Chapter 49
OH MY GOD!!! I'm so freaking sorry it took me so long to update. Almost a whole month or well a whole month now. I had so much going on and was so busy and I misssed writing on this story so much.
I actually started a new one like some of you already know. Even though I was busy I needed to write because it's my outlet. But my Chapters here are always so freaking long and stuff. I had kind of a dream again and couldn't stop thinking about it so I decided to write the Prologue..... well since then I updated over 20 Chapters on that story but they are mostly way shorter than in this story..... so yeah well oops. Happens....
Monday after school Louis practised his song for the Drama Play with Shawn for quiet a while. They had decided that Harry and Louis weren't allowed to hear the songs they both wrote before the Play for some stupid reason. Supposedly it was better that way for the emotion in their scenes or some shit like that.
Rehearsing with Shawnw wasn't bad at all. Actually it was pretty funny and they worked good together. Louis wasn't sure how to act sometimes but he could see Shawn was really genuine about his change. It wasn't staged or something. They worked for a little longer and Louis felt himself starting to like Shawn more than before. Maybe they could be good friends someday.
Especially because Niall obviously liked Shawn and he kinda liked him too if he knew that or not. Louis knew that. He wasn't stupid. He saw the way Niall looked at Shawn or how he reacted to certain things. He wasn't very subtle at all. But Louis wanted to give him all the time he needed and didn't pressure him into telling him. After all Harry was still very tense when it came to Shawn and Niall knew that. Louis had no idea how Harry would react if he would knew about Niall's feelings.
Shortly after Shawn left Harry came back from his rehearsal with Eleanor. Today three other groups had presented their Play so that meant they were in for Thusday. Everything was set and done even though they hadn't practised that often due to the boys being busy with fearing for their lives. Not that they knew about that.
In general the exam week had started and the first exam in english was done. This was the first time in this school year all five of them had the feeling to barely pass the exams. They had not enough time to study and not only because of the mermaid thing. The band was their main focus and they were still waiting to hear from Antonio. How could you focus on school?
Louis and Harry walked up in Louis' room. His mother wasn't home yet, only his sister where somewhere in the house busy with whatever. Finally alone. They should probably study for tomorrow's exam but Louis had the feeling they wouldn't do that.
"I'm so ready for Thursday. The song and the scene are done perfectly. Eleanor did a pretty good job with everything. It will be great. I'm really sorry you had to work with Shawn alone. Probably wasn't that much fun" flopped Harry down on the bed.
"Actually it was pretty good. We made good progress and everything is set. He isn't that bad" admitted Louis casually. He didn't planned on lying to Harry about this.
"You gotta be kidding me? It's Shawn we're talking about, you remember? Shawn Mendes, the Jerk we all hate" sat Harry up straight.
"I don't hate him, Haz. I don't think anyone of us really hates him any more apart from you. Maybe Aidan does for some silly reasons but that's about it" told Louis him as he put some things on his desk.
"You can't be serious. What's gotten into you, Lou? He's a horrible person" stood Harry up from the bed now.
"No, Hazza, he's not. He changed a lot and is trying his best to proof that. He isn't a bad guy" faced Louis him now.
"Not a bad guy?" grew Harry's voice louder, making Louis flinch a bit. "Maybe you don't remember but that bastard you're talking about teamed up with Nick and Aidan to beat you and the other guys up".
"It's in the past, Harry. That's long done. That was months ago. He was a totally different person back then" countered Louis.
"Are you.....? I repeat that... He almost put you in the hospital, Louis. He beat you up, he mocked you, your ass, your voice, your sexuality, everything. He humilated you at your own home if you remember" listed Harry the things Shawn did with pure anger in his voice.
"Oh believe me, I remember that day clearly. I remember a lot of things that happened I probably should have forgotten already" was Louis fed up with that topic now.
"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Harry with a growl.
"Nothing. Just.... It's over, okay? Shawn isn't like that any more. I didn't say I love him now. Why do you react like that? He just changed. Accept it" groaned Louis.
"He hasn't changed. Are you really that stupid, shorty? People don't just change that drastically in such a short time without a reason. You can't trust him. Something doesn't add up here" contradicted Harry snotty.
"You did, Harry. Or at least I thought you did. Why can you change yourself but no one else can? Where's the difference?" stepped Louis closer to him.
"He is an abusive asshole who beat you up and insulted you for so long. I never touched you like that. I never physically hurt you. You will regret trusting him. He didn't change, but I did. You never regretted trusting me. That's the difference" answered Harry sure of himself, forgetting that Shawn never touched Louis.
"Did I? I'm not so sure. You were like him too, Harry. You insulted me from the start worse than Shawn. You made my life a living hell. You kinda sexually assaulted me here in this very room. You mocked everything about me. My voice, my insecurities, my fears, my scars. You were so damn ignorant and full of yourself that you made me get completely drunk and end up with that greasy guy in that dirty alley, who almost raped me. You broke my trust more than just once. You broke me and I still forgave you, Harry. I gave you another chance and left that in the past. Why can't you do that?" was Louis losing it now totally. The moment it was all out he regretted his words. He was sure Harry would take it the wrong way now.
"So, that's what you really think, huh? When I am such a bad person why the fuck did you forgave me then? Why did you pretend to trust me when I'm so horrible? Why did I got another chance?" clenched Harry his jaw.
"Because you changed. People can change, but not only you".
"Maybe I didn't. Maybe you changed" stated Harry dryly.
"What are you talking about?" asked Louis in a small voice.
"It seems like you still didn't forget what happened in 'the past', so how can I believe you that you really forgave me? I'm sure you didn't. That was your plan all along, wasn't it? You made me believe the mighty Louis Tomlinson forgave the shitty Harry Styles. You made me trust you and open up to you so you could fuck me over and over again to proof a point. To proof how stupid I became. That's your revenge for what I did to you. You don't really trust me. You don't love me. How could you?" said Harry in a stone-cold voice, keeping eye contact with Louis. This coldness in Harry's face and eyes scared Louis.
"How can you say that? Do you really think I would do something like that? You think I'm that kind of a person? I trusted you with everything. You know all about me. Does that not proof enough? You really think that bad about me? I thought you knew me" gasped Louis horrified.
"I thought so too, but looks like I was wrong. I don't know you at all. I never thought you would still live so much in the past and do such a thing" shook Harry his head disappointed.
"What kind of thing? I didn't do any of that. I'm not someone for revenge. You know about my fear of sex, Harry. Do you think I made that up just for you to trust me until I can fuck you hard?" exclaimed Louis hurt.
"Maybe you're just a little Drama Queen, seeking attetntion because nobody ever wanted you before me enough to fuck you" shot Harry back ice cold.
"You don't mean that. That's not you. You can't mean that" took Louis one step back and tried to hold his tears back.
"Oh but I do. What you're gonna do about it now? Cry?" snorted Harry mean.
"Shut up, Harry. I don't wanna see you any more. There's the door!" screamed Louis into his face and pointed at his room door.
"I don't wann see you either" grabbed Harry for his jacket, avoiding to look at Louis.
"Well okay, then leave".
"I will".
And with that Harry slammed the door behind him and left. Louis waited until he heard the front door close before he sunk to the ground, falling onto his knees and letting his tears out. He wrapped his arms around himself and sobbed heartbreakingly. He felt so empty and so alone on his bedroom floor. He couldn't believe that really just happened. They never fought before. Everything was perfect between them... or so Louis thought. Did Harry really thought that about him? Did he really think Louis did all of this the last months just to get back at Harry for treating him horribly? He thought Harry knew who Louis was but seemed like he was wrong.
For something about an hour Louis broke down completely in his room, cried his eyes out and couldn't stop sobbing even though he had trouble breathing. A few times his sisters had knocked on the door to see how he was doing because they had heard them fighting but he blocked them out. He wanted to be alone in his misery.
All the words that were said circled inside his head and his heart hurt awfully. Louis felt like his reason to live was gone and his heart would really break any second and stop working forever. He needed Harry. He needed him more than anything. This between them was more than a simple High School Crush relationship that everybody knew would be over any time soon or at the latest at the end of senior year. What they had was so much stronger. Louis would move mountains for Harry, travel all around the world to see his smile, give up everything to make him happy. Harry was his everything, his love, his home.
When Louis eventually stopped sobbing so hard he stood up from the floor and sat down at the edge of the bed, that felt cold and lonely without Harry. Louis wanted nothing more than to cuddle Harry, kiss his temple and tell him he didn't meant what he said back there. Of course Louis forgave Harry, of course he trusted him, of course he was over everything and left it in the past and of course he loved him. Harry needed to hear that from him.
Before Louis could actually do what he had decided to do he spotted Harry's open notebook. Hesitantely Louis walked over there and took it in his hands. Harry had written a new song. It wasn't the one for the Drama Play. That one was written somewhere else like Louis' song too. Louis read over the lyrics and teared up again. Why was Harry writing something like that but said all those hurtful things. That just didn't make sense.
Louis felt his heart ache even more now at the written words and his vision was fogged with tears. Blindly he felt for a pen and scribbled two sentences down at the end of the lyrics. They were deep from Louis' aching heart. Then he closed the notebook, took it with him and walked downstairs. Suprisingly he was met with Anne and Jay in the kitchen, making them something to eat.
"Oh hi, Boobear, you're going somewhere?" asked Jay curiously, eyeing her son up and down. He looked like a hot mess with red puffy eyes.
"I um.... Harry forgot his .... er book... So I um... yeah you know?" stuttered Louis with a croaky voice.
"Is everything okay? You look... sad" walked Jay torwards him with Anne following behind.
"S'all good" avoided Louis his mother's eyes.
"Really? When Harry came home he immediately ran upstairs and locked his door. He seemed kinda angry. You know something?" asked Anne.
"Oh good, you're out of your room, Louis. Did Harry and you made up?" came Lottie down the stairs and into the kitchen. Louis wanted to kill her right now.
Now the two mother's were looking at him with different emotions in their faces. Louis felt really small in that moment, like they would judge him for the fight without knowing anything. "No but I'm on way now. So can you all excuse me now, I have to fix something".
Without waiting for an answer Louis quickly put on his shoes, grabbed for his jacket and left the house. It was already getting dark outside. Glancing at his phone Louis realised it was just a bit after 8pm. Some stars started to appear in the sky and the moon started rising. Hopefully Harry would listen to him and it would turn out Harry didn't meant all those things. If not Louis had no idea what to with his life. What would he do without Harry in it?
When he reached Harry's house a lump formed in Louis' throat and he had trouble breathing again. What was he even about to say to Harry? Revenantly Louis walked closer to the front door. Before he could ring the bell and hope for the best, the door opened abruptly and Harry almost ran him over.
"Louis" breathed Harry shocked out and stared at him.
"Hi Harry" said Louis almost in a whisper, to afraid to say something wrong.
"Wha...- What are you doing here?" asked Harry in a broken voice. He looked like he had been crying too.
Louis had lost his voice. No words were left in his mouth or brain. Then he remembered the notebook he was still clutching to his side like he was crazy. He opened it and showed Harry the first page of his own song like it had all the answers.
"You don't write something like this and then say stuff like that earlier. It doesn't make sense" said Louis in a timid voice without really looking Harry in the eye.
"Louis, I...-".
"I added something" cut Louis him off. "Maybe you wanna read it".
With a shaking hand Louis handed Harry the notebook. Harry took it without touching Louis' fingers and gulped heavily. With visible fear in his eyes Harry flipped to the next page and read the words Louis had added at the end in his broken state.
You're all I want
So much it's hurting
You're all I want
So much it's hurting
Louis thought he saw tears forming in Harry's eyes as he closed the notebook. As the first tear rolled down Harry's cheek Louis stepped closer to him and wiped it away softly. "Don't cry, love. I didn't wanted to make you cry with that. I wanted to let you know....".
"I'm so damn sorry, Lou. I shouldn't have said any of thise things I said. None of them were true. I know you would never do that. I know you really trust men and didn't just play me. I don't know why I said that. Please forgive me" started Harry crying at his doorstep.
"I know, baby, I know. I said things I regret too. It's okay" caressed Louis his cheek and his own tears came back.
"But you were right unlike me. I really broke you and made you get drunk so that guy had the chance to almost rape you. I triggered you. I'm a horrible person" sobbed Harry uncontrollably.
"Oh God no, I didn't mean any of that. This wasn't your fault, Hazza. You are NOT a horrible person. You're my lovely Hazza. You are amazing" cupped Louis Harry's face between his tiny hands and looked deep into Harry's eyes.
"I'm not. I broke you, I broke your trust. I said all of those horrible hurtful things. I accused you of using me only for sex even though I know that's utter bullshit. I'm worse than Shawn ever was. I'm horr...-"-
Louis cut Harry off by pressing a kiss to Harry's lips. This stopped Harry immediately. Before he could kiss back Louis broke away and mumbled against Harry's lips. "You're all I want, so much it's hurting".
Without another word Louis kissed him again. This time Harry kissed back eagerly. One word can ruin everything or make everything up so he decided it was better if they don't talk any more right now. As Louis deepened the kiss and pushed his tongue into Harry's mouth, Harry stumbled backwards into the house. With his foot Louis closed the door behind him, turned them around and pressed Harry against it. He roamed over Harry's whole body wiht his hands until he tangled them into Harry's hair, getting drunk on the feeling of Harry.
Still snogging they stumbled their way upstairs into Harry's new room or more like their new second room, never breaking the kiss. They fell on the bed with Harry on top of Louis, making out like never before. Louis needed this right now. That fight had showed him even more how important Harry was to him and how miserable he would be without him in his life.
"Lou, I need you. Right now" panted Harry in between their sloppy kisses.
Lightning fast Louis turned them around so he was hovering over Harry sucking on his neck roughly. He was already achingly hard in his pants and needed some friction. Awfully slowly Louis moved his hands underneath Harry's shirt until he reached Harry's nipples and pinched one of them, earning a moan from Harry. Quickly both boys removed their clothes until they were left in only their boxers, grinding against each other.
"Please, Lou. Do something" begged Harry breathlessly.
Passionately Louis travelled with his lips down from Harry's neck over his collarbones to his nipples, sucking on all four of them, over Harry's torso until Louis had reached the waistband and started to kiss over Harry's v-line. Louis had left tons of lovebits on his way down. Teasingly slow Louis moved down Harry's boxers so his hard and already leaking dick sprung free against his stomach. Admiring the sight for a few seconds, Louis licked over Harry's tip.
"HOLY SHIT, LOU" exclaimed Harry in pure pleasure.
Skillfully Louis left a few more kitten licks on Harry's tip before he started to take him into his mouth. Both of them moaned at the feeling and Louis started to bop his head up and down at a steady pace. Harry's beautiful moans turned Louis on so much. He took him in even deeper and started deep throating him. Harry's dick hit Louis' throat over and over again and Louis picked up his pace as he felt Harry being close to the edge. He sucked harder and a few moments later Harry released with a cry into Louis' mouth. He swallowed it all and licked his lips before he crawled on top of Harry again and kissed him passionately so he could taste himself in his dazed state.
"Let me..... take care... of you now" brought Harry out between his still heavy breaths.
"I'm not done with you yet, Mister" smirked Louis down at him seductively.
"Wha...-... OH GOD LOUIS" Harry wanted to ask but it turned into a suprised cry. Louis had moved down quickly between Harry's legs and carefully licked over Harry's pink hole.
"Only Louis is enough" winked Louis up at him before he went back down.
He spread Harry's legs a little bit more, knelt down in front of Harry and put Harry's legs over his shoulders to get better access. Slowly Louis licked over Harry's hole again before pushing his tongue in completely. Harry let out a rather loud moan and fisted the sheets. Starting of very slow Louis pushed in and out of Harry with his tongue in turns with licking over his hole before he started fucking Harry's ass with his tongue fastly.
"Ah Fuck, Louis. Yeah Oh. Feels so good" moaned Harry out with closed eyes.
"Open your eyes, baby. Wanna see your pretty eyes" Louis almost whispered over Harry's moans as he stopped for a second.
When Louis pushed his tongue in again they locked eyes. Harry's eyes were so much darker and lustfilled and still absolutely beautiful. Adding to his tongue, Louis carefully circled Harry's hole with one finger. He dipped in with his fingertip and earned a whimper in response. Slowly Louis added one finger inside to his tongue and pushed in and out of Harry, making him moan over and over again. Those filthy sounds went straight to Louis' rock-hard dick.
"Another, please" pleaded Harry desperately.
Carefully not to hurt him Louis added a second finger. After just a few seconds Harry rocked down on Louis' finger for more friction. Louis pushed both fingers in and out together with his tongue and started to open Harry up. When he added the third finger Harry was trembling out of pure pleasure underneath him. With his fingers he scissored Harry and at the same time licked over his hole over and over again. Harry cried out loudly when Louis hit his prostate. Over and over again he hit it and pushed in faster and harder until Harry came a second time tonight untouched on his chest. Louis helped him through his high before he pulled out and put Harry's legs back down. He crawled back up to him and caressed Harry's cheek softly.
"You did so good, love" praised Louis him. "Are you gonna help me come now too, baby?".
Harry opened his eyes and looked directly into Louis' eyes, a little bit unfocused but there. "Yes Dadd, I will".
Louis felt himself harden even more at those words and he shuddered all over. Harry looked so wrecked already but he would let him fuck him one more time so Louis could come too? Louis loved Harry so much and didn't knew if he should really do that. It would most likely hurt Harry because he was very sensitive now.
"I don't have to. I can just do it myself and...".
"No, I want to. I wanna feel your dick inside of me, Daddy. Wanna make you come inside me, Lou" interupted Harry him and how could Louis say no to that?
"I love you, Harry. You know that, righ?" kissed Louis him gently on the lips.
"I do. I love you too" kissed Harry him back with all his strength he had left.
As Louis wanted to grab for the lube in his bedside table Harry stopped him. He held Louis by his wrists and pulled him back over himself and kissed Louis. Meanwhile he wiped one hand through his own cum on his chest and smeared it over Louis' dick, causing Louis to moan into Harry's mouth at the touch. He also used Louis' pre-come to coat Louis up more smoothly.
"You sure?" asked Louis as he looked back and forth between his dick and Harry.
"Yes" said Harry surely and palmed Louis' dick.
"Ah Shit, Haz, I won't last very long like this" warned Louis him.
Harry let go of Louis' dick and spread his legs as far as he could. Louis kissed Harry gently to distract him as he lined himself up at Harry's sensitive hole and carefully pushed his tip in. Harry hissed at the touch, at first more in pain than pleasure. Louis stopped all his movements and looked worriedly at Harry who smiled reassuringly up at him with glossy eyes.
"You can move now" told Harry him after some time.
Still absolutely careful Louis pushed in farther until he was in balls deep. Harry had shut his eyes tighly and his breathing picked up. Slowly Louis pulled back out and pushed slowly back in. He did that a few times and was about to stop as Harry's face relaxed a bit and turned from a pained into a pleasurable expression. Soft moans escaped Harry's lips as Louis thrusted more into him.
"Uhh, Louis faster" choked Harry out barely audible.
Completely turned on and desperate to release Louis thrusted faster and harder into Harry, feeling himself getting closer to his high. Their moans and slapping skin on skin were the only sounds left in the room. Just one more thing and Louis would be there.
"You gonna come for me again, Princess? I know you can do it, baby" locked Louis eyes with a beautifully wrecked Harry.
This was all Harry needed and he let out another cry of Louis' name and came totally dry. The sight of Harry coming for the third time today, totally dry and willingly, looking all sinfully beautiful underneath Louis, made him finally come himself. He screamed Harry's name and released his come into him. With a few last thrusts Louis rode out his high before he carefully pulled out of Harry, not without making him wince in pain, and collapsed next to him.
For a while they just stayed like that until their heavy breaths had even out a bit. Louis rolled to his side and grabbed a paper towel. He cleaned up the rest of Harry's cum from his chest, threw the paper towel away and pulled Harry into his arms who immediately curled into his side.
"I'm absolutely ruined" breathed Harry out with a tired chuckle.
"You're okay, love?" checked Louis worried. This was a lot.
"Never felt better. You're here with me" answered Harry cutely.
"This was by far the hottest Sex we ever had. Maybe we should fight more often if this the result, what do you think?" asked Louis jokingly.
"No, no more fighting. Don't like the feeling of loosing you" mumbled Harry against Louis' chest.
"Me neither, Haz, my love" kissed Louis Harry's hair softly.
"But I like what you did to me. You wrecked me, Daddy" felt Louis Harry grin sheepishly.
"Don't say that, love" told Louis him.
"Why? Does it bother you, Daddy?" looked Harry up at him now.
"It makes me feel a certain way" cleared Louis his throat.
"Isn't that the whole purpose?" raised Harry an eyebrow at him.
"Yes and no. I mean, of course I liked that but only if it's for fun. You know? Like a joke, but not really serious. You're more than just my Suga Baby, Haz, who isn't allowed to decide on his own. I don't wanna own you. I don't wanna control you. I just wanna love you with all my heart" looked Louis deeply into Harry's eyes.
"You're really special, Lou. I want nothing more than to have you with me my whole life. I wanna give you all my heart because I know it's save in your tiny hands" replied Harry that intense look of Louis.
"I don't have tiny hands" pouted Louis cutely.
"Oh you do and it's adorable" took Harry a hold of Louis' hand.
"You're adorable" kissed Louis Harry's nose.
"I love you, Louis" kissed Hary Louis softly before he snuggled up more to Louis's side, totally sleepy.
Louis pulled him even closer, pulled the covers over them and wrapped one arm around Harry's naked waist. "I love you to, Harry".
It was silent in the music class room except for one girl presenting her solo song for the music exam task. Today the last ones were supposed to show the class what they had worked on. All five of them had their turn today and to say Louis was anxious was still nicely expressed. Yes, he was used to singing in front of people now, but only with the band. Having people only focus on him and his voice alone scared the shit out of him.
To distract himself he focused on Hailee, who was next in line. Her song was called Starving as far as Louis already knew. Louis really liked her voice and that song especially suited her voice perfectly. But something wasn't right at all. She seemed so nervous but not because of the class. Louis looked around and noticed Camila locking eyes with Hailee, what caused her to almost stop everything she was doing. Did Louis miss something?
"The more that I know you the more I want to. Something inside me has changed. I was so much younger yesterday" were the last words Hailee sang while looking at Camila before she turned her attention back to the teacher.
Louis didn't quiet get what he was saying to her because next thing he knew was Liam walking to the front of the class with his laptop, setting everything up for his 'performance'. Some parts of the song Louis already knew. He really liked the style and was curious how the song had turned out in the end.
Though this is done, I will turn a blind eye
Don't tell me goodnight, 'cause it means goodbye
Know that we've broken
Know this was over months ago, months ago
Got me pretending you ain't done with us
It got me runnin' 'round the obvious
Yeah, baby, why you gotta rush?
If you gonna let me down, let me down slow
Tell me what I already, already know
I know that your mind's already made up
But give me one more night now before we give up
If you gonna let me down, let me down slow
Just another minute, I ain't ready to go
Before we let the light in, baby, just hold me like you don't know
That you're gonna let me down, let me down slow
Zayn was kinda hypnotized while Liam was singing. To Louis it seemed like he forgot how to breath and he couldn't quiet see if Zayn was blinking at all. The look on his face showed pure love and admiration for his boyfriend and Louis couldn't be happier for them. Finally everything was good for them. Zayn deserved to be finally happy with the boy of his dreams.
Kinda fittingly Zayn was the next one. As far as Louis knew Zayn had written a song that was an older idea from a while ago and he just finally finished it. Songs like that were always interesting. You could see how much has changed since then.
With a lot of anxiety written in his face Zayn started to sing his song. His eyes were fixed on Liam the whole time. It was helping him relax and not freak out. Liam just looked at Zayn in pure awe. It was a beautiful sight.
Don't look around cause love is blind
And darling right now I can't see you
I'm feeling proud so without a doubt
I can feel you
Cause we are who we are when no one's watching
And right from the start, you know I got you
Yeah you know I got youI won't mind
Even though I know you'll never be mine
I won't mind
Even though I know you'll never be mine
We messed around until we found the one thing
we said we could never ever live without
I'm not allowed to talk about it
But I gotta tell you
Cause we are who we are when no one's watching
And right from the start, you know I got you
Yeah you know I got youI won't mind
Even though I know you'll never be mine
I won't mind
Even though I know you'll never be mine
Camila presented her song Never Be The Same and Louis couldn't shake the feeling away that he had missed something important. Was something going on between Camila and Hailee? Well he knew Hailee and Niall wanted to give it a try but he could see Niall wasn't into her and Hailee wasn't hurt at all. Actually the two of them have never been better friends than right now. But did that also mean Hailee liked someone else and this person was Camila? Didn't Niall once said Camila and Shawn had something going on or did he imagined that? Seems like he was too caught up in Harry to notice what was happening around him.
When she was done Louis got nervous again. It was his turn now and he had no idea if he would survive this. He wouldn't only sing. He would play the piano too. Something he had never done for anyone except Harry before today. His hands started to shake and he felt his throat going dry like a fucking desert.
"You're going to be amazing, Lou. Don't worry. Just sing with that angelic voice of yours and think of something good. You got this" whispered Harry into his ear, making Louis shouder at the feeling of Harry's breath against his neck.
Wordlessly Louis nodded at him and Harry pecked his lips shortly. Then Louis walked over to the piano and sat down. He let his hands wonder over the keys and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again the only thing he saw were the emerald green eyes of the love of his life, looking at him with all the support and love Louis needed right now. He could do this.
He faced the piano keys again and started playing. Still a little bit nervous he started to sing the lyrics that meant the world to him. After a few seconds he forgot everything around him and fell completely into the song. He felt every word and every note and gave his entire heart. Because this is what you simply do when you keep holding on.
Wish that you could build a time machine
So you could see
The things no one can see
Feels like you're standing on the edge
Looking at the stars
And wishing you were them
What do you do when a chapter ends?
Do you close the book and never read it again?
Where do you go when your story's done?
You can be who you were or who you'll become
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, if it all goes wrong
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, darling just hold on
The sun goes down and it comes back up
The world it turns no matter what
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, if it all goes wrong
Darling, just hold onOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, darling, just hold on
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh
It's not over 'til it's all been said
It's not over 'til your dying breath
So what do you want them to say when you're gone?
That you gave up or that you kept going on?
What do you do when a chapter ends?
Do you close the book and never read it again?
Where do you go when your story's done?
You can be who you were or who you'll become
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, if it all goes wrong
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, darling just hold on
The sun goes down and it comes back upThe world it turns no matter what
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh, if it all goes wrong
Darling, just hold onOh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh
Darling, just hold on
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh
If it all goes wrong
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh
Darling just hold on
"Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh oh. If it all goes wrong, darling just hold on" sang Louis softly and with that the song was over.
He had closed his eyes and was now holding his breath. After a few seconds he heard the first person clap and recognised it was Harry. Soon the rest of the class followed and Louis opened his eyes again to see everyone was impressed with him and his song. That made Louis smile shyly as he sat back down in his chair.
Only shortly he could wish Harry good luck before he had to go to the front. Suprisingly he took one of the guitars and started to play. Louis didn't knew Harry could play. He knew Harry always wanted to but that was a big shock. He waso good at it.
"Sweet creature, Had another talk about where it's going wrong. But we're still young. We don't know where we're going, But we know where we belong" started Harry to sing directly at Louis, catching him off guard. Louis didn't knew his song was about him.
"And oh we started, Two hearts in one home. It's hard when we argue. We're both stubborn, I know, but oh" sang Harry with a light chuckle at the word stubborn. Immdediately Louis had to think back to their fight two days ago. Did he wrote that part back then?
"Sweet creature, sweet creature. Wherever I go, you bring me home. Sweet creature, sweet creature. When I run out of road, you bring me home" serenaded Harry his beautifully stunned boyfriend. Louis was speechless and felt tears forming in his eyes. He was so overwhelmed.
"Sweet creature. We're running through the garden, Oh, where nothing bothered us. But we're still young. I always think about you and how we don't speak enough. And oh we started, Two hearts in one home. I know, it's hard when we argue. We're both stubborn, I know, but oh: Sweet creature, sweet creature, Wherever I go, you bring me home. Sweet creature, sweet creature, When I run out of road, you bring me home". Louis had to fight hard against his tears. He was deeply touched by Harry's words and his romantic gesture to sing that song in front of the whole class.
"I know when we started, Just two hearts in one home. It gets harder when we argue. We're both stubborn, I know, but oh: Sweet creature, sweet creature, Wherever I go, you bring me home. Sweet creature, sweet creature, When I run out of road, you bring me home". Harry sang out his whole heart and soul in this part of the song. Louis could see tears in Harry's eyes too and couldn't hold his tears back any more. They started to silently roll down his cheeks.
"You'll bring me home, Lou" addressed Harry him now directly with the last sentence.
The sound of the guitar faded out and it was deadly silent in the room. Everyone was deeply touched by what just happened. With a tearful sight Louis started clapping for his amazing boyfriend. That caused everynone else to awake from their trance and clap too. Even their teacher was very emotional now.
Harry put the guitar down and wobbled back over to his chair. Louis felt his friends smirking at him but he just flipped them off. Yesterday they had quickly caught on Harry's wrecked state because walking wasn't really in his options that day and they were even more touchy than ever before. Wasn't very suprising after that very hot and steamy make up sex they had shared. The effect was still noticable. It also could be that Harry had ridden the hell out of Louis yesterday evening when they were alone at Harry's again but you don't know that from Louis. He never said it was mind-blowing. Nope. Definitely not.
Before Harry could sit down in his painfully hard chair that would hurt him Louis grabbed his wrist and pulled him on his lap. He pecked him softly and then wrapped his arms around Harry's waist to focus back on the lesson... or pretend he would do this.
"Did yo..- did you like it?" asked Harry timidly.
"No not at all. I loved it, Haz. I don't know what to say. You made me cry" squeezed Louis him tightly.
"In a good way I hope" grinned Harry.
"In the best way. Thank you, love" kissed Louis Harry's cheek.
"I only told the truth" rested Harry his back more against Louis' chest.
"So I'm a sweet creature, huh?" raised Louis an eyebrow at him.
"Yes the sweetest, most hottest creature in the whole wide world" stated Harry in a raspy voice.
"You shouldn't say something like this when we're still in school" said Louis in a deep voice.
"Maybe I'm doing this on purpose" shifted Harry a bit on Louis' lap.
"I'm gonna make you regret that for the rest of the week but later. Now Niall is about to perform" growled Louis hotly into Harry's ear, making him whimper.
And really, Niall stood there with his guitar and started his song. It was slow and kinda sad one and Louis wondered what the song was really about. Due to Harry sitting on his lap like that it was reall hard to concentrate on what was happening. But Louis kept his gaze on Niall, who was mostly looking on the floor. It seemed like he avoided looking to the right. On the right side of the class Louis spotted Shawn. He was watching Niall intendly and very intensive. Maybe this was what made Niall uncomfortable.
When you feel your love's been taken
When you know there's something missing
In the dark, we're barely hangin' on
Then you rest your head upon my chest
And you feel like there ain't nothing left
I'm afraid that what we had is gone
Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave
When you lay there and you're sleeping
Hear the patterns of your breathing
And I tell you things you've never heard before
Asking questions to the ceiling
Never knowing what you're thinking
I'm afraid that what we had is gone
Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave
And I want this to pass
And I hope this won't last
Last too long
Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave
Was it possible that Niall wasn't uncomfortable that Shawn was looking at him but nervous because the song was inspired by him? Louis' head was spinning. Someone had to talk with Niall. He looked like he needed a friend right now and someone to finally know.
Ironically Shawn was the next and also the last one for today. And since when does he play guitare too? When did all those people learned to play an instrument over night? Was Louis so inattentive since he had Harry?
"This is actually the first song I've ever written in my life" admitted Shawn nervously before he started to play.
"I wanna follow where she goes. I think about her and she knows it. I wanna let her take control, 'Cause everytime that she gets close, yeah. She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing. And maybe I should stop and start confessing, Confessing, yeah. Oh, I've been shaking, I love it when you go crazy, You take all my inhibitions. Baby, there's nothing holding me back. You take me places that tear up my reputation,Manipulate my decisions. Baby, there's nothing holding me back, There's nothing holding me back, There's nothing holding me back" sang Shawn passionately and damn boy was he good. Louis remembered him darkly being okay during the group task but he did not expect that.
"He says that he's never afraid, Just picture everybody naked. He really doesn't like to wait, Not really into hesitation" continued Shawn and wait a minute.... did he just sang He????
That had caught Niall's attention too. Until now he had stared concentrated to the floor but now his head snapped up and his eyes were big. So he had heard it too. Shawn seemed to be very nervous about that. Looks like it wasn't planned.
For the second bridge he just skipped the pronoun completely due to his slip up and went on. "Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing. And maybe I should stop and start confessing, Confessing, yeah. Oh, I've been shaking. I love it when you go crazy. You take all my inhibitions. Baby, there's nothing holding me back. You take me places that tear up my reputation, Manipulate my decisions. Baby, there's nothing holding me back, There's nothing holding me back".
"'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far, I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright. If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark, I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright. 'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far, But I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright. If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark, I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright". There was no denying it any more. Shawn was singing that song for Niall now and he couldn't stop staring at Shawn with a very confused face.
"Oh, I've been shaking, I love it when you go crazy. You take all my inhibitions. Baby, there's nothing holding me back. You take me places that tear up my reputation, Manipulate my decisions. Baby, there's nothing holding me back, There's nothing holding me back. I feel so free when you're with me, baby. Baby, there's nothing holding me back" ended Shawn the song out of breath and everybody started clapping except for Niall. He was frozen in place.
After a few last words from the teacher they were allowed to leave a few minutes earlier than normally. Freedom. Meant they could rehearse longer for the performance on Saturday and Harry and Louis could go over their script for tomorrow again.
As they left the room Harry stopped Shawn in his tracks suddenly. Liam, Zayn and Niall had no idea what was going on but Louis had a feeling where this was going.
"Your song was great, Shawn. Good performance" admitted Harry.
"Thanks Harry. Yours were great too. Very amazing. I had tears in my eyes but you don't know that from me" replied Shawn smilingly. That was their own way to say it's all good now and they want peace.
"That was the cheesiest most romantic thing I have ever seen. You're really two sappy lovebirds" chiped Zayn in now.
"Well what can I say? I love him" grinned Harry happily.
"Not as much as I love you. You made me cry, Hazza" hugged Louis him from behind.
"We all were on the verge of crying, H. Those lyrics were touching" patted Liam Harry's shoulder.
"Oh I'm sure someone gets touched later" snickered Niall nastily.
"Niall" exclaimed Harry but wasn't really mad.
"What?" looked Niall crookedly at him.
"You don't have to tell everyone in school our evening plans" winked Louis at Niall.
"Is it normal that I don't feel the need to say Eww and grimace like Liam but wanna watch?" questioned Niall cheekily.
"For you it is" chuckled Louis amused.
"Is that a yes then?" checked Niall.
"Hell no" laughed Harry loudly.
"But if we ever feel the need to shoot a sex tape we'll call you" joked Louis, making Niall beam at him weirdly.
"I'll take it".
"You're really something, Nialler" shook Zayn his head in amusement.
"C'mon, leave me alone. After I witnessed Harry serenading Louis with that song I feel totally lonely. The least I can do is engage myself in their relationship. I want one too now. That was so romantic, boys" wailed Niall.
"Being in a relationship doesn't neccessarily means being like that" pointed Zayn out.
"Did you just say I'm unromantic and don't show you my love enough?" huffed Liam.
"Where did I say that?" asked Zayn confused.
"Between the lines" claimed Liam surely.
"I just meant Larry is not the scale for every relationship" explained Zayn again.
"So in other words, not every relationship is so full of love and perfectly romantic as in worse than that and not good enough?" frowned Liam.
"I did never say that. You're being dramatic, Li. Come here" opened Zayn his arms for his pouting boyfriend. Liam hugged Zayn close with his cute pout.
"Or maybe I stay alone" commented Niall on that.
"You never know" remarked Shawn before he disappeared into the other direction of them.
"What was that?" questioned Harry very confused.
"Nothing. Let's go rehearse, you lazy asses" waved Niall it off and run torwards their rehearsal room.
----- Drama Task - Play --------
-> Scene 1, Full Stage, Eleanor's house:
Eleanor, Harry and Louis were sitting unawarely at the table in Eleanor and Shawn's house and were chatting happily. Louis had decided to visit his sister with his boyfriend Harry today. He hadn't seen her in a while and he knew she wasn't really happy. Something was off but no one knew what it was. Right?
Suddenly the doorbell rang. Confused Eleanor stood up and walked over to open the door. Shocked she gasped at a totally dissolved and crying Hailee. She was one of their best friends together with her fiance Camila. With a stiffled cry Hailee fell into Eleanor's arms. Protectively she hugged her best friend and at the same time closed the front door. Harry and Louis helped Eleanor with Hailee until they were all seated on the sofa in the middle of the room.
"Haiz, what happened?" asked Eleanor worriedly.
"Camila" choked Hailee out.
"What about her? I thought everything was going good with the wedding plans" frowned Eleanor.
"I thought so too" sobbed Hailee heartbreakingly.
"What is it, Haiz?" lay Louis a hand on her knee to show her they were there for her.
"She cheated on me" revealed Hailee shockingly to them. All three of them were speechless and had no idea how to react to that.
"You're sure?" croaked Eleanor out.
Hailee nodded with tears on her cheeks. "I caught her in the act ten minutes ago. I came back earlier and walked into the bedroom and there ...-". Her voice broke away. (A song called Hurricane started playing).
"Shh it's okay. I got you" pulled Louis her into his arms. Harry was silent next to him.
"I'm so sorry, Haiz. I can't believe she would do that to you" was Eleanor in total shock. "Did you know the person?".
"Eleanor" hissed Louis at her.
"It's okay, Louis" forced Hailee a smile onto her face. "Yes, I know that guy better than I want to. I wish I didn't".
"Who was it?" Eleanor wanted to know.
Hailee's face fell again and new tears were streaming down her face. "I can't tell you. I just can't but I want to" sobbed Hailee guiltily.
Eleanor took Hailee's hand with her own shaking hands and looked understandingly at her. "You can tell me. I got this" assured Eleanor her. Deep inside she already knew the answer.
Right before Hailee could answer the doorbell rang again. This time only Harry opened the door to reveal a crying Camila with messy clothes and a messy looking Shawn next to her. In that very moment as Eleanor saw Shawn like that she broke down completely. All her fears came to live in that one second. She fell down to her knees and cried into her hands. (The Song changed to Hurts Like Hell).
"I can explain everything" was the first thing Camila said after Harry let her in.
"I don't wanna hear it, Camila. Just fucking leave" screamed Hailee at her.
"You" growled Louis at Shawn angrily. Filled with pure anger because that bastard had cheated on his sister, he was married to, and broke all of their trusts and ruined their friendship, Louis approached him and slapped him across the face. "How could you do this?".
Instead of looking at Louis Shawn held his red cheek and stared at Harry in disbelief. "You promised me to not tell him, H. How could you betray me like this?".
"What is he talking about, Haz?" turned Louis now around to face his boyfriend who was absolutely silent until now.
"Umm" was Harry totally red in the face.
"Wait, he doesn't know? So when you really didn't tell him they don't know it's going on for.... nevermind" realised Shawn his mistake and fell silent.
"No, go on, Shawn. For how long are you cheating on me with her?" stood Eleanor up now from the floor and faced her husband.
"A few months" mumbled Shawn his answer ashamed.
"Oh God" started Eleanor crying again.
"You knew that?" stared Louis at Harry in pure shock.
"Lou, I....".
"No Harry. There is nothing you could say to make this better. You knew your bastard of a friend was cheating on my sister with our best friend's fiance for months and you didn't say anything. You betrayed us as much as the two of them did" interupted Louis him furiously.
"I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I caught them one day and he made me promise him to keep quiet. He is my best friend for years" tried Harry to explain himself close to tears.
"Eleanor is my sister, Harry. MY SISTER. Your fucking friend cheated on my sister and you didn't tell me. How can I even trust you any more? Are you cheating on me too maybe?" was Louis loosing it now. Eleanor was still crying on the floor while Shawn was standing around totally lost. Haillee was crouched into the corner of the couch to avoid looking at Camila who was trying to get her attention.
"What? No of course not. How can you even think that? You know me better than anyone else and know I wouldn't do that" was Harry taken back.
"I don't know, Harry. Do I know you? I always thought you were honest and would do the right thing instead of the easy one. This isn't the Harry I know" walked Louis away from Harry over to his crying sister.
"Haiz?" asked Camila carefully.
"Don't call me that. Leave me alone. Go away" flinched Hailee away from Camila. As Camila tried to come near her again Hailee jumped up and ran out of the flat. A few second passed before Camila followed her step and left too.
"You better leave before I have the chance to kill you" threatend Louis Shawn pissed off. Without another word Shawn just left, not even trying to safe anything. Eleanor cried brokenly into Louis' chest.
For a second Louis looked up at Harry who was standing there totally lost like a puppy but Louis stayed strong. He was very disappointed and confused right now. "You should leave too" was the only thing he said to Harry.
Harry knew better than to argue right now. He put on his coat, glanced back at his maybe boyfriend and left the flat too. Eleanor and Louis were left alone in the room, crying together over the fucked up situation. (The lights went out and everything turned black).
-> Scene 2, Parted Stage, Eleanor's house and the Hallway:
Hailee and Eleanor were sitting on the couch in Eleanor's flat. They met up to comfort one another and discuss what to do next. None of them could trust their partner any more. Hailee knew Camila would come by any second to talk about everything and see what Hailee had decided. That would be hard. (The Song The Other Side started playing).
"There she is" sighed Hailee as the familiar doorbell rang.
She stood up and opened the door but didn't let Camila in. They could talk here too. Hailee didn't had much to say to her. "Hi".
"Look, I'm very sorry, love. I know I hurt you and broke your trust but I can make up for it. That thing with Shawn was a mistake, I swear" blurted Camila out immediately.
"A one time thing is a mistake and still worse enough. You cheated on me for months. That's not a mistake, it's a decision. You chose to have some fun with a married man instead of being faithful to me even though we were about to get married. I may forgive you someday but I can never trust you again. It's better we end this here and now" said Hailee in a monoton voice, trying not to break again.
"No please, it will never happen again. Please, Haiz, I need you. I love you" begged Camila.
"You don't love me. When you do it once you will do it again. And this isn't only about me. You not only broke my heart and ruined our engagement, No, you also destroyed another marriage and a long friendship. I can't and don't want to give you another chance. We're over, for good" told Hailee her determined. With that she closed the door in front of Camila's face and let her tears finally out as she went back over to Eleanor, who opend her arms for her to comfort her friend.
(Lights out over Eleanor and Hailee, Lights on over Camila and Shawn in the hallway). Shawn approed Camila as she crossed his way in the hallway. "Hey Cam, you talked with Hailee?".
"Yes and she never wants to see me again" cried Camila lost.
"That's crap but maybe we should turn this sadness into something else" smirked Shawn at her.
"You can't be serious? Us doing that is the cause for this whole mess. Why do you not regret anything? Thanks to you and my weakness I lost everything that was important to me, Shawn. We shouldn't see each other again" said Camila in shock and pain.
"Your loss" shrugged Shawn and unlocked the door while Camila left completely. (Lights back on over Eleanor and Hailee).
"I get my stuff. Then I'm gone as you wanted me to" said Shawn as he walked into his old flat. Eleanor said nothing and justed ignored that fucking cheater. Shawn walked into their room. (He walked off stage).
"You're okay?" checked Hailee worriedly.
"Will be. It's for the best" sighed Eleanor bravely.
"I still can't believe Harry knew all along. I understand why Louis don't want to see him right now" remarked Hailee.
"I understand that too but in the end Harry is a good guy and he tried to be there for his friend. Wasn't a good decision but still. He isn't a cheater or a bad guy" pointed Eleanor out.
"You're right" admitted Hailee. "You think they will talk it out?".
"I fucking hope so. They belong together. Harry and Louis need each other to live. They're soulmates. If they don't last I will loose my faith in love" stated Eleanor. (That wasn't in the script).
"Then we should maybe set them up and make things right" grinned Hailee and took her phone out. (The lights went off).
-> Scene 3, Parted Stage, Harry's room at his Mom's, Louis' room at home.
(Lights on over Harry)
Harry walked up and down in his old room. Many picture of him and Louis were everywhere and a white Teddybear was lying on his bed. Louis once won it for him. With teary eyes he took it in his arms and hugged it close. The memories of that day came floating back into his mind and tears streamed down his face.
"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. I think I might give up everything, just ask me to" started Harry to sing brokenly, stroking the teddybear. (In the dark of the other part of the stage Louis was caught off guard by those lyrics for some reason).
"Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless. For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only, For your eyes only" continued Harry to sing, choking on a single sob.
"I've got scars even though they can't always be seen. And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing". (Those words out of Harry's mouth made Louis tear up. He had used his broken lyrics for that beautiful song. Louis couldn't hold his tears back any more).
"Pay attention, I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down. Right now I'm completely defenseless. For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only,For your eyes only". Harry was now full on crying.
"I can feel your heart inside of mine, I feel it, I feel it. I've been going out of my mind, I feel it, I feel it. Know that I'm just wasting time. And I hope that you don't run from me". Harry was singing his heart out and his voice softened at the last sentence. He sunk down to the floor with his back against his room door.
"For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half for me when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only. For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half for me when we're apart. Now you know me, for your eyes only. For your eyes only, For your eyes only" ended Harry his song with his head buried into his arms over his knees. (The lights went off over him and on over Louis, who had tears already on his face and had to really fight hard against them now).
Louis was walking through his room too. He wandered with his hand over some old cute pictures of Harry and him. He smiled tearfully at them and spotted one of Harry's big sweaters lying on the bed. He picked it up and inhaled the smell. It still smelled like Harry. That made Louis cry even harder.
"Make a little conversation, So long I've been waiting. So let go of myself and feel alive, So many nights I thought it over. Told myself I kind of liked her, But there was something missing in her eyes" started Louis to sing through his tears, clutching Harry's sweater to his chest.
"I was stumbling, looking in the dark (ohho), With an empty heart. But you say you feel the same. Could we ever be enough? Baby we could be enough" cried Louis and meant it. He knew they could be enough forever
"And it's alright, Calling out for somebody to hold tonight. When you're lost, I'll find the way. I'll be your light. You'll never feel like you're alone. I'll make this feel like home". Harry was his home. He made him feel safe and protected no matter what had happened. He needed him to feel like home. Without Harry this house felt empty and lonely, not like a home because his home was somewhere else.
"So hot that I couldn't take it, Want to wake up and see your face, And remember how good it was being here last night. Still high with a little feeling. I see the smile as it starts to creep in. It was there, I saw it in your eyes". It has always been there right in Harry's wonderful green eyes. His love was always visible for Louis.
"I was stumbling, looking in the dark (ohho), With an empty heart. But you say you feel the same. Could we ever be enough? Baby we could be enough". Singing this again was like a promise. Yes, they were enough and would always be enough. Louis meant it with his whole heart, in the play and outside.
"And it's alright, Calling out for somebody to hold tonight. When you're lost, I'll find the way. I'll be your light. You'll never feel like you're alone. I'll make this feel like home, I'll make this feel like home. Baby we could be enough. It's alright, Calling out for somebody to hold tonight. When you're lost, I'll find the way. I'll be your light. You'll never feel like you're alone. I'll make this feel like home". Louis was leaning against his wall now, practically with his back against Harry's through the wall. Both of them crying sadly.
(Lights on over both of them now). Harry and Louis stopped crying for a second as they both recieved a message on their phones. Confusedly they looked at it. Messages from Eleanor and Hailee. They wanted to meet up right now. (Lights off again).
-> Scene 4, Full Stage, Bridge at the Park, Final:
Eleanor and Hailee were standing on the bridge waiting for the two boys, who had no idea the other were coming too. They just hoped their plan would work. At the same time Louis came from the right side while Harry came from the left side, meeting in the middle staring at each other in shock. (Where Do We Go From Here started playing).
"What is he doing here?" both of them croaked out and looked away in shame.
"We asked both of you to come" told Eleanor them. Harry and Louis just gaped at her.
"Before you say anything or just leave listen to us. I broke up with Camila and Shawn is out of Eleanor's life forever. They both broke out heart full-on knowing what they were doing and making a choice. But with you two it's different" said Hailee fastly, afraid they would just leave.
"Exactly. None of you cheated on the other. You two love each other more than anything. You need each other. I mean, look at you. You're not yourselves any more. Yes, maybe Harry did something stupid but he didn't mean any bad with it. I can forgive him for that. You can do that too, Louis. You are each other's life" agreed Eleanor with Hailee.
Louis and Harry locked eyes, blushing at that. Bravely Harry stepped closer to Louis and took one of his hands in his own big hand. "She is right, Lou. You are my life. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I know it was stupid of me but please don't give up on me. I need you". ( The Final song War Of Hearts started playing).
"I could never give up on you, Haz. No matter how disappointed I was" smiled Louis at him. "I love you with all my heart and without you I have nothing. Without you I feel empty and alone. You take all the colours of the world with you when you leave. You colour me happy, you colour me proud. My life is useless without you in it". (That was far from the script but what do you expect? It's Larry).
"You're the sun of my universe, Lou. You light up my day with your smile. Your laugh makes me feel happy inside and I couldn't live without it. I never plan on leaving you ever in my whole life. I love you way too much and I need your love" said Harry with happy tears n his eyes. (Also not planned).
"I don't wanna spend another day without you by my side. I want you to be mine forever, Haz" smiled Lous in love but also nervously at him. He knelt down on one knee in front of Harry and took out a little black box. Harry gasped shockded at that sight. "My lovely Hazza, you're my reason to smile, to live. I can't imagine my life without you. So would you give the honour and marry me, Haz?". (That was far from planned).
Completely speechless and overwhelmed Harry nodded wildly, almost breaking his neck and fogetting that they were still playing. "Yes, a thousand times yes, Lou. I wanna marry you" cried Harry overly happy. Louis slipped the ring on Harry's finger and kissed his now fiance lovingly.
"You and me forever, Hazza" were Louis' last words.
----- End of Drama Exam Play -------
The lights on the stage went back on and Shawn and Camila joined them to bow down to the 'crowd', meant the other students. All of them had tears on their faces, even their teacher, and looked speechless and overwhelmed. Well, apperantly their acting was okay.
"Guys, I don't know what to say. This was by far the best performance. Well done. This were definitely more than the two asked big emotions. I held my breath the whole time" praised their teacher them.
"Thank you, Sir. Means a lot to us" thanked Camila him.
"That was it, guys. You're dismissed. See you after the holidays".
The friends walked outside of the room and were kinda proud of themselves. Everything has worked out and like always Louis and Harry had improvised and made everything even better. A great day in general.
"Shawn, I'm impressed. You were really good for a not-actor" admitted Harry openly.
"Thanks, I really tried my best to not let you guys down" smiled Shawn to the floor.
"You were really good. Take some credit" told Louis him and the others agreed.
"Well thank you then, Louis. I must say you were amazing. I did not see that ending coming" grinned Shawn at him.
"Yeah... um.... " scratched Louis his neck embarrassed.
"Don't worry, Tommo. It was perfect. I cried" calmed Hailee him down.
"We all did" chuckled Eleanor and motioned for them to silently leave.
"I certainly did. It was absolutely perfect" looked Harry at him in awe. The others creeped away.
"You think so?" bit Louis his bottom lip.
"Everything you said touched my heart even though it was a role" wrapped Harry his hands around Louis' neck.
"I still meant everything. Nothing was a lie. You really are my life, Haz. I don't know what I would do without you" confessed Louis with his hands gently on Harry's waist.
"So you really wanna marry me?" hooked Harry with his face close to Louis' face.
"Of course, love. Someday I wanna if you want to" leaned Louis closer to him.
"Then it's probably good that I meant everything too including my answer" breathed Harry against Louis' lips.
"I'll keep that in mind" whispered Louis before he closed the gap and finally kissed his amazing boyfriend with all the love he had.
Their Saturday Evening performance was the most happy and relaxed one they ever had. For the very first time they had to worry about literally nothing. Everything was good between the boys, no relationship problems and most importantly no mermaid drama in sight. Due to being freaking busy the whole week they had chosen five of their most practised songs and only added Something Great as a new song. Finally everything was absolutely perfect.
Well almost perfect. Niall felt Shawn's eyes on him during the whole performance. That he had stayed silent for so long was a mistery to Niall. After everything Shawn had seen in the last two weeks and with all that had happened Niall just knew Shawn would ask him about it at some point. Adding to that came his confused feelings torwards Shawn and he knew he had to face them and Shawn at some point too. It was like waiting for the storm without a chance to get away.
Liam and Zayn had the feeling their relationship was finally going into the right direction and nothing could stop them. Still Zayn was a little bit hesitant when it came to the sex part. He didn't feel ready yet but knew he would be soon and then only Liam would be the one for him. But he was also still worrying about Liam's parents or more Liam's father. He was still not okay with a lot of Liam's decision especially band related but Liam didn't care any more. Zayn just hoped it wouldn't be a problem.
When it came to Harry and Louis they couldn't be happier. They were deeply in love and showed it openly to everyone, to the whole world and never planned on changing that. They had mastered it all and were still going strong. Even though they hadn't talked about it yet they had both already imagined their future together. Sometimes Louis would have his weak moments were memories were coming back but Harry was always by his side to help him through it. There was one last thing for Louis to overcome or more to do but he wasn't ready yet. Harry would never hurt him and he knew that so maybe one day he could do it and change for a day. You know cause sharing is caring after all.
After their performance was done they went backstage and all fell into a massive group hug. Nothing could tear them apart. They were brothers for life and would never leave. This was what made them strong. Having each other.
"We did it again, guys" beamed Niall happily.
"Yes we did. And it was amazing" agreed Harry with him.
"Guys, it's Holiday Time again" reminded Zayn them grinningly.
"And no one leaves this time so we can annoy each other 24/7" grinned Louis cheekily.
"Better not. I don't want to see you two getting down on each other. 12 hours are enough for me" joked Zayn.
"You're missing out" winked Louis at him.
"Guys, Antonio texted me" informed Liam them nervously.
"Really?" checked Niall excitedly with big eyes.
Liam nodded, staring at his phone but not reading the message yet. The other four came over to him and checked their phones too. They also had a message from Antonio. Now their nerves grew even more. Whatever was written there could be important enough to change their whole life.
"All together at three, okay?" suggested Liam with shaking hands. They nodded agreeingly.
"1.....2......." counted Liam slowly.
"3!" said all of them at the same time and opened the message.
As soon as they had read the message everything around them stopped. They couldn't quiet believe what they just read. This was it. Was that really their moment? With shock but pure happiness and excitement they all looked at each other before they fell with a loud cheer back into each others arms. They couldn't believe it.
From Antonio:
"Hey boys, I have great news for you. I've talked with my partners and team and they wanna meet you in person. We wanna sign you to our label very soon. I'll call you for the details and wanna talk with your parents. This is it if you're ready? You're in?".
Holy Shit, it felt so good to write this story again. Writing this chapter or more the ending part felt like writing the end of the story at some points. I got really emotional. No idea how I'm going to survive the end that I've already planned out from the start. It will be something.
But enough of that, what did you guys think about it? Was it okay? Did you expect something different? Are you still reading after my long break?
So this was the end of Term 3. What do you think will happen in Term 4, which will be the last term for those who forgot. What could happen and what do you want to happen?
I love you guys so much. Sorry again for that long break. It won't happen again hopefully. Please check my other story out too even though it's slightly different in some ways.
Pleasse vote and comment what you think like always, my love <3 <3 <3
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