Love Story (Wedding Special)
Hello everyone, welcome to an all new chapter, I hope you are all doing well and recovering after the final hunt of Shadowhunters.
Here's my reaction:
Happy. Sad. Omg. 💍. 😊.😭
Yeah that's about it. If you seen the final episodes comment down below your reaction AND if you think this isnt the end of Shadowhunters and if they are planning on doing a spin off. Personally, I think this isnt the end of Shadowhunters.
So this chapter is pretty much the reaction of....(if you guys havent seen the episodes do now and save this chapter for later cause this is a spoil alert) malec's wedding. That wedding brought me to tears it wae beautiful I love them so much.
Also I reached to 21 followers so shout out to BipolarBeanno123 and Lokiest
Thank you for the follow :)
Anyway, enjoy this chapter.
Here they were, together, dancing while wearing their rings. Magnus had his head on Alec's shoulder and they were swaying to the music.
As the music played...they started to have flashbacks of their forst meeting all the way to now.
We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes, and the flashback starts
"Who are you?" Magnus asked after seeing an arrow fly past him and hit a circle member. He saw Alec rush past him and grabbed the weapon the Circle member was holding. The first time Alec had saved Magnus...but that wasn't the end of it.
The second time he saved his life was literally a minute after he saved him the first time
"Well done" Alec said
"More like Medium rare" Magnus turned around and saw Alec. "I'm Magnus i don't think we wete formally introduced"
Magnus smiled and so did Alec
"Un I should um..I should- you know" Alec stuttered, unable to speak.
"Right...we should join the party"
"Yeah" Alec said and walked away.
I'm standing there, on the balcony in summer air.
I see the light, see the party, the ba gowns.
Magnus wanted Alec and Alec...well Alec wanted Jace but he secretly wanted Magnus as well. And boy he was horrible at hiding his feelings. Magnus never really loved someone well he has but they are all past lovers but there was something about Alec that Magnus liked....that unlocked something in him.
See you make your way through the crowd and say "hello". Little did I know
So Alec being all grumpy and what now, he was strict to the rules and restoring the Lightwood name that he almost made a huge regret in his life. Luckily, Magnus was there to save his life from regret. That was the first time they ever kissed.
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles. And my mommy said "stay away fron Juliet"
It was Alec's mother that didn't really liked at the fact that he kissed a Warlock in front of everyone including the Clave.
"Why is it because he's a guy?" He asked
"No just the fact that he's a 'guy' is the least of my worries" she replied. Okay well at least she approves of him being gay but Alec hated the fact that his own mother perhaps father didn't approve his relationship with Magnus.
And I was crying on the staircase begging you "please don't go" and I said
Hell it all went to hell, Valentine's uprising, Alec's parabatai was missing, Clary getting on his nerves including her mother, he wanted everyone to back off. He finally snapped but he snapped at the wrong person...he snapped at Magnus. Alec saw Magnus walk away which made Alec heart broken.
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story baby just say "yes."
Alec is going to apologize to Magnus, well at least try to, he isn't that good at apologizes in fact he doesn't remember the last time he apologized all he remember was...breaking a person's nose when he was younger and...accepting the consequence. What? He is a Lightwood that's what he does. He was about to go to Magnus's place when his mother stopped him. Alec didn't have time for this.
So I sneak out to the garden to see you, we keep quiet, cause we're dead if they knew so close your eyes. Escape this town for a little while.
Alec didn't listen to his mother, he went over to Magnus and apologize...or try to but Magnus forgave him, Alec smiled which made Magnus smiled. Oh how they missed each other's smile.
"When things get crazy don't push me away" those words stuck with Alec and he later on used that quote to Magnus.
Flashforward to Clary getting her Angelic rune after the defeat of Valentine. Alec was given the position of becoming the new Inquisitor, Alec wanted to accept that so bad but he relaized that demons, that includes Magnus weren't allowed to go to Alicante, Idris so Alec back down the offer.
Cause you were Romeo, I was scarlet letter and my mommy said "stay away from Juliet" but you were everything to me I was begging you please don't go and I said
Alec kissed Magnus "I'm not going anywhere" he said and contiue to play pool with his lovely boyfriend who is cheatjng to win. But Alec didn't mind it reminded him his first date with Magnus. He smiled at the memory and watch Magnus make his move on the pool table....and he won.
Their relationship hit a lot of bumpy roads, Jace became the Owl and Magnus used the last of his powers to save Jace. Magnus was miserable since but he was good at hiding it.
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone, I'll be waiting, all there's left do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story baby just say "yes"
Alec had something special planned for Magnus and it required Alec to talk to his mother about the Lightwood ring which his mother was so happy about. She went from not liking the relationship to loving the relationship and she gladly gave him the ring.
Of course his plan didn't work out. Magnus showed up to the date drunk and a crying mess. Alec knew it was because of him losing his powers. He wanted to make it right. He wanted Magnus to be happy even if that means he had to talk Magnus's father.
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel. This love is difficult, but it's real. Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess. It's a love story baby just say "yes" oh oh
Magnus's father made a deal with Alec, he would give Magnus's powers back if Alec breaks up with him. Alec didn't want to but he had no choice...he had to do it to save him.
Magnus was torn, he was happy with Alec with or without his magic. He doesn't understand why he would break things off with him. Oh and Magnus's father is walking on Earth trying to get back into Magnus's life so that's great.
I got tried of waiting. Wondering if you were ever coming around my faith in you was fading.
Magnus found out what Asmodeus plan/deal and ended up sending his father away in limbo forever. Asmodeus is now gone and it was time for Magnus's to get his man back. He looked at the ring he was holding that Alec's mother gave to him that made him realize what Asmodeus did. He portaled out.
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said, Romeo eave me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come.
"Magnus you can't be here....we can't be together" Alec said
"Asmodeus can't come between us. I know your guys' deal an-" Magnus was cut off by Alec kissing him while the destruction of Idris was going on in the background.
Alec didn't know what happened next but Magnus revealed the Lightwood ring and Magnus used his magic to create another ring.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think. He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood" Magnus started "Will you marry me?"
"Only if you'll marry me too" Alec replied. Magnus took that as a yes and slipped the ring on his finger and Alec did the same.
And said "marry me Juliet you'll never be alone. I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your mother, go pick out a white dress.
The were going to kiss again but that was cut off by a booming sound outside.
Magnus sacrificed himself to save Idris.
Was this the end of Magnus Bane? Hell no Alec wasn't going to give up like that he, Clary, Jace, Izzy, Simon, Meliorn, and Lorenzo all went to Edom to get Magnus back.
They got Magnus back just in time for the wedding.
All the memories flooded the newly wedded couple.
It's a love story baby just say 'yes' "
Oh, oh. Oh, oh
Alec and Magnus looked at each other with tears in their eyes and smiled then kissed. They held onto each other close.
Because we were both young when I first saw you
Congratulations to the newly weds Magnus Bane-Lightwood and Alec Gideon Bane-Lightwood
The end
Oh my Loki, I cried while writing this chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it. Votes and comments are welcome as always.
Send your congrats to the couple in the comments as well.
I'll see you in the next chapter
Bye 😭
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