mpreg Alec pt. 2
Hey everyone, I apologize for the late update I've been busy...trying to unsuspend my twitter account....yeah I don't want to talk about that. I also had a bunch of school work to do so yeah I had a busy schedule, it has been a crazy few days but that didn't stop me from writing another Malec chapter for you all, so far you guys have been enjoying this book which is wonderful 😊.
Anyways I don't want to bore you guys with more updates, here is the chapter.
Alec in labor + A clumsy Magnus= a perfect happy family 😁
Previously on Shadowhunters:
" Hey Mags"
"I think my water just broke"
Magnus fell out of bed.
"...Mags....chill...out" Alec said in between breaths
Magnus was running around the place trying to find the to-go bag he packed eariler. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE BAG?!"
As Magnus was running around, he was bumping into walls, tables, and the couch. Finally, Magnus found the bag and ran back into the room.
"OKAY COME ON SWEETIE LET'S-" Magnus tripped over his own feet and landed on his face.
Alec looked at him while breathing hard
" okay"
Alec stumbled out of bed screaming slightly in pain. Magnus popped up from the ground and helped his husband walk, Magnus flicked his wrist and a portal to the insitute opened.
-The Institute (eariler)-
Izzy, Clary and Jace were chit-chatting and searching any demons walking on the earth attacking any Mundanes.
"Anything on the map Clary?" Jace asked wrapping his arms around her.
"Nope, nothing. Just another peaceful day" Clary replied melting into the touch.
Clary was right, there hasn't been any demon reports for about 9 months thats because Magnhs threatened the downworlds "Hurt my Alexander and I will give you punishment worse than hell" so yeah the demons and the evil downworlders left them alone. The only report they got was just updates from Magnus talking about Alec and the baby. The last time they heard from Magnus was about a week ago saying Alec's contractions was starting to get bigger and painful, the Shadowhunters knew that very soon Alec was about to give birth.
"Any updates from Magnus?" Izzy asked walking in.
Clary broke free from Jace's embraced "no not yet."
"Well let me know if you hear anything from Magnus"
"We will"
Izzy walked away leaving Jace and Clary alone.
"I can't believe Alec and Magnus are going to be dads" Clary said excited for the both of them.
"Yeah I can't believe it either, I so can't wait for Alec to give birth already, cause me being his Parabatai while Alec is pregnant sucks ass right now, I am feeling everything likw contraction pains"
"Well hey just be happy Alec doesn't have morning sickness like a few months back..."
"By the Angel that was horrible as hell" Jace said having a slighy flashback.
When Alec became pregnant, Jace was in the middle of an important meeting with the downworlders and the clave in Idris when Jace started to feel sick for an odd reason but Jace brushed it off thinking it was because of something Izzy cooked for him (Izzy can't cook but the poor thing has been trying to make the best meatloaf in the ever existence of mankind). During the intense meeting, Jace stood up to back up Magnus for whatever he was saying and then all of a sudden...Jace threw up...all over the table. The downworlders and the Clave gave Jace a weird look like "what is his problem". Magnus was questioning Jace as well. Jace kept throwing up, this time in the trash can. The Clave decided to call it a day and will finish the next day. Magnus helped Jace get back to the insitute. Jace was in the medical room clutching onto his stomach, the only person who showed up for Jace's aid was Izzy.
" Oh my god is Jace okay?"
"Isabelle where's Alexander?"
"Um the last time I checked Alec is in the bathroom throwing up"
"'m feeling...throwing up?" Jace asked still feeling nauseated.
"I believe so" Izzy said placing her hand on Jace's forehead.
Jace was feeling better and was about to get up only to hear a squeal from Clary in the other room.
Clary ran in while dragging Alec in, who looked like he wanted to die. His hair was messy and was pale due to his vomiting.
"Tell them Alec, tell them" Clary said jumping up and down excitedly.
Alec grumbled
"Come on Alec"
Alec took a deep breath
"I'm pregnant"
All Jace remembered was Magnus cheering and kissing Alec's stomach while the girls where squealing and cheering before Jace passed out falling off the bed.
Jace's life became a living hell ver since.
Jace cringed at the flashback.
"Hey at least be happy for Alec" Clary's voice tore Jace away from his thoughts
"Oh no I am, I am very happy to become an uncle but I just hate having to feel everything Alec is going through"
"I know but be thankful Magnus was able to help with that"
"Pfft he didn't give me ANY medicine for me he only gave medicine for Alec HOPING that it will help me but it didn't really help at all" Jace said a little ticked off.
Clary wrapped her arms around Jace's neck and was about to kiss him when Jace screamed in pain all over a sudden.
Jace leaned over the table clutching onto his stomach in pain
"IZZY!!!" Clary called out then a portal opened.
Alec popped in holding his stomach clearing in pain and Magnus ran in...only to over shot his landing and slammed into the nearest wall....okay.
"WHERE'S IZZY" Alec shouted
Clary was about to call for Izzy when she ran in
"BY THE ANGEL ALEC" Izzy ran over and helped her big brother into the medical room. Magnus quickly followed.
Jace however, passed out due to the pain. Clary dragged Jace into his room and ran out to the medical room.
Alec was laying on the bed CLEARLY ready to give birth. Magnus was looking in the bag he brought trying to find something.
"Okay Alec just breathe alright" Izzy said comforting. Alec did, he was breathing hard and groaned in pain.
"ALEC HERE" Magnus ran over to Alec tripping slightly but catching himself in process, while handing the potion he made for Alec.
Alec opened the vial and drank it andm gagged
"Yeah...I mightve lied about that"
"MAGNUS!" Alec threw his head back in disbelief. He was no longer feeling the pain.
"Okay Alec get ready to push okay on 3...1...2...3!" Izzy counted and Alec started to push.
Jace busted through the door "ALEC MY PARABATI, MY BUDDY MY-" Jace caught view of what was happening and passed out slamming face first on the ground. Alec felt that
"OH GOD OW" Alec screamed holding his nose which was now bleeding.
Thanks Jace.
After lots of pushing and passed out bloody Jace. Max Lightwood-Bane was born.
"Awww he is so cute" Clary said
Alec smiled
"Awwww I want to pinch those cheeks" Izzy said.
Alec smiled even wider. Magnus was laying next to Alec playing with Max's tiny hands. He kissed Alec on the forehead then kissed Max on the head.
"Can I see him?" Jace asked
Alec nodded and handed him Max.
Jace cradled his little nephew in his arms. "I sure hated feeling everything your dad was going through but you are too cute to be mad at. It was all worthed it." Jace said smiling at Max who was now asleep. Jace handed Max back to Alec.
Alec yawned and rested his head on Magnus's shoulder.
"Sleep tight honey you will never get to sleep this peaceful for a while now..." Magnus said petting Alec's forehead.
Clary, Jace and Izzy walked out giving the two new dads some privacy. "That went well" Clary said.
"Whew yeah. Whos hungry?" Izzy asked
"I am" both Clary and Jace answered the same time.
"great I'll start cooking"
Clary and Jace became scared
"Ahh actually I changed my mind I going to hang out with Simon" Clary said
"Yeah um my nose hurts Im going to lay down" Jace said.
They both ran off leaving Izzy standing there alone confused.
Alec was snoring slightly along with Max while Magnus was taking a selfie with both of them. He smiled at the way the picture came out. Magnus set his phone down and cuddled up with Alec. Magnus flicked his wrist and turned off the lights.
-The End-
Wow, that was beautiful *whips tears away* I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. In the near future chapters, I will have a chapter prior to this where baby Max tapped into his powers and creates all these mischievous things like bringing a dragon to life that he saw on T.V and the Dragon started to terrorize the city....wait that sounds familiar...
.......Right yes of course...Charmed....erm.....
I'll think about that chapter OR comment down below if you want that chapter to happen 😁.
Thanks everyone for sticking with me and I apologized for not updating eariler I was busy. But hopefully this was worth the wait. Votes and comments are welcome.
See ya later
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