cooking coal mother frappicino!!
Kat slowly pulled away,wiping her lips, "soooo dorm?"kat said intertwining her fingers with (Y/N). It was perfect,until.…
She faceplanted
"MOTHER FRIKIN FRAPPICINO!! @%¥#!!!? %##@ !!!# %@%@%#!!!"
"Uhhh Kat,you okay?" He leaned and locked with her eyes,one yellow and one sea blue. "Frikin mother frappicino,yeah,just hurt,badly. You know what would make it better?"
She pulled him down and they started poking eachother.
"Sooo dorm?" He said helping her up.
"Why?" She smirked "it would be just as good as here!" She pushed him against a tree. Then his nyan cat ringtone blasted. "Uhh hello, yeah Alfie i know,what? OH GOD IGGYBROWS COOKING?" He screamed and spun on his heels. Kat used her shadow traveling. (Y/N) bursted through the door. The dorm was full of smoke and kat tossed around gas masks. "Im prepared!" She slipped the mask on and walked in. Alfred was over the oven with a fire exstinguisher and iggybrows was screaming
"HAMBURGER REVOLUTION!!" Alfred screamed.
"GUYS IGGY AWAY FROM OVEN! ALFRED STOP!IGGY YOUR FOOD SUCKS,TAKE HOME EC!" Aurthur looked shocked. Alfred stepped away and Kat poked the *scone* "i may be immortal,but im pretty sure this would kill me!" She threw the coal lump "santa mustve known Aurthur was bad…" alfred muttered. "I HEARD THAT YOU BLOODY BAFOON!!"
Kat and (Y/N) bursted out laughing. "Man, and i thought cupcakes were bad,this beats ollies poison.…"
"This beats any poison,Like seriously…"
He started snickering. Kat walked over and touched the coal scones. "These are literally radiant in toxic." Kat got gloves out and picked it up. "Dude, (Y/N) help me with these death lumps." He walked over and poked kat with the death scone. "Death do us part!"he poked her cheek. "DUDE SERIOUSLY THAT MIGHT ACTUALLY KILL ME!!" She flailed around and poked him
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