Chapter 53
I'm back, guys. Sorry, I haven't updated this story for so long but I'm working now regularly and it's hard to write those long-ass chapters. This one is way shorter than I wanted but Term 4 won't be that long anyway.
Have you seen those interviews? Louis talked normally about Harry!!! I'm in heaven. September is great.
And guess whose birthday is today too...??!! Mine. And I was able to update. Yeahy
Throughout 5 Seconds of Summer's whole performance, the boys felt a weird and cold tension rising and they didn't quite get what was happening around them. Their friends had sung their songs 'Beside You', 'Jet Black Heart', 'Easier' and their new song 'Teeth' but the boys couldn't remember anything. No words, no sounds, no songs. They were focused on the stage but it felt like they weren't even here, weren't in control of their own bodies. Like they were watching from afar. Why they were so tense no one really knew. The Full Moon wasn't a problem anymore so why were they so nervous out of a sudden?
When the Open Music Night was opened Shawn and Camila walked on stage and that's what got the boys attention. Niall watched Shawn's every move and wanted to know what was going on and why he was so close to Camila right now.
"Hello Everybody, I'm Shawn and this is Camila. Tonight we'd like to present you a song we wrote together" spoke Shawn up.
"We worked on it for a long time and now it feels right to finally show it to you, guys. It's called 'I know what you did last summer' and I hope you like it" continued Camila excitedly.
"Did you know about that?" asked Hailee in a whisper.
"No. He hasn't told me they wanted to perform that song" shook Niall his head.
"You're okay?" checked Louis with a knowing look on his face.
"Sure" fake smiled Niall but Louis saw right through him.
"It's just a song. I'm sure it means nothing" tried Harry reassure Niall and Hailee.
"Yeah sure," said Hailee unconvincingly.
"He knows, dirty secrets that I keep. Does he know it's killing me? He knows, he knows. D-d-does he knows. Another's hands have touched my skin. I won't tell him where I've been. He knows he knows, he knows" started Camila to sing the song beautifully.
"It's tearing me apart. She's slipping away (I'm slipping away). Am I just hanging on to all the words she used to say? The pictures on her phone. She's not coming home (I'm not coming home), Coming home, coming home" were they know harmonising together.
"I know what you did last summer (aha). Just lied to me, "there's no other" (he-ey)I know what you did last summer
Tell me where you've been
I know what you did last summer (ah-ah)
Look me in the eyes, my lover (he-ey)
I know what you did last summer
Tell me where you've been I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah)
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (ah-ah, ah-ah)
I didn't mean it, no, I didn't mean it, mean it, no
(Ah-ah, he-ey)
Can't seem to let you go, can't seem to hold you close
I know" sang both of them the chorus now.
"When she looks me in the eyes, they don't seem as bright. No more, no more. I know, That she loved me at one time. Would I promise her that night? Cross my heart and hope to die" was it now Shawn's turn to sound flawless. Afterwards, they repeated their bridge and the chorus.
"I know, I know, I know, I know. I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know, I know
I know, I know, I know (no, no, no)
Can't seem to let you go, can't seem to keep you close
(Hold me close)
Can't seem to let you go, can't seem to keep you close
(You know I didn't mean it, though)
Tell me where you've been lately
Tell me where you've been lately
(Just hold me close)
Tell me where you've been lately
Tell me where you've been lately
(Don't, don't, don't, don't let me go)
Can't seem to keep you close, can't seem to let you go
(I didn't mean it, though)
I know you didn't mean it, though
I know you didn't mean it, though
(I don't wanna let you go)
Tell me you didn't mean it, though
Tell me you didn't mean it, though (no, no, no)
(Can't seem to let you go, seem to let you go)
I know you didn't mean it, though. I wanna know you mean it though
(Hold me close)
I know you didn't mean it though
I know you didn't mean it though
I can't seem to let you go, can't seem to hold you close". With every word, they moved closer to each other until they were closely face to face, singing to each other. Niall felt something bubbling in hi stomach what he knew was jealousy but he'd never admit that out loud. Glancing next to him, he saw that Hailee had the same reaction as himself. They needed to talk urgently.
When they ended the song, the whole cafe erupted into cheers and whistles. Everyone was standing up and clapping for Shawn and Camila. For a moment the jealousy was forgotten and Niall felt very proud. But only for a second. Camila and Shawn took each other's hands and bowed down to the crowd. Without a word, he stood up and walked outside to breathe in some fresh air and just clear his head.
"Niall? Are you okay?" came Louis after him.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just needed some air" assured Niall his friend.
"You know it was just a song and nothing is going on, right?" questioned Zayn.
"But head knows that. Doesn't mean my heart wants to hear it" admitted Niall and turned around to them.
"You can tell your heart Shawn only likes you. It's so obvious" tapped Zayn Niall's chest.
"But only as a friend" pointed Niall out.
"Yeah sure. Friends" snorted Louis.
"Oh shut up, Tomlinson. Who needed months to get their shit together, huh?" shot Niall back.
"He has a point, babe," said Harry with red cheeks.
"Still. Don't sass me, Mister" grumbled Louis cutely.
"And why not? Did you turn too soft now to take it?" replied Niall provocative.
"Oh, I'm gonna show you what soft is. You sure you can take soft?" was Louis not having any of it.
"Guys, chill. It was just a joke" got Liam in between them but it was not helping.
"Ignore his stupid words, Angel Eyes. His jealousy is making him bitchy" stepped Harry now in front of Louis.
"But he is saying mean things, Sugar Lips" pouted Louis on purpose.
"I know but that doesn't mean you have to be bitchy too, my love. Be the bigger person" advised Harry him.
"That could be a problem" snickered Niall nastily.
"Oh, you're dead, Horan" tried Louis to jump at Niall but he was stopped.
"Louis, No. Ignore that immature bubblehead" had Harry him trapped in his arms.
"You wanna add something to it, babe?" faced Zayn now Liam.
"Nah, Harry's doing a good job but maybe we should make Niall shut up. Maybe go and get Shawn" grinned Liam at his boyfriend.
"I heard that" glared Niall at the two of them.
"Wasn't attended to be unheard" threw Zayn him a certain look.
"I hate you" grumbled Niall.
"See? Now he hates, Zayn" let Harry go of Louis now. "It's fast lived. This little Irish leprech....".
"NO HARRY! WATCH OUT" screamed Louis suddenly but it was too late.
Something that looked like a column of living water appeared behind them out of the ocean and attacked Harry. It wrapped itself around Harry's stomach and dragged him with it into the ocean. Without thinking twice the boys took a look around before jumping into the ocean too to follow the magical water column while Liam ran for his boat. They followed it until they had reached Mako Island with the Full Moon shining above it. Quickly they swam through the underwater entrance and finally spotted Harry, who still captured by that thing and seemed unconscious.
The water had wrapped itself a few times around Harry's whole body. The boys shared a look before jumping into action. Niall hardened the attacking water in less than two seconds. Louis added some outside water like some kind of a shell which Zayn froze completely. Together they used all of their powers until the water column shattered into pieced and set Harry free. Immediately, Louis caught him and brought him back to the surface of the Moon Pool, where he coughed heavily but started breathing normally again.
"Oh God, Haz. I was so scared. Are you okay?" cupped Louis Harry's face into his hands.
"I'm alive" croaked Harry out and Louis just fell around his neck.
"Guys, are you alright?" came Liam running out of the tunnel to the Moon Pool.
"Not sure" answered Niall honestly.
Before they could analyse what was happening, the water column reappeared out of the water right in front of them. Now looking at it they recognised it was some kind of a water tentacle. It seemed to be alive and watching them and the entrance like it was afraid they would leave. That it wasn't attacking them confused the hell out of Zayn, Niall and Louis while Liam looked scared as hell and Harry was oddly quiet.
"What are we gonna do?" asked Zayn quietly.
"Attack, maybe?" suggested Niall unsurely.
"No, don't," said Harry almost panicked.
"Why not? That thing...." frowned Louis.
"Didn't do anything, Louis" cut Harry him off. "Well, maybe it did a bit but it tried to show me or us something. We were supposed to follow it here".
"How do you know?" knitted Louis his eyebrows together.
"It tried to get in contact with my mind to talk to me but it was hard to understand" revealed Harry to them.
"I think Harry's right. Something is going on. Look around" asked Liam the boys.
For a second they were confused but as soon as they averted their eyes towards the outside of the Moon Pool they knew what Liam meant. The grotto looked different. The walls seemed like they were sweating. They looked hot. And next to Liam was something totally new. Like an opening in the wall that wasn't there before. Like a shrine for something, covered in sand.
"Here are three small patches that look like our blue stones. I guess we have to put them there or something" told Liam them timidly.
"But why?" Niall wanted to know.
"What do I know?" groaned Liam.
"Let's just do it. The only way to get answers" said Harry surely.
"He's right. Do it, boys" agreed Louis with him.
"Even whipped in danger" cackled Niall.
"Give me your stones. I don't think you can leave the Moon Pool. It's watching us" approached Liam the edge of the Moon Pool.
"Looks like it" handed Zayn him his stone and the other boys followed suit.
Carefully, Liam placed all five of their stones in a little circle on that shrine. He stepped backwards and just looked at it. For a moment nothing happened but then the stones started to glow brightly and the tentacle shot water over to the shrine. The glowing and the water together formed some kind of a curtain of glowing blue that covered part of the stone walls.
"What the hell?".
The next second Liam was pulled into the water by the tentacle too and they were all five now facing the wall. It was like they were connected to the Island and the tentacle and could feel big fear growing in them that wasn't theirs. On the wall appeared a picture of Mako Island. Then it showed the glowing Full Moon and something moving in the water. Dangerously, a giant water dragon came into sight and startled the boys. Shortly after the pictures disappeared the wall turned back to normal and the tentacle was gone. Liam sat down on the edge of the Moon Pool and the boys were silent.
Unexpectedly, bubbling was heard behind them so they fastly turned around. To their big surprise, two girls appeared in the Moon Pool. Looking at them the boys realised they had tails too. They were mermaids just like them. Where did come from now?
"So, you got the warning too?" spoke one of the girls up.
"What? Oh the... yeah, we did. Wait, you did too?". Zayn didn't really know what to say.
"Yes, we did but one month ago," told the other girl them.
"Excuse me for being blunt, but who are you?" asked Niall still confused.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. My name is Serina and this is Ondina. We were looking for you" introduced Serina the two of them.
"So you knew about us?" hooked Louis curiously.
"From the day it happened again" confirmed Ondina.
"That means you turned before us, right?" tried Harry to understand.
"I'm confused" stated Harry and his friends agreed with him.
"We never turned like you guys. We were born as mermaids" revealed Serina to them.
"Real mermaids?" was Louis utterly shocked. The girls nodded.
"Didn't know they existed" threw Liam in.
"Well, but we do" grinned Ondina.
"To clear that up. You're real mermaids and knew about us this whole time?" checked Niall, trying to make sense out of this.
"Yes. The Island is in contact with us. We knew about Perrie and her friends and of you, guys" answered Ondina.
"And why did you never showed up? What do you want now?" Zayn wanted to know.
"As you have seen by the tentacle, we're all in danger. A water dragon is on its way to Mako Island and arrives next Full Moon. You're the guards of this Island since you turned. That's why the tentacle came to you too. We have to protect the Island" told Serina the boys.
"Why us? You're real mermaids after all" was Niall not convinced.
"We don't belong here anymore. It's your safe place now. That means your responsibility. But we're gonna help you".
"Not anymore? You mean it belonged to you before?" asked Zayn.
"Yes. A long time ago, our swarm lived by the Island. Mako, the ocean, the moon. It was all kinda ours but we had trouble being on the way. Mermaids and merman had a war which led to us dying out now and the moon called to humans for the first time. That's when Perrie, Jesy, Jade and Leigh-Anne stranded on Mako. We had to move away and find a new home. The Island had made a decision. Fifty years later, it had called to you now but for some strange reason it had contacted us too and that's why we're here" explained Serina them what had happened.
"And the dragon is really on its way?" gulped Zayn kinda scared.
"Yes, and we need to find out what's up with it" nodded Ondina.
"Okay. We're in. Let's find a solution and fight that dragon together" smiled Louis at the mermaids.
"Yeah, we gonna make it" smiled Serina back thankfully.
"Just one question. When you're dying out, why are you two so young? This was all ages ago" asked Liam, earning weird and warning faces from his friends.
Both girls sighed sadly. "Well, we're gonna be the last ones. No one's gonna be left after us".
Fish and dolphins were tagging along with him as Niall swam through the darkness of the ocean. Being alone in the ocean on a Sunday was funnily enough rare for him. Every time one of them wanted to go swimming another one of them tagged along because it was more fun. But today Niall needed this loneliness to clear his head and get away from Shawn whom he would see in an hour anyway.
Out of the corner of his eye, Niall spotted something red on the bottom of the ocean. He swam closer to get a better look at it. It was a beautiful red coral. Seeing it in all its glory with the sun shining down on it through the surface Niall knew it would be perfect for Shawn or more his aquarium at home. So he carefully released it from the ground but cut his finger which was bleeding a bit now. Well, what he did for this boy.
Satisfied and with the coral in one hand be made his way over to Shawns house. His maid let him in and Niall walked upstairs to Shawn's room where Zayn and Liam were already sitting on the bed.
"Nialler, there you are. We were wondering where you are" said Zayn as he entered the room.
"Ni!" exclaimed Shawn dramatically and fell into Niall's arms.
"Hi, Shawn" patted Niall his back gently.
"What is that?" pointed Shawn at the coral in Niall's hand.
"Oh, this is for you. Found it on the bottom of the ocean" handed Niall it over to Shawn.
"For me?" was Shawn really surprised.
"Yeah. For your aquarium" cleared Niall his throat.
"You have an aquarium?" raised Zayn an eyebrow at him.
"Yes" confirmed Shawn and walked over to it into the other room next door.
"Of course" snorted Zayn.
"Z, be nice," told Liam him.
"I'm always nice" claimed Zayn.
"Yeah sure" rolled Niall his eyes and went into the other room. Ziam followed him.
"That's beautiful" marvelled Liam at the sight of the aquarium.
"Thanks" smiled Shawn.
"Where are Louis and Harry?" noticed Niall suddenly.
"Are you okay Nialler? You as the captain should know they have a dinner with the in-laws today" gasped Zayn fakely shocked.
"I knew that" mumbled Niall.
"Of course you did" winked Zayn at him.
"Nice, remember Zayn?" gave Liam him a look, making Zayn pull a funny face at him.
"You two are almost as married as Larry" laughed Shawn.
"He's right. Didn't thought I would ever say this" agreed Niall with him.
"That I'm right or they're almost as bad as Larry?" checked Shawn cutely.
"Both" grinned Niall amused, earning a slap from Shawn.
"Ey, we're not as bad as Larry" claimed Liam.
"And definitely not worse" added Zayn.
"You sure about this?" raised Shawn an eyebrow at them.
"I'm hungry," said Niall and walked towards Shawn's door.
"Big shocker" gasped Zayn.
"Should we tag along?" asked Shawn.
"Nah, just want some fish" waved Niall them off and was gone before they could reply.
"At least he's hungry again" commented Liam on it.
"Liam!" looked Zayn sternly at him.
"Don't worry. I pretend I didn't listen but I already knew" assured Shawn them.
"Really? How...".
"I notice details. You should know that by now" cut Shawn him off.
"He's got a point," said Liam.
"Whatever" huffed Zayn. "Umm Shawn, is it normal for your fish to do that?" pointed Zayn at the aquarium.
The fish was literally swimming against the glass and didn't stop like he was trying to break out of it. The fish food was standing nearby so Shawn hesitantly gave him some more. Like he was starving the fish devoured the food in less than ten seconds and stated to behave weirdly again causing the boys to exchange weird glances.
"That's abnormal" frowned Liam.
"Oh really? Wouldn't have guessed that" snorted Shawn.
"Looks like Louis gets competition now" chuckled Zayn.
"Not the time and place babe. We should find out what's going on. Look at it. The scales look weird" pointed Liam at the fish whose scales looked like they were fading away.
"Is he sick?" panicked Shawn.
"Out of a sudden? I don't think so. Something is going on" was Liam sure of it.
"But what?".
"Where's Niall?" looked Liam at the door.
"Not back yet. Why?" Shawn didn't understand.
"We should look for him". With that Liam was out of the door.
"But what about Hector?" called Shawn after him.
"Your fish is named Hector?" raised Zayn an eyebrow at him.
"What's up with you and mocking me today?" faced Shawn him now.
"I just notice more and more weird things about you, cool popular guy" grinned Zayn amused as they walked downstairs.
"You're not any better" huffed Shawn.
"Never said I am".
"You're such... What the hell happened here?" stopped Shawn in his tracks as he entered the kitchen. The cupboards and drawers were all open and tons of empty sardine cans were lying around. It smelled like fish.
"I knew it. Niall and your fish are both acting weird. Wait here" left Liam the kitchen.
"What is he up to?" questioned Shawn confused.
"I don't know but I'm sure he knows what he is doing" shrugged Zayn.
"Not even a minute later Liam came back into the kitchen with a small plastic bag in his hand. The red coral was inside of it, safely kept. "That's the cause of it all. As soon as I took it out your little Hector stopped his weird behaviour".
"So, the coral made him go insane?" tried Shawn to understand.
"Exactly" nodded Liam.
"But how is that connected to Niall disappearing?" frowned Shawn.
"He gave it to you. Means he touched it and maybe he got infected too in some way. We need to find a way to reverse the effect. I'm gonna make some test with it and see if I can reverse it on Hector first" told Liam them.
"Oh, God. If Hector looks like that, what about Niall?" began Shawn to panic again.
"I don't know" sighed Liam.
"We have to find him. Liam, it's best if you leave immediately and make your test. Zayn, maybe you could search on Mako Island while I go down to the harbour and grab my boat, yeah? Let's split up" was Shawn visibly getting more and more nervous.
"We're gonna find him" touched Zayn his shoulder to calm him down.
"Yeah" breathed Shawn out.
Suddenly Zayn's phone started ringing. A bit startled, he took it out and answered the call blindly. "Yeah? Oh, hi El. What? Umm... Oh, that's amazing. Yeah, we're gonna be there soon. Bye".
"What did she say?" asked Liam curiously.
"Niall is at the Marine Park. She and Sophia saw him walk by and he was acting kinda strange and wanted to jump into the Dolphin Pool" informed Zayn them.
"That sounds not really good. Let's go".
On their way out Liam went back upstairs to grab Shawn's sick fish, making Shawn frown in confusion but he just trusted Liam to do the right thing. They ran over to the Marine Park as fast as they could and as soon as they had reached the entrance they split up. Liam went inside to look for Paul so he could use the lab while Zayn and Shawn met up with Eleanor and Sophia at the Dolphin Pool.
"Where is he?" asked Shawn pantingly.
"I don't know. He ran away and we couldn't keep up with him" informed Sophia them kinda ashamed.
"What???! We have to find him. Like now!" panicked Shawn again.
"We will, Shawn. Let's split up. Girls, you look for him by the little lakes over there and Shawn and I will look for him by the big aquariums, okay?" suggested Zayn determined.
"Okay, but let's stay in touch" agreed Eleanor to it and went her way with Sophia.
Shawn and Zayn went over to the big building with the great aquariums filled with colourful fish, devilfish and little sharks. When they reached the building, Zayn heard a little girl telling her Mom about a mermaid in the water but the Mom just told her the Park didn't have that kind of an attraction here. The boys shared a panicked look and quickly went inside. As soon as they just so much as glanced at the pool they saw Niall swimming carefree through it with all the sea animals like it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Shit, how are supposed to get him out of there"? cursed Shawn, looking around in fear someone would come down here.
"I don't know" sighed Zayn defeated.
"Wait, he completely ruined my kitchen" remembered Shawn suddenly.
"And? Shawn concentrate" groaned Zayn.
"No, listen. He left because he was hungry. Don't ya think he still is?" looked Shawn pointedly at him.
"You're a genius" beamed Zayn with new hope.
"Always told you so" grinned Shawn.
"It's feeding time very soon anyway. We have to get him out of there before my co-workers show up here. I keep the people from coming down here while you go over to the pool surface with a fish from the feeding boxes and try to get Niall, okay?" told Zayn him his plan.
"Got it" gave Shawn him a thumbs up.
The two boys split up. Zayn kept the people away from the aquarium entrance for a good five minutes while Shawn knelt in front of the pool with a fish in his hand, getting Niall's attention. Zayn ran over to them and tried to help Shawn without getting wet himself. Niall looked very different than he did an hour ago.
"Look at his tale. It's getting all white. It's fading out" gasped Shawn shocked.
"And he has scales on his arms and neck. It's worse than I thought" added Zayn petrified.
"Are those gills?" widened Shawn's eyes.
"Shit, I think so" gulped Zayn as he looked at Niall's neck. Gills were forming on his skin.
"Ni, you want the fish, right?". Niall nodded eagerly. "Then give me your hand. It's out here".
Niall approached them like he was cautious and carefully touched Shawn's hand. They made short eye contact and Niall seemed to come to his senses for a second. But then he pulled Shawn into the water with him, making Shawn yelp in surprise.
"Well, that went pretty good, don't ya think?" laughed Zayn at them.
"Very funny" glared Shawn at him while he hung on Niall's tail, who happily ate the fish.
With a bit of effort, they were able to get Niall out of that pool and dry him off but the scales stayed on his skin. That's why Shawn threw his hoodie over Niall to cover up those parts. On their way to Liam in the lab, they called Eleanor and Sophia to tell them what had happened. They all met up at the door but only Zayn went inside. While the rest of them took care of Niall.
"How's it going?" asked Zayn as he walked into the room where Liam and Paul were working.
"Well, one of the most dangerous venoms is the polyatomic toxin found in corals like this so we made a few tests to analyse it so we could rescue the fish" started Paul to explain.
"And did you manage to do it?" checked Zayn impatiently.
"Is your boyfriend serious, Liam? Does he not know who we are?" cocked Paul an eyebrow at Liam.
"I'm afraid he is, Pauly" grinned Liam.
"Can you just tell me now?" groaned Zayn.
"You wanna tell him, science bro?" chuckled Liam amused.
"Gladly. In short, the antitoxin works but the sooner the patient gets it the better. Could have been too late for your little friend" told Paul him.
"Too late?" hooked Zayn afraid.
"Yes. If you wait too long the scale mutation process keeps progressing until it's too late. I'd say we got him quiet in time. Any longer and he might have died for sure" confirmed Paul all of Zayn's fears.
"We should take some of these just in case other fish got infected too," said Liam.
"Help yourself" shrugged Paul.
Liam and Zayn filled the antitoxin into a little spray bottle and then went outside to be met with two panicked and guilty-looking girls and no sign of Shawn. "What happened?" asked Zayn but already knew the answer.
"Niall went crazy again and one second later he escaped. Shawn went after him" explained Eleanor to them.
"It's okay, El. Don't feel bad. He's not himself. It's hard to keep him under control" offered Zayn her an honest smile.
"Thanks but let's head to Niall's now. That's where he wanted to go. His Mom has a lobster in the fridge" told Eleanor them and they immediately headed out.
Arriving at Niall's, they were met with Shawn talking to Maura. It seemed like he was distracting her from going inside. Quickly they went over to him and Maura just looked even more confused.
"Niall forgot something that he wanted to give to Harry. So we're here to get it. Can we go inside?" spoke Liam up before Maura could even ask.
"Yeah sure but what...?".
"Maura, can I talk to you for a second?" cut Sophia her off, giving her friend time to walk inside.
"He's in his room with the big ass lobster. I'm worried" said Shawn sadly.
"He's gonna be okay" assured Zayn him.
Silently they walked into Niall's room and saw him lying down on his bed with all lights turned off. His tail was almost completely white and he had more scales on his skin and his nails were brown by now. He barely recognised them any more.
"Liam, I'm a little bit scared" admitted Eleanor.
"The antitoxin is gonna help him" walked Liam over to him and started to spray the antitoxin on Niall. He tried to shield his face but it was in vain. Soon he was covered in it. Curiously they all watched as Niall's scales disappeared and his tail turned back to normal before turning back into his legs. Niall opened his eyes and blinked at his friends, holding his stomach that probably hurt by now.
"Where am I?" croaked Niall out.
"Oh God, you're okay" exclaimed Shawn and fell into Niall's arms, making the other ones chuckle to themselves.
"What happened?" blinked Niall confused with a light blush on his face.
"You almost died" whispered Shawn still shaken.
"He's being a bit dramatic but it was scary," told Liam him.
"It was everything. I have to call Louis now and tell him about this" grabbed Zayn for his phone.
"Don't disturb the dinner, Zayn" said Liam sternly.
"They can live without him for a minute, I'm sure" winked Zayn at his boyfriend.
"I'm sure they're happy they missed the Drama and don't even wanna know what was going on" threw Eleanor in.
Well, Harry and Louis had really no idea what was going on. Right now they were sitting in a restaurant with their families. What should have been a great day, turned into a pure embarrassment. At least for the boys.
"No just imagen this. They came downstairs, looking all soft and cuddly and loved up, and completely ignored our presence. Not even on purpose. They were just so used to being that domestic. Being all cute while making breakfast and we just couldn't get ourselves to disturb them" reported Anne from this time morning at her house.
"I did" grinned Gemma sheepishly.
"You evil evil person" chuckled Lottie.
"I just walked in to get MY breakfast. Sorry that I didn't feel like starving" crossed Gemma her arms.
"You could have been nicer and less scary, Darling" pointed Anne out.
"Isn't my fault they forget this world exist" huffed Gemma.
"What did I do wrong?".
"I really know what you mean, Anne. Lottie also loves to annoy them on purpose. That's why they don't come downstairs any more" supported Jay her friend.
"Sure that's the only reason?" smirked Lottie nastily.
"Lottie!" exclaimed Louis shocked, making Lottie Gemma and Fizzy laugh.
"They're so alike. Christmas will be wonderful" sighed Anne happily.
"Excuse Me?" choked Harry out but was ignored.
"Oh, it will be magical. We can prepare the meal together. Maybe Harry can help us while Louis looks after the twins. And the girls will annoy them until Robin goes in between and in the end it will turn into pure cheesiness" imagined Jay the perfect Christmas day.
"One of many to come" added Anne.
"Just think of it. One day we will celebrate at their home and someday even with their own kids. Oh, that's wonderful".
"Maybe sooner rather than later" pointed Anne out with a smile.
"Hopefully it won't be that far away. I'm not getting any younger" spoke Robin up with a chuckle.
"You know we're still here, right?" questioned Louis embarrassed but he got no answer. Their parents just kept imagining cute future scenarios.
Louis felt his head turning redder with the second and he didn't dare to look at Harry right now. He knew it wasn't meant to make him feel so damn uncomfortable but it did. They just assumed this would all happen even though they hadn't been together for even a year yet. Who knew if they even wanted that. Who knew if they would make it. Who knew if Harry wanted that kind of a future like Louis did. With him.
When his phone started ringing Louis has never been more relieved. "Excuse me for a second".
He went outside and picked up. "Zayn what's up?".
"You know the usual. Niall turning into a mermaid mutant, Shawn panicking and Liam being the rescuing scientist" sounded Zayns voice through the phone.
"Wait what?" was Louis definitely confused now.
"Niall cut his finger on a coral he had gifted to Shawn and this made him go crazy. We had to stop him from exposing himself in the Marine Park" told Zayn him what had happened.
"Oh god, but you stopped him in time?" hooked Louis worriedly.
"No, I'm calling you to inform you he died" snorted Zayn sarcastically.
"Why are you so calm about this?"
"Because I'm me" answered Zayn.
"Point taken" Louis had to admit.
"And how's the in-law's dinner going? Are you being forced to marry tomorrow?" laughed Zayn.
"That's not funny. Not even close. It's so embarrassing. They're literally planning our future" groaned Louis.
"Ouch. That's tough" Zayn admitted.
"You have no idea. They're talking about Christmas and kids and I don't even know if Harry wants that kind of a fu...".
"Woah Woah Woah. Are you saying you want that?" cut Zayn him off.
"Of course I do" blushed Louis and was relieved Zayn couldn't see him.
"Awww I can hear you blushing, Tommo. It's okay. I understand. I thought about this too. With Liam of course" cooled Zayn at him.
"Your luck you said that. I was about to kill you" joked Louis.
"When you already know you want all that, what's so bad about the dinner?" came Zayn back to the topic.
"First of all its embarrassing. And second, it's too early to even think about this Zayn. It's bad enough I did but this doesn't mean they have to overwhelm Harry so much. I don't want them to scare him off" reasoned Louis.
"I see where you're coming from but I'm sure Harry is okay with it. And I would say he might have thought about this too if you did. You always end up thinking the same things or am I wrong?". Louis knew Zayn was smirking evilly by now.
"I hate you, do you know that?" groaned Louis annoyed but happy.
"I love you too. See you tomorrow, Tommo" ended Zayn the call, leaving Louis with his thoughts.
With crazy going thoughts, he walked back inside and saw how Harry and their families were already putting on their coats, meaning they would leave now. Seeing him standing there Harry walked over to him and pulled him into his arms.
"Everything alright?" asked Harry.
"Yeah. Just Zayn being Zayn" waved Louis the matter off.
"Ready to go boys?" came Robin over to them.
"Sure let's go home".
They separated ways and the two of them ended up in their bed in Louis' house, cuddling closely. Both of them were silent and lost in their own thoughts. Louis couldn't shake the feeling away that he had to talk to Harry about this future thing but for some irrational reason, he was scared.
"Babycakes?" spoke Louis up nervously while caressing Harry's hair.
"Yes, Sweetcheeks?" looked Harry up at him, stroking gently over Louis' arm.
"I don't really know how to start this but umm..." was Louis really at a loss for words.
"You can tell me everything, Baby. Just tell me what's on your mind" encouraged Harry him.
Louis exhaled deeply before be started talking. "It's about that dinner or more like what our Moms talked about. I mean I know they didn't mean to make it weird but they definitely did. I don't know about you but umm... I was more embarrassed about the fact that they brought it up so early than about what they actually said. I was afraid to see your reaction because I know it's way too early to even think about it but... I did and I can picture this perfectly with you but I know I shouldn't. Who knows what might happen. We're so young and...".
"Lou, you're rambling" cut Harry him off.
"Sorry" blushed Louis.
"Never apologise for what you're feeling. I wanna know what's going on inside your head and heart" looked Harry him deeply in the eyes.
"I know" smiled Louis down at him.
"I can see it too though," told Harry him fondly.
"Really?" asked Louis stunned.
"Yes, Lou. I can picture it all with you and I really want it" admitted Harry honestly.
"You serious?" had Louis tears in his eyes for no reason at all.
"More than ever. Louis, you're everything to me and of course, I can see a future with you. I thought about this very often, to be honest" teared Harry now up too.
"Me too Haz. I pictured this so many times but I thought it was weird because we're so young and haven't been together for that long but I don't care how young we are and what people think. I know what I want" opened Louis up to him.
"And what do you want?" asked Harry emotionally.
"I want you. A family with you. I wanna marry you and have kids with you because I love you more than my own life" cupped Louis his face.
"I love you too Louis" cried Harry and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend.
Louis leaned in too and their lips met in a love-filled and gentle kiss. Louis stroked with his thumb over Harry's cheek while their lips moved in sync and Harry had his hand gently on Louis' neck. When they broke apart they just stared into each other's eyes and smiled dopey.
"Now I really can't wait to see what the future holds for us" breathed Louis out, close to Harry's face.
"Me neither, love".
Damn, it felt good and weird to write this story again. It took me so long to write one chapter now that I have work but I want to finish this story this year finally. Term 4 only has ten chapters and an epilogue. It's possible.
So what do you think about that Full Moon and the real mermaids?
Is Shiall getting somewhere or are they meant to be friends?
What will happen in Larry's future?
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