Fourth of July
"Alexander, wake up!" Magnus shouted while pulling the curtains apart, allowing the sun to shine freely into the room.
Alec groaned and pulled the blankets over his head to hide from the bright light. "Five more minutes." Magnus used his magic to make the covers disappear. Before Alec could process what was happening, Magnus jumped on him and began hitting him with his pillow. "Mags, let me sleep."
Magnus halted his pillow attack and looked Alec straight (gay) in the eye. "No." Alec rolled his eyes. "Today is July fourth, and we are spending it together."
Alec wanted to stay mad at Magnus for waking him up the way he had but couldn't. With a soft smile he said, "Fine, can I get to pick where we go this time." Magnus quickly kissed him and made his way to the bathroom to shower. Alec checked the time on his phone and made sure he wasn't needed at the institute before putting on one of Magnus' vintage silk robes and heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. He made waffles, two fruit bowls, and poured orange juice into a cup for him and Magnus.
A few moments later, Magnus walked into the room fully dressed. "You didn't have to make breakfast, Alexander. I'm not complaining, but I could've magicked something up and saved you the time." Alec put his arms around his boyfriend's waist, and Magnus left his hands on Alec's chest.
"Yeah, well I wanted to do something nice for you. Since today is a holiday," Alec spoke. Magnus kissed him softly, and they sat opposite each other at the table. After breakfast, Alec showered while Magnus cleaned up the kitchen. Alec kissed Magnus once more before heading back to the institute.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Time Skip ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Alec returned to Magnus' apartment at 8 o'clock. "Magnus," he called out after unlocking the door (with a key because he's cool like that). He checked the kitchen first, then the bedroom for Magnus but didn't see him in any of the rooms. He decided to wait on the couch for him to return from wherever he went. Alec was on his phone (lmao imagine if he had candy crush or Snapchat) for about 20 minutes when a portal appeared a few feet away from where he sat. Through the portal came Magnus and Madzie holding multiple shopping bags. "Magnus, what is that?" Alec asked pointing at the bags.
"Hello to you too, Alexander," Magnus said with a small smirk on his face. "You'll find out soon enough." He walked to their bedroom to drop the bags off. Once Alec spotted Madzie, he immediately ran up to her to give her a hug.
"Hi Alec," she smiled up at the older man.
Magnus came back into the room. "Catarina left her here with me earlier today, she should actually be coming to get her in a couple minutes," Magnus said looking at his watch. "As you could see, we had a few errands to run. Sorry for coming home late," he looked at Alec apologetically.
"It was only about 20 minutes Mags. I was fine." The three of them sat on the couch, Madzie between the two boys, and watched cartoons until Catarina arrived. "Hey Catarina."
"Hi Alec." She turned to look to Magnus, "thank you so much for letting her stay with you."
"Oh, it was no problem at all," Magnus smiled while he spoke, "I love her company. Goodbye sweet pea."
"Bye Magnus, bye Alec!" Madzie called. With that, the two went through a portal leaving just Magnus and Alec.
Alec spoke first, "Are you going to tell me what you bought now?" Magnus nodded and led Alec to the bedroom.
He began unpacking items from the bags. "I figured since today is a national holiday, and there are colors that go along with it that you need something to wear other than those black rags you call clothing." Before Alec could protest, Magnus threw a light blue shirt at him saying "that will accentuate your eyes". Alec held up the shirt to evaluate it. He sighed and took off his current top to put on the new one. Magnus shamelessly watched him change, making a small blush appear on Alec's cheeks. "Darling, I told you. You look absolutely stunning in that." Alec blushed even more and muttered a small thanks. Magnus chuckled and continued to pull things out of his bags.
Magnus wore a red shirt and dyed the tips of his hair red to match (guys just imagine-). He also put a small amount of blue, red, and white glitter in his hair. Alec wore the blue shirt Magnus bought with light grey sweatpants Magnus also bought. Looking at himself in the mirror he realized he didn't look so bad, but he's never wearing light colors again unless forced to.
(Can we just take a moment to appreciate Matt's RAW photo shoot and that video)
The two left the apartment close to nine to get to the place Alec decided on. Magnus portaled them to the institute. Alec told him they'd walk the rest of the way since Magnus hadn't been there before, and it wasn't too far from the institute. Alec covered Magnus' eyes with his hands when they were getting close, and Magnus was shocked at what he saw. There was a large tree with fairy lights wrapped around it and four candles hanging. On the ground was a blanket with a couple pillows and picnic baskets. He was at a loss for words. "Do you like it?" Magnus couldn't say anything, so he grabbed Alec and kissed him passionately.
"Alexander, I love it so much. In my 300 years, no one has ever done something as sweet as this for me." Magnus spoke with tears forming in his eyes.
"Well, I love you Magnus Bane."
"And I love you Alec Lightwood."
They took seats on the blanket and began eating what was packed. They talked until the fireworks began, and the view was incredible from their secluded spot. Alec took Magnus' hand in his own and moved closer to him. "So how did you find this place, Alexander." Magnus turned to look at him.
Alec continued to watch the fireworks. "When Izzy, Jace, and I were younger we'd glamour ourselves so mundanes wouldn't see us and just adventure together. We eventually stumbled upon this place. We used to come here when our parents were too much to handle, but as we grew up, we stopped coming as much. I wanted to share this with you, Magnus." Alec finally turned to look at his boyfriend. Magnus smiled lovingly at him.
"Thank you for sharing this with me Alexander." Alec smiles. "You continue to surprise me." Magnus leaned closer.
"In good ways I hope." Alec and Magnus kissed while fireworks went off in front of them and in each of them. They were interrupted when someone yelled Alec's name, and they groaned when they recognized the voice.
"Alec, I didn't know you two were here." None other than Jace (cockblock) Wayland stood in front of the two men with Clary, Izzy, and Simon following behind him.
Alec rolled his eyes and said, "Jace? What are you guys doing here?"
Magnus patted his chest three times and said, "Blondie, what are you doing here and why have you brought an entire herd with you?"
"That's literally what I just said."
"No, it's not darling."
"It kind of is, Mags."
Izzy stopped their quarreling and said, "We came to watch the fireworks big brother."
"Okay but why here?" Alec and Magnus were still close to each other and glaring at the group.
Jace spoke this time, "We haven't been here for years and wanted to come. Now make room on that blanket or magic up a new one because we're gonna need some space." Jace looked back and forth between Magnus and Alec until they pulled apart.
"Fine." Was all Magnus said, he made two more blankets, one for each couple, and turned back to Alec. "We will need to finish what we started though Blondie, so you can avert your eyes and ignore it or leave." Magnus smirked.
"You guys are gross," everyone laughed except for Magnus and Alec who had completely serious looks on their faces. "Oh by the angel, you guys aren't serious."
"Jace, we're only making out not making babies. And besides the fireworks are loud, you won't hear a thing," Alec said.
Jace sighed. "First of all, neither one of you can get pregnant. Second, I'm just going to let it happen because you were here before us, but if I hear anything, I'll fight you both."
"Blondie please, you wouldn't even fight a duck, so I'm sure you won't hurt us." Again everyone laughed. Jace stopped talking after that comment and began talking to Clary, Izzy, and Simon. When Alec and Magnus began heavily making out again the four moved their blankets a few meters away.
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Alright welp here's my first one-shot ever. Hope someone liked it. I am aware that the fourth was a while ago but still wanted to write something related.
Call me out on any grammatical errors please. I never reread, I just go for it. 😂
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