the witches performing these curses, as well as the ones trying to help them find a cure. Of course there's faeries and other creatures but I won't say too much more in case I give something away!
Lana: Hehe! I love this plot so much. *.* Now, without giving too much away, what makes Ariel different from the average MC?
Mel: Ariel can be a difficult character to like. I admit I struggled to begin with! She isn't special in any way - she did a horrible thing and was punished, if a little extremely lol. She's just a typical teenager, trying to figure out where she fits in with life, what she wants and who she wants to be. That was my main point when writing this book - the curse can be seen as both good and bad. It's something that gives her anxiety, but also helps her to discover what's really important in life.
Lana: I think your gift is being able to write realistic, relate-able MCs.
Lana: And I'm not just saying that because I love your stories. ;)
Lana: Now, for someone who wants to delve into their own magical realm and fantasy landscape but who is overwhelmed by the potential, what advice would you give? Do you have any websites or music or tips for finding inspiration or brushing up on Fae lore?
Mel: My first tip would be to find something that you love. My love of faeries and Greek Mythology helped me immensely when writing Faery Vow and Forsaken Deity. I read up heaps on the folklore and history (I have a whole bookshelf devoted to fae/ greek mythology research books). It might sound tedious, but you might stumble across a God or Fae creature and the ideas will suddenly start sparking!
The Fantasy world can be overwhelming, especially if you are starting from scratch. Perhaps write a short story that incorporates fantasy in the real world. Start small and keep building. The following link also has some great help and ideas for those wanting to build their own fantasy world from scratch -
Music wise, listen to whatever inspires you. I listen to such a broad range. Lastly just keep reading as much as you can, and remember to keep believing in those Faeries! Peter Pan taught me that and I haven't stopped believing yet.
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Lana: Ah! Such great tips! *.* Before you go, can you tell us a little about your most FAVORITE fantasy story ever read and your favorite ever written?
Mel: Oh Gods, that's such a hard question! Best Fantasy book I've ever read... straight off the top of my head, it would have to be Kate Forsyth's, The Witches of Eileanan series. The world building is breathtaking and I have always loved the way she wrote witches (also a little biased because she is one of my favourite authors). My favourite book written... I think it would have to be Haven. I love Norah and Rylan. Funnily enough I don't read werewolf books! It's one book I hope to return to one day and polish up.
Stay Tuned for Friday, April 15th's chat: a Three-way gossip about all things Dark Romance.
To learn more about Mel be sure to visit her page and hit that follow button: @saturn137. And is there a topic you want us to cover? Be sure to let us know in the comments down below!
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