Chapter 55
And I'm back again. I'm not sure if I will be able to update next week but the week after for sure and until the end of Novembre I want to be finished. Let's see if I can manage that this time....
The moon was starting to rise above the sky, full and bright. The Island awoke and the nerves of the boys were on the edge. They have never been this nervous and afraid on their way to Mako Island. Even Liam tagged along because he refused to stay home. When the Moon Pool started to react to the moonlight the mermaids showed up like planned before. The fear was also written on their faces.
„Do you have the bracelet?" asked Serena.
„Yes, " said Zayn and took it out, standing by the edge of the Moon Pool. He had told them about their solution shortly after they had received the bracelet.
„Okay. What's your plan?" the other mermaid wanted to know. Zayn had forgotten her name.
„Just swimming out there and defeat it?" answered Zayn but it sounded more like a question.
„Wait, how does this thing even work?" questioned Niall sceptically.
„Um..." trailed Zayn off.
„You don't know?" gasped Niall at him.
„How could I know?" crossed Zayn his arms over his chest.
„Did the old man not say anything?" Harry checked.
„No. He was human. How the fuck should he know?" huffed Zayn defensive.
„What about that woman you got it from?" tried Serena to keep them all calm.
„No word about it" sighed Louis in realisation.
„What do we do now?" wondered the other mermaid.
„We're just gonna fight that dragon. It's magic. It will work somehow. Personally I think it has to do something with those red stones" pointed Zayn at the line of red shiny stones on the bracelet.
„You just wanna go out there without a plan? You could die, Zayn" was Liam scared to death.
„We survived Dr. T. We're gonna survive this dragon too" tried Zayn to assure him.
„That bitch was human. This dragon is pure magic. Evil magic" noted Louis.
„Have trust in your instincts and have faith in us. Were here with you" spoke Serena up.
„She's right. If that bracelet fails you we have a Plan B that could save your lives at least" added the other mermaid. Zayn really had to remember her name.
„Care to explain?" looked Niall expectingly at them.
„Well, you may already know that mermaids can control the weather" started the nameless mermaid and the boys nodded. Yes, they definitely knew that. „With the help of our moon rings, we can evoke a lightning storm. The rings save moonlight. More precise the light oft he Full Moon and we can use it every time. Tonight we need it for the fight. With those bolts, we might hurt him. Hopefully enough for you to get away if everything goes wrong".
„Sounds like a solid Plan B" gulped Harry visibly afraid oft he whole situation.
„That we won't need. We got this" built Zayn up new courage to encourage all of them.
„Be careful, love. And come back alive" forced Liam a smile on his face.
„I will" kissed Zayn him before the boys jumped into the Moon Pool and transformed.
With the bracelet on Zayn's arm, the boys left the Moon Pool and swam out into the ocean nearby the Island. They swam to the surface and anxiously stared into the distance. The dragon could appear any second now.
„I didn't say goodbye to Shawn" realised Niall suddenly.
„Niall, this is not a ...".
„I didn't tell him what would happen. Just that we had something fishy to do. What if I die today? Then I've never had the chance..." rambled Niall, ignoring Zayn's words.
„To tell him how you feel?" cut Louis him off. Niall fell silent and just nodded.
„How about this, Nialler? When we're back and defeated the dragon you finally gonna tell him, promise?" reached Zayn his hand out to him.
„Promise" agreed Niall shakily.
„Get ready to confess because we're not gonna die" winked Zayn at him.
„ZAYN" whined Niall dramatically.
Louis just laughed at them before he turned around to face Harry with a serious expression. „I love you, Hazza. To the moon and back".
„I love you too, Louis. Until the world goes down" smiled Harry tearfully at him and then leaned in to connect their lips in a sweet kiss full of love.
„I just realised we didn't even tell our families or friends" frowned Louis. „When Dr. T was around we said goodbye to everyone and this time not a single soul knows".
„This just proves that we know deep down we're gonna survive this" pointed Zayn out.
„Zayn, stop being so freaking positive. What if....".
„It's here" cut Zayn him off.
„How do you know?" looked Niall around searchingly but didn't see anything.
„I can feel it" breathed Zayn out.
„Feel it? C'mon" groaned Niall.
„Nialler, shut up. His feelings are always right" slapped Louis his friend.
„Guys, be quiet. Something is seriously wrong. I can sense it" sushed Zayn them with a worried expression.
„What are you...".
Before Niall could finish a blowing sound was heard. Their heads all snapped into that direction and they saw a blue glowing light under the surface of the ocean. Above them, the sky darkened and the storm was increasing. Zayn knew it was the cause of their mermaid friends. It was their way of showing them they had their backs. One second later the dragon appeared in front of them, huge and glowing, completely made out of water. It growled down at them and a blue flame came out of its mouth, scaring the shit out of them. It was now or never.
A bit hesitant Zayn swam towards the dragon, hiding the bracelet. They never officially decided on who would wear it but Zayn thought it should be on him because he stumbled over the legend and maybe he should be making the sacrifice once and not his friends. The boys shouted after him but he ignored them, focusing on the dragon only.
A few flashes of lightning striked the dragon, which made him wail in pain. Zayn held his arm with the bracelet into the air, showing it off to the dragon. Immediately a reaction was seen in its face but to Zayn's surprise, it wasn't a bad one. Shrugging that off he took his other hand and used his powers on the bracelet, trying to activate it. It did something to the dragon but Zayn couldn't tell what because the stones weren't reacting.
„ZAYN! BE CAREFUL" screamed Louis over to him, the sound of the thunderstorm being very damn loud.
„I...- I can feel something" blinked Zayn confused and looked from the bracelet up to the dragon, making eye-contact.
„Zayn, what...".
„There's someone there. Can't you feel it?" asked Zayn out loud.
„I think I can" was Louis surprised.
„It's like someone is trying to communicate with us" added Harry confused.
„It's the dragon" was Zayn sure of it.
„How do you know?" asked Niall, still very scared.
„I just know it, " said Zayn and held the bracelet up higher.
Between the striking lightning and the thunder the Full Moon came through and directly shone onto the bracelet. The red stones started to glow brightly and Zayn used his powers to double the effect. With a pained yelp, the dragon squirmed from side to side. Its chest started to glow in a bright light like it was cutting through the dragon's body. Zayn felt an immense pain but it wasn't his own. It was like he could feel the dragon's feelings and to his utter surprise, the dragon felt pure relief wash through it. The light increased and got brighter with the second. Zayn shielded his eyes before the light took over everything and Zayn was drawn underwater.
Above the surface, he could hear his friends screaming his name but it was blocked out by the water. Totally calm he breathed in and then opened his eyes, that grew wide as soon as he saw something in front of him, looking back at him. It was a woman. A mermaid with a crown, looking really exhausted and confused about her whereabouts. Bravely Zayn offered her a hand, which she hesitantly took, and they broke through the water surface.
„ZAYN" exclaimed all of his friends and fell around his neck in relief.
„Woah, slow down" chuckled Zayn happily.
„We thought you died" wiped Louis away his tears.
„What?" blinked Zayn at him.
„It looked like the light and the dragon swallowed you and when it disappeared you were gone. I mean the light...".
„I know what you mean" cut Zayn off Niall's anxious rambling. „But I'm good".
„Luckily! No idea what Liam would've done" offered Harry him a smile.
„Don't wanna sound rude, but who's this?" spotted Niall the other mermaid next to Zayn.
„Um... I don't know to be honest" scratched Zayn his neck and looked at her taking everything in before she focused on him.
„I am...".
„Queen Merilia?" appeared Serena out of nowhere next to the boys.
„Yes? Who are you?" looked the Queen confusedly at her.
„I'm Serena, your Majesty. I'm part of your swarm. I was barely five when you died... disappeared" introduced Serena herself.
„I remember you. You and your friend. How old are you now?" the Queen wanted to know.
„20 years? Oh God" gasped Queen Merilia.
„What happened?" Harry wanted to know.
„I was cursed by a merman. The war was about to end in our favour until the merman king put a spell on me and transformed me into a water dragon. I tried to make myself known but it just ended in my swarm leaving the Island unprotected behind. Well, apart from Perrie, Jade and Jesy" revealed Merilia tot hem.
„It was you the whole time? I'm so sorry. We should have known" apologised Serena in shame.
„It wasn't your fault" assured the Queen her.
„But you disappeared and a few days later a dragon showed up. We could have connected the dots" frowned Serena.
„It wasn't the time. Magic always has its time as you know" told Merilia her.
„I know" sighed Serena.
„I have to thank you" addressed Merilia now the boys.
„We didn't do anything" blushed Niall.
„But you did. You broke the curse and protected the Island" contradicted Merilia.
„How do you know?" tilted Louis his head aside, earning an awe from Harry.
„Well, all merman I know of wouldn't have stayed around the Island and I recognise a turned mermaid when I see them. You're the girl's successors" explained Merilia to them.
„Guess we are" shrugged Zayn.
„What happens next?" questioned Harry.
„First I'm gonna go back to my swarm and see what happened in my absence" smiled Queen Merilia at Serena and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. „But hopefully we're coming home soon".
„To the isle?" checked Niall.
„Yes. Mako has always been our home but don't worry. It won't change anything for you. Mako is your safe place and the isle depends on you. I'm very grateful for everything you did" took Merilia away their worries.
„Then I guess, welcome home".
People were cheering excitedly and the music was sounding loudly over the speakers. He didn't know the name of the act but one thing Louis knew for sure. That dude was freaking talented. He would definitely get the label contract afterwards. If not then they wouldn't stand a chance.
„Lou, I can feel your nerves over here" tore Harry him out of his thoughts.
„Don't tell me you're not nervous, Hazza" turned Louis around to him.
„Of course I am, Love. I'm just trying not to be" admitted Harry.
„Is it working?" walked Louis over to him and wrapped his arm around Harry's waist.
„Not really. I feel like I'm having a heart attack" nuzzled Harry his face into the crock of Louis' neck.
„Sure that's not just because of me?" grinned Louis into Harry's curls.
„Louis" whined Harry cutely.
„Naww, look at them being all cute although they're stressed out" cooed Niall at them.
„Fuck off" flipped Louis him off.
„Be nice, Baby" scolded Harry him jokingly.
„Nah, only to you and Zayn" shook Louis his head.
„Why Zayn? I am your boyfriend" stuck Harry his bottom lip out.
„And you'll always be" cupped Louis his face and kissed his nose.
„Well, time can change feel...".
„Shut it, Zayn. Larry will stay together forever" cut Niall him off.
„And what about you?" faced Zayn him now.
„Excuse me?".
„Isn't Loverboy in the audience today?" smirked Zayn at him.
„Aren't all of our friends?" countered Niall with a blush.
„I bet he has a big sign with Niall, will you marry me" cackled Zayn with tears brimming in his eyes.
„You're dead, Malik" glared Niall at him and was about to attack him.
„And here I was thinking they could use some encouragement but maybe they need some tips on being a band, that isn't tearing each other to pieces, " said a boy sassily and stopped at them with three other boys next to him.
„We aren't normally like this" claimed Liam fastly.
„No, we're worse" laughed Louis amused.
„Wait, you're that guy Liv talked about" recognised Harry one of the boys.
„Naw, she always talks about him. How cute" cooed another boy sarcastically.
„You have a death wish over there?" glared the boy that came first to his friend.
„Weren't you the one offering them tips on how NOT to kill your bandmates?" raised the boy an eyebrow.
„Boys, behave" sighed the fourth one.
„Shut it" growled the other two at him.
„Don't mind them. I'm Rick" introduced a blonde boy himself. He was the one Harry recognised.
„And I'm Federico" waved the responsible black-haired guy at them. „Those idiots are Caleb and Marlon".
„Caleb isn't an idiot" huffed Rick.
„He is though" grinned Federico at him.
„But my idiot" blushed Rick quietly.
„Naww, they're exactly like those jerks here" threw Niall his arms around Harry and Louis.
„Horan, you're about to die" shot Louis daggers at him with his eyes.
„Why did you want to talk to us?" asked Harry.
„You're next on stage and we wanted to wish you good luck and calm you down but you seem to be pretty calm" answered Rick him.
„Pretty? Yes. Calm? Not really" replied Louis cheekily.
„Very pretty" sighed Harry out, looking at Louis.
„One second, boys" groaned Liam.
„Let them be, Spoilsport" slapped Niall Liam's shoulder.
„Don't slap my boyfriend, Leprechaun" huffed Zayn defensive.
„They remind me of our girls" whispered Federico over to Marlon.
„Yeah, right?".
„Anyway, if you're nervous, don't be. You're already in. Just telling you. Antonio loves you. Probably more than us already. He literally just wants to present you to your future fanbase. Enjoy your time and don't overthink it" advised Rick them.
„But overthinking is their speciality" chuckled Niall.
„Says you" threw Zayn him a look.
„Thanks, guys. Maybe we'll see each other afterwards" thanked Liam them politely.
„I don't think so. We're up right after you but the girls will be here. They're the last ones. The Top Act tonight" told Federico them with a proud smile.
„Maybe later then," smiled Liam.
„You're still here then?" checked Caleb.
„We planned on watching the whole thing, " told Zayn him.
„Well, then we see each other later. For now, good luck and have fun" said Marlon friendly.
Still nervous but mostly excited the boys stepped on stage. Flashlights blinded them and people cheered already without knowing who they were. Out of the corner of his eye, Louis spotted their families friends. All of their parents, Eleanor, Sophia, Danielle, Camila, Hailee, 5sos, Ed, Luke and Shawn. When he looked at Shawn Louis had to keep himself under control but Shawn had a huge sigh with Niall's name on it. Next to it was a heart. Well, if that wasn't obvious. Their other friends had nothing or simple band signs with One Direction Rocks on it. Louis wiggled his eyebrows at Niall, who just blushed and took his microphone.
„Hello, We're One Direction. I'm Liam and these are Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis. I hope you had fun so far and are still up for some more. Are you with me?" introduced Liam them weirdly but hey, he was always the one to do it.
The crowd cheered so the boys simply started. They hit it off with 'Why Don't We Go There' and ‚Where Do Broken Hearts Go' and ‚Story Of My Life' were the two songs that followed. Every bit of tension and anxiety was blown away when the people reacted in an amazing way and their friends cheered them on loudly. The weeks of strict rehearsal now made everything worth it.
„This song was written by me and inspired by the beautiful love of my life, who makes me happy every day and I don't give a shit what everyone else says, " said Harry, making Louis blush.
This was one of the only two new songs they'd perform today. The lyrics Harry had written were beautiful and meant the world to Louis and now dozens of people would hear it and know they belonged together and there was nothing or nobody who could change that. They'd live happily ever after, Louis was sure of it. He knew it deep inside his heart.
Afterwards, they slowed down a bit with ‚Moments' followed by ‚Little Things'. They wanted to show Antonio, the label, the management and the people what they were all capable of. Furthermore, they had decided not to chose the most-straight ones, more the opposite. And these two songs were emotionally very important to them. So much that Louis was totally lost in his world and staring at Harry, that he choked on air when Harry again changed up his lyrics and sang ‚And all Lou Little Things' to thousands of people. This boy, he swears.
„Are you having a good time?" cheered Niall into the mic.
„This next one is a bit different to our other stuff. Not music vice, more lyric vice. We have some amazing female best friends that are here today. This song is about them because as long as we know them they were never afraid of anything except falling in love. This is for you, girls" introduced Louis the song with a wink over to Eleanor and the other girls.
" She sneaks out in the middle of the night, yeah. Tight dress with the top cut low. She's addicted to the feeling of letting go, oh, whoa, let it go" started Harry the song and the crowd went wild.
"She walks in and the room just lights up. But she don't want anyone to know. That I'm the only one that gets to take her home. Oh-whoa, take her home" sang Louis and fell completely into the song. He simply loved it.
"But every time I tell her that I want more. She closes the door" sang Liam smoothly into the mic.
"She's not afraid of all the attention. She's not afraid of running wild. How come she's so afraid of falling in love? She's not afraid of scary movies. She likes the way we kiss in the dark. But she's so afraid of fa-fa-falling in love, love" sang Zayn the chorus and the boys jumped across the stage, enjoying the moment.
"Maybe she's just tryna test me. Wanna see how hard I'm gonna work. Wanna see if I can really tell how much she's worth" took Niall over the second verse.
"What she's worth" leaned Louis against Niall's back in a smooth way.
"And maybe all her friends have told her 'Don't get closer, he'll just break your heart'" sang Louis with crossed arms and then turned to Niall with a shrug.
"But either way she sees in me and it's just so hard" grinned Niall and then they were off to the side, making faces.
"So hard" smirked Louis funnily.
"'Cause every time I tell her how I feel. She says it's not real" continued Liam before it went into the chorus again.
When the song was over they started ‚Does He Know'. During the whole song, Niall kept his eyes on the stage floor and Louis knew it was because he tried to avoid Shawn's gaze, which was on Niall the whole time. Louis tried to give him subtle hints that the song was about him and Niall returned the obvious feelings Shawn had for him but Louis wasn't sure if Shawn got it or not.
"We're actually close to the end now. Those are our last two songs fort he night. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and maybe we'll see each other again" said Liam a bit sad but still overjoyed.
The last two songs were ‚Better Than Words' and ‚Best Song Ever'. They liked to close a show with that particular song. It brought them all closer and to where they were now and on top of that it was just simple fun. So why not end it on a fun and relaxed note? In the end, they all fell into a group hug, bowed down and then left the stage.
„Guys, you were amazing" congratulated Skylar them as soon as they stepped off stage.
„Those songs, the dynamic. The people are gonna love you" gushed Abby impressed.
„Sure it's not you who loves them?" smirked Liv teasingly at her.
„One day I'll push you off the stage" huffed Abby.
„Anyway, great job. I could see how much you love to be on stage" smiled Jade at them.
„It's really everything. The adrenaline. The people. I love this" was Niall like in intoxication.
„I can tell" grinned Skylar.
Suddenly a dog came running out of nowhere, jumping happily at Louis, who just laughed and knelt down to it. The fur was white with beige spots. Very shaggy and lovely to touch. „Whose whirlwind is that?".
„I'm so sorry. That cheeky bastard belongs to me" grinned Liv sheepishly.
„And that one is mine" petted Harry Louis' head.
„Ey!". Everyone laughed at that.
Louis just pouted but that pout was gone as soon as the dog licked his nose. The dog rubbed its muzzle against Louis' chin and his arms, onto his hands, begging him to pet it. With a smile Louis started petting the dog, causing it to let out sounds that sounded like a mix between whining, growling and moaning.
„Gosh, it's getting embarrassing. Alexa, stop" groaned Liv in despair at her dog, but she didn't listen.
„It's okay. She is adorable" assured Louis her, totally focused on the dog much to Harry's dismay.
„She can be if she wants to. Most of the time she is annoying but you're male so get ready to get your ass kissed" rolled Liv her eyes.
„No ass-kissing" huffed Harry but was ignored.
„Naww, she loves me" cooed Louis at Alexa, who had laid down on her back to get her belly rubbed.
„Such a little bitch" glared Liv at her dog, feeling ignored.
„She loves you, Baby" rubbed Jade over Liv's shoulders.
„Not anymore. She loves Louis now" pouted Liv.
„But you still have me" made Jade big eyes at her.
„And that's more than enough" pecked Liv Jade's lips.
„So, I can keep her?" grinned Louis up at Liv because he was still sitting on the floor.
„Hell No" exclaimed both Liv and Harry.
„Hazza, are you jealous of a dog?" cocked Louis an eyebrow at his boyfriend.
„Definitely not" crossed Harry his arms.
„You're so jealous" laughed Louis, still petting the dog.
„But she gets all of your attention" wailed Harry.
„Do you want all of my attention?" asked Louis smugly.
„Yes" stated Harry and tangled his fingers into Louis' hair.
„Am I your dog now, Haz?" smirked Louis up at him.
„What? No" blushed Harry crimson.
„But maybe he wants it doggy style" snickered Zayn nastily.
„ZAYN" exclaimed Harry, Louis and Liam aghast.
„Gosh, you're boring. At least Niall is laughing" rolled Zayn his eyes at his friends, making Niall laugh even more.
„And again your dog is the centre of attention, getting everything she wants" shook Skylar amused her head.
„Not everything. There's no food" countered Abby.
„Yet" smirked Skylar.
„Gosh, I hate all of you" buried Liv her head in Jade's chest.
„Except me. She loves me" clarified Jade.
„You're still a freak though" mumbled Liv.
„And you're a stubborn idiot" patted Jade Liv's back.
„Sounds like someone we know" nudged Niall Harry's side, earning a death glare in return. „Woah, chill".
„You're dead meat, Horan" growled Harry at him.
„Oh-oh" made Niall.
„Haz, he's not worth it. Focus on Alexa. She's the cutest little thing. I want a dog" tugged Louis on Harry's hand like a little child.
„You won't get a dog" grinned Harry down at him.
„You can't decline me a dog, Harry. You're not my father and don't even think about saying you're my Daddy because we both know that's Bullshit" replied Louis sassily.
„I can be a Daddy" claimed Harry childishly.
„Maybe for your future children but not for me" shook Louis his head.
„Our future children" corrected Harry.
„Yes, our kids" smiled Louis up at him.
„What exactly was the point of this discussion in the first place?" piped Liam in.
„Actually I forgot" shrugged Skylar.
„We wanted to congratulate them on their performance before Miss Alexa drew all the attention on her like always" tapped Abby Sky's forehead.
„You love her" made Skylar a weird face at her.
„Who doesn't?" chuckled Abby.
„The whole fandom loves her" bragged Liv.
„Oh yeah, she has her own fan pages. It's bizarre" nodded Jade.
„You mean like a band mascot?" raised Liam an eyebrow at the girls.
„Yes, " said all four at the same time, erupting into laughter afterwards.
„We need one too" bounced Niall on his spot up and down.
„Niall, no. You won't get a pet. You can barely take care of yourself" switched Liam into Daddy Direction mode.
„But I can" jumped Louis up, making Alexa look sadly at him but he simply petted her head again. „I want a dog".
„Lord help me" sighed Liam out dramatically.
Together with the four girls and dog Alexa, the boys watched the girl's befriended band perform. They were called Lost & Found and sounded pretty good, to be honest. A very rocky sound and honest lyrics and Caleb and Rick weren't able to really not look at each other over and over again and Louis wondered if this was what Harry and he looked like on stage.
Later on, they switched and watched the girls perform with Marlon, Rick, Federico and Caleb. The crowd loved them and their performance was sick. Hopefully, they would be as good as the girls one day. After congratulating them they all were met with the Brown Brothers and Antonio and only received positive feedback but no decision yet. The boys also met the girl's hairstylist Àmber and Aria, the make-up artist. It was weird to think about the fact they would get all of those people around them too someday. Maybe one day.
To celebrate their great performance they went with their supporting friends and families to the JuiceNet back home after coming back from Sydney. Will had organised a Public Viewing of the whole event and now the After-Show-Party took place. It was amazing and a great gesture of all those people but it also felt really strange. They were nothing special but the people treated them like celebrities already. This was nothing Louis could ever get used to. He was still just Louis.
„Hey, Just-Louis, you wanna go home?" swayed Harry over to Louis and wrapped his arms arond him from behind, breathing down his neck.
„How do you...".
„This is your ‚I'm nothing special stop treating me like it' face. Know this way too good" cut Harry him off, pecking his neck.
„I don't have a face like that" claimed Louis, tilting his head a bit aside.
„Yes, and it's very cute but completely out of place now. You are special and I'm gonna treat you like it" pulled Harry him closer against his chest.
„How about that going home now?" breathed Louis out, enjoying Harry's touch.
Without notice of their friends or family Harry and Louis sneaked out and back home where they were only met with silence. Hand in hand they walked upstairs into their bedroom and didn't switch on the lights. For a couple of minutes, Harry disappeared into the bathroom. In the meantime Louis got rid off all of his clothes apart from his boxers and laid down on his stomach, feeling the tiredness taking over him. He heard the bathroom door open and willed himself to not turn around and look at a probably half-naked or fully naked Harry even if it was difficult.
„Are you tired, Boo?" asked Harry softly, climbing onto the bed.
„Mm" hummed Louis in response and lightly nodded.
„Want me to pamper you, Darling?" crawled Harry over to Louis, hovering over his lower body.
„Let's see what you can do" tried Louis to sounds indifferent but he was really excited and so turned on from before still.
„Are you challenging me, Lou?" questioned Harry while he traced with his fingers over Louis' toned back, giving him goosebumps.
„Would never think of that" breathed Louis out shakily.
„Thought so" could Louis literally hear Harry's satisfied smirk.
Tender kisses were placed all over Louis' neck and back until Harry had reached the waistband of his boxers. With his big soft hands, Harry cupped Louis' bum and massaged it slightly, making him moan into the pillow. Louis lifted his hips up a bit so Harry could take off his boxers more easily. After admiring Louis' bum for a few moments Harry breathed a kiss against his bum cheek and massaged them again. Louis shuddered in anticipation.
„What do you want, Lou?" asked Harry in a soft whisper.
Louis felt himself being transported back into one of his first wet dreams about Harry where this moment almost exactly happened like it was happening at the moment. He thought back to it and immediately knew what he wanted.
Collecting all of his remaining Sass Louis turned his head around to face Harry. „Are you hungry?".
Harry needed one second before his eyes darkened with lust in realisation. „Kinky".
„You love it" winked Louis at him.
„I really do" smirked Harry at him before he pressed a kiss onto Louis' bum, sucking on it lightly, making Louis moan and turn his head back around and hide it into his pillow.
Louis propped himself up on his knees and shuddered at the feeling of Harry licking over his hole with his tongue. Harry's teasing kitten licks drove him crazy and he felt himself rock-hard against his stomach and the pre-cum dripped onto the sheets. When Harry finally pushed his tongue inside of him Louis moaned out loudly at the amazing feeling. Slowly Harry started to push in and out of Louis, fucking him with his tongue and eating him out. Louis felt his knees shaking and he arched his back so Harry steadied him by the waist and simultaneously started to jerk him off. The pleasure was just too overwhelming and he came shortly after with a cry of Harry's name into Harry's hand.
Still panting heavily he sat up on his knees, turned around to Harry and smashed their lips together, feeling Harry's dick rub against his own. Harry was painfully hard and he felt himself getting hard again. With his tongue, he explored Harry's mouth and took over control about their steamy snogging session.
„Louis" broke Harry away from the kiss, pantingly. „If you don't fuck me right now I'm gonna come just from your kisses".
„And special wishes tonight, Sweetheart?" nibbled Louis on Harry's bottom lip.
„Um... you know.... Zayn mentioned... er...." Stuttered Harry a bit embarrassed.
„Well then, Darling, okay. Get on your hands and knees and show me your little perky bum, Princess" understood Louis what he meant and kept his teasing in.
Eagerly Harry bent down and got on his hands and knees, showing his bum off to Louis, who felt a wave of arousal coming over him because Harry had a buttplug plugged in, stretching him out the whole time over. Quickly he leaned over to the bedside table and took the lube, pouring some on his dick. With his fingers, he traced alongside the plug and pushed it deeper inside.
„You naughty boy. Have you been pleasing yourself this whole time without my knowledge?" tsksed Louis in a joking and teasing manner.
„Was so nervous and horny this morning" croaked Harry out.
„You could have said something, Baby Boy" twisted Louis the plug around in Harry's hole.
„Ah, Louis, please. Do something" begged Harry desperately.
„Oh, I'm gonna do something, " said Louis and pulled the plug out fast, causing Harry to let out a whimper.
Licking his lips Louis lined himself up at Harry's stretched out hole and directly pushed inside, taking Harry by surprise and making him moan loudly. He started off at a medium-slow pace but soon got faster and harder, thrusting into Harry. His nails dug into Harry's love handles when Louis found Harry's special spot. Over and over again Louis thrusted into Harry, hitting that one spot that made him see stars and Harry was falling apart underneath him.
„Louis, I'm gonna..." said Harry but his voice broke away.
„Me too. Just need you to come for me, Haz" panted Louis out and hit Harry's spot again.
The next second Harry came with a loud scream of Louis' name onto the sheets and Louis soon followed, coming into Harry. They rode out their Highs before Louis pulled out carefully, grabbed a paper towel and wiped Harry clean, who had collapsed onto the bed, his eyes falling shut from being so tired now. Louis crawled next to him, pulled the covers over them and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, causing Harry to snuggle into Louis' side.
„You know what I randomly thought about, Hazza?" stroked Louis over Harry's arm.
„No, what?" yawned Harry cutely.
„What happens when one farts while being eaten out?" asked Louis his totally serious question.
„Guess, shit happens, Lou" answered Harry tiredly.
„No, Hazza Bear. We were talking about farts, not poop" countered Louis jokingly and he couldn't help himself from laughing at his own horrible joke.
„Why do I even love you?" shook Harry his head at him.
„Because I'm sexy?" wiggled Louis his eyebrows at him.
„And hot and handsome, attractive, curvy, beautiful, adorable, cute and so so pretty" became Harry's voice softer with every word and he just admired Louis' face.
„You're a freak. I hate you so much" grinned Louis at his dorky boyfriend.
„I hate you more".
On Sunday morning around 11 pm, they were all huddled up in Louis' living room. Really everyone was there. The girls, except for Danielle, and Shawn. Their parents were in the kitchen, talking lively to each other. And the five boys were slummed down on the couch, staring at the phone on the table. Every minute Antonio could call them now.
„And did you do it doggy style last night?" snickered Niall to break the deadly silence.
„Niall" slapped Louis him against the head and glanced over to their parents. Maura and Jay were both looking over, causing Louis to sink further into his seat.
„So you did" concluded Niall.
„Can you shut up?" whisper-yelled Harry at him, feeling his Mom's eyes on him.
„Why?" looked Niall provokingly at him.
„Because otherwise I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth" threatened Harry him weirdly.
„Doggy style turned him into a real animal" gasped Niall and Harry literally jumped him.
„You had it coming" shrugged Zayn unbothered.
„Why can't you behave just once?" groaned Liam in despair.
„You sound like a Dad or a grandpa" chuckled Eleanor.
„But not the sexy and kinky kind of way" added Sophia amused.
„Note to myself. Tension leads to sexual talking" commented Shawn on it.
„Everything leads to sexual talking when Niall is in the room" smirked Zayn smugly.
„Does this mean you're a very sexual person?" asked Shawn Niall directly.
„Umm" was Niall at a loss for words.
„You made him speechless" whispered Louis over to Shawn but purposely loud enough that Niall could hear it.
„Tomlinson, you're about to die" lunged Niall at him but Harry pushed Niall away and pulled Louis into his arms.
„You're own fault, sex-freak. Deal with it and don't let it out on my hedgehog".
„Hazza" whined Louis.
„Haha, you're a sex-freak" laughed Sophia at him.
„Still better than a hedgehog" crossed Niall his arms.
„Not really. They're cute like Louis. A sex-freak is still a freak" pointed Shawn out.
„Did you just call my boyfriend cute?" glared Harry at Shawn.
„Um..." gulped Shawn nervously.
„Now he's speechless too" snickered Eleanor.
„Does this make him a sex-freak too?" questioned Hailee way too serious.
„Would make two of them. Perfect for each other. Two freaks" grinned Camila sheepishly.
„How did we come from them having doggy sex to me being a freak?" blinked Niall confused at his friends.
„That question alone is a perfect example" bit Zayn down on his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing.
„I'm so done with you" stated Liam defeated.
As if the universe knew it was the time now the phone started ringing in that very moment, startling all of them. Their parents came over to them and Liam answered the call with shaking hands.
„Liam, is that you?" sounded Antonio's voice from the other side.
Liam nodded but then realised he couldn't see him. „Yes".
„Don't sound so nervous. Everything's good" tried Antonio to calm him down a bit.
„What does this mean?" questioned Liam with a shaky voice.
„Are you all there?" Antonio wanted to know first.
„Yes, and you're on speaker" informed Liam him. The other boys were practically leaning over the phone by now.
„Great. Then I can tell al of you now that your performance was amazing. My partners were all impressed and the people already love yo" praised Antonio them.
„What does this mean for us?" hooked Liam curiously.
„That's it, boys. You made it. We want you. You're ready to sign with Vasques Records?".
It's actually really my dog. She only has a different name but the same bitchy character. Such an attention whore when it comes to male creatures. Literally everyone that is male -.- How did you like her?
The fight was pretty unspectacular for my liking but I couldn't think of anything else, to be honest. At least they survived...
What do you think of those other two bands? Do you like them?
That Larry Smut scene was planned differently and written at work... such a weird situation...
Antonio wants them... what happens now?
Let me know what you think, my loves <3 :)
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