Breakfast in Bed
Well well I bet you all didn't expect to get an update today hehe....honestly I wasn't too sure about updating today, but it seems to me like you guys really enjoy this book so far I just had to update.
I just got done watching 3x14 I won't give away too much but all you need to know is that it was good and honestly shut out to my girls Clary and Maia, they killed it tonight, I like Maia she's cool. Since we are on the topic of Shadowhunters, if you saw the episode that aired today comment down below your reaction to tonight's episode and to those who haven't seen tonight's episode then comment down below your favorite Shadowhunters character(s). Mine are Alec and Magnus lol that's a duh right there 😁.
Anyways let's get on with the chapter
WARNING: extreme fluff.
Alec TRIES to make a surprise breakfast in bed for Magnus...that doesn't work out according to plan....luckliy Clary is on the "Emergancy Mundane Helper" call list 😁
Magnus stirred in bed while Alec was slowly and carefully sneaking out of the room. Alec shut the door closed and walked in the living room.
Alec took a deep breath soaking in the morning sun that was peaking through the curtains. Alec looked around and became bored out of his mind, he woke up early on his day off and he's got nothing to do (A/N: preach to the choir Alec I always wake up early and have nothing to do 😑).
Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. Alec smiled as he looked at the kitchen. He decided to do some experimenting in the kitchen. Cooking class lesson 101: Cook a surprise breakfast for Magnus.
"Oh boy, this is gonna be fun" Alec thought to himself while getting the materials he needs.
-Few minutes later-
This is a disaster, Alec burned at least 4 pancakes, burned 2 omelettes, and he burned his hand on the burner of the stove.
Alec tossed the burnt pancake in the trash can. He will make the perfect breakfast for Magnus even if that means he has to call Clary and have her come over to help him...shes on the "Emergancy Mundane helper" list next to Simon.
"FUCK" Alec cursed as he burnt what will be the 5th pancake. Alec was fustrated and his hand was in pain. Alec sighed then looked over at his phone. He has no choice. He reached and went to his "Emergancy Mundane Helper" list and clicked on the name that he would later on call his "Breakfast Life Saver".
" Clary, its Alec. I need your help come to Magnus's apartment". Alec said and hung up.
It didn't take long for Clary to show up. She knocked on the door and Alec ran to the door and swung it opened.
"Oh thank the Angel" he sighed a relief
"Alec, I came here as fast as I c-" Alec cut Clary off by yanking her inside and shutting the door quietly and pulling her towards the kitchen
"Alec what's wrong?" Clary asked concerned
"Shhhhhh Magnus is still asleep" Alec whispered "I'm trying to make a surprise breakfast for him but I keep messing up. My hand hurts because I burned it, I burnt at least 5 pancakes and 2 omelettes"
"Holy crap Alec-"
"I thought I could pulled it off with no problem but I kept messing up and I'm losing hope and calling you was the last resort." Alec breathed hard after ranting
" let me get this straight, you can't stand me but you are willing to call me to do wh exactly? Help you with breakfast?"
"Believe me Clary, I'm not too happy about this either"
Clary sighed and moved her hair behind her ear.
"Help me Clary please" Alec begged.
Clary was shocked, did Alec just asked her for help?
"Wow Alec, I didn't know you had it in you. Asking me for help. It must be a Monday."
"Are you gonna help me or not" Alec asked rolling his eyes. She hasn't been here for like a minute and already she's getting on Alec's nerves.
"Yeah yeah. Alright let's see where you messed up on...uhh- AH-HA. You measured the water wrong and you mixed the pancake mix wrong as well" As Clary was going through the things Alec did wrong, Alec was standing there debating whether or not to kill her.
Of course he wouldn't killed her even if he wanted to...last thing he needed was Luke going after him, not to mention his Parabatai who would hunt him down in less than a second and kill him. And of course there's her god father, Magnus, who would probably send him to hell if he laid a finger on his biscuit.
"Are you going to keep pointing out my mistakes which is getting on my nerves or are you gonna help me Clary?" Alec asked with an atitude.
"I am helping Alec, I'm just in disbelief that you...a Shadowhunter don't know how to cook breakfast"
"We don't really eat breakfast"
"How do you guys survive? You guys literally don't do anything but track down demons. You Shadowhunters need to get out of the Institute once in a while and just be a Mundane for once"
Clary does have a point. Alec for once actually agreed. Maybe he should get out of the Institute once in a while and explored New York, maybe take a vacation with Magnus to Germany or England and just explore...maybe take some cooking class cause this is bullshit...AND CLARY IS STILL POINTING OUT THE MISTAKES which is making Alec pissed off.
Clary showed Alec how to measured and mix properly which honestly made Alec feel dumb cause it looked very simpled. Clary then showed Alec how to cook a pancake.
"Remember Alec you can flip the pancake once or else it'll come all weird and nasty" she explained. The pancakes were finished and doesn't looked burnt which was amazing. Now here comes the hard part, the damn omelettes.
Clary explained to him that he could add anything like onions, avocados, tomatoes, etc inside the omelettes which Alec did. He also added mozzarella cheese in it.
The omelette was a success, now onto the bacon and sausage. While Clary made those, Alec was making some orange juice and decorated Magnus's pancake by putting an Angelic sign with syrup. Clary saw the pancakes and laughed.
Magnus's breakfast was ready and it looked perfect. Alec sighed a relief and looked at Clary.
"Wow it all looks good thank you Clary"
"Anytime Alec" she smiled
"Now get out"
"Excuse me?"
"DID I STUTTER? GET OUT I still have to surprise Magnus"
Clary stood there in disbelief but then smiled.
"Go away. Shoo" Alec said whispering carrying the tray towards Magnus's room.
Clary finally left and Alec pushed Magnus's door opened. He set the tray down on his bed and walked towards Magnus and kissed him on the forehead.
"Wake up my beautiful sunshine" Alec said.
Magnus stirred awake and stared at his beautiful boyfriend. "It really is a beautiful day isnt it Alexander?" He leaned up and kissed Alec.
"I made something for you" Alec said and pushed the tray closer to Magnus.
"Aww Alexander, you didn't have too. I could've just portaled to Belgium and grabbed some Belgium waffles"
"Nah, I wanted to surprise you" Alec said with a smile.
"You are just full of surprises are you?"
"You have no idea"
"Well it looks amazing and it smells delicious"
"Well eat up" Alec said laying down on his side of the bed.
Magnus took the first bite and melted in the taste. It tasted so good, pancake is so fluffy. He tried the omelette, mmm yes it taste is good, the onions brought out the flavor...the avocados is delicious...and the tomatoes is packed with spices- wait a minute why did this taste so familiar
"Hey Alexander?"
"Yes Magnus?"
"This is a good breakfast but..." Magnus trailed on
Oh no...he's onto him.
Magnus took a breath "Clary cooked this didn't she?"
"How did you-"
"I recognized this flavor anywhere. I taught Clary how to make the perfect omelette when she was younger."
Shit, Alec didn't know that...cause Clary didn't tell him. WHY DIDN'T SHE TELL HIM?! Alec looked down in shame
"Oh Alec don't be ashamed. I'm glad that you were able to get along with Clary." Magnus said with a smile
Sadly yes, he got along with Clary. "I actually HAD no choice but to get along with Clary but what is worth...I'm glad to give you a great breakfast"
Magnus smiled and kissed Alec then went back to eating his food.
Alec needs to thank Clary when he feels like talking to her and saying thanks to her.
After breakfast, Magnus curled up on Alec's chest snoring slightly while Alec was playing with his hair when he got a text. Alec looked at his phone and scoffed
From Clary: So how was breakfast? Did he like it?
To Clary: he knows it was you that made breakfast. He regonized the flavors. Which btw, thank you so very much for telling me that you once cooked with Magnus when you were younger 😒😒
From Clary: your welcome Alec. It was nice to know that Magnus remember how I cooked and what I put in the food.
To Clary: I hate you Fray
From Alec: aww that's not very nice Alec. Just remember without me you would've been screwed.
Damnit Fray.
To Clary: 😑😑😑
From Clary: 😊😊
Alec put his phone down. He was annoyed but was thankful for Clary's help. Alec looked over at a sleepy Magnus and smiled. Soon Alec fell alseep himself.
-The End-
Whew that took a long time to finish. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. So to let you know I will have more of a Alec/Clary team up in this sort of like this because honestly we don't get a Alec/Clary team in the tv show (Dont't worry you guys I don't ship Cla...Clarec...Alery...Clalec whatever their fucking ship name is, I don't ship them but I do love it when Alec gets annoyed when he's around Clary). I would love to see them team up in this season.
Votes and comments are welcome. I will see you guys in the next chapter.
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