You're my Light
Holy crap! I know right an update wow must be a good day then lol.
I apologize for not updating this book that often anymore, I have been incredibly busy with school, other books and artworks oh and studying. But I am here now updating this book it has been what? months? almost a year now?
So I remember mentioning in my other books that since school has started I won't be updating this book and Steve/Barry that often like I use to because well I am in 11th grade so close to graduation so I have to study and make sure my grades are good. So after this update, I have no idea when I will be updating this book again.
So I have 78 followers now (so close to 80) so shoutout to
Ebony-Maw (Thanks for the follow Squidward)
Thank you guys so much for the follow it means a lot to me :)
So in today's chapter, this will have the Malec breakup in season..2? yeah, season 2 but in the end, they make up and they realized that they are each other's light and that they love each other very much. This chapter will have the lyrics from the song Lights by BTS and it will be in English.
Sunday, when I can't answer any calls or texts. I'm not in the mood for anything. Though not very often, I feel sick of it. I feel a little helpless right now.
Magnus was sitting there on the couch, he felt his phone buzzed, he picked it up and saw who was calling, he saw that it was Alec. He sighed and hit 'end' he didn't feel like talking to him. Magnus sat there playing with a rose that the Seelie Queen gave to him, a choice between the Shadowhunters and the Down-Worlders. Magnus felt helpless. He started to have flashbacks of him and Alec. The first flashback was when Alec was passed out on the couch after drinking. It was the morning after Magnus saved Luke from dying, he decided to make Alec a drink, Alec didn't care too much about the drink he was drinking but he felt buzzed after the first 3 sips. Alec never drank alcohol in his life. Moments later, Alec felt a bit drunk, Magnus noticed and told him to stay for the night, Alec wasn't too sure but Magnus assisted. So, Alec stayed, Alec woke up confused but he revealed to Magnus that he trusts him.
"Trust makes you do strange things," Magnus said smiling at Alec. Alec smiled back and walked out of the apartment
Magnus still sat there on the couch he shook off the flashback he just had.
But I still feel like I can save someone, I hear your voice. Within the noise, time stops. We are connected by sound, woah
Magnus and Alec were standing outside of the room where Max was after Magnus healed him. He and Alec held hands and he had a flashback once again. It was early in the morning, Magnus woke up in Alec's arms. Last night was crazy, they finally made love for the first time. Magnus didn't expect Alec to go all the way, Magnus knew that Alec was scared but he was with him every step of the way. Alec asked a serious question...asking him what he was afraid of. Magnus never thought about himself it was always about thinking about everyone else and their desire. Magnus thought about it...what is he afraid of? Alec reached for Magnus's hand. Magnus saw and glady took it.
When I close my eyes in the darkness, your light (whoa) lights the way for me. We can walk forward without fear you and I woah
(Skipping the break up scene because well...i dont want this to repersent a break up of our fav ships :) )
Here they were standing out in the alleyway outside of the bar. Magnus crossed his arms preventing himself from wrapping his arms around Alec pulling him to a kiss. Alec kept his distance as he spoke.
"I don't think I can live without you" he said
"Well I can't do anything without...thinking of you" Magnus replied.
Alec came closer to Magnus and Magnus didn't stop him.
"You know what's not an understatement" Magnus said closing the distance and kissed Alec.
You're my light, you're my light. Always shine into my heart. You're my light, you're my light no matter how far apart we are your light shines on me.
They had ups and downs in their relationship, Alec almost left New York to work at Idris, stopping demons and trying to stop a new demon, Lilith and her pet The Owl as what Mundane witnesses called it. Alec was stressed out, he noticed Jace hasn't been sleeping a lot he told actually forced Jace to take the night off. Alec was at home with Magnus, they were kissing while drinking wine. They laughed and kissed the night was perfect for them.
All the angels who know pain flying on damaged wings through the night. Everytime I'm thinking about love, everytime I'm thinking about love. I don't wanna listen to just happy songs.
It all went downhill after saving Jace after finding out that he was the Owl and Lilith was controlling him. Magnus sacrifice his powers to save Jace and Magnus has been depressed. He finally snapped when Alec made a very special dinner. He was going to propose but Magnus came in drunk and crying. Magnus was suffering so Alec took matters in his hands and comtacted Magnus's father.
I'll face my loneliness, color my life. Losing and gaining, but I'm still searching for something today.
Yeah I believe that things will change, no one is perfect. Even this moment has its own meaning and we are connected by sound, whoa.
Chaos was abruting in Idris, fires were breaking out, people running and screaming as demons were flying around. Jonathan summoned a lot of demons to destroy Idris. Magnus came up with an idea on how to close the portal, close it from the inside. Meaning Magnus had to go into Edom and stay there.
Magnus grabbed Alec's hand and showed off the ring Alec was planning on giving him, Magnus found out that the break up was planned by his father. Magnus smiled at Alec and asked him to marry him.
I'm your light I'm your light, always shine into your heart. I'm your light I'm your light no matter how far apart we are. Your light shines on me.
It's been a few days since Magnus left to Edom, Alec hasn't been sleeping, he's been reserching ways on how to bring Magnus back. Alec played with his ring that was on his finger, he thought about the wedding and thinking about the wedding made Alec miss Magnus more, he needed him back now.
Alec's eyes felt heavy, he was exhausted, but he contiued to research. He couldn't take it anymore. He rested his head on the papers and fell asleep.
I never thought there'd be a sleepless night. Turns out they weren't lies. And it made me get stronger what is love? If there's an answer, I wanna know right now.
Getting Magnus back was a challenge. Clary came up with a plan, she formed an alliance by each downworlders, vampire, seelie and warlock. She created a rune that made it where each of them had a downworlder power. Clary got Simon's powers (vampire), Jace got Meliorn's powers (seelie) and Alec got Lorenzo's powers (warlock).
During their trip in Edom, Alec was angry, he wanted Magnus back he was scared that something bad happened to him. Due to these strong emotions Alec almost lost control of his powers. Lorenzo commanded Alec to control his powers, Alec took a deep breath and touched the ring on his fingers and his powers calmed down.
I'm breaking down I can see there's light inside. Dawn will come to the darkest of nights. Overcome, even the future. We won't stop from now on, decide for yourself what it means to be happy. Everyday, take a step to grow up.
After a long and harsh trip, Magnus was back home and in Alec's arms. They were currently in bed, Alec was asleep and Magnus couldn't help but stroke Alec's hair and brush it away from his face. Alec snored slightly, Magnus smiled and watched his husband to be sleep.
But it's okay sometimes, to show weakness. It's okay to be yoy. Don't lie to yourself any more everything connects by sound woah.
The war with Jonathan wasn't over yet, reports came in that Jonathan took dozens of Insitutes including the L.A Insitute that Alec and Izzy's father and brother, Max were, luckiky they were okay. Shadowhunters described it as "look of death" people would look at Jonathan and die. Clary said she's taking Jonathan down herself. Alec held onto his fiancee's hand, Alec was worried that this Insitute was next. Magnus felt Alec's worryness, he kissed Alec and told him it's going to be okay.
When I close my eyes, in the darkness your light lights the way for me. We can walk forward without fear you and I
The war was finally over, Jonathan was dead and the wedding was on. The stood together as Brother Zachariah began the ceremony. Alec and Magnus exchanged vows, the ceremony was beautiful it brought tears and unforgetable memories.
You're my light, you're my light. Always shine into my heart. You're my light, you're my light, no matter how far apart we are your light shines on me.
They danced together, arms wrapped around each other and swayed to the music. Alec kisses his now husband. They've been through hell, literally, but they were by each others' side. People try to break them apart but they always failed and heres why...
How far apart we are, your light shines on me.
They are each others light...
The end
Okay guys I am ending this here I apologize again for not updating I might just put this book on hiatus and just update whenever I can.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will do some editing on this book since good portion of the chapters in this book has been published on my phone so I KNOW there's a lot of spelling mistakes including in this chapter so yeah...I am posting this super late it is almost 1 am. Anyways votes and comments are welcome.
I am super tired I'm going to bed. I have to wake up early for damn math tomorrow.
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