Amao Odyaka || BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ
You were a fairy.
A goddamn fairy.
Buzz buzz.
Wait, nevermind.
That was a bee noise.
Anyways, you were fluttering around with your F/C (glittery/hardcore/glittery hardcore) (Your choice-) peacefully, humming as you avoided large objects.
But then...
You were in a glass container of some sort, and there was a lid with holes poked in it above you.
You pressed your face and hands to the glass, looking as far as you could out. You managed to glimpse a excited face of a brunette with pretty green eyes.
You shrieked and leaped away from that glass wall jar thing.
Then the world started moving quickly, meaning that the dude was carrying the jar to the torture room where he'll steal all your super secret and delicious butter recipes.
When you entered the other room, you realized that it wasn't a fairy torture room.
It was like your room back home, but more stupid and big.
Your jar was placed on a table and the kidnapper sat in a swivel chair in front of it. He placed his hands on the wood and rested his chin on them. And he stared at you.
And stared at you.
...And stared at you.
You felt disturbed.
After a few more minutes of being intensely stared at, the guy moved his head up and started to open the jar.
When the lid opened just enough so that you could slip through it, you shot out of it and headed towards the room where the guy came from.
But you were stopped instantly by a large peach blob wrapping around your smol form.
"Wait!" shouted sweaty palms man.
Well, boi, you had no choice but to stop. He grabbED YOU-
He needs to go to school more.
Focus on whatever.
Just not on you.
You twisted yourself so you could death-glare at him.
"What... What do you want?!?!" you tried to sound brave, but it didn't quite work.
The man's expression then changed to a confused one. To him, you sounded like cute wittle bells- (tinKERBELL AND THE GREAT FAIRY RESCUE REFERENCE YA'LL-). But he wanted to know what you said-
As you started to threaten him and judge him and stuff, your Christmas jingle continued. Happy early Christmas ya'll.
The guy just watched you, puzzled.
I wish he could understand you. You were roasting him and the roasts were pretty lit.
After a minute or two of roasts and insults, you sat back down, knowing that all your roasts and insults were said in vain.
But you were a freaking GLITTER FAIRY.
You had an idea.
You took out your glue and squirted it onto the jar before sprinklING A HECK TON OF GLITTER ON IT until you couldn't see the other side of the glass. You kept doing that until the whole inside of the jar was covered with F/C glitter. You felt triumphant. Weird sweaty palms man couldn't see you now!
Bwa ha ha.
You sat down again and crossed your arms against your chest while your wings fluttered a little. You just wanted to go back home and throw a surprise party for someone, but noooo. You had to get captured.
But... maybe it was your fault that you had been snatched mid-air by that tol guy. You were stupidly flying around, looking for stuff in an area where anyone can find and grab you. So dumb of you, Y/N.
Now, Amao was curious as to why you had put glitter all over the inside of the jar. He was confused as well because you were the first fantasy or fictional or medieval creature he has ever seen and he wanted to look at you more. Or maybe learn about your fairy-kind. But then when he thought about it, he didn't think he would be able to understand you because when he saw you talk, he only heard the jingle of bells like the bells he heard when he watched Tinkerbell talk to the human girl (I forgot her naME-) in the movie, 'Tinkerbell And The Great Fairy Rescue'.
Amao thought deeper. Holding you captive was.... the wrong thing to do. He won't learn anything with you being trapped and uncooperative. So maybe he should....
You felt the jar be lifted up and carried somewhere, and then you heard the sound that a jar makes when it's open. You looked up. The lid was nowhere to be found! FREEDOM!
You got to your feet and zoomed out of the jar like Sanic.
The end.
This chapter is so weird.
Sorry if it'S CRINgy
Up Next:
~Hanako Yamada
~Aso Rito
~Osōro Shidesu
~Oko Ruto x Demon! Reader
~Megamo Saikou
~Kizano Sunobu
Requests are still closed, but I'll open them back up again when I get to Megamo c:
stay tuned ya'll.
Also, thank you guys for all your support and kindness. Thank you for all the positive and hilarious comments you have posted on the chapters, and thank you for threatening to beat up the haters lololol. Thanks for the comfort and praise towards Kasumi and the chappys, and my chappy ideas! What in the world would I do without you guys?
rip Protagonist-Kun
may his sanity rest in peace
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