wolf girl x shy loner male reader part 1
yeah i know this isn't an anime character just some oc but i know there's peoplez out there who like this and her name is alice and is the girl above
(y/n's POV)
*flash back*
8 years old
(mom) GET OUT OF HERE!!!
(dad) dont for get us boy we always loved you....
*runs out of burning house crying*
*flashback ends*
17 years old now
i walked around in the woods cause i got lost
(y/n) *sighs* i hate this....wandering around looking for a place to live...
*trudges through snow*
(y/n)...and its so fucking cold....*shivers*
* finds a not snow covered tree and clims in it and falls asleep*
*le time skip*
*after a while i woke up to the sounds of growling and howling below me and when i looked i seen a pack of wolves..about 9 of them circling around the tree i was in*
(y/n) you got to be kidding me....
* you sat up there for at least half an hour but the wolves never left*
(y/n) dammit piss off wolves.....]
i was wandering around in my wolf form looking for some small animal to kill when i seen a group of wolves curcling a cute male human in a tree
*when i aproched the male glanced at me and i herd him say*
(y/n) god not another one.....
(y/n's POV)
i watched from the tree as another wolf came but this one had white fur unlike the others who had black and gray fur
(y/n) god not another one....
* i watched the white wolf get closer and start growling but what suprised me was that the white wolf started attacking the others
(y/n) what the?
*the wolfs then left and it was only me and that white wolf*
*thinks* what the fuck...did that wolf just save me?"
* i watched the wolf for a lil longer then it just layed down on the ground and waited..so i climed down but got ready just in-case it attacked*
(??? POV)
i watched the cute male climb down but he looked scared like i was gonna attack him so i stayed laying down and watched him get closer and closer
(y/n) h....hello..wolf....
* he then got close enough and shyly petted me*
(y/n) t...thanks for saving me i guess....
* i then got up waged my tail and motioned for him to follow...which he did*
(time skip y/n's POV)
i followed that wolf cause why not and it led me through the woods until we got to this house which the wolf led me up to and went in
(y/n) hm....this is a nice place.....but i wonder who lives here....
* i walked into the liveing room where there was a lit fire and sat down to warm myself up then i wathced the wolf leave and enter a room*
(y/n)....i hope whoever lives here doesnt mind....
* i then herd some footsteps and looked to see a girl with white hair wolf ears, and a wolf tail*
(???) hi..im alice...
annnnnnd done with part one hope you guys enjoy and plz leave a comment on any requests u want done cause im haveing a hard time thinking of people..oh and your welcome for the lil clifhanger ;3 but anyways...BUBYE!!!!!!
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