Speedy Gonzales || Aso Rito (incomplete)
Since weekends are dedicated to sleep, do you mind telling me why you were chilling on a bench in the park located in Shisuta town?
Holy crap, like seriously, reader. It's too early. How about you make your way home to cuddle beneath the blankets of your comfortable bed in a comfortable silence-
But no!! You must be out this early!!
You were supposed to meet Taro here at 7:45 so you two can go get breakfast together like you did every Saturday, but he was oddly not here. You were worried, of course, so you texted him because who doesn't have Senpai's number ;).
| Heeeeeey Taro- why aren't you here? In Shisuta town? |
He didn't reply immediately, but he did.
| Sorry D: !!! Hanako is in one of his moods and my parents are working. I have to take care of him, sorry again, Y/N ;n; !! |
You understood. Poor angsty Hanako. Poor Taro who has to take care of the angsty Hanako. Poor you. You had to eat your breakfast alone.
| I could bring some breakfast back for you and Hanako, if that's alright? | you replied.
| Oooh, that would be nice. Thanks Y/N!!! |
| NP, man. |
You put your phone away and stood up, yawning as you stretched. Then you started down the sidewalk, towards the breakfast place. You then noticed that there was another guy going in the same direction as you. You instantly recognized him, of course. IT WAS ASO RITO- Nobody has blonde locks that are easily distinguishable like his hair. Well, except for Musume. You didn't really want Musume in your thoughts because you knew that she was an ass.
Okay, you're about to start a Musume rant hold oN-
You're one of Kokona Haruka's best friends (But not as close as Saki is to her), and she knows that you're trustworthy so she sometimes texts you about how troubled her life at home was. About how her dad is debt with Ronshaku Loans and how she's doing compensated dating to earn money. That's where Musume came in.
Despite the fact that Musume herself is not extracting money out of Kokona's dad and other people but it is her father who's doing that, you hated her. You hated her because she was using that money for her own personal gain, for stuff that she wants. It WaS wRoNggg.
You nyOOOMED PAST HIM IN THE NARUTO DASH, YOUR F/C JACKET BILLOWING IN THE BREEZE YOU CREATED WHEN YOU NYOOOMED BY. Aso noticed and grinned, speeding up to catch up to the quick you.
"Hey, Y/N! You out for a run?" he asked when he caught up to you. Now the blonde was running alongside you.
You inhaled deeply and exhaled before responding, "Nah. Taro and I meet up at that bench back there every Saturday at 7:45 to get breakfast, but his brother Hanako is in one of his angsty moods again so he isn't able to meet up. I'm just going to the breakfast place to bring back stuff for him and his brother.
Aso nodded, "And you're running because you wanted to impress me?" he winked.
You snorted and slowed down because you craved more oXyGeN. Aso jogged a little next to you.
"Impress you? Nah. I'm not trying to get into the Sports Club so negatory." you panted a little, out of breath, and you screamed, "OXYGEN!!!!"
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