Chapter 4: The Tragic Incident
A/N: a look into the past, in how the relationship between the Arcosians and Remnant use to be, and the incident that burned the bridge between them.
Remnant was a rather unusual world. Granted, it still kinda was even now. But back then, things were at least a little simpler and a little less intense.....a little anyway. The whole problem with the Faunus would continue on through the years. But there were much bigger problems they were going in at that time as well. There was a huge increase of Grimm and they were starting to overpopulate certain portions on Remnant. It was a major struggle for hunters and huntresses since killing most of the Grimm didn't do much since there would still seem to be more that would appear after. It was an infestation that needed to be dealt with. This is where Militaries were called in order to deal with the issue. Much like the Atlesian Military, lead by their general, James Ironwood.
Ironwood: Damn it! These damn things just won't stay down!!!
Ironwood said as he was sweating and panting. He and his soldiers were having to take on many Grimm at once. The battle resulted in him and some of his soldiers to start getting tired out. Other soldiers were not too fortunate to have made it far into the battle. Despite the amount of Grimm that Ironwood and his soldiers had taken down, more were continuing to advance on them.
Solider 1: Sir, we can't hold out for much longer. We need to retreat!
Ironwood: Damn! Guess we don't have much of a choice!
Solider 2: Incoming!
The soldier yelled as a Nevermore dived down at them, ready to snatch them in it's claws.
Just as the Nevermore got close to ironwood and his men, the massive bird's head was suddenly blown off.
Ironwood: What the.......?
???: Boy, you guys seem to have yourselves a big infestations of nasty vermin.
Multiple purple beams were then all fired off and the beams ended up killing a vast majority of the Grimm that were standing in the area, causing the other ones to run off. The young general and soldiers were in surprise yet at the same time, slight shock.
Ironwood: Who the hell did that?
???: I don't think you fellows will need to be worrying about those things.
They all looked around for where the voice had come from before Ironwood looked up to the sky and saw a tall, somewhat muscular, dark green skinned alien with a long tail. The soldiers soon looked up to him and pointed their weapons at him. He slightly put his hands up.
???: Wow easy now, I just saved all you guys from be turned into little more than appetizers.
Ironwood: Who are you? Why did you help us?
Froze: Allow me to introduce myself. I am Froze. I am part of a species far from this planet known as Arcosians.
Ironwood: Alright. That still doesn't answer my first question.
Froze: Well, you guys clearly looked like you could use some assistance. And to clear up any further questions you might have. No, I am not here to conquer your planet or anything like that. My kind is more interested discovery and knowledge. Which is why we go to different planets, to discover new species and learn of each other's' culture. And if there's ever any need for us to fight if there's a threat, we know when to act.
Ironwood: If what you say is true, how do I know I'm able to trust you, much less everyone else on Remnant.
Froze: Well, I suppose it will take more than just my word to at least have you consider. I guess it's a good thing I brought this.
Froze said as he then moved his tail near his hands. The end of his tail having been wrapped around the handle part of a suit case that had what looked lie the symbol of his people. His tail let go of the suit case and dropped it in his hands while he levitated to the ground close to Ironwood. His soldiers kept their guns up just to be ready if Froze was to try any fast ones.
Froze: Hopefully this could at least have you consider the idea of an alliance between our two worlds.
He said before opening it up and showing Ironwood what looked to be odd looking devices made from Arcosian technology.
Ironwood: So, what is this?
Froze: This just one in many results that me and my kind have achieved via our own technology. And if we could be able to aligne with each other, you could have the opportunity of collaborations between both our races.
There was a bit of a pause for a few moments or so as Ironwood observed the piece of machinery that Froze was showing him. He knew that if he managed to agree, he and the rest of Remnant could be provided with the proper means of tipping the scales against the Grimm. However, he was still skeptical.
Ironwood: ..............Men, lower your weapons.
They looked at their general for a moment before doing as he said and lowered their weapons.
Ironwood: Even if I were to trust you, the choice to many any initial deals are with Remnant's respected leaders of each kingdom. If they agree to what you wish to offer, then perhaps we can work together.
Froze: Very well.
Ironwood returned with his men back to Atlas, once there, he introduced Froze to the ones in charge, why he was on the planet and what his intentions were. It took quite some time of speaking and persuading with not just Atlas' leaders, but every other leader in the different kingdoms of Remnant. After long while of thinking and talking things over, all 4 of the kingdoms managed to come to an agreement. While not entirely against the agreement, Vacuo was somewhat reluctant to it mostly because of their resentment to the other kingdoms. None the less, it had been decided that the Arcosians would be aligned with Remnant, gaining both access to some of their technology, as well as their assistance in pushing back the large amount of Grimm. With this agreement, a handful of members from Planet Arcosia come over, along with some of the soldiers that worked under them; would go to Remnant either to help with the Grimm, or would be working with other scientist to new machines or devices. And in some cases, even weapons were created. Some weapons being something like the Paladin battlesuits. However, they would still take some time before they would be fully completed. Things seemed incredibly peaceful and even progressive for both races. However, this peaceful time might not last for longer.
(On Planet Arcosia).
5 council members of the Arcosians, Froze being one of them, were in a meeting with one another on how things have been going in some of the respected kingdoms on Remnant as well as some of the things they learned from their culture.
Froze: things have been going rather swimmingly during my time in vale. I've learned quite a lot of this strange material that they refer to as dust. As well as the unique abilities they seem to possess within them known as Aura. I'm very hopeful to learn more once I head back.
Arcosian Council Member 1: Mistral has been going very good as well.
Arcosian Council Member 2: Same with Atlas.
Arcosian Council Member 3: Vacuo seems to be a little more reluctant with some of us. I feel it might be due to their relationship with the other kingdoms.
Froze: It is very unfortunate for that. We can only hope that with enough time, we can try and hopefully be able to have them move past their resentment.
???: there's always a much quicker way in having that resentment end.
Said a new voice, which had a much more sinister tone to it. Everyone in the room recognized the voice before they all turned to the entrance of the room while giving angered glares. At the door way was Frieza, sitting inside of his levitating pod-like throne. Behind him was his older brother, Cooler, as well as their father, King Cold.
Froze: Well then, Frieza, quite a surprise to actually see you attend one of our meetings, much less the rest of your family.
Frieza: Well, I had heard about the all the work you've been putting in for this new alliance you've made on this recent planet and I became ineres.....
Arcosian Council Member 2: Cut the crap Frieza, tell us why you're really here. You wouldn't have brought those two unless you were wanting to make another lousy attempt.
Frieza: Hmph, guilty.
Froze: We've been through this before. And the results the same.
King Cold: You fools, you dare wish for our great power to be limited to helping some being that are lesser than us? You all choose to waste your great powers by fighting with insects rather than ruling over them like Gods!
Froze: When we began exploring other planets, we did it in hopes of aligning with them, learning their culture and giving back to them. NOT TO BECOME PETTY DICTATORS!
Frieza: Petty? What I intend to do is for the best of our people. To make us look strong in the faces of weaklings!
Froze: Enough! The Council has ruled against the acts you and your family wish to commit time and time again!
Frieza: Then perhaps it's time that things change.
Froze: Is that a challenge, Frieza?
Froze asked as he and the other council members staired daggers at Frieza and his family. Frieza soon ground his teeth in annoyance to the fact that he wasn't even a match for the power of one of the council members, much less all of them at once.
Frieza: ......of course not, Froze. I wouldn't dream of challenging you, much less the entire council.
Frieza said before his throne started to move towards the door way that he, his father and brother had entered in through.
Frieza: Perhaps we should best be on our way.
He said before King Cold and Cooler followed behind him.
Cooler: You're all fools.
Was all that Cooler had to say as he, Frieza and Cold left the room. As they left, you were puzzled by the fact that Cooler was even standing next to Frieza, the one person he hated the most.
Froze: That boy will never learn.
Arcosian Council Member 4: Froze, the cold family are really beginning to become an issue.
Froze: Indeed.
He wasn't wrong. Frieza and his family were becoming an issue. Not only was Frieza becoming far more impatient in wanting to take over planets, but some Arcosians actually looked up to Frieza's idea of conquering and were secretly working with him in order to try and achieve this. Frieza soon housed his very own meeting with these individuals just hours after he walked into Froze's meeting.
Frieza: Brothers and Sisters, for far too long we have ruled under a corrupted council! Too long have we been mere weaklings wanting to go from world to world for "peace"! Under my rule, Arcosians shall be conquerors! What say you, my Frieza Force!
All of the Arcosians in the room raised their fists in the air and cheered. Frieza smirked in delight.
King Cold: Very good my son. However, how are we going to be able to handle the council as well as nearly the whole planet of our race who will be against this.
Frieza: Don't worry father, I have a plan in mind.
Frieza said as he continued to give his devious grin.
For 4 whole months, Frieza had not only worked out his plan, but he had also been training during all of that time as well. All of this as a means of increasing his own power and even managing to unlock a form that no other Arcosian had unlocked before. However, even with this new power, he would still need to enact the plan he had in mind. Said plan was to have a majority of the rouge Arcosians would go off to four other worlds to draw a diversion of Arcosia's military forces to those planets while he and the rest of them would attack Remnant.
The reason for this was that while Frieza had gained a new power, he knew that against nearly the entire Arcosain race along with all 5 council members would have him overwhelmed. Frieza had the rouges go first to attack the other planets before he and his forces eventually go and attack Remnant. During the attack, Frieza would transform, showing everyone resident of Remnant and Arcosion the new Power that Frieza held in his grasp. A new form he had simply named Golden Frieza. They all equally looked in terror at this. However, they all continued to fight for Remnant to prevent Frieza from trying to rule over it. Froze was part of the warriors in this battle to fight off Frieza's forces. Soldiers and Rouges alike had fallen when Froze took them on. Granted, there was beginning to be some challenge when he took on Cooler, who went to his 5th form in order to fight him. But in the end, Froze was able to prevail and take down Cooler. Now Froze was determined to find King Cold and Frieza and do what he and the other council member should have done long ago.
(I originally was gonna have a fight typed out between Froze and Cooler. But I didn't want to extend this page too much and wanted to save the fight with Frieza).
Frieza: Hahahahahahahahaha! Yes! This has been the moment I've been waiting for! No one can stop me!
King Cold: Quite the genius plan you managed to craft perfectly, my son. Once we're done here, we shall even take Arcosia and......
Before King Cold could finish, a ki blast blew a hole right through his back and out his chest. Cold's then lifeless body would quickly fall to the ground, the "King" was dead. This drew Frieza's attention.
Frieza: What?!
He looked over and saw his father dead on the ground before looking to see who was responsible for doing it. He saw that the blast had in fact come from Froze.
Froze: Frieza!
Frieza: Hmph, quite unfortunate my father didn't make it this far.
Froze: You'll be joining him soon enough.
Frieza replied with a sinister laugh.
Frieza: Hahahaha! You honestly think you're a match for me?!
Frieza said as his golden aura surged around his body.
Froze: You might have gained a new form. But that won't help you.
Frieza: Hm?
Froze clenched his fists and yelled as he started to power up. As he powered up, Froze's body grew a foot or two in size, his muscles got a bit bigger, the carapaces on his body ranged from either expanding or causing new pearls or spikes to appear on his body. Froze's transformation was completed as he staired down at Frieza.
Frieza: Hmph, so what, you've got a form similar to my brother's, except taller and more spikes. Big deal.
Froze: keep up the cockiness while you can, because now I'm gonna do what should have been done long ago.
Frieza: And so will I.
Froze soon made a face mask appear on him before he soon charged towards Frieza. However, he caught Froze's fist before punching him in the stomach with his free hand. Froze groaned before Frieza landed a second punch, sending Froze flying through a few buildings. He then fired a barrage of death beams and caused a massive explosion where Froze was. However, when the dust from it cleared, Froze wasn't scratched. Froze soon disappeared and reappeared behind Frieza via an afterimage and slammed both his fists against the back of his skull, knocking him against the ground. Froze tried to blast him as he was on the ground, but Frieza kicked him away and knocked him against a wall. The Golden Arcosian then got up and landed another kick on to him, sending him flying through the wall and into the sky. Frieza chased after him. Froze stopped himself in mid-air and charged right back at Frieza. Frieza smirked and attempted to ram his hand into Froze's chest. However, Froze managed to dodge this hit and make Frieza's face run right into his knee. This caused Frieza to stagger a bit. Before he could recover, Froze slammed his fist deep against Frieza's gut and caused him to gag.
Frieza: ghaaaaah!
Froze was about to slam his foot against the top of Frieza's head. But Frieza caught it with his tail and swung him away before firing multiple red ki blasts. The multiple blasts made contact with Froze and sent him flying back further. Frieza soon appeared behind him via afterimage and chopped him at the back of the neck.
Froze: Uaaagh!
Frieza then summoned a large purple ki blast and fired it right at Froze, sending him to the ground and having him consumed in an explosion. Frieza smirked as the dust cleared, yet Froze was still alive and only with a few scratches.
Frieza: Hmph, you're a little more harder to squash than I thought.
Froze: I was thanking the exact same thing. I had figured you would have started getting slow what with how long you've been in this form during this little invasion so far.
Frieza: Hm? What's that you're blabbering about?
The currently spiky Arcosian gave a smirk under his battle mask.
Froze: I'll happily tell you.
Froze used afterimage again and appeared next to Frieza and slammed his fist next to his face, sending him back a couple of feet.
Frieza: Why you...........!
Froze: Let me tell you a little something about this new power that you have. Despite the incredible power that this form gives you, it drains far more of the energy than your body could possibly provide.
Frieza: ?!
Froze: It doesn't take very long for it to drop.
Frieza: If that's the case, then I'll just have to kill you faster!
Frieza yelled before charging right at Froze. They both clashed with each other. Each one of them landing one big punch on one another. It soon got to where they could begin trading blows with each other, causing shockwaves to erupted in the sky. Everyone looked at this great battle was happening in front of them all. When Frieza went in to try and go for another kick, but Froze caught his leg, slammed both his knee and elbow against it before swinging Frieza away from him. Frieza yelled all the while as his leg was in pain. Frieza's eyes became bloodshot in anger as he saw Froze charge at him. He fired multiple red ki blasts at him, causing Froze to block. As he was blocking the blasts, he was left open to receive a hit in the gut by Frieza. He gasped for a moment before being kicked out of the large form of smoke made from the multiple blasts. As this was going on, 4 unknown individuals were had arrived in the area while watching the battle go on. When Frieza flew at Froze, he attempted to try and ram his arm into his chest. However, Froze's tail wrapped around Frieza's army and he spun him around at nearly the speed of a tornado. He then let go and Frieza ended up getting scrapped across the ground. Froze soon followed behind and slammed his foot hard against Frieza's chest and kept scrapping him across the ground. Frieza moved his hand up and blasted Froze back to the sky. Frieza growled and held his chest as he levitated back to the air. When he looked up, he didn't see Froze anywhere.
Frieza: Wha....... Where did he........ ?!
Before Frieza could finish, he found himself being kneed across the face and sent flying. Froze would then fire a huge yellow beam, hitting the golden Arcosian directly. Even despite blocking it, Frieza still sustained some damage from it. And after the smoke faded, he was shown with a tone of scars and markings on him. Frieza growled in anger. However, his angered look soon turned to shock as he saw Froze with a Super Nova above his head.
Frieza: Wha..........
Froze threw the Super Nova at Frieza, who caught it in his hands, albeit struggling a bit.
Frieza: Fool! I'll send it back!
Frieza soon saw his hands sinking right into the Super Nova.
Frieza: What?! No! No! This shouldn't be happening! I am Lord Frieza!
Frieza was then fully consumed in the Super Nova. Burning pain had surged throughout his whole body before the Super Nova exploded in the sky. The explosion had damaged Frieza even further and caused him to crash into the ground, causing a crater. As Frieza started to get up, his golden form was gone and he was now back in his regular form. Frieza looked at his hands and other parts of his body as his could see that it was all the white color instead of the golden and purple one.
Frieza: N....... no! Impossible!
Froze landed on the ground as Frieza was slamming his fist against the ground in anger over having lost his form.
Froze: Your arrogance blinded you. The moment you gained this form, you quickly rushed in make your assault on this planet. You've failed.
Frieza:.......... No!
He said before he planted his hand onto the ground and was about to use his ki to blow up the planet. However, Froze saw this and quickly wrapped his tail around Frieza's arm before flinging him up in to the sky.
Frieza: If I can't have this planet, then no one will! You can all go to hell without me!
Frieza put both of his palms together in front of his chest before bringing them both apart as he formed a pink energy sphere.
???: That will not happen!
Said a voice as it drew the attention of Froze and Frieza. As they looked over, they saw 4 women who were either colored, light blue, green, purple and orange. They were the 4 maidens; Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall.
Frieza: And just who the hell are you to stop me?!
Winter Maiden: The 4 Maidens. You will face your judgment for the assault on Remnant and the killing of Innocents.
Frieza: You sound very confident on that.
He then raised the Death Ball upward and charged it with more power, changing it into a red and orange energy sphere and making it bigger and more powerful with additional streaks of black electricity.
Frieza: Allow me to change that!
All 4 Maidens moved their hands close to each other as they were all focusing their power into one big attack they had. Froze had began charging up one of his own. However, it took a bit longer to charge up to full power.
Frieza: Enjoy your seconds, they'll be the only one you'll have left!
He yelled before throwing the Death Ball down towards the ground. The 4 Maidens' attack had fully powered up and they fired it towards Frieza's Death Ball. Both attacks collided and were even with each other in the struggle. Frieza did all that he could to push his Death Ball further against their blast, succeeding at some points. But overall, they were still somewhat even. Froze had finally managed to get his attack fully charged and soon fired it right next to the Maidens, merging his attack with theirs. The overwhelming force of their two merged attacks completely tore through Frieza's Death Ball and went straight for him.
Frieza: NO! NO! NOOOOO!
Once Frieza was consumed inside the massive beam, his body was torn apart and disintegrated by it. Once it was all over, the Maidens panted and were nearly having trouble standing.
Froze: Are you all alright?
Froze asked as he reverted back to his base form.
Fall Maiden: We are fine. However, using up that much power can be straining.
Summer Maiden: I will take a bit of time before it can all fully recover.
Spring Maiden: Thank you for the assistance. I don't think we could have made it.
Froze: It was a pleasure. Besides, I wasn't going to let him get away with everything he's done. With him gone, hopefully the damage he and the rouge have caused could be reversed.
Unfortunately for Froze, it could not. Thing like buildings and homes could be repaired. However, the attacks caused by Frieza and the Rouges had damaged the relationship of not just the Arcosians and Remnant, but The Arcosians and many other words as well. Like other worlds, the vast majority of Remnant came to an agreement that it would be best for the Arcosians leave Remnant. While others had protested against this decision, stating the fact that the majority of the Arcosian race isn't like Frieza and the Rouges who followed him, the decision was still made. The Arcosians, while upset over this, they at least were able to understand why many planets chose to do this. The very least the Arcosians could do was at least leave a bit of their technology behind in order to help them rebuild their homes. Froze was currently standing outside of his ship as he was speaking with Ironwood.
Ironwood: It's still baffling that this has to happen to you.
Froze: I understand your frustration in all of this, but we must respect the decisions of your planet. Especially after everything.
Ironwood: I know. I just wish that there was something I could do to have them reconsider on doing this.
Froze: Indeed. But I suppose it doesn't matter for at this point. They seemed very on edge to listen to what we have to say. I can only hope that you will be able to stay off the Grimm while we're gone.
Ironwood: We will do what we can against the Grimm. Hopefully the tech you've left us with will be enough.
Ironwood before Froze turned and began walking to then inside of his ship. However, he soon stopped to give one last goodbye to Ironwood.
Froze: farewell, my friend. I can only pray that one day, we can be able to fix the damage between us and start over.
Ironwood: .............As do I.
Ironwood said to himself as Froze entered inside the ship before the entrance door closed and it took off along with the other ships. Years would pass after that tragic event. Over time, things would change in Remnant. New buildings and homes would be constructed, new lives would come into the world and even old leaders would step down for new leaders to arise. While there was still much distrust for the Arcosians for what had happened, it wasn't as very massive as it was before due to the current problems Remnant had been facing over the time. Such as more and more Grimm showing up nearly every day. The current leaders felt that the Grimm issue was beginning to become too big. Hence why they had considered the idea of giving the Arcosians a much deserved a second chance and rebuilding the bridge between them. They did however specify at that at least one Arcosian was allowed sent to the planet. And to which ever Kingdom he would be sent to, would determine what they would be doing there. With how relationships with other worlds had been going over the following years, the Arcosians were willing to give it a shot. What would the odds be that you would be the only hope and rekindling Arcosia and Remnant's partnership once more?
A/N: quite the massive pill to swallow.
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