Chapter 2
Chapter 2:
When they go to the car everyone else was already there. Jace's car was a seven seater so someone had to sit on someone else's lap. Everyone else had gotten in so Alec had to sit in Magnus's lap, this had happened many times before but it still made Magnus's heart race when they went over the speed bump in the car park. When they went over the bump Alec jumped a little and then landed back in Magnus's lap, he put his arm around Magnus for support. It was getting dark so nobody could see Magnus's blush, apart from Izzy, who knows about Magnus's crush on her brother, she keeps dropping subtle hints, to try and get Alec to notice them but Alec always is oblivious to them.
In the car they were talking about Maia's birthday party.
"So what are you doing for your party Maia, do I need Izzy and Magnus to make me a new dress?" Clary asked.
"Na, it's going to be at the beach, so boys, no shirts and girls, bikinis!"
"You do realise that all the girls will want to come if I'm shirtless," Jace said, smirking.
Simon replied, "only the blind ones."
Jace swung round to face Simon but swung back to the front when Alec yelled, "Eyes on the round you idiot, I am not dying today."
"It's this Saturday right?" Magnus continued after Maia gave a quick nod, "don't worry Alec I'll make sure you don't die until at least after Saturday!" Alec hung his head back and laughed "Oh thank you, my night in shining armour, saving me from uncertain death!"
They all laughed and they then all got out the car for they had arrived at the Lightwood house. When I say house it was more like a mansion. The Lightwoods have been very rich since the 1700s though they are rich they don't have the best connection with their family. Their parents are always working and are never there, there younger brother died a year ago and there auntie and uncle don't live in this country. It's only Alec, Izzy and Jace. Magnus comes over everyday as they live close to each other. The Banes and Lightwoods are old family friends and the Banes work for the Lightwoods firm. Magnus's parents are never there either. To Jace and Izzy, Magnus is like another brother. To Alec, he's so much more.
They went inside and into the lounge as they sat down Alec asked, "what do you lot want for dinner I'll order now before it gets late?" Clary answered straight away, "Pizza, I'm really in the mood for pizza." "Is everyone alright with that?" There were murmurs of agreement so Alec got up and went to the other room.
While he was gone Izzy came and sat down next to Magnus.
"When are you going to tell him Magnus, you can't keep lying to him or yourself?" Izzy said, worried.
"I'm not going to tell him, he doesn't feel the same as me, and I would much prefer to be his best friend then nothing at all."
"No matter what happens, you will always be Alec's friend. You mean more to him than anyone, he needs you in his life and he knows it. Alec loves you, as a friend and maybe more but you should tell him."
Magnus smiled sadly and Izzy gave him a side hug when Alec walks in.
He sits down next to Magnus and slightly leaned on him. Alec looked like he was about to say something but seemed to change his mind.
Simon suddenly said, "What are we gonna do babe, you were the one who said to come round."
"Oooo, let's play a game, let's play truth or dare!" Izzy said excitedly, sending a wink towards Magnus.
"Aright then but I'm not getting naked for any of you, well maybe Clary." Jace said earning a light punch from Clary.
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