Hello everyone and welcome to an all new chapter, I apologize to everyone for not updating sooner I was busy writing my new story, I just posted the first chapter not that long ago so be sure to check that out :)
So do you guys remember back at school, and you are at the lockers gathering your books for your next class and you slam the locker door closed and you waited for your friend so you put your back on the lockers and you see a cute boy talking to his friends? I sure did, I remember seeing a boy that I like hanging out with his friends and I would watch (not in a pervy way). He would laugh with his friends, he played a lot of football at recess time and I started to have this weird feeling inside of me, my heart would skip a beat, my cheeks go red, etc. Thats when I realized that I started to have a crush on him. Well that's what this story is gonna be about only Malec version and cutier lol.
So if you ever had a crush on someone whether if it's a boy or girl comment down below your crush's name. For me it was a boy name Xavier <3 and a girl name Ally yes I had a crush on a girl but sadly my best friend from public school stole her away from me and Xavier went to a different school so yeah my life sucked back then but now I moved on. What was my point in all of this? Or right yeah Malec
Enjoy the chapter!
I hung up the phone tonight. Something happened for the first time.
Magnus's pov
Today isn't exactly a good day for me, I failed my Math test and I forgot about my book report at home. Gosh since when did school become so complicated? I was currently at the lockers gathering my science book for my science class. I sighed a relief, finally a class that I am actually looking forward to attend. I slammed my locker door closed and put my back against it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The halls was cluttered with people who were in a rush to attend their next class or they just stand around and chat with their friends talking about boys or nerd stuff. I was in a deep thought when I heard shout for somebody and just somebody, they were shouting His name.
"Hey Alec!" They called. And I saw him running towards his friends Alexander Gideon Lightwood is the quarterback football star for the ShadowHunters team and is just beautiful. He had the most beautiful hair, the most beautiful smile.
Everything about him was beautiful. He shot me a glance and smiled at me. I blushed and realized that I was staring at him. I quickly walked away once I went into the classroom I took a deep breath
Deep inside, it was a rush, what a rush.
After Science ended, I went to the cafeteria and sat down close by my friends who were Isabelle, Clarissa and Simon they were talking about movies as usual but my mind was somewhere else and I was doing my science homework so there's that. I heard some laughter from across the table, I looked up and saw Alec laughing with his friend Jace. I can't help but stare at Alec, he is so cute and dreamy. Sometimes we bump into each other in the halls and we say hi to each other, I would blush as usual but I keep having this feeling that he likes me back or at least I hope he feels the same.
'Cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way about me. Just too much, just too much
After lunch time, we had to hit the lockers to get things for our next class, I had music which happens to be my favorite subject because I can play the piano which I do after class and Alec is in my class. In music class we had to pair up with something to play a certain instrument (it has been forever since ive been in Music class so I have no idea what kind of project im creating here so bear with me) and identify its notes.
"Alright Clary you go with Jace, Izzy you are with Simon and...Magnus you are with Alec" the teacher said
My heart stopped did the teacher just said that my partner for today's class was...Alec. This has to be a dream. Alec sat next to me with a guitar.
"Hi" he said to me with a smile. I couldn't breath, my crush is sitting next to me and is smiling and talking to me. Okay keep it cool Magnus you don't want to scare him off.
"H-hi" I stuttered. STUPID! I just stuttered like an idiot in front of my crush.
He then began to play the guitar and I took notes. Wow he is a fantastic player. I watched as he played and I only took a little bit of notes because I keep getting distracted. I began to wonder, why haven't I told him how I feel about him?
Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you. You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized and I just got to know
Maybe he won't feel the same, that is what I'm afraid of, what if he won't feel the same. That's usually how crushes go, you really like someone and you just don't know how to tell someone how you feel or you are afraid of getting rejected. But I know I have to find out the answer or else I would regret not telling him how I feel and not getting an answer.
After music class, I built the courage and walked towards where Alec usually hangs out with his friends.
"Hey Alec" I greeted him acting calm even though I'm totally freaking out inside.
"Oh hey Magnus what's up?" Alec greeted
"Um I was wondering if you would l-l-like to hang out sometime?" I asked him stuttering and hiding my blush
"Yes I would love to" Alec replied.
I cheered in my head, he said yes! I am so excited.
"I have a game on friday, be there and we could hang out maybe grab some pizza after the game" Alec said
"That sounds great" I said excitedly
I walked away to meet up with Clary and tell her about my date.
Do you ever think when you're all alone, all that we can be, where this thing can go?
(Skipping to Friday cause why not)
I was putting on mt outfit for tonight cause tonight is a big night ShadowHunters vs. The Seelies and I was invited to the game and a pizza night after the game. I ran downstairs and grabbed my car keys
"Bye mom and dad!" I shouted and ran out the door not giving my mom any time to say "dont be out too late."
By the time I got there, everything was packed, this must be a big game tonight, everyone was finding their seats. I spotted a certain red head sitting next to a girl, ah Clary and Izzy are here good. I quickly got over there and sat down.
"Yay finally you're here." Clary squealed. Someone's chipper than usual.
"You alright biscuit?" I asked her
"Yep Im just really excited to see this game and plus im going to hang out with Jace after the game" Clary said. Well good for her, she has a crush on Jace like a big crush, bigger than my crush on Alec, bigger than Steve Rogers's crush on Bucky Barnes another converstation that Izzy, Clary and Simon have during lunch that I don't pay attention to. Clary hasn't shut up about Jace and to be honest it was annoying so I'm glad she's going out with him so she can shut up about him!! Oh look the game has started.
I watched as Alec played the game, tossing the ball to his nearest player. Ah, so beautiful.
Sometimes when they are doing football practices I sit there sometimes with Clary or myself and we just watch them. I even daydreamed about Alec, going down there, taking off his helmet and give him a kiss. Okay I admit maybe I'm start to fall for him faster than The Flash running around in Central City. Or am I just crazy?
Am I crazy or falling love? Is it real or just a crush? Do you catch your breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do?
The game was now at a time with only a little bit of time to spare. I can tell that Alec is tired, he had to go to timeout at least 3 times. I see his couch squirt water in his mouth. I saw Alec take a deep breath and did his call. He caught the ball then threw it at the player. Come on, come on just one more touch down and....
"TOUCHDOWN SHADOWHUNTERS!" The announcers shouted. Clary and I jumped up and cheered and the bell went off signally the game over. I saw Alec take off his helmet and run towards his friends and did a victory jump. I was so happy for him. I was actually tempted to go down there and kiss him but instead I walked away and waited for him.
Cause I've tried and tried to walk away but I know this crush ain't going away-ay-ay
Going away-ay-ay
I waited and waited for Alec and finally he showed up. He was cheering with his friends and he noticed me. He smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. He walked up to me and my heart was literally beating out of my chest.
"Hey there" he said to me
"Hi" I replied "great game by the way you totally killed it"
Alec chuckled then looked down at his feet "it wasn't just me who killed it, my team killed it" Alec said. I laughed.
Has it ever crossed your mind, when we're hanging out, spending time boy. Are we just friends? Is there more, is there more?
Alec and I and the team feating Clary hung out at a local pizza place where most of football, soccer, baseball, etc teams go after game or practice. I ended up sitting next to Alec, his knee was touching mine sending sparks to my body, my heart was skipping a beat. It was like it was trying to tell me something.
See it's a chance we've gotta take, cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last, last forever, forever
After having that pizza party, things were getting better and better everyday, Alec has been saying hi to me whenever we are out at the halls and instead of Alec talking to his friends like he normally does he talks to me, asking how my day is and what I'm going to be doing after school, this is starting to become a really good friendship but here is what gets me, I want to tell Alec how I feel but if he doesn't feel the same then our friendship will be over. And I don't want that happening. I became scared just thinking about it.
Do you ever think when you're all alone, all that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?
After school, I went home and crashed on my bed. My mind is racing with questions, should I or should I not tell him how I feel? Is it really worth risking our friendship? I groaned and slammed a pillow on my face. I hate having a crush on someone who is happens to be my friend.
Alec's pov (yay)
I'm going to tell Magnus how I feel about him but what if he doesn't feel that way? If so then there goes our friendship. I've always liked Magnus, he was quiet, he didn't go all crazy like the ladies and the guys do whenever they see me and from what I heard from my friend, Jace, Magnus is a sweetheart. Whenever I had music class with Magnus I'm always staring at him from a far and then close to the end of the class he would play the piano and he was incredible, the lastest song he played on the piano was Walking In Memphis by Marc Cohn, it sounded so good. Those are the many reasond why I fell in love with him.
Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? Cause I've tried and tried to walk away
I only start to hang out with him recently but it felt like we have been friends forever. He talk about his day whenever I ask him about his day, we just chit chat whenever have extra time out in the halls, I usually hang out with Jace but all he really talks about is this girl name Clary who he has a huge crush on. They started to hang out a lot, perhaps they are dating. Maybe I should ask Jace how he got with his crush. I began to text Jace.
Magnus pov
The next day was hell, Clary wouldn't shut up about her now boyfriend Jace, Alec has been avoiding me and I don't know why, I failed another math test, life I just love you so much right now.
I was at lunch sitting by myself because Izzy is out sick, she caught a stomach bug, Clary is sitting with Jace and Simon is hanging out with Raphael when someone sat next to me, I looked up and saw that one of Alec's teammates was sitting next to me.
"Hi" I said politely
"Hello" the player replied "I'm Raj, Alec's team mate" he held out his hand and I gladly shook it.
"Nice to meet you" I said with a smile and he smiled back.
"I came over here to ask you something" he said
"Okay what is it?"
"Do you love Alec?" He asked
I choked on air. How did he- am I that obvious?
"What- how-"
"It's pretty obvious" Raj said chuckling
"Of course"
"Im asking because I think it's time that you ask him out"
Well that's new usually when crushes happen their friends would say stay away from him or whatever. At this moment I just opened up to him, telling him that I'm afraid he would say no and it could ruin our friendship.
"I understand" Raj said
"You do?"
He nodded "I think you should take the risk, because if you don't you won't know the answer and that regret can haunt you for the rest of your life" Raj said. Well shit this dude gives out some great advices.
"Okay Raj I will" I said and he smiled.
But I know this crush ain't going away-ay-ay
Going away-ay-ay
After lunch, I walked past Alec slipping a note in his hand saying: "meet me at the empty classroom after Music." I became nervous, I'm finally going to tell him.
I sat there in Music class and I felt someone staring at me so I turned to look at the person who was staring at me and it was Alec. I smiled nervously at him and turned back to the board, not knowing that he smiled back.
Alec's pov
So Magnus gave me this note asking me to meet him in a empty classroon after Music, this is it, this is where I'm going to tell him how I feel. Not gonna lie I am pretty nervous.
In music class, I couldn't stop staring at Magnus, I was thinking about what should I say to him and plus he looks beautiful. Magnus turned to look at me, shit, busted. He flashed me a smile and turned back, I smiled back even though he didn't see me smile. God hurry up and end class, got better things to do.
Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you. You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized and I just got to know...
Magnus's pov
After music class ended, I ran out the door and walked into the empty classroom and waited. I heard people outside talking loud and running and slaming their lockers closed. I took a deep breath, my palms were sweating and my knees were weak. I think I made a mistake...
Alec's pov
I raced out of the door after the bell rung, the hallway was packed in less than a second. I pushed past a lot of people and found the empty classroom. I walked in and shut the door taking a deep breath.
"Hi Alec" I heard Magnus's voice. I turned and looked at him.
"Um thanks for showing up" Magnus said scratching the back of his neck nervously, why was he so nervous?
Do you ever think when you're all alone, all that we can be, where this can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?
"I have something to tell you Alexander" Magnus said, saying my full name.
"Go on" I said nervously
"I like you"
Magnus's pov
There I said it, I finally freaking said it, I finally got that weight off my chest but my heart was clenching tight. Alec hasn't given me an answer yet and it's scary.
Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? Cause I've tried and tried to walk away
"You-you do?" He stuttered. I nodded then looked down.
"Yes I do, and I understand if you don't like me bac-" I was interrupted by a pair of lips on mine. My eyes were wide, my heart was beating fast and fireworks were exploding in my stomach. I began to melt into the kiss.
But I know this crush ain't going away-ay-ay
Going away-ay-ay
Going away
Going away-ay-ay
Going away-ay-ay
We stopped kissing to take a breath.
"I like you too Magnus" Alec said. I smiled and he cupped my cheek.
"I have something else to ask you" I said
"Go ahead"
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him. Alec smiled and kissed me again
"I would love to be your boyfriend"
-The end-
Whew, and that is the end of this chapter, I hoped you guys like it. Votes and comments are welcome
Im keeping this note short because this chapter is over 3000 words. Oh an shoutout to
Thanks for the follow it means a lot :)
I will see you guys in the next chapter.
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