You'll Be In My Heart
Hello guys and welcome to an all new chapter I hope everyone is doing well.
I'm doing okay, school work is hell, 2 weeks left of school and the teacher expect us to do a hard ass project by Friday. At the moment I don't care I have good grades so thats good hopefully.
Alright guys before I start this chapter off, there is one reader out there who happens to be my friend in real life that doesn't have a Wattpad account because I don't know why he just doesn't. He is like my brother and um he saw my last chapter and talked about it off Wattpad and it was quite embrassing then another person that I know who happens to follow me on here saw the last chapter and completely embrassed me so FRICKY FRACK YOU Eazy1993 I WASN'T EXPECTING YOU TO READ THAT CHAPTER SO HOW ABOUT YOU GO SCREW YOURSELF- nah im kidding, im kidding that was a little's embrassed me so how about next time dear reader and Eazy if you don't like the smut or are uncomfortable with it then don't read it another reason why I put warnings on it. Get it? Got it? Good :D
Anyways I hit 34 followers so shout out to
Thanks guys for the follow means a lot. Whew lots of followers this is amazing you know what's also amazing? This book has hit 1.1k reads eeeeeeeee so cool I am so happy. Thank you to people who are reading my book it means a lot.
Okay all the stuff has been covered let's get on with the chapter.
Alec's pov
"Where was this demon sighting?" I asked Izzy through the phone. I was pacing around the room. There has been more reports of mysterious disappearances of Mundanes and I just got word from Luke that the police can't find any answers they described the disappearances as "unexplained" so that usually means demons is involved.
I looked at my worried husband who was holding Max in his arms whole Max was playing with a toy truck.
"Okay Izzy gather some Shadowhunters I'm on my way" I said to Izzy.
"Okay Alec" she said and hung up.
I put my phone away and rubbed my tired eyes
"How bad is it Alexander?" Magnus asked setting Max down on the couch and standing up and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"It's bad" I replied. I felt Magnus massage my shoulders a bit trying to relax me. Which seems to be working, Magnus has magic fingers...literally (A/N: i meant since he has powers get your mind out of the gutter Eazy, sorry carry on).
I sighed "I have to go"
"Go do your job Shadowhunter. I'm not going anywhere" he said smiling. I smiled back and pecked him on the lips
I walked over to Max who was looking at us all confused and kissed him on his blue forehead "I'll be back sweetie alright?" I said to him and he nodded like he understood what I have said. He's only 6 months old and already he understands the word "demon" and "Mundane"
"Dada" Max said and grabbed my arm. This broke my heart, I know what's he trying to do. He's trying to get me to stay.
"I'll be back soon okay? You be good to your papa" I said and slipped away from his tiny and gentle grips.
I walked out the door.
Magnus's pov
Another demon has claimed it's victim this is just sad, my poor Alexander has been getting calls non-stop from the Insitute with new demon sightings and new reports from Luke's police station about the "mysterious disappearances".
I watched as my husband walked out of the door. I smiled 'he'll be safe. The Angel knows I will kick his gorgeous parabatai angel's ass if he let Alec get hurt' I thought to myself. I smiled at the thought of kicking Jace's ass. I was torn away from my thoughts by the sound of...crying?
I looked over at a crying Max. Oh right usually when Alec goes out on his missions Max is usually asleep. Alec's worried face and tone probably made Max scared. I quickly grabbed my crying son and held onto him " shhh it's okay my little blueberry he'll be home soon" I said to him and rocked him.
I walked over to his room and sat Max down on the crib. Max's tears were still falling.
"D-dada" he choked out
"He's safe and he's a strong Shadowhunter trust me blueberry, he's safe" I said to him.
"Pwomise?" He asked. I smiled and smiled
"Promised" I said and kissed him on the forehead. "Now it's bedtime. Sleep tight my little blueberry" I said to him
"Nighty night" Max said. With the flick of my wrist, the lights shut off but created a nightlight for him so he doesn't get scared.
I shut the door slightly and went off and made myself a cocktail. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv and binge watched Lucifer
(What? It's a good tv show. Yeah how ironic a demon is watching the tv show Lucifer ha! Sorry)
3rd Person's Pov
Max squirmed around in his sleep. Max was having a nightmare.
Max was stumbling in a dark room "dada?" He asked looking around clinging onto his teddy bear. He heard grunting sounds and then a cry in pain and then the scene changed. Now Max was standing there watching as Alec fell on the ground, blood was everywhere. Alec layed there unresponsive.
"DADA!" Max shouted and abandoned his teddy bear and ran over to his dad.
"Dada get up...dada" Max begged and tried to pull Alec's hand but it didn't budge. "Cwme on dada" Max said now tears streaming down his face.
Alec didn't move or said anything. He's body looked paled and cold...dead. Max was now sobbing.
"Dada!" Max screamed
"DADA!!!" Max screamed himself awake. He was sobbing and holding onto his teddy bear tightly. Magnus ran into the door...literally.
Magnus's pov
I was sitting here on the couch still, it's been an hour and a half and Alec hasn't walked through the door. I caught myself looking at the door more than once. I flipped through the shows on Netflix and clicked on The Flash, I watched as Barry and Iris argued about Nora when I heard a loud screaming from Max's room. I jumped up and ran, faster than The Flash himself. Ha! Take that Barry Allen. I slammed into the door, hitting my head "ouch fuc- shoot" I said catching myself. I try not to cuss because hello got a 6 month year old in the crib. I saw that the night ligjt turned red...almost blood...that'e unusual that has never happened before.
"Max?" I called out to him
"Papa" he said holding out his arms. I quickly grabbed him and held onto him. He cried into my shoulder.
"What happened?" I asked him but all I got was sniffles so I began to guess "was it the light? I noticee it changed color did that scared you awake?" I asked. Max shool his head.
"I saw...dada...he...he" he tried to say and I understood quickly.
"You saw dada hurt?" I asked him and shook his head. I sighed and realized what kind of dream he had.
"You saw dada dead?" I asked him and he nodded his head and contiue to cry. I held onto him close. Hearing his dad worried voice and him leaving made Max think that it was the last time he was going to see Alec.
I was about to say something when I heard the door opening. I set Max down and ran to the noise which was a mistake cause Max cries harder and louder.
"MAGNUS IM-oh" Alec and I cut him off.
"Don't say that to me say that to your son" I said to him and Alec had a confused look on his face.
"What?" He asked
All I did was point at Max's room. Alec ran to his room.
Alec's pov
Well this mission was absolute shit. There wasn't just one demon or two there was 4 demons in 4 different locations so I had to split up the team. Izzy and Clary had to go in one loction, Underhill and Simon (who decided to help) went the other location, Luke and Maia helped as well only because the demon was close to Jade Wolf so they got that taken care of. The last location wasn't far from Central Park so me and Jace went to that location. The demon was so hard to kill I wished Magnus was here to kill this demon but he had to take care of Max.
It's been an hour and a half and the demon kept escaping from our grasps. Finally I shot 3 arrows at that fucking demon and oh it finally hit it, it finally fucking hit it. Jace went over there and stabbed the demon and it disappeared in pixie dust as I like to call that.
I sighed a relief when I got a fire message from Underhill and Clary saying "mission complete" and Clary comfirmed that Luke and Maia killed a demon as well.
We all met back up at the Insitute and I dismissed Simon and Izzy so they can finally go on their date.
"Go home Alec I bet your husband is worried sick about you" Jace said. I smiled and nodded. I bid him good night and went home.
I walked through the door and a couch messy with a blanklet and popcorn everywhere. But I didn't see Magnus.
"MAGNUS I'M- oh" I said and saw Magnus run up to me.
"Don't say that to me, say that to your son" Magnus said. I was confused
"What?" I said then I finally heard the cries. Oh no...Max.
Magnus pointed at the room. i ran to his room.
"Max..Max I'm here" I said to him and picked him up. Max calmed down a little.
"Dada?" He asked
"Yes it's's dada" I said to him. He grabbed my nose. I smiled when he did that
"Dada!" He cried out and hugged me tightly.
"I told you I was coming back" I said, Max didn't let go of me. He kept crying.
"HE HAD A NIGHTMARE OF YOU DYING" Magnus shouted from the living follow by some grunting sounds and cussing. Sounded like he knocked his head on the coffee table. "Jesus how far did these popcorn fly?" I heard him ask himself. I chuckled at my Husband's clumsness. Max was still crying.
"Max...max please stop crying...I'm fine" I said but he didn't stop crying. Think Alec think (think mcfly think-sorry) what can I do to make my son feel better? Read him a story? No last time I tried reading him a book he used his magic and threw it at Magnus hitting him on the nose. Hmm singing usually helped. He would fall asleep whenever we would watch Disney movies at night. The one song that he loves was "You'll be in my heart" from Tarzan. I guess I'll sing that to him. I never liked singing, I also thought I had a terrible voice well let's test that.
"Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. Just take my hand. Hold it tight" I began. Max was crying still so I contiued.
"I will protect you from all around you. I'll be here don't you cry. For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm" Max started to calm down.
"This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here don't you cry. Cause you'll be in my heart, yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on. Now and forever more" I contiued to sing to my beautiful son who had stopped crying and is now listening to my voice. It's working so.
"Why can't they understand the way we feel? They just don't trust what they can't explain. I know we're different but deep inside us we're not all different at all" As I sang I noticed Magnus standing there by the door watching us with a smile on his face. My face turned red I was about to stop singing but Magnus gave me a signal to contiue. I cleared my throat and contiued.
"And you'll be in my heart. Yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on now and forever more." I heard a soft snoring coming from my shoulder I took a peakes at Max and smiled. He fell asleep and is...drooling all over my favorite shirt..okay then. I didn't want to stop singing so I contiued.
"Don't listen to them cause what do they know? We need each other. To have, to hold. They'll see in time I know. We'll show them together. Cause you'll be in my heart. Believe me you'll be in my heart. I'll be there from this day on. Now and forever more." I felt a hand on my other shoulder and I turned and saw Magnus was a beautiful smile on his face.
"When destiny calls you. You must be strong I may not be with you but you've got to hold on. They'll see in time I know, we'll show them together. Cause you'll be in my heart believe me, you'll be in my heart. I'll be there from this day on, now and forever more" I felt Max squirmed in my arms wrapping his tiny arm around my neck I smiled and rocked him slowly as I closed the song out.
"Oh you'll be in my heart, no matter what they say, you'll be in my heart. Always I'll be with you. I'll be there for you always. Always and always. Just look over your shoulder, just look over your shoulder, just look over your shoulder. I'll be there...always" I placed Max back in his crib and kissed his blue forehead.
"Sweet dreans little one" I said to him. Magnus wrapped his arm around my waist and his other hand to create another night light. Magnus and I walked out of Max's room.
"That was beautiful Alexander. I didn't know you could sing" he said sitting on a now cleaned couch. I sat next to him
"Yeah I heard singing to a crying child calms them down. I read it on Mundany mother book." I replied thinking about the book Clary gave me.
"You have a beautiful voice" he said to me kissing me on the cheek. My face turned red
"Thank you" I said "I never liked singing because I never liked my voice but apparently Max loves it"
Magnus chuckled.
The night went on and we didn't hear Max cry through the rest of the night. I ended in sleeping in my husband's arms.
The end
That is the end of this chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it. I was trying not to cry while I was writing this chapter.
I have always loved that song its so beautiful 😊
Votes and comments are welcome as always.
And I will see you guys in the next chapter.
Bye guys!
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